Tuesday, February 28, 2006
jus sent an email to cherry wu..
hope everything is alright n goes on smoothly..
i tink its soo confusing to organise a spree..
so many orders to consolidate..
n e only way to organise them are to put them into a excel sheet..
im so not gd at it larz..
cos i was practically surfing web during every ITOS lesson..
n sy has to help mi to put them into excel sheet..
thks to her..
im only taking 11 items tis time round.. n i alrdy hv sum probs handling it...
went bugis in e morn to pray..
den shopped a while n returned hm..
was tired larz..
okie.. mk is alrdy in sg...
n sum1 is jus a asshole..
ma de..
gg for training tml 9-12 at pop HQ..
shall go out wif agnes n mayb jw after tat..
but nt sure if they wanna meet ard 12 plus..
im bored~~~
although i hv many things in mind to do..
submitted at 6:23 PM.
Monday, February 27, 2006
jus finished e las paper today..
soo happi.. =))
FOM today was alright..
went in e exam rm late.. we actually did tat on purpose..
cos we dun wan tat 10 mins reading time..
wanna use tat 10 mins to do sum las min chionging..
scribbled soo much stuffs in..
n my hand was soo tired after tat..
i even asked for another extra ans booklet..
went suntec jus nw to resign our contract..
din do any shopping.. cos e girls wanna go hm to play their maple..
nvm.. i shall watch enews now n organise spree later on..
i've lotsa stuffs in mind to do..
any1 interested in stuffs frm here?
Cherry Wuwanted to organise tis spree quite long ago..
but wasnt free tat time..
anyway.. many nice stuffs r gone alrdy..
tink its oos..
e jacket i wanted to gt its gone too..
nvm.. shall order sumting else..
submitted at 5:01 PM.
its a torture..
soo many pts to remb..
hrm.. im considering if i made e rite choice to chose EBM...
cos i tink i will be stucked studying all these stuffs for e next 2 yrs..
econ n stat..
nt yet done wif fom..
still studyin rite now..
its soo many things to study larz..
n i cnt remb anything tat i've studied now..
hope i will be able to recall everything tat i've studied during e paper tml..
jia you!!!
gotta sacrifice my slp time later..
submitted at 12:31 AM.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
i tink tis tego's song which is playing now is v nice..
he can sing v well~
$ sucker mk is cuming to town next week..
its like kinda sudd i tink..
he's gg to hv a stupid meaningless autogrph session for e caps!
n its gg to be held at e stupid NTUC building..
ma de..
tis is soo pathetic..
im nt gg to buy tat stupid-looking uselss cap.. rather spend my $ sum where else..
i tink mayb he suppose to cum to dicuss sum superband thingy n he decide to
suck sum $ back hm since he's alrdy here..
haha.. samm says he nd e $ to go fix his teeth..
gotta start studying FOM alrdy..
lotsa stuffs to memorise..
its only 1 paper left!
submitted at 11:20 PM.
Friday, February 24, 2006
^tegoshi's profile^Name : 手越祐也 / てごしゆや /TEGOSHI YUYA
Nicknames : Tegochan (school nickname), Yuya, Tegoshi-kun (jrs.),
Tessi (given by TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya), Tegorin (Koyama)
Tegonyan (Ryo), Tegochin (Yamapi), Goshi (Kusano)
<--wah.. lotsa nicknames arz...-->
Birthday : 1987 November 11
<--soo easy to remb.. 11/11-->
Hometown : Kanagawa
Family: father and mother, dog - "Teeny" (papillion)
Height : 167 cm
Weight : 53 kg
Foot size : 25.5 cm
<--its only 2cm longer den mine =p-->
Hand : right for writing, left for eating
School : Horikoshi Gakuen (high school), Waseda Daigaku (University-- studying Information Science)
Specialty : singing, soccer
Entered jrs : 2002 December 1
Joined Johnny's Jrs because he wanted to be like SMAP, so he
sent his application to the jimusho
Respected senpai: Kimura Takuya (because he is sugoi), Yamashita Tomohisa <--LOL??-->
Favorite direction : East
Favorite smell : sweet smell
Type of girl : kind, cute with a small face and large eyes. "around 140 cm is cutest"
Brief Intro: After being a Johnny's Jr for a mere ten months, he was selected to be put into Johnny's new group, NEWS, on September 15, 2003. None of the members but Massu knew who Tegoshi was at the time, and in the early stages of NEWS's formation, many people thought that Tegoshi neither belonged nor deserved to be in NEWS.
<--poor boy... ='(-->
However, his career and popularity took a huge turn in late 2004, when he was cast as the lead for the movie Shissou, becoming the first NEWS member to act in a movie. Since then, his acting experience has continued to grow with a series of mini-dramas and his first full drama, GACHIBAKA!, which he acted in with Massu.
Tegoshi's personality: He is very optimistic, always with a smile on his face. He is often treated as if he is the baby of NEWS, when really he is only the second youngest member (Kusano being the youngest). When NEWS guested on Domoto Kyodai (KinKi Kids's show) shortly after their debut, Tsuyoshi made up the "Tegoshi desu" pose as a "present" to Tegoshi. The explaