mama was on off yesterday. so as usual we went to ah ma hse. everyone was gloomy as e baby didnt came for 2 weeks. haiz...
walked to LOT 1 planning to buy hp as yesterday was e las day for e $100 off promotion. being choosey for hp no. , we spent much time deciding on e ideal 1. much time, as all e choice no. there sucks. mama was hoping to have a no which e ending 4 numbers is e same as ur hse unit no or tel no. reason??? to save $$ on buying 4Ds.. hahas!!! in e end we chose 1 which is e best among all e sucky no. but..... e suay part came.. k700i was out of stock at e outlet!!! wth.. at e moment i was tinking wheather to buy N3230 instead.. but it is sooo huge.. far to big for a girl to carry. so i decided to go to other places to buy. wad a waste of time. shld hv ask if there's any stock b4 choosing e no. ended up getting my k700i at causeway pt. e choice no there also sucks as well.. got a no ending wif 6285, my unit no is 0285. haha... my mama still hv a extra 4D no to buy..
currently im using 2 hps, cos my top up card still hv value in it.
submitted at 9:18 PM.
met out wif jw n pf today. decided to meet out as all of us r abt to die due to boredom at hm. went orchard n walk ard. didnt quite do any shopping as e 3 of us were like tokin n walking. didnt really take a look at e clothes n stuffs.. haha.. agnes n yy didnt joined us as they went swimming wif their frens.
we walked frm PS to heeren then to far east. took neoprints twice at heeren. both didnt really turned out nice. nt e prob wif e machines, but its e prob wif us..hahaz...cos 3 of us r wearing red. oh. im actually wearing pink larz. but turned out to be red. so e neoprints taken was like sooo red?? yah.. tink our mo qi really too gd liao. everytime clothes clashed de. esp agnes n mi, everytime also wear tat black gio rd neck together. lolx. tat day during eg trip was worst, 7 of us wore pink w/o telling each other at all!!! oh wad a coincidence~~~
took soo many neoprints recently..cos lately went out wif energy clique n sum of them r really neoprints freaks!!!
haha... i was kanna influenced..
submitted at 9:58 PM.
hv a hard time changing my blogskin. tis is nt e skin i wanted intentionally. primitively, i wanted to hv a plain n simple skin wif a eg photo n e head of e pg. but it turns out to be terribly tough to gt e photo to be e rite size n jus fit e skin perfectly. e tragic part is when e whole skin seems perfect to mi when i view it using e preview at microsoft frontpg, n when it looks totally awful when i actually published it. im soo damn revolted by it as i dunno where e prob lies. so im there sitting infront of my com for at least 2 hrs n adjusting e photo hoping tat it will be fitting. seems tat no matter hw throughly i try wif every size. its jus dun seems right. being annoyed n weary abt it. i use another skin instead. ta dah~~~ my master pc is wad u're looking at right nw. tink im goin to change another 1 soon again. haha. :B
another dull day. yawn Zzz...
hv a sudd urge to go on a shopping spree. but shopping w/o $$$?? oh~~~
gg to pack my boxes in my rm later on. i hv alrdy spent 2 days cleaning my rm n yet im still nt done wif it yet. heez... im absolute slow... haha...
gosh.. e weather is soo damn hot nowadays.. im scorching!!!! HELP~~~
submitted at 1:59 PM.
finally hv my hair cut...sooo short...ard shoulder length.. i only ask auntie to xiu...ended up.......
haiz...n agnes accused mi of copying her hair!!!! yuan wang ah~~~
finished watching ndge....soo touching...heez...
didnt pack my rm today...tink i will go tidy up my cupboard later..
yesterday when my papa came hm..i ask him to give mi $1000 to go tw...then he say..give u $1000 go tw c energy papa nt bad siaz...noe i chasing energy de...sumore my papa horz..pronouce energy still quite accurate e high pitch de..unlike sum ppl... >< haha.. then he say if he fa shao (fever) then give mi... faint!~~ then i still say dun nd soo much $..jus $1000 enough le...lolx..
my papa cnt be trusted de..las time ask him give mi $100 for eg concert tixs..then still tell him nt to tell mama..n he promised..or else later mama nag again..summore i nd to withdrawl $100 out frm my bank for chasing mah...then if my papa lend mi e $100 then if next time my mama check my passbk then i can say i use e $100 for concert my papa betrayed mi!!!! then mama started to nag...argh... wonder hw m i supposed to explain when she c my passbk n saw e $100 being withdrawl out...haiz.... deep time mus keep sum si fang $$ le..
tink i will be changing my blogskin within e next few days.. cos i find e font v blur n hard to be read...
submitted at 7:01 PM.
finally went out...haven been out since tue...wah..say till like im in prison like tat..heez...
went jp today wif mama...only bought food la..then bring mama go hp shop c c..then tell her by next week nd buy hp le..cos e $100 off promo ends next week.. dunno wad to buy leh..mama also nv say anything...dunno she gt budget a not.. but will hv de if she let mi buy S700i..lolx..
dunno which to chose...
