soo busy...
busy wif sch....
n updating myself wif eg news..
soo luan.. tink these few days hv to start watching 4 diff entertainment news liao.. n mayb DL them also..
eg havin their press conference for their album tml..
wonder hw they gg to announce to e press abt ah di gg to leave..
haix.. sad sad..
n hv to Q next week.. n start planning for eg trip.. wahhahaa.. i also dunno wads there to plan.. lolx..
gg orchard wif sp frenz tml..
n meeting eg clique on thur also..
hee hee
claudia call n ask mi to wrk tis n next next weekend at jp..
gd lorz..
at least can earn sum $$$..
n i really nd it..
time to save up..
but im tempted to buy clothes..
moreover i will be gg town for next 2 days..
i can spend..
but spend ALAP= as little as possible..
submitted at 8:53 PM.
cut my hair yesterday...
n nw......
i look like a absolute ah gon.....
my fringe too short liao..
cos i gei gao..
ask auntie cut shorter as im afraid tat it will grow long v fast larz..
kpo mi..
nw i look dai dai de..
1st day of sch was quite alright.. haha.. all e teachers release us early.. e teachers all seems nice n friendly too..
nd to buy books.. n 1 bk cost ard $20?? n sum $30 plus... haiz...
bought mrt concession-$45 + activation fee-$6 + top up card-$10
spent $61 for my transport today..
no $$$...
my bro n i in poly= heavy burden for my family..
submitted at 8:47 PM.
soo fast.... eg is gg to arrive in 12 days time=2 weeks..
their album gg to release tis coming week..
there's a change in their schedule..
6月10日 (FRI)
11.40am BR 225, Terminal 1
2.30pm 933醉心客棧
7.00pm Energy <最後的樂園>簽唱會 @ HarbourFront Centre
6月11日 (SAT)
8.00pm 普威之夜 @ MEDIACORP
9.15pm 933街頭爆唱會@ NGEE ANN CITY, CIVIC PLAZA
6月12日 (SUN)
還有一件事。。YES933﹐環球和娛樂百分百也會有一個與EG喝下午茶的歌迷聚會。記得在5月31日準時收看CH U的娛樂百分百。也可以從6月6日起收聽YES933的弦歌寄意。節目中會讓大家知道怎麼贏取與EG喝下午茶的機會。
y still gt events on sun de? arnt they suppose to go back on sun..
so tat means they r departing on mon.. also means tat i most pro cnt send them off.. cos dun expect mi to skip sch on fri n mon.. im guai kia k..
n also means tat we hv to chase another day..
plus we hv to buy min 2 albums cos there's a autogrph n a handshake session..
go find loan sharks liao...
all e events de place is soo hard to travel..
habourfront n lot 1..
hv to change train..
booo whoo whoo..
hmmz.. is there a show call cenosis??
gt a lot of things to settle liao..
cos we're buai on yi zu..
hv to settle Qing, chasing, psc, cenosis..
hv to start writing letter also liao...
sch is starting tml..
i hate sch.....
heard wo men jus nw..
to eg fans its a v touching song.. a meaningful song too..
feel like crying when listening to it...
tink its a msg they trying to deliver to us??
esp ah di...
sad sad...
tink i will be crying at autogrph session..
jus back frm family BBQ..
cos my cousin is entering NS.. so we decide on a gathering..
lolx.. hv a gd chat wif all my cousins..
went to noreen's bday party yesterday..
so glad to c LC...
soo long nv c her liao.. chatted wif her abt her tw trip.. sooo xian mu.. she say she wan to go again..
LC really changed a lot.. i mean her image.. but she is still as siao as b4.. lolx..
yesterday really siao..
siao wif LT n LC... really miss those goody sec sch days..
yah.. n thks LC for her mickey shirt..
thks.. =P
its nt too big larz.. jus nice... wore it to family gathering jus nw..
submitted at 11:35 PM.
went all e way to simei.....
n stupidly gt $2 deducted frm my ezlink.....cos i overstayed..
n was told tat toro autogrph at simei was cancelled!!!
bloody BIG F!!!!!
waste of our time n our $$$
n e BK there sucks...
sucks like hell....
n agnes even found ard 3 fish bones in her big fish??
they mus as well close dwn e shop...
went tb's coffee bean to chat..
we r nw addicted to chit chatting at coffee bean...
