bad bad bad~~~
e whole class was late on da 1st day..
cos we waited for one another at e control station.. n its raining soo heavily..
e lesson's supposed to start at 8.30am.. but all of us only reached e rm at 9am.. haha..
seems like a tough sem ahead~ haish..
kinda dislike all da lecturers we met so far except for our personal tutor..
e database teacher's soo fierce.. she's like a female tiger.. ki siao one..
FOM teacher sucks.. he asked us to copy dwn everything frm his ppt slides.. INSANE~!!!
accounts is quite alright la..
all of our mass lectures tis sem will be conducted at MLT 8.. e design of tis MLT is soo stupid la..
e room's wide kind.. so we wont be able to c so well if we sit at e sides.. but e middle section's soo occupied.. we've gt no choice but chose to sit e 1st few rows.. n my neck's most prob gonna break at e end of e lectures la..
CRS's teacher looked practically like a WITCH!! wahhaha...
soo scary.. she toks soo slowly n in da kinda mystery voice..
she hv a monkey pet named monette which she kept for 13 yrs n she lives opp changi prison..
soo interesting huh..
was trying to share my ENERGY choco bar wif my classmates when she barked n said no eating in class...
was trying to ignore her actually.. but she's staring at me wif her witch eyes.. soo scary~
haiz.. tink im gonna suffer..
seems like no eating n being late for lessons are allowed during tis sem..
hohoho...miss those days when we jus ate anytime, anywhere, even in comp labs..
n those days when i was late for lessons for 1 hr w/o getting any scolding or wad ever shitz..
saw toro on enews jus now.. he went to watch shin's concert..
his hairstyle's nt nice now.. tink he bleach his portion of hair to silverish color..
argh.. hv been looking for a simple n nice pair of shoes recently..
but i've yet to found any nice ones...
submitted at 11:50 PM.
sch's starting tml...
tis holiday is shooo BORING~~~
i slacked thrgh tis 30 days...
did nth except eat, slp, watch shows n shopping..
sumting worth mentioning is tat i did a 1 day job during tis holiday..
tat job's soo sucky.. luckily i was asked to work only for a day.. phew*
i also managed to tidy up my room during tis holiday... although i took quite a long time to finish up my job.. i still completed it.. =)
okie.. back to sch...
only looking forward to c my frenz tml again.. and e energy choco zhen xiu bought for mi frm new zealand..
hahaz.. =B
nth else..
gonna attend gems for next sem.. n i chose a stupid module for my gems..
microbes n diseases..
wanted to change it during e las appoinment.. but i was told tat we're nt supposed to change it during e las appointment..
so wads e las appointment for?!!
anyway, hope next sem gonna be fun..
energy's cuming tis fri..
tats FAST~
no events i hope...
submitted at 9:58 PM.
jus back frm supper at my father's fren seafood stall..
was eating chilli crabs n trying to break tat shell when tat gravy jus splattered all over mi..
i was wearing WHITE top n LIGHT pink pants..
my mum was scrubing off e stains for mi jus now.. n she said it cnt be removed!!!
n she gave up..
submitted at 12:09 AM.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
went orchard for shopping on mon wif KL n SY..
met jasper n linda on da train...
jasper's such a gundo to travel all da way to tanglin mall jus to buy tat particular choco..
SY treated us subway for lunch... soo nice of her huh.. haha...
she wanted to treat us tat day at sentosa.. but didnt hv the time to..
sumting damn funni happened when we were placing our orders..
soo embarrassing..
it became e joke of da day larz..
bought a pair of slippers frm heeren n a top frm esprit tat day..
i need to buy shoes... but i jus dun seems to spot any nice ones..
they r gg queenways later on.. too bad i cnt join them..
shall ask them to get tat belt for mi later on..
submitted at 2:22 PM.
a bunch of actors who loves acting...
ytd was e 2nd time i went mcs for them...
kinda boring larz..
tink all of them gt scolded ytd..
cos they're too close to fans?
tink i will only go da next time when im in need of sum entertainment..
anyway, sch's starting next week too..
i also wont hv tat much time to go mcs tat often...
still prefer wasting my time n money on taiwan idols..
submitted at 1:29 PM.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
was surfing jiazu jus now.. came across tis article which i tink its quite farnie..