SE K700i-->$98 (mp3,bluetooth,infra,radio..but quite old le...but cheap)
N3230-->$298 (new hp!!! mp3,bluetooth,radio...but no infra..)
c mama let mi buy N3230 a not..if nt buy K700i lorz...
went back hm after jp...packed my rm..wah..i packed frm 4 plus till 8pm...only managed to pack less than half of my rm...haha...nt becoz my rm v big becoz i v slow lar...lolx..cos while i packing i c sum stuffs then c v long lo..for eg..when i c fa dian n sum other bks..then i flip thrg n cc..too long nv open up le..e 1st pg a bit stick together le..haha... haiz..regret buying all those F4 bks las time... waste of $$...scare next time i will look back n say buying all those eg bks n stuffs aslo waste of $$..haiz...haiya...drop tis topic...
although i spend soo much time packing half of my rm..i still tink it look e same as b4..still as messy as b4...i tink i hv too much things in my my rm gt 2 beds...which make my rm seems super cramppy...argh>< my rm still gt keyboard...haiz...too much things le la....also dunno where to place them...feel like throwing a lot of usless stuff away...but bu she de..cos all these stuffs nd $$ when i buy them..i hv soo many tat kinda small small notebks n cute cute paper...cnt finish using de...hur...tink i gg to give my many also dunno for wad siaz..
after i long tiring still left wif my cupboard n e boxes to organise... boxes--> i've 3 large boxes at a corner of my rm which i use to stuff my things...1 for bags...which is nw overloaded.. 1 for eg stuffs, infact e other also for eg stuffs la...actaully those eg stuffs among them which occupy most space r e magazines... too many magazines..i kept those mag wif eg interviews or watever abt eg de stuffs de...tink i gg to tear out all those pages n throw e other part of mag away...cos anyway wad i care abt is only e part wif eg rite? doin will defintely save up a lot of unwanted space...heez...
submitted at 11:01 AM.
EG新歌-好想你 + 歌詞
好想你 baby 請放手追尋
好想你 baby 愛無懈可擊
我相信 思念堅定
好想你 baby 守護著愛情
好想你 baby 故事在繼續
在這裡 我只想說
nice song~~~
submitted at 8:55 PM.
"I WANNA GO TW!!!" X 100.....
haiz...really feel like gg tw...nt wif family larz...but wif energy clique... go wif family also no fun de... wonder when will e day cum...
cum to tink abt it..we hv been wanting to go tw since v long ago...las time we still say like we wrk for 2 mths..then save up to go...tok easy..but when it really cum to sad...actaully e main prob lies in e $$$....haiz...
objective of gg tw... 75% for eg...20% to shop...5% to eat... so when go also mus c timing de cos nd c eg also... so i tink e best time to go is when eg release their next album..which is ard may i tink.. haiz...if eg really gg to jie shan le..then if they jie shan le go tw also sian half le...although still can shop larz...
saying is soo easy...wonder hw much $$ we nd to save up..airtixs,accomodation,meals,transport,shopping... jus shopping alone..i tink i will spend ard $500... we also dun hv any tw frens or wad..aslo no lobang...haiz...
tinking too much again...haiz........
anyway..didnt mangage to cut my hair today..cos hving slight cramps la...too lazy to walk... haven stepped out my hse since tue....hur~~~
PS to pf~~~
haha...u r soo easy to bluff..haha...
submitted at 4:39 PM. soo bored....actaully they wanted to meet out today cos all of us r too bored at hm larz..ended up only agnes n mi can make it...but we 2 nv go out la..cos 2 person go out also nth to agnes said we also nt les hor...hahaha...haven went out since mon which is eg departure... sianz.....