shall change a shop next time..
oh.. my pure choco tasted horrible.. probably cos of e choco sauce.. too niam liao..
we really hv countless topic to chat abt..
tink we probably pissed out others at coffee bean..
cos we created chaos as we laughed like ah siaos...
wonder y toro cancelled tis auto at simei..
at 1st we tot mayb there was a delay in flight so he wont gt to sg in time for e autogrph..
but gt to noe frm ppl tat he's in sg lorz..
mus hv cancelled cos he wan to spend e evening wif fiona lorz..
submitted at 11:16 PM.
after hearing 天與地 for like umpteen times.. find tat e song isnt tat bad after all.. realise tat sw's voice kinda changed???
or issit im havin prob wif my ears??
heard 眼淚的味道 jus nw.. its kinda ok larz.. at least its 1st impression to mi was betta.. as compared to 天與地.. i tink 好想你 will be e nicest song larz.. cnt wait for e full version of tis song.they sang sum part of it durin their las trip at nkf mini concert n its like soo nice can?
e lyrics is kinda interesting though.. it compiles sum title of their old songs.. like fang shou, mnmymyt etc....
toro is cuming sg tml~~~
long time since i've seen toro..
actually im also nt looking forwrd to his trip... he's cuming to promote ai de qi ji album.. its like soo weird lorz.. 1 ppl cum promo a compilation album.. n he will be singing ai de qi ji tml alone.. wahaha.. when its supposed to hv abt 8 ppl singing?? wahaha..
toro is soo free.. he keep liu yan.. but he say he is preparing for typhoon album larz..
meeting jw n agnes tml to simei for his autogrp session.. its like soo far lorz..
but e other autogrph session on sat is even further.. downtown east..
= ="'
rather go tml de..
tink none of us gg to buy e album.. cos all e songs r nt new.. its like songs frm idol tv series by qiao jie li artiste.. n i've alrdy DL it..
find we nt supportive at all..
our enthusiasm for toro flown~
soo stupid.. i hv to go sch tml also for stupid IT stuffs.. dumb.. which means i've gt 4 days of orientation..
n it last frm 10-4 lorz.. soo long.. dunno wad shit they gg to teach us..
soo stupid lorz.. tink other courses only hv 3 days of orientation.. n for sum other schs only 2 days nia..
full of shitz...
submitted at 11:27 PM.
jus heard e complete version of 天與地... waited sooo long for it..
at 1st e dj announce tat they will play it b4 7pm. but they only played it at ard 7.15pm..
after hearing e complete version i still tink its v indian.. haha.. n i was nt wrg.. even e djs said tat its 印度曲風... haha
there's one part where it goes "愛你愛你愛你愛你。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。" tis part is kinda irritating though..
shall catch tat song again at hit fm later on..
cos im a CF~~~
submitted at 7:27 PM.
wooo hoooo~~~
eg's new song 天與地 is gg to 首播 anytime nw on yes 933...
cnt wait...
hope tat i wont miss it..
heard a small part of it yesterday..
n tink it sounds like indian song??
mayb cos its e 1st time i was listening..
submitted at 6:34 PM.
nearly fainted when i saw their new hairstyle...
n i was telling agnes, wif their hairstyle like tis.. i dun dare to tell others tat energy is my idol.. wahahaha...

kunda- tink he fallen in love wif tis "bae yong jun" hairstyle ever since he tried it out during las yr's tw jqj... n perhaps he hv had a affection for curls..
niu nai- e most 盡爆 one.. scared e hell out of me when i saw e pic... is like soo street fighter.. i truly tink tat mk's hair look like e street fighter guy whose hair look like a broom?? tink is call 掃把頭??? haha... lolx... BTH~~ dun tink he suits tis hairstyle.. its too "young" for him.. =X
shu wei- his hair look plastered to his head.. haha.. its too black.. n i tink tis is worst than e NKF hairstyle.. haha...
ah di- poor guy... hair shortage... sooo there's no hair to play ard wif.. haha.. he jus look ah pek as usual.. =X tink he grew fatter??? alice feed him too well liao..
anyway its their hair,nt mine...
so they happi can liao.. haha..
but too bad la.. they cnt stop us frm commenting ya..

