OOPS! sorry sorry~~
i know i have neglected this space again....
im back from my long anticipated trip... how sad.
i totally hate work and to make things worst, school is commencing in a few days time.
will be back soon (i hope) to blog about our fun filled trip.
till then! tata
PS: wretch was a great entertainment for our night. LOL
Labels: whinings
submitted at 12:07 AM.
i wanna say....
A BIG THANK YOU! =Dfor those bday wishes;
good luckssss;
all the bestsss for exams!
keep all the good luck coming in-i really need em to pass my exams!
submitted at 10:31 PM.
its may 21st!
my exams is over!!!
HOOOOOORAAAYYYYY!!!actually... im not that excited.
im still a little worried over how i fair for my papers...
despite months of preparations for the exams, i have no confidence in passing any of em. =(
ok, this is the last time im telling myself that it is stupid to waste my brain cells on this....
i should start enjoying my holidays!!!swine flu has reached taiwan just like i have expected.
hopefully it isn't going to affect our trip cause' i have been yearning soooo long for this trip alright!
its my 21st birthday celebration the day after tml~! =P
Labels: exams, holidays
submitted at 10:18 PM.
this is probably the first time in my twenty yrs that im feeling so troubled and unsettled.
everything seems to happen simultaneously and im suffocating~~~
exams are coming real soon and im so unprepared!
there are endless stuffs and materials to study but i still have not even completed my lecture notes which are the minimal.
let's see if i even manage to score 2 digits for my prelims paper when i get them back next week.
UOL revision workshop started last weekend and the whole school is filled with this exams atmosphere where you see people studying everywhere.
seriously, i will be satisfied if i can just clear all my modules.
im not greedy, so pls grant my wish.
im still pondering whether i should celebrate my 21st anot! there all so many concerns that made me not wanting to celeb it anymore. but it's like a once in a lifetime thingy uh?!
firstly, i will have to celebrate it some where in between my exams period.
secondly, i wanna back out after i think about the no. of things to prepare for the party - invitations, food, place and etc... altho. most of the stuffs won't be done by me, but i dont feel good having my family to go thrgh the trouble for me.
thirdly, there are some uncertainties............................ which even me myself is unsure of.
anyway, if i hv decided to celeb it, i will be celebrating it like how my cousins celebrated theirs.
dun expect anything fanciful or so eva, its just the usuals.
i wanted to come up with something NEW, but NEW ideas are often costly.
oh btw, im planning to go for a photoshoot somewhere this year, any babes interested?
i think it is worth keeping your youth before you realise that you are getting too old for everthing. =//
bad news...... grandma is still hospitalized and her condition is unstable still.
we nv expect the condition to be so critical and it all happened within a few weeks. =(
i felt bad that im not visiting her frequently becos of revision classes.
she seems to be in pain, and i know that it will prob be tough even if she awakes.
But i hope that she will be able to pull through the current state.
i have a long list of things to do which i cnt wait to execute after my exams.
look out for my next post on 21st May (last day of exams) !!!
Labels: all-in-one
submitted at 9:00 PM.
at long last, after almost 20 years, we have a new bus service at our estate!
woo hooo... thumbs up for the new bus service 241, i can now reach the nearest mrt station in just 10mins!
hoooray.. the birds has finally lay their eggs! =p
Labels: my estate
submitted at 11:38 PM.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
my face is filled with chocolate right now!
im trying out this chocolate peel off mask which i just bought today.
decided to update this deserted blog since i have 20-30mins to spare before i remove my mask.
oh.. i can already feel that my pores are very tightened now...
ordered 2 VS bags some time ago.

i am not in need of any new bags actually, i got them simply because they are far too cheap chip cheap!!!
the cost + shipping of the above 2 are less than S$30 alright!
initially i thought it was quite ridiculous for me to get the weekender bag, but i went ahead and got it thinking that it will come in handy some day.
luckily i made the right choice to get the weekender bag cause' this will definitely be useful for the tw trip during june!
oh yes... we're visiting taiwan again! an even longer trip this time round! =D
initially i was having a bad feeling that i won't be able to join them for this trip as i have too many datelines to meet for work and so many dates to avoid.
so glad that we managed to find some dates to compromise everyone's work schedules.
hrm... i believe some ppl aint v happy when i apply for my 8 days work leave the other day, but who cares?! =X
such a waste that samm will be leaving for her nippon trip by june and won't be able to join us this time round.
suet will be coming along with us during this trip instead.
oh my. i can't wait till june alr.
prelims started on mon.
ok. quite bad. v bad infact.
tho. we still have 2 more mths to exams, i dun think we can finish covering everything by then.
i detest exams. =(
ok. off to peel off my choco mask!
Labels: school, taiwan
submitted at 11:09 PM.
Monday, February 09, 2009
hahhaa...i know it's VERY late for me to send the wishes only now, but.... well.. im just in time on the last day of CNY!
i bet everyone's new year should be better than mine cause' i fall sick on CNY eve - even before i got the chance to taste those yummy goodies!
after 15 days of new year and 2 days of MC in between, i still have not recover yet.
it's probably a blessing in disguise that i fall sick cause' i lost like 3 kgs during the new year period! O.o
the dog is sick and down with some allergies as well - overdose of ba kua i guess.
btw, she's no longer the weekend dog in house, she has promoted her status to be the permanent dog in the family.
i can't wait to invite kai to my house! =Pp
prelims are drawing DAMN NEAR and..............................................
pls wish me good luck!
Labels: all-in-one
submitted at 10:20 PM.