wanted to change blogskin..but too lazy la..actaully gt a lot of things waiting for mi to be complete, for eg..pack my rm, watch vcd, finish watching all shows tat i DL (too many to finish), etc.... but i chose to sit infront of my com n surf e web...haiz.... i volunteer to help mama mop e floor using magic cleaner...mama ask mi to mop everyday...then i was like...y nd to mop everyday...heck..i tell her i mop once every 2 days..haha...haiz...cum to tink abt it..eversince i install broadband service...i've neglected my really addictive...but net is soo sian also lo..everyday msn, go jiazu check for new eg news,check any new stuffs for dl..same old things everyday...sianz.....
soo bo liao at hm...but i tink there r still lotsa bo liao ppl out there...lolx...for eg, ppl like agnes n jw... ya..everynite agnes, jw, pf n mi..e 4 of us everynite also chat..frm nite chat till morn...then they keep pasting url of ppl de aio acc..then comment abt them...tis shuai tat shuai lar...or tis 1 suits who arz...damn bo liaoz...>< sianz.. wanna go bath liao..tink tml i betta ask mama to go jp for lunch..or else too long nv go out can die arz... ya..feel like cutting hair tml...feel like cutting e fann wong fringe in e 9 pm show...heez...c hw la..also dunno tml wad time wake up..haha...
submitted at 6:50 PM.
unbelivable tat MK own a black BMW...haha..
submitted at 4:44 PM.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
ah yi~~~ u who is xiao le...

submitted at 8:35 PM.
好想你 baby~
請放手追尋 好想你 baby~
好想你 baby~
守護著愛情 好想你 baby~
wah...tis song inside compile of soo many of their las tiem de song 放手, 無懈可擊, 某年某月某一天, 守護愛情, 繼續, 給你的歌...
wah..mus be las album le... :X
submitted at 8:21 PM.
ok..shall blog abt eg trip over e past weekend...
SAT..16th apr 2005...
~~~br 225 arrival at T1- 12 noon~~~
meet to go airport in e usual they cum out at ard 12.40pm. wanted to pass letters to kunda.. but dun hv e chance as its damn squeezy..i nearly lost my balance...its like im standing there,nt moving..but sumhw i gt squeeze to e front..argh...kunda is soo ke lian.. he dun even hv room to walk!!! so he's like being squeezed like roti prata against 1090...
they all look so usual lar...but i've gt no comments abt ah di's mo mo cap..haha...he dun dare to show his hair lo..he's wearing a cap thrg out tis whole trip... but tis momo cap cnt cover his hair behind... bet his hair mus b damn ugly after he cut botak n nw when its growing back..
so started to chase frm airport... yupz..tis time ard we booked uncle steven..frm airport to conrad... then we went to bishan to Q...cos we dun noe wad time they gg to move e Q up...
gt to noe tat e $128 de concert tixs r nt for only start frm $108 de... so we bought e $108 de.. nt soo gd de seats...haiz..damn lo..yesterday tat dumb connie then post in jiazu for e no to call to buy $128 de tixs... damn lo..i mean like we were alrdy told tat there is no $128 de tixs..then nw sudd say hv..but pls lo..a lot of ppl had alrdy bought le.. its soo unfair.. i mean like we wanted to buy e 128 de also lo..but we were told tat its nt for sale... wad kinda shitz is tis...
so we spend half of our day Qing at bishan...
e mini concert is quite short.. only sing 4 songs.. plus a few phrases of their new song..e new song is soooo nice...dunno wads up wif them lo.. when e 3 of them(w/o ahdi cos he injured) dance e hey u.. they all were like smiling happily to themselves lo.. also duno y smile till like tat... c le also wanan laugh siaz... ya..b4 they appear they play a short video..haha...e video was nice...n they were like soo 1st tot its sum kiinda boring video intro abt NKF de..but no larz..lolz.....then they play sum games...they hv to pass e msg to e next person wif water in their mouth la... damn funni siaz...when kunda wanan pass then tat sw keep singing tian kong mei you xia yu then kunda laugh n choke tio...lolz...then they annouce tat e zai jian xing jia po concert de meaning is cing sg de fans again...tink is fake lorz... haiz.......
after mini concert they went to balestier to hv ba ku teh... then went mediacorp to rehearse for NKF then back to hotel...