醒吾技術學院現在成了明星學校,裡頭深藏少女殺手,包括:仔仔、賀軍翔、鄭元暢以及阮經天等,不過,同為該校校友的仔仔卻在昨(22)日校慶中缺席,未被學務組長林從昭稱讚為「GOOD STUDENT」,不知是否因為工作、愛情兩頭燒的原因,讓他無暇再顧及學校事務。但經紀人呂淑娟解釋,他是為了趕拍「Silence 深情密碼」,晚上還是會正常上課。
醒吾觀光科2年級的學生藝人賀軍翔、鄭元暢、阮經天、余發揚、李至正昨日在校慶活動中為「明星掃街、愛心創世」一起做公益,林從昭表示,他們上課出席率達8成,都是「GOOD STUDENT」。
actually e main focus of e article is abt zai zai neglecting his studies due to his relationship..
but here comes e funny part..
xiao mei, xiao zhong, luan jing tian = good student?!
hahaha~ n their attendence's 80%?!
they gt 93 marks for their report!!
there's so many idols studying in xing wu..
xiao mei, yuan chang, sw, luan jing tian, zai zai...
hrm.. tink tis sch's standard kinda low..
judging frm e results they gt for their report.. hahaz..
n da reason y so many idols studying over there so tat they wont gt dang diao easily..
i've probs publishing my entries!!!
submitted at 1:18 AM.
標 題:牛茪F喔.......
發 表 人:狗狗(poloboy20003)
發表時間:2005/10/23 04:33:50
對不起喔 牛牛不會出席新加坡頒獎....
真的很開心,所以啦 只要小牛支持我都會努力
PS1: 聚會事真的啦...牛牛會花時間想想
例如地點呀 時間呀 名單呀 或是推選有人可以當大家長
葉主席 就是當地大家長 到時去那聚會時一定交給葉主席辦理
所以啦 不會讓你們失望啦.
2:就是呀 我上面說的話要聽喔.....哈哈 掰掰8818
haiz... he's really nt cuming.. any chance for us to c him again?
tis trip isnt gonna be fun w/o him..
he's serious abt tat gathering! gosh~
submitted at 10:39 AM.
標 題:我是牛奶
發 表 人:狗狗(poloboy20003)
發表時間:2005/10/21 05:59:54
謝謝主席把家族又開放了 也希望想加入葉氏家族的朋友
都能進入我們這個大家庭 之後我會也會想和主席討論 能辦一個家族的小聚會
能跟大家當面聊聊天 希望我們這個家族 都能多一些互動
也讓我能多認識你們每一個人 能多了解每一個人歐
PS 最近常在娛樂產房常聽到學生說 有許多海外的朋友很想跟牛牛學舞 但因為距離的關係讓他們失望了 不過現在牛牛有許多的時間可以到海外親自為你們教學....不會再讓你們失望了...
掰掰 881 881
he seems to be v free now and he's nt slping at 6am in da morn...
jia zu gathering?!
submitted at 11:30 PM.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
they r cuming for jqj...
to me.. i dunno if its supposed to be a good news or a bad one..
good becoz i can c kunda again...
bad becoz there's gonna be a big hole in my pocket...
i will rather spend all tat money on shopping...
haiz.. tis's gonna be contradicting..
but... how can i nt be chasing them when they r in sg?
u all mus be tinking y not...
all becoz its soo tempting and i dun wanna miss them..
hoho.. jus imagine all e stuffs i can buy wif e money i spent on chasing...
hope tat there isnt gonna be any autogrph session for e concert dvd n stuffs which i tink will most prob hv..
so there's no need to waste our time Q-ing for it n i can jolly well save up e $ for buying repeating dvds or stuffs..
gonna spend lotsa $ on tis trip.. cos there's still jqj..
not sure if we're buying e tixs..
mayb we shall wait for e tixs price to drop..
not sure if mk's cuming..
if he's nt... then sum of them might nt be chasing..
meaning.. we wont hv enough ppl chasing..
n in turn we hv to spend more on chasing..
haiz.. chasing wont be tat fun w/o him..
he's always e one entertaining..
how often we get to c ah di interacting wif us?
seldom~ other than tat "ni hao shen" incident which's v memorable to our clique..
anyway, hope niu nai will cum larz..
hrm.. mayb he will.. cos jqj is on 4th nov which is sw's bday.. so mayb he will cum!!
muwahahaha... im can really tink huhz...
submitted at 6:57 PM.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
標 題:我是牛奶
發 表 人:狗狗(poloboy20003)
發表時間:2005/10/18 02:33:26
給我加油 我很感動 最近的我 過的
很充實 但唯一的遺憾 就是不知道何時
PS 哀 我的仔仔真的找不到了 881 881 掰
zai zai's missing...
tink tis isnt e 1st time if im nt wrg...
seems like it had gone missing for quite sum time since his bro las liu yan...
tw fans can go showbiz find mk...
us? we hv to fly there...
i wanna go out badly!!!
im soo bored rite now!
i was editing my friendster profile jus now.. n halfway thrgh i gt no mood to do it anymore.. so i jus leave it as it is..
feel like watching show.. but... i dunno which show to watch la...
ytd i watched tat black show for 15mins then changed n watch i guess..
n after watching it for like 10 mins i decided to go to bed...
submitted at 1:19 PM.