tis is a hit fm thingy.. then kunda n ah di lost e game.. so they hv to kiss each other.. actually its suppose to be 安全之吻... but kunda say tat dun nd to 安全... jus kiss can liao.. haha.. then in e end he lost.. lolx.. gei gao la..
so end up kunda kissing ah di..
kunda is ah di's 1st kiss wif guy de 對象。。。
how i wish i can be ah di for jus tat v moment..
all of them say tat kunda lips v soft so v nice to kiss..
kunda still say he can endorse lip balms all tat..
new album de title is 最後的樂園 final fantasy。。。
when asked abt if they r gg to disband.. they say tat they will announce durin 1st of june which is e press conference for their new album..
e title of their album tells all..
is there a nd for any announcment to be made??
their album will be out on 3rd of june in tw n 4th of june in sg..
their new song gg to 首播 le...
submitted at 6:41 PM.
went bugis wif eg clique today... haha.. pf n mi were late as usual.. =X
bought a mickey shirt frm e new mickey shop..

dun mention abt e price.. heart pain.. lolx..
bought tis shirt wif agnes.. haha.. cos of our 1 yr n 8 mths de friendship..
feel like getting e shoes.. e shoes r cheap.. e shoes there r cheaper than e shirt..
actually i felt betta when pf said tat at least its cheaper than goin other countries to buy...
haha.. quite true..
then went to coffee bean to chit chat.. we really v talkative.. gt endless things to tok abt..
find we really v kiam pa.. cos 4 of us were like soo bo liao n sitting there commenting abt other ppl.. lolx..
saw chao guo hui again..
n pf was like soo excited when she saw him..
btw tis e 2nd time we saw him together..
submitted at 11:33 PM.

ah han~~~
my bro say im cruel to take tis pic..
submitted at 11:53 PM.
tis is e las post on may 19th 2005..
overall.. tis yr's birthday was kinda diff..
joyous n unpleasant events both took place..
-birthday wishes frm frens n family [ esp xiao le~ =)) ]
-birthday presents frm frens n family
-ajisen dinner wif besties
-pizza lunch wif eg clique
-having cramps
-death of ah han
-those who wished me happy birthday thrgh SMS, MSN, my tagboard, friendster, nt forgetting those who wished mi verbally.. ha~
-those lovely birthday presents frm
SY,LC,KL,JAS-->e shirt, bracelet, n e beautiful card
SY-->e dog bone n bookmark (although i noe its nt a bday gift)
LT n LINDA-->e heavy 100 li shitz (haha.. keeping mi full)
mummy-->queen sized bed n $50 hong bao (time to increase hong bao $$$ le larz.. =X haha)
[[none of u gave mi hsieh kunda!!!! =C]]
haha... jk larz..
oh yah.. forgt to ask papa for my hong bao $$$
*evil grin*
~~~wooooo hooooo~~~
!!!tats it for my bday!!!
its a brand new day ahead~~~
wrk for mi tml..
cum find mi at jp if any1 of u reading tis is free on fri,sat n sun
submitted at 11:58 PM.
my family luo han is dead!!!!!
soo sad... although i seldom took a glance at my luo han n nv fed it even once b4, its kinda sad tat my luo han is gone forever...
still remb back then when everyone is soo crazy abt luo hans, my parents also jump on the bandwagon n followed e craze.. hmmz.. tink there's once when my hse had 6 luo hans?? cnt recall e actual no.
tis luo han is e 1 which survived longest.. unlike sum which survived only like a week in my aquarium...
tink e 1 which survived only for 1 week is a blue luo han which looked really pretty n cost ard $300 plus.. my papa mus be berserk to buy a fish which cost $300 plus??? tink he was being conned into buying a sicked fish...
ah han is crowned e survivor in my aquarium!!!
but its nw dead too~
my papa asked y ah han died soo sudd...
n i tell my papa tat its all his fault..
cos my papa usually stand at e aquarium to smoke n watch ah han... so i tell my papa tat ah han mus be died of lung cancer de..
btw.. ah han is soo heavy.. my papa even weighed ah han at e weighing machine.. haha.. tink it weighed ard 3kg plus.. lolx..
soo ah han left my family..
im nw tinking of getting a new pet for e family....
submitted at 11:43 PM.
jus met SY, LT, KL, LINDA, JAS for dinner at LOT 1. went to hv ajisen..
hmmz... nt tat yummy after all.. it jus taste average larz.. mayb coz e serving is kinda too big..
too bad tat LC cnt join us today.. cos she is in TW nw!!!!
jealous.. haha.. she's goin to be back tml.. wonder if she manged to help mi gt any mickey shirts.. haha.. anyway if didnt manage to gt also nvm.. cos e mickey shop at bugis opened le... =)
agnes suggested to go bugis tml to take a look.. but im wrking on fri,sat n sun at jp.. soo cnt..
shitz.. my msn sucks...
damn it..
whole day cnt sign in..
stupid.. try to DL a new 1 n its also nt wrking.. n my bro also cnt sign in his..