SUN...17th apr 2005...
book uncle ard 11.30 in morn..then he fetch all of us...on our way to fetch them at tb,uncle realise his aircon nt wrking...he ask if we wanna change car but we say dun wan la..cos scare later e driver nt gd de... so we were like sweating in our maxi..lolz...when reach conrad we open every door n window of e maxi then sit inside n watch ndge... till we realise tat y there all so few maxi left...its was then we realise tat they sit private car out AGAIN...they went to far east to buy shoes...when we reach there then actaully wanted to go up to e shop de.. but they arldy cum out le.. so only managed to c kunda... argh..we went there too late le...argh...
so they sit 8778...damn evryone was like tyring to block his car...haha..let him hv no way out..on their way back gt 1 pt they stopped at suntec.. tink they wanted to go suntec..but too many fans le.. so they went back to conrad..only kunda n ah di went to far east..wonder wad e others doin at hotel lo..
saw ryan n e tatoo girl went inside conrad..they gg to style their hair..then gt ppl say mayb they gt go to we also went suntec la..then walk here walk there to search for them..soo dumb lo..suntec soo big..hw to search..summore tat day damn zun..7 of us wear pink..we nv yue hao de hor...soo qiao..after tat we gave up chasing la..then decide to go mediacorp for nkf le..
nkf show nt bad larz...betta than las yr de bball de..their dressing was nt bad..except for sw de hair...mus be ryan de jie zhuo again...after mk de at jqj...kunda shirt is sooo to las yr..tis yr more eg fans went...aiya..but tis is local show wad..of cos only gt eg fans...but also gt sum ppl who support mediacorp de artiste de la..for example tat guy sitting beside mi..CF of shen wei jun...he is soo damn e loud lo..soo paiseh sit beside him..argh...><
we nv chase after nkf larz..but gt to noe tat they went to eat seafood..tink is tiong bahru de..haiz.. missed it...
MON...18th apr 2005...
~~~departure br226 at T1 1.10pm~~~
only 5 of us went airport..jw,pf,yy,agnes n mi...lucky we went a bit earlier...cos tis time ard they reach airport ard 12.30..quite early compared to las tiem when they only reach durin las call..
they hv enter frm e main entrance..tink they enter frm e carpark de ar..nt sure also..again i wad squashed...argh...they went to sum sort of cafe area...then sit there n rest a while..then was wearing shorts..n kunda wear mickey mouse shirt...heez...then we stand at e glass there n wave n wave to them..they also gt wave back larz...then went to viewing mall...tink mk short sighted...when looking up he keep shrinking his mimi yen like jiao...lolz...
tis trip was quite ok la...they gt waved back during events like mini concert n maxi when we waved to them they aslo waved back.. ya...forgt to mention sumting which is quite ermz..unbelivable??!! i didnt managed to pass letter to kunda at airport during their arrival...i try to pass to them at conrad...when they gt out of 1090 then while walking in conrad..i was streching out my hand trying to pass kunda e letter..sw was walking infront of kunda..kunda was e las to walk out..i actaully wanted to call kd to take letter..but i was shocked when sw took e letter frm my hand...haha..its v obvious tat e letter is for kunda de lorz..i wrote kunda name at e letter soo big...wah...sw is soooo kind...haha....
haha..we also made a shocking discovery during tis trip...we discovered tat uncle steven tok like liang yi..haha..excatly e same lor...las time also nv realised...haha...then we keep laughing whenever he speaks...laugh till all of us we also nv listen to him when he talk cos we all keep started laughing when he speaks..then he dunno wad we laughing at at all..cos he nv watch tat show..haha...then we keep asking him to say sum lines tat liang yi said in tat for eg, wo...wo..wo ai ni..haha...then we also started to imitate zhi hao in maxi..haha..bth...laugh till wanna die...too bo liao le la..cnt blame us...we sumore play till addicted liao...wahahhaha...
submitted at 1:09 PM.
haven been blogging for quite sum time... haha...
reason??? simply becoz im jus too lazy... heez....
many things did quite happened during tis period of time...
for egs: i've started my wrk in giant... but also quited my wrk there.. haha... fast ya....lolx...
so u can c tat many things quite actually happened during tis time.. jus tat im too lazy to blog it.. hehe...
for egs.... i've also missed out things like xiao le n 0.6.. haha.... tis 2 guys hor... hv such HUGE impact on us lorz... n nearly cause internal conflict among us... or shld i say tat it had alrdy caused??
so wad am i up to recently?
hv been Qing at J8 for past 2 days..
jus quit giant job yesterday....
gg to ah ma hse n medical checkup tml...
gg to chase eg on sat,sun n mon...
haiz... real sad... farewell concert in july... wad a surprising news ya... haiz... summore sum say tat its zai jian xing jia po concert... zai jian?? gt 2 meanings actually...
wah..really gg to be super whopper broke le... chase + tixs...wah... faint~~~
wah... so excited.. goin to gt to c kunda tml... heez...
submitted at 2:20 AM.