Semester GPA:
lousy results~~
at least i passed all...
but my GPA is only 2.6!!! kill mi pls~
i betta buck up for next sem...
submitted at 10:43 AM.
my face's peeling soo awfully rite now..
tink i wouldnt dare to tan tat long again...
i've learnt my lesson...
tink i burnt my patch of skin ard my eyes too..
n my eyes were like soo puffy a few days back..
my mama's soo worried la n asked mi to go c doc.. kept saying i gei gao go tan for wad..
i oso didnt expect it to turn out tat bad mahz..
e sun's too strong tat day la.. plus we tanned too long..
i wanna go out!!!!~~ but i cnt...
all becoz of my face la.. hope it will finish peeling fast!!!
result's out at 8.30am...
scare~ scare~
submitted at 1:43 AM.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
changed e pic above...
im currently busy watching express boy.. soo nice... xiao mei's soo shuai in da show la..
e show's soo long.. 30 epi.. n its showing mon-fri.. so i've to DL it like every other day..
my comp its running out of memory alrdy..
hohoho.. n tats becoz i jus keep compiling da shows i DL..
i still hv e whole series of devils in my comp.. hahaz...
im such a slow watcher... i only watched e 1st epi of kiss..
n i tink its showing e 4th epi now alrdy..
tink frog now alrdy las epi liao.. but im still at epi 19... haha..
slow huh...
results gonna be out tml...
im afraid tat i might jus fail n repeat my java..
really scare la..
haiz... wish mi good luck!
submitted at 1:23 PM.
okie.. its finalised..
milk's leaving EG... he's nt joining typhoon.. he's gg to focus n put all his efforts into showbiz..
News Article 【2005/10/13 民生報】 「牛奶」昨天宣布正式退出ENERGY,一度傳出,他脫離ENERGY,將和TORO重新組一個「台風」樂團?牛奶澄清說:「我不會加入TORO的台風樂團,我倒是自己成立一個舞蹈教室,我要從幕前退到幕後,專心教舞蹈,這個舞蹈教室,我是老闆兼小弟。」
牛奶考慮脫隊時,TORO曾找過他。「龍王颱風來的那一夜,剛好是TORO的生日,我有到場祝賀,他曾邀我加入『台風』,我笑笑說,那我還不如組一個『龍捲風』!」牛奶解釋,會傳他加入「台風 」樂團 ,一切都是「龍王」惹的禍。
hrm.. they seems to hv conflict among themselves..
n tats e main reason for mk to make up his mind n chose showbiz..
okie.. so toro indeed invited mk to join typhoon..
MK's Liu Yan~標 題:牛牛很難過
發 表 人:牛牛(energymk0902)
發表時間:2005/10/13 21:37:20
晚安嘍 小牛們
881 88
haiz.. he's sad.. we're sad too...
okie.. we will uds n respect his decision..
since he chose his own future.. hope he will stay happy always..
SW's Liu Yan~標 題:我是書偉
發 表 人:書偉(keigo1104)
發表時間:2005/10/13 22:13:03
okie.. we can uds.. things dun always turned out like wad we've expected..
MK's Liu Yan~標 題:我是牛奶
發 表 人:狗狗(poloboy20003)
發表時間:2005/10/14 19:24:56
先跟所有小牛說聲對不起 我做了離開EG的決定 對我來說 這3年來最美好的回憶 都是你們給我的 在我最低潮的時候 也是你們的支持 才能讓我渡過許多的難關 看到現在家族的留言板 無論是支持我 或是罵我 我都選擇接受 畢竟這是我所選擇自己要走的路 之前的承諾 我並沒有忘記 但有太多外在的因素 我也無法一一向大家解釋 希望大家能體諒 以後我還是會常常上來和小牛們聊聊 如果想要找我 也可以來娛樂產房 最後希望大家都能開開心心
我們一起加油歐 881 881 掰
they were also e ones whom gave us e most beautiful memorise e past 3 yrs..
3 yrs...
we grow wif them for 3 yrs..
support them for 3 yrs...
cry , smile , laugh wif them for 3 yrs...
hoho... lets fly over to tw n find mk!
News Article 【2005/10/15 民生報】解散的Energy為了五月天復合!五月天下周六在上海舉行「Final Home當我們混在一起」請En-ergy擔任表演嘉賓!
WTH?!!! new generation of EG? shit larz.. ma de.. wad shit lorz..
its meaningless okie..
they mus as well disband..
tot ah di's back?
its soo confusing larz.. can sum one jus give us e confirmed ans?
y cnt everyone in EG jus stay happily together?
y mus tis kinda stuffs happen to them over n over again?
1st is toro.. then ah di, which turned out to be a false alarm.. then now mk..
haiz.. endless probs...
mayb disband is e best solution to all these probs..
cos anyway kunda's entering NS in like a yr?
really bu she de mk to leave eg..
he's e leader..
he's e soul..
he's e spirit in ENERGY...