WTH !!!!!
submitted at 11:30 PM.
im feeling soo terrible nw..
cramps~~~ awwwwww........
soo suay... came on my birthday..
no choice, but e sentosa outing hv to be canceled..
sry ah yi~
off to hv take sum rest
submitted at 2:25 PM.
i was indeed astonished, overwhelmed, shocked, startled, stunned, surprised, terrified, thunderstruck, amazed, bewildered...
ok its kinda exaggerate... haha...
when i c tis......
taaa daaa~~~~
S xiao le,
Thursday, May 19, 2005:
Zhan da duo yi shui le....!
Happy Birthday!
Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le o....!
Xi wang ni mei tian guo de kai kai xin xin!
Yong gong du shu!
Kao dao hao cheng ji ba!
Bao zong! ^ ^
xiao le....

friendster testi frm yu xiao le..
wooooo hoooo...
wishing mi happi birthday...
i was really shocked when i saw tis.. ya la.. i admit tat im hum ji..
but i really stunned cos i nv go msg his S account b4.. lolx..
heez... im happi... cos xiao le made my day..
tink im gonna gt killed by le sao..
anyway also nt kunda..
relax la...
ya lo..
xiao le niaz...
submitted at 2:55 AM.
Your Birthdate: May 19 |
Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path. But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated.
A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. However, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.
You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed. You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations. You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well.
Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences. The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married. You may take on a tendency to be nervous and angry. |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
haha.. noticed tat ENERGY appeared here.. n it explained my craze over ENERGY..
submitted at 12:36 AM.
those who wished mi..
3rd-zi qian
5th-diana chia
thks guys..
PS: actually 1st who wish mi shld be agnes. she wished mi yesterday liao.. cos she scare she forgt to wish today..
submitted at 12:31 AM.
wooo hooo..
happy 17th birthday to myself
submitted at 12:00 AM.
went for pizza today wif eg clique- agnes,jw,pf... woke up late so was late as usual. haha. sorry to let those gals wait for mi.
went centerpt for pizza. e stuffed pizza was kinda awful. nt nice at all. bleahx.
went cine after tat!!! haha.. cos pf cnt wait to c tat guy. lolx. but....... soo sad¬¬¬ e guy isnt there today. poor pf.. yesterday te di took cab dwn to cine to look for him he was nt there. today also nt there. haiz.. anywae e guy tending tat shop today was nt bad too.. agnes went in n bought rings. haha.. n sumting happened which made it e biggest joke of e day!! haha. all of us laugh till BTH. n cnt remb who even suggested lets all stand at a corner n laugh enough le then cont to walk. haha. cos i tink if we laugh n walk at e same time ppl will tink we're ah siaos... haha. lolx..
decided to sit dwn for sum chit chatting. so we went coffee club express settled dwn n gt ourselves a cup of drink n snacks. share muddy mud pie wif agnes. she intro mi eat de. lolx. it taste n look yummy. but its too exp la. long long eat once nvm. but cnt eat oftenly. lolx.
so we sat there for ard 3-4 hrs i tink n chat abt lotsa things. chatted abt wang shuai.. abt AIO .. etc...
laughed a lot today. laugh till BTH.. haha.. tink we created chaos at coffee club express. =X
lolx. took lotsa photos today.. but my stupid bro de infra soot soot liao. cnt upload e pics.. argh ><
haha.. we came up wif a AIO plan.. haha.. tink its gonna be fun..
*cheeky grin*
cnt wait to try it out later on. lolx.
kinda surprised tat we didnt took any neoprints today. ha!
though we chatted a lot today. but we hardly touch on energy... mainly abt wang shuai. cos tiao shao n le shao is among us.
submitted at 11:39 PM.
agnes n jw came my hse jus nw. they came my hse then we play com n watch tv. hahha.. soo bo liao. lolx. agnes brought along her collection of eg shows. so we watched sum eg shows n commented sum of them also. haha. then watch tv also.
yeah.. goin for pizza tml...
submitted at 11:18 PM.
wooo hooo~~~
EG schedule is out!!!!
they're here tis time ard to 宣傳新專輯+演唱會+933街頭爆唱會
wow~~ do soo many things..
gei gao.
10th of june (fri) 11.45am BR225 arrvial
11th of june (sat) 7.30pm 933<街頭爆唱會> @ 義安城的戶外廣場 (入場免費)
8.00pm <贏萬金游萬里歡樂週末夜>擔任表演嘉賓
12th of june (sun) 1.00pm BR226 departure
there's also goin to be a 2 IN 1 autograph session. they r goin to autograph album n concert tixs.
but e time, date n venue of e autograph session is yet to be cfm.
dumb man. e schedule is soo tight. summore they r cuming on a fri. so im prepared to skip sch. in tis case e autogrph session is goin to be on either fri evening or sat morn or noon.
tis trip really v rush. cum 2 days nia. nd to do soo many things.. ke lian. who ask them cum soo early. cos they 1st week of june release album. then 2nd week cum sg liao. then 3rd week nd go KL again. then they also nd to rush for tw de promo.
c ar. they june cum. which is ard 1 mth away frm nw. then later july cum for concert again. which is again 1 mth away frm june's trip. i tink by july cum mayb gt wad stupid gai ban de autogrph session again.. argh >< stupid
actually really hope they jie shan. if they jie shan, i will save lotsa $$ for many other things. n i will nd nt bother abt whether to chase a not or wad. tis issue hor.. really bother mi a lot. then i also can save up all e time i used to Q for events. aiya. in short. if they jie shan can save up a lot of stuffs la. bad thing abt they jie shan is tat we will bu she de la. haiz..
submitted at 7:14 PM.
went for kbox session yesterday wif energy clique. yesterday was actually e 1st time i went kbox wif jw, yy, agnes. n 2nd time wif PF.went kbox las week.. n kbox tis week also...haha.. but quite cheap actually.. cos is k lunch. frm 11am-2pm only $6.40 each.. cheaper than watching a movie..haha. toking abt movie.. i wan watch hse of wax!! but i dun wanna go cinema watch.. i wanna DL. but no ppl post it up yet. anyway a lot of ppl commented tat its v gross. a girl in AIO even remind mi to bring plastic bag wif mi if im watching.. haha. jw watched it today. n she said she only watched half e movie. cos its too er xin le. haha
had quite a fun time at kbox yesterday.. esp e thingy abt spongebob.. haha.. made us had a great laugh!!!! hahah.. all thks to agnes who performed it. =B wahahah
after kbox session we went orchard walk walk la. so being AIO freaks.. all of us was like toking abt eh.. tat guy at AIO blah blah blah.. n tat guy blah blah blah. n complaining tat sg guys kns.. haha.. n all CMI!!! lolx..
wanted to hv pizza yesterday but there's 5 of us.. so cnt la. cos there's no set meal for 5. we everytime also nt gang gang hao ppl cum out to eat pizza de.. eveytime nt 3 ppl then 5 ppl liao. las time we used to 3 ppl go eat meal for 4.. n it turned out tat pizza became our nightmare.. haha. cos all of us was too full. haha. still remb las time go eat wif yy n agnes. then we still leave e cheese stuffed crust nicely there.. haha. n even took a pic.
nah.. here's e pic..

yah.. its e cheese stuffed crust..
actually tis kinda seems yummy to mi rite nw. cos im hungry!!!!!! wahhahaha
so after much discussion,we ate long john.. cos partly is becoz agnes bluff mi gt shuai ge inside =X
we were eating n sumting freaky happened which made evey1 in e fast food jaws drop..haha.. too kua zhang hor. okie. anyway. there's a grp of frens la. then they were like playing n pushing each other. then sumone pushed a guy in purple towards e railings. at 1st i tot its a she la. cos tot its a butch. then haven even knocked tio hor.. then tat guy in purple screamed out in a ah kua voice.. "wo de LP" ok.. was then i noe is guy la, cos he gt LP. haha. then he kneeled outside long john n started screaming n joking wif his frens. his voice is damn freaking LOUD n AH KUA..