818 牛牛~~~
submitted at 1:03 AM.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
jus back frm sentosa..
im BURNT!!!
burnt soo badly..
my legs.. esp my knee area..
my feet...
my face...
my arms...
all looked soo red now!!
soo painful.. nearly cried out when i was bathing jus now..
n i still gei gao use warm water to bathe.. hahaha
had to dry myself slowly n lightly usin e towel.. *ouch*
applied lotsa after sun lotion.. tink my skin's gonna peel tml or e day after..
went palawan beach today..
weather's fine n sunny..
e crowd there was alright.. nt as packed as we tot..
tink im gonna get diabetes soon..
cos i drank 2 large slurpees today..
went habourfront after tat..
had our dinner at pastamania..
overall.. we had lotsa fun, joy n laughter today..
submitted at 11:06 PM.
went out wif mama today..
went delifrance to hv our lunch..
i ordered a croissant wif ice cream..
doesnt taste as nice as it looked...
went ikea.. bought storage boxes n a pc of mat..
wanted to get photo frames but cnt find any suitable ones..
saw a frog prince soft toy.. soo cute..but my mama dun wanna buy for me larz.. ><
goin to pack n tidy up my room over tis weekend...
there's jus too much rubbish in my room larz...
there's still a pile of magazines n newspaper featuring energy waiting for mi to cut n paste..
haiz.. but im too lazy to do all these stuffs la..
had our dinner at clementi jus now..
ate fish n chips.. tink im gg to get sore throat soon..
gg sentosa wif 4E1 tml..
planned to go swimming, shopping n mayb zoo next week..
submitted at 11:39 PM.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
a day out to orchard wif sy n kl~

curled my hair using tis...
after 30 mins....

ta da....
chua siyi commented tat i looked 10 yrs older..
jus kinda mature k..
bought a pair of earrings n a set of bra today..

bloodly rosy earrings..
got a free trial pair of contact lense today..
happened to pass by a specs shop at taka n a lady approached us n intro e new product to us n gave us a free trial pair...
woah.. tan tio.. hahaz..
tis contacts can be wore for 30days w/o taking it out n cleaning it.. we can wear it to slp.. but its advisable tat u take it out 4 times in a mth to clean it..

free gifts~!!!!
wanted to get tat charles n keith slips on but they dun hv my size anymore..
n its out of stock in many other stores..
shall get tat flip flop n shoes frm far east da next time then...
saw a nice mango top n a S&K jacket today..
i wanna buy them all!!!
hohoho.. finally gg sentosa tis sat...
submitted at 11:54 PM.
..taken outside wen dong ji..
taken outside regent.. xiao mei n sum looked at e wrg cam..

2nd pic~ ok.. everyone looked at e right cam.. all of us was smiling soo widely cos reb sudd leaned forward.. yy was shocked obviously.. haha.. wad a comical pic..
bae yong jun?!

xiao mei in action~! taken at a specs shop in ngee ann city.. he's chosing shades..
muwahahahhaha... farni pic arx..
hoho.. we're both wearing yellow~! taken at raffles city shopping center..

..taken at airport..
taken at airport... do i look like im pointing middle finger?
submitted at 3:22 AM.
[9-10-2005 SUN]
11.20am --- arrival T2
met yy, agnes, pf n travelled to airport..
hmm... quite a lot of fans went to jie ji..
xiao mei is soo damn shuai larz... tall n shuai...
wei lun is sooo pretty~
when they r abt to cum out everyone was like squeezing...
their gong zuo ren yuan hv problems pushing their trolley out of e exit...
she alrdy overshot e exit alrdy n she wanna make a turn to push e trolley out..
soo pro can... n i was stucked their sum how...
xiao mei they all were stucked there too cos they cnt get out..
n he was like laughing at mi.. stupid.. pushed my way thrgh n made way..
walked out wif them..
agnes asked him abt his height n he ansed sumthing totally irrelevant..
haha.. he ansed hao jiu bu jian wif a super low voice.. his voice is low larz..
then waved to them at combi there...
didnt chase...
travelled to town area.. went far east walk walk then cabbed dwn to regent htl..
wad a wasted trip la.. by e time we reached regent he alrdy reached j8 like 5 mins ago..
so after using e toliet at
regent we cabbed dwn to
then e event started...
they played games, autogrph n take photo..
we nv buy tat album la.. wad for lorz... xiao mei n wei lun didnt even sing inside e ost..
but quite worth it cos can take photo wif them n get a free poster also..
booked maxi to chase after tat event..
waited soo long for them to cum out lo.. e event ended at 4pm n they only left j8 at 7 plus...
mayday left earlier than them lo... haha.. there's like 10 cars there but none was chasing
mayday.. n yet their gong zuo ren yuan took a pic of e maxis..