gosh.. wad a comical act... haha.. sumting tat i wouldnt gt to c in jurong..haha
so after eating went shop ard at cine.. ahha.. n saw a shuai ge in a shop.. haha.. jw intro us de.. haha. n pf is quite thrilled abt it. she even mentioned tat she will cum cine frequently next time. haha. but actually e guy nt bad larz. heez.
pf n mi were travelling hm togther. n we met another 2 gays on e mrt. they were gaying ard.. yucks.. bth.. wads happening??? hur...
went shopping at bugis today again.. wif KL, SY n ah pui.. quite sianz again. but at least i bought stuffs today. bought a denim skirt today at bugis village which cost 17 bucks. n a ebase shirt at $15.90.. all thks to jieying n her 30% off... heez..
agnes suggested to cum my hse tml to slack.. haha.. cos they imagine my hse is big.. haha.. afraid tat it may disappoint u all.. haha.. but tml cnt la. cos hv to go out wif papa n mama. cos papa nd to collect his passport. soo mayb next week bah.. haha.. date u all again..
off to find nice shows for DL..
DL soo many shows but nt watching it.. wads e pt..
im such a gundo..
wu ha!!!
addicted to tis song liao..
o ya..
btw today's my chinese de birthday..
but no one wished mi happi birthday..
soo ke lian. =C
submitted at 11:54 PM.
finished replying my AIO msgs n i was tinking of going wan ren to liu yan to kd. okie.. so i happily type my liu yan..n happily send it when im done.. happily becoz i felt self-satisfied seeing my liu yan appearing.. haha...
n e screen shows:
damn it..soo my liu yan was gone..
yahoo jia zu sucks man.. kept having probs nowadys.. was browsing e jia zus yesterday n e same thing happened.. tink kd probably wanted to liu yan. but cos of tis lousy system he cnt. n furture more e offical webbie is dwn for maintence. so there's no way for them to liu yan..
okie.. so i was annoyed abt tis whole issue n decided to blog abt it. n e damn blogger cnt display e pg.. dunno wads e prob wif it larz. n i've to wait for sumting b4 tis pg appear..
argh.. ><
so im left wif nth to do nw. no ppl to chat wif at msn either..
shall go n slp..
submitted at 4:12 AM.
dunking oreo in milk have been one of my recent fav snacks..
actually it isnt my fav larz. jus tat i can only find oreo n fresh milk at my hse. n eating either of it alone jus tastes soo plain. so i jus mix, dunk oreo in it.
n i had bad a big discovery frm it..
as sumtimes i drink diff flavours of mk. sumtimes mocha, sumtimes chocolate, sumtimes e normal de la.
n i realise tat e oreo dissolve at diff rate in diff flavours of mk.
wow.. amazing huh..
frm my experiments, i conclude tat oreo dissloves fastest in normal fresh mk, n disslove slowest i n mocha mk..
n pls note tat e volume of mk n e brand of e mk is kept constant thrg out e experiments.
only e flavour of e mk varies..
i tink no one will be soo bo liao to go try tis out bah. only a lamer like me do tis kinda things..
off to dunk my oreo in my fresh mk..
o ya. im dunking it in fresh mk nw. i prefer it to disslove at a faster rate..
submitted at 5:27 PM.
oh god~~~
sumting freaky happened jus nw.
ok..i was half way packing sum stuffs in my rm. n i didnt noe y i was soo sleepy soo i jus fell asleep..btw..i woke up only at 3pm today n yet i jus went to hv another nap.
okie.. n i hv tis dream.. its soo real..i mean it seemsss sooo real.. nv have had a dream which is sooo real like e 1 i jus had..
okie..its all abt energy larz..
oh man.. tink its too long too type out..
but gosh.. its soo damn real!!!
god~~ another bad news.. e pain at my backside is back AGAIN..
bad.. bad..
gotta c doc soon again..
submitted at 8:22 PM.
watched yu le bai fen bai jus nw. xiao zhu n xiao s were hosting e show. btw, i only tuned in to watch yu le bai fen bai when xiao zhu is hosting.hahahaz... both of them were like discussing abt wad r they gg to do if they arent famous in e showbiz anymore.
xiao zhu said he discussed tis issue wif kunda b4, n kunda mentioned he will open his own shop n sell clothings. n mayb xiao zhu will invest sum $$ n they will gt stuffs frm japan.. haha.. xiao s said she once opened a shop wif her frens also n end up e shop dao bi.. hahahaz...
xiao zhu suggested tat mayb he can be dancer or a waiter.. xiao s tink she is suitable to be tat kinda 0204 ppl who pick up fone calls actually is sex talk la. cos she said she felt tat her voice is quite sexy plus she love talking on e fone larz. then xiao zhu started talking abt all e experiences tat he had when he made tis kinda 0204 calls. then xiao s ask him he evrytime time meet kunda up to do tis kinda things, n xiao zhu say ya, he will call kunda or ben up to his hse to do tis kinda things..
dumb xiao zhu.. dai huai kunda. hahaz.. before kunda gt to noe xiao zhu he nv even go visit tis kinda porno things de.. xiao zhu intro all tis stuffs to him. tats wad he mentioned in wo jia ye you da ming xing larz.. summore when xiao s ask kunda wads he feeling when he 1st saw tis kinda porno suffs.. then kunda say he tink hao te bie.. *pengz*
e night b4 dreamt of kunda siaz.. haha.. soo sweet.. mus be tink of him till siao liao.. they r cuming in june. which is ard 1 mth away. then july also cum for concert.. haix.. nd start saving le.. i nw also bu she de buy things liao.. tat day went out saw soo many nice clothes.. but all bu she de buy.. haiz.. saw sum ebase clothes which i really like. wonder when will i be able to gt them. heard frm jw tat bugis gg to open a vintage mickey shop.. yeah~~~ i wanna buy mickey mouse clothes.. but mus be v exp de la.. sianz.
submitted at 6:39 PM.
haha~ since i was at photobucket, mus as well post more pics up. lolx. here r sum pics we took at kbox.. tis pics were all taken usin k700i

realise tat i didnt took any pics wif lee khim, oopz.. mus hv forgotten..
submitted at 3:58 PM.

i took n posted tis pic for for agnes sake. cos she hv no idea abt e straw bag im mentioning abt~ haha..
tis bag was bought at chinatown n it costs only 9 bucks..

since im posting pics.. i shun bian took tis pic n post it up.. heez..tis is hw i hang my hook on earrings..
submitted at 3:39 PM.
slept at 4 plus am today n woke only at 3pm.. hahaz.. im nw used to only slping at ard 4 or 5 in e morn.. gosh~~ chatting at msn n aio evrynite seems to be a rountine for me n my energy clique. im e worst among them. i tink im e one who's online for longest hrs evryday.. haha.. gg to hv a hard time to change tis habit when sch starts.. haiz... sianz..poly gg to start soon le.. those stressful days r cuming again.. =N
o ya. jus remembered.. yesterday e 3 of us went out n 3 of us wear black shirts!!! AGAIN~~~ mo qi too gd liao... haha..bth.
SY,KL, linda r on off tml.. so mayb goin to sentosa... but im too lazy to travel~~~~ hahaz.. nvm..anyway haven been hanging out wif them for quite sum time..
tink there will be another kbox seesion for mi soon..haha..cos agnes cnt make it tat day n she is nw soo despo to go.. haha.. so mayb shall jus entertain her... haha..
off to watch 9pm show..
submitted at 8:48 PM.
jus saw a large cockroach behind e door to my rm. soo freaked out by it. n i was like screaming non stop. wanted to kill it usin e insecticide. but i was soo afraid to even gt close to it. so i was like spraying frm a far angle. hoping tat i will be able to kill it, which is quite impossible. e cockroach was alerted when e little insecticide was sprayed on its body. so it started crawling abt. its was then i realise tat it can fly!!! it flew behind my cupboard. so i didnt noe wad to do abt it. my parents were nt back yet, n i dunno where my dummy bro went. i gt out of my rm n called my mama for help. didnt dare to go back to my rm, but at e same time i was curious where e cockroach was. so i stand outside my rm n peeped in. OMG!!! e pest was on my pillow!!!!
yucks!!! finally gt help frm my tenant n e cockroach was killed. phew~~~ but e thought tat it've jus landed on my pillow, GROSS!!! gotta change all my bedsheets b4 i slp today. eek~~~ cockroaches r soo GROSS~ nw my whole body still fa mao.. yucksy!