tink they expected at least 1 of e maxis to follow them? lol~
tink xiao mei they all having interview in j8.. heard tat they went coffee bean right after e event ended at 4pm...
so wasted our time n money crapping on tat aircon-less maxi for 3 hrs..
they went
wen dong ji to eat after tat.. kept waving to them when chasing.. fun fun~
went to use e toliet over there... wasnt trying to catch his attention.. he jus kept smiling n looking in.. so we jus waved back to him la.. entertain mahz..
after he ate finished.. his xuan chuan.. i dunno is xuan chuan or wad la.. but tink they call her gong guan arz.. anyway, she brought him out n let him he zhao wif us..
haha.. she asked us to help her organise e fans n form a Q.. lol..
n we got e privilege to he zhao 1st although we were no help at all.. as if e other fans will listen to us..haha..
he's soo tall la.. i looked short beside him..
dunno y his tat gong guan seemed to be against ppl using cam hp to take pics..
she's prob afraid tat theres close contact?
saw weilun cuming out so we went over to weilun..
she says she's tired n gg back to htl..
dunno where's our maxi so when their combi left we kinda ran n followed them..
we were laughed at by e ppl on e combi..
chased them back to
we tot all of them r alighting.. so we ran dwn..
but only weilun n her gzry alighted..
so we stood by his combi.. he n his tat gong guan were laughing at us la.. esp tat gong guan..
wads soo funni abt us?
they cheated us la.. e combi started moving.. so we faster wanna run back to our maxi which is beside his combi.. but his combi like moved a short distance nia then stopped there again.. so we ran back to his combi there..
jus a act like tis made tat gong guan n xiao mei laughed soo happily..
cont chasing again...
he showed us e whiteboard.. he wrote guang xin jia po..
they stopped at
taka.. went shopping..
he went shopping with a bunch of fans following him..
haha.. our clique is damn pro la.. all of us paired up n held each other hands n ran together..
n we were always infront or beside xiao mei most of da times..
mayb there's sum ppl out there trying to block us or wad la.. but too bad.. non of them succeeded..
tink he wanna buy ray-ban shades.. but dunno who heard it as billabong..
all of us stood outside e specs shop while waiting for him to try on e shades..
he's born shuai la.. so he looked good in any pair of them...
steph commented tat he looked like bae yong jun when he wore e shades on.. he was kinda stunned when he heard tat... he told tat gong guan abt it..
stadium after tat.. he wanna buy nike shoes.. but there's limited choices over there.. tink he wanna buy tat kinda sneakers but there dun hv la.. only gt running shoes tat kind..
so pf n mi asked him to go far east n buy..
haha.. n he still asked where issit..
asked him abt stuffs for e next day... then took escalator wif him..
walked to e main road cos he's waiting for his combi..
non maxis reached when his combi arrived..
so he v de yi de say we all surely chase bu dao..
he did a nono action on combi.. gt er mo de pattern.. cute larz..
went to regent hoping tat we haven missed him..
luckily we didnt..
his driver took a longer route la..
we looked like idiots all standing in a row to welcum him.. hahaz..
autogrph n took photos outside e htl..
when its our turn he asked sumting on purpose la.. cos he knew we took earlier on alrdy..
we still gei si find excuses say jus now is solo.. now wanna take grp pic..
haha.. he also bo bian.. lala~
waited soo long for him to autogrph for us... then he said sumting..
we really dont noe tat devils book is sold in sg la..
tink he dunno how to write hui properly la.. his bi hua like nt correct..
n i told him e yi is lian yi de yi.. then he paused.. tot he dunno how to write.. told him e bi hua..
then he still hor.. lian yi de yi arz..
dumb la.. isnt it wad i told him.. =.=
tink his gzry quite wu nai la.. cos all e fans walked wif him into e hotel to e lift there..
heard e gzry saying how can we follow him in..
[10-10-2005 MON]reached
regent at 8 plus in da morn.. damn tired.. hardly slept..
was asked to wait outside e htl..
wei lun checked out 1st.. then followed by xiao mei..
xiao mei came out 1st.. he's entertaining la.. only noes hw to smile..
asked tat gong guan instead.. tink all of them gt superb memory lo.. remb wad we did..
but i explained to her its diff la.. haha.. n she agreed..
so he hv to guai guai sign for us.. hehe..
used normal cab n chased him to
mcs for 933 interview..
e interview is damn short la.. only 15mins i tink..
our maxi cnt reach in time so we waited there la..
they went
killiney road to eat..
then after eating they went
raffles city shopping center..
e driver made a mistake n wanted to drop them off at swisshotel.. haha..
when chasing to raffles city.. i tink he was annoyed sumhow..
followed them dwn.. xiao mei dunno wads there to shop at raffles city..
he ended up staying in a shop for donkey yrs..
he bought rings for himself n a necklace for a girl a tink..
hmm.. e necklace is for who arz...
meanwhile waiting for tis slow tortise we went over to weilun..
she's friendly n nice larz..
took photo wif her.. saw her robot necklace.. soo cute~
waited for xiao mei to finish his shopping then followed him to his combi..
chased to
long journey to airport.. was waving thrgh out e chasing..
weilun kept laughing n waving whenever she sees us.. soo cute la..
tink e camerawoman beside her showed a i love you sign then wei lun started following..
tink she's showing tat sign to uncle? haha.. funni larz..
dunno wads up la.. everyone in their combi like all started laughing at tat i love you sign...
xiao mei.. entertaining thrgh out e journey..
still maintaining tat smile.. tat wave..
he wrote sumting like miss you n bye bye or wad on e board n showed it to us..
reached airport..ran here n there.. xiao mei to weilun, weilun to xiao mei.. haha..busy arz..
xiao mei says he's drinking orangeY juice..
he's busy entertaining ppl wif his smile la.. how i wish i can wipe tat smile off his face..
he stopped halfway while walking to e gates n turned back..
heard him grumbling to his gong guan.. tink he wanted to take tat thing wif him instead of depositing it.. but tat stuffs were alrdy deposited n they cnt get it back..
he mus be annoyed la.. but he still managed to display tat smile..
went over to weilun..
took photos again..
she enjoyed pinching agnes la.. haha.. started pinching her face then her stomache..
lol.. stupid agnes go tell weilun i wanna pinch her butt..
then wei lun said she gt no butt..hahaz..
hohohoho... im beginning to miss them..
esp tat faker..
haha.. wonder when will him come sg again or rather will he cum again?
[extras~]xiao mei n weilun seems strangers to each other.. hardly c them toking..
xiao mei is no gentlement.. he walked at his own pace.. didnt bother to wait for wei lun..
xiao mei v itchy fingers la.. loves touching display n stuffs.. n putting them on w/o asking..
he's plastic.. tink he's trying to be like bae yong jun la.. trying to hv his own signature smile or wadever..
nevermind about these flaws.. i still like him la..
cos he's sooo shuai..
ya.. im crazy over him now..
overall, tis was a entertaining trip..
both parties were entertained i guess..
submitted at 8:32 PM.
he's leaving eg for typhoon?
we're nt gg to forgive him..
ah di's back now...
n he's leaving?
if he's leaving due to his consideration for his family n showbiz..
we will respect it..
but nt if he's leaving eg to join other band...
n wads e reason for him to join typhoon?
he loves toro more?
cos wei xiao left typhoon?
or mayb tat piggy sun offered him attractive benefits?
he hv to ans to his fans..
seems like e other 3 had signed on their contract wif um... but nt mk..
n he didnt turn up for recent events and stuffs..
is there really no way or issit really tat hard to c e 4 of them together again?
we're now nt even asking for e 5 of em..
jus 4 of them...
submitted at 1:13 AM.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
experienced a blackout when using e comp halfway jus now..
worst part... i was alone at hm!!!
i didnt noe where e circuit box is located cos usually when blackout occurs i jus stay at my current position and wait for my bro, mum or father to get e lights back...
luckily i managed to find my way to e doors w/o banging into any walls.. phew~
realised tat its only my hse tat kanna e blackout.. argh.. ><
dunno wads wrg wif e electric flow in my hse.. oways blackout..
mayb we used too much electricity larz..
e lights outside my hse also soot soot..
anyway, called n get help frm my mama..
n my mama came up n help mi get e lights restored...
tink i betta go find out where's e circuit box jus in case e same event happens again..
submitted at 8:42 PM.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
jus finished watching e repeat of superfunkies...
i've watched it twice... once at 8.30, repeat its at 12 midnite..
actually shld be thrice.. cos i went for da recording too..
da bear's soo funni n comical in e show la.. cnt help stop laughing..
he definitely hv gt lots of potential...
they show e clips of behind e scenes of superstar concert..
soo touching..
sebas cried till soo chiam.. haiz..
wonder will we ever gt e chance to c ppl like sebas, darryl n raymond again~
cos for them, their SS journey hv alrdy cum to a end..
unlike others who still hv gt SF..
darryl's gg NS soon.. 11/10 if im not wrg.. n its next week..
wad for tis guy go for soft rebonding when he's gg to go hair-less soon..
found tat hello kitty necklace on worldwide ebay..
didnt purchase it..
partly cos i didnt noe how to, plus kinda feel unsafe buying things online..
kinda afraid tat i may gt conned or sumting..
n i dont tink its convincing.. as i dont gt to c, touch n feels e product..
haha.. ya.. wad shitz.. i noe im outdated larz..
showed chee kai tat product.. n he adviced mi nt to buy it..
e shipping cost isnt mention..
tink it can easily cost mi a bomb after adding tat shipping fee..
ok.. wadeva.. jus forget abt it larz..