went kbox wif pf n lk today. so pathetic, 3 ppl singing session.. haha. agnes was supposed to go also, but she was kinda nt feeling well so she cnt make it. went to e outlet at chinatown, it was kinda ulu~ lolx. wanted to pick sum eg song. but they had soo little choices there. quite lousy siaz. they dun even hv songs like fang shou n mou X 3. suggest tat next time we shld go other outlets, but heard frm them tat diff outlet=diff price.. weird siaz. we sang frm 11.30 - 3 n each of us hv to pay ard $6.40, quite cheap siaz... cheaper than watching a movie. haha..
after kbox we went to hunt for e shop which sell straw bags.. all thks to e directory tat jw provided mi e day b4 n i managed to find tat shop easily. so i bought my straw bag, i bought e medium size $9 niaz.. wanted to buy red, but i went back n change e color larz.. change to e original color.. haha.. cos i find e red too red le.. lolx.. luckily i didnt buy red also, cos heard tat e color will run off~ heng arz.. =X haha.. went chinatown gio OG, feel like buying clothes siaz. but no $$ larz.. bu she de spend.. cos hv been spending too much on eg trip.. haiz..
frm chinatown we took cab to sim lim. gt my mouse, n it cost only at $12, but feel tat its kinda small for my big hand to grab. haha. pf also gt a mouse n lk bought memory card for her hp use. saw lotsa cameras.. feel like getting a new digi cam. haiz.
went buger king for lunch n kinda chit chat a while.. walk past OG albert n really feel like buying GIO clothes. e bottoms r at 30% off, feel like getting a 3/4 pants n e light green polo tee.. but didnt buy any larz.. went bugis village n it changed quite a lot. saw sum mickey mouse shirts but its damn e ugly~ haha. saw 1 which is quite alright but damn small size. cnt even fit in siaz. saw a shop selling quite hip pants feel like buying siaz.. n also saw a wawa shoes which is quite nice. argh!!! feel like buying all.. >< but mama alrdy warned mi nt to buy any more clothes.. =C
went seiyu n a woman was promoting a morgan perfume.. n it smell soo nice.. soo sweet.. love it siaz..haha. tink e big bottle cost ard $70 plus.. but dun nd any perfume rite nw, as i still haven finish mine. walked ard edge n bought 2 pairs of earrings.. actually didnt wanna buy cos im nt short of any earrings rite nw, but its kinda special so cnt resist it. it's suppose to be selling at $6.90 per pair n buy 2 pairs gt 1 free. i bought 2 pairs n lee khim bought 1. but i only paid $6.90 for 2 pairs as leekhim let mi take e free de.. so nice of her... haha~ =B
b4 i went out tis morn mama ask for my passbk n ask mi to update it. damn it siaz.. dunno hw to explain e $150 tat i withdrawl for eg trip.. =Z
im dead~~~
submitted at 11:06 PM.
lately i've been quite active in aio, meaning takin e initiative to liu yan to ppl. hopin to gt to noe sum eg fans as well. so my initiative pays off n help mi earned 7 ren qi. plus i also gt to noe sum eg fans as well. but ended up mi having soo many msgs to reply~~
off to replying msges..
submitted at 10:44 PM.
tummy: hey, huiyi~ do sumting abt ur diet.. im expanding day by day... infact min by min.. pls... i dun wish to grow anymore.. look at e rate im growing!
huiyi: hah nah hah nah~~~ *gobbling at e packet of doritos in her hands*
submitted at 10:34 PM.
e weather is terrible nowadays.. e heat is unbearable!!! my shirt is totally soaked wif sweat after cleaning e floor jus nw!!! hope tis horrible weather will be over soon. im nw 1/4 way thrgh tearing all e pages featuring energy frm e magazines. wonder hw many days m i gg to take to finish all tis.. ha.
realise tat i have also been keeping a pile of F4 magazines. tink im gg to give them up n jus throw them all away, except for few which is quite memorable. since energy is still e one whom i really bothers n cares abt..
my mouse is dead!!! damn currently using e mouse frm my bro laptop..but its kinda small for my huge hand.. hahaz.. n my bro cnt gt to play his MU since he nd a mouse for tat.. too bad.. gotta gt another mouse soon..
submitted at 10:19 PM.