i've gt lotsa things in my mind to buy...
tink i betta get myself a job n buy all tat stuffs using my own $..
n mayb put aside sum $ for savings...
who noes eg might be cuming in nov for jqj...
although chances r slim... u will nv noe...
only god knows...
submitted at 1:12 AM.
cut my hair again...
sucks totally... its too short!!!! its ard shoulder length...
argh.... n my hair's soo curly now..
e rebonding effect's gone...
my mum ask if i wanna dye my hair...
but i told her tat im wanna dye when its nearer to new yr...
n my mama's kinda shock la.. she says its too early now to tink abt new yr..
yaya.. as if.. time flies~
there's superfunkies recording tis sat n sun... recording 2 epi each day..
not sure if we r gg.. kinda bored..
mayb we shall go n irritate ppl..
but.. we dun even noe if we hv any tixs...
dont even noe if e bear wans to give it to us... wonder how r we gg to take it frm him also..
submitted at 11:17 AM.
was browsing thrgh e whole afternoon....
all e stuffs there r jus soo cutie!!!
there's soo many new characters....
ok.. mayb im jus kinda outdated...
DL lotsa wallpapers frm there...
there's a section where u can read on e characters' bio.
im kinda curious how e ppl cum up wif e character's personalities.. hmm..
went n search if they r selling tat hello kitty necklace tat im hunting for..
they dont hv it... but i saw tis ring instead..

e necklace tat i wan is sumting like tat.. wif e outline of e hello kitty's head..
jus tat i wan it as a necklace... not a ring form...
tis ring is nice too actually..
was taking a nap jus now... n my eyes hurts when i wake up..
cnt really c clearly..
seems like there's a layer of thingy covering my pupil.. n my vision's blurred..
im gg to be blind soon...
luckily im feeling much betta now...
edited my blog jus now..
its seems more blinkie now huh...
heard tat xiao mei's cuming...
but all of us r not sure when.. we jus noe tat its sumwhere tis mth..
hahas.. tink he shld be cuming tis mon if we r not wrg...
we only noe stuffs abt eg larz.. n we dont even noe where shld we go to check his schedule..
toking abt eg.. ah di's back now.. cos he dont hv to serve NS anymore i tink...
mk's leaving now..
he's leaving to be a teacher n concentrate on mending his showbiz..
mk's e soul in eg.. cnt imagine eg w/o him...
but... we jus hv to face tis matter of fact..
no matter wads his decision.. we shall all respect it..
ok.. back on xiao mei...
i wanna c him!!!!!!
devils jus soo nice larz...
im soo slow can.. all of them had finished watching devils except mi...
i haven even finish DL-ing!!!
there's new shows out.. tink im only gg to DL tat xiao mei's show.. tat er nan blah blah blah...
xiao mei's jus soo shuai larz!!!
submitted at 2:10 AM.
wanted to customise my profile pg at friendster.. but.. im jus too lazy to do so...
kinda tired now.. feel like taking a nap..
slept only at 5.30am tis morn.. cos i was accompanying agnes to finish her blog stuffs..
n my mum woke mi up at 10am... =.=
less than 5 hrs of slp..
im jus too bored staying at hm..
feel like getting myself a job..
but... im again too lazy to hunt for it..
submitted at 2:01 PM.
okok... i gt lotsa ss stuffs to blog abt..
[23-08-2005]saw elvin ng tat day... e way he tok is really soo funni...
he hv prob bitting on e wrds i tink..
haha.. we jus kept laughing larz..
took a pic wif him.. n he stepped on my feet w/o realising it..
ok.. he explained tat he's nervous.. lol~
jus take a look at how hard we r laughing..
saw felicia after tat..
she's soo prettie...
waited n waited..
candyce came out quite early.. she've gt a new hairstyle.. soo cutie~
went radio gate.. leon n willam were at e gate there acc by a asst..
willam came out n left in a cab..
e asst brought leon back in again.. n he left later by dunno where..
darryl's 6991 came n fetched him..
sugie cabbed out n waved at us..
sum dunno who bo liao kia hide inside a cab.. n was spotted by all of us at e radio gate..
n e way he/she was hiding was jus soo funni.. was there a need to hide? dun tink so..
u were alrdy in e cab.. so no need to worry.. we wont gobble u up..
hrm.. tink we roughly guessed who's e one hiding la.. even bear tinks he's e one..
only ppl like tis particular ss contestant will do tis kinda stuffs..
wei jian n choong cabbed out too..
wei jian's jus soo cute wif his botak head larz..
wad a waste of our time waiting tat day.. all of em jus cabbed out.. argh..
sebas n silver seemed to disappear tat day..
entertainment of 23-08-2005.....
taahhh dahhhh!!!
reb's pokka dots pants n my pong pong skirt..
reb n mi hv such cool dress sense can..
n its a pity tat sum jus didnt noe how to appreciate it..
my skirt is jus soo honoured to get named after soo many things~
cloud, curry puff, ostrich, lantern....etc.. blah blah blah...
im sure there will be more names cuming up for it when i wear it e next time..
tat day was our soo called las day at mcs...
met reb n steph 1st n went far east..
cos sugie n candyce were doin sum shootings for superfunkies over there..
we were jus kinda suay.. cos they jus left when we reached..
cabbed dwn to mcs..
luckily all of em came out quite early tat day.. ard 10 plus..
sebas.. sign photos.. take photos.. crapped a bit..
okie.. sebas's tired of opening his mouth everytime he smiles... soo he've decided to close it now..
ok.. raymond came out halfway.. so all of us left sebas unwillingly n went over to raymond..
cos we've sumting impt to accomplish.. =P
only xiao zhu went dwn wif sebas... so she called n we tok to sebas over e phone.. lame huh..
crapped wif him for damn long... thks to eva n co who mobbed sandra n wendy..
hohoho.. i took a photo n autogrph wif sandra tat day..
was wearing my tat green mini cardign tat day..
n she asked if i like green.. she says she likes green...
ran back to raymond, sign photos n cont crapping..
oops.. he signed my name on pf's photo.. n he's soo gan chiong after he knew he signed wrgly..
we were kinda loud n e security started to kp..
argh.. mcs' securities n receptionist sucks..
sum security jus loves cuming out n off e tvs n air-cons.. leaving us suffocated at e reception..
n others loves cuming out n bark non-stop..
sum bloody receptionist can tell mi tat mcs hv gt no address when we wanna order mac delivery!! wtf.. no address?!!!!
go to hell!!! n leave us goin mediacorp ah caldecott~~ hahaha!!!
and sum others jus loves bad mouthing us to ppl of their same skin color.. pui!!!
ok.. back to raymond..
cont crapping wif him n finally......
mission accomplished!!!!
yeah yeah~!!
here's a sentence quoted frm agnes's blog:
"i told him.. the most i wont suan you of ur wallet which was bought from pasar malam alr lohs.den he ansed me... okie. i really bought from there jokingly."
tis is jus soo funni la.. but he's LV wallet is really pua pua..
tink raymond's really fortunate to meet us larz..
we taught him soo many things..
its us who taught him how to wave..
jus compared e raymond b4 n e raymond presently..
b4.. we tink he's dao n blah blah blah.. during tat imm event we chased n we kept waving n him n he didnt react.. he didnt even lift up his arms.. ok.. =.=
now... he's practically smiling and waving everytime..
woah.. we've done a great job..
while crapping halfway.. i saw sumting jus so familiar appearing infront of mi..
its da bear!!! n i jus waved hi to him infront of his face.. =X
he's tired tat day..
dog's trying to take e opportunity to try n sneak away..
but.. too bad he cnt..
there's 5 of us.. sum followed bear n sum followed dog.. clever us..
followed bear.. n crapped..
he told mi abt tat gzrys... ok.. truth revealed.. they r jus nobodys!
jus a bunch of freaks freaking e bear out..
she says she's in danger.. wth...
bear's soo poor thing.. he hv to walk a journey back hm when he paid for e cab.. haiz.. all gzry fault!
but its kinda good for him to do sum exercise at times...
walked up to radio gate...
gt to c jason.. he cabbed out.. wearing a cap.. looking dwn...
ignoring e fans..
wadever... he've changed...
who cares...
ok.. we cnt resist e temptation anymore..
went mcs again..
telling myself.. ok.. its e truely las time...
yaya.. who to lie.. there's still superfunkies...
willam's e 1st to cum..
stupid siam siam kia..
leon n sebas came together..
sebas's soo well dressed tat day.. new shoes summore...
agnes's such a smart ass.. she made her guess correctly...
they really noe how to choose e right time n venue...
leon wore our shirt again.. haha..
he alrdy knew tat we were e ones who gave tat to him..
he says he loves wearing it cos its comfortable.. n says thk u to us again..
welcum arz..
sugie, lijun came after tat..
raymond's e las to reach..
he's named lub sub king larz..
haven c tat shuai raymond who put on contacts n style his hair for a long time.. hahaz...
went j8.. then back to mcs...
waited for them to cum out n grab their bread like wad they did e day before..
but they didnt..
cos e bread machine's spoilt..
soo jus went hm after tat...
reference: agnes's blog..
hahaha... my memory isnt tat superb..
submitted at 12:16 AM.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
hur hurz..
jus anyhow did a new skin..
there's still sum editing tat nd to be done..
shall do it tml..
holiday's here...
jus finished my las paper ytd..
1 mth of holiday..tink of getting myself a job..
i wanna go shopping~~~~~~~!!!!!!!
betta go slp soon.. gotta wake up early later to go ah ma hse..
submitted at 3:00 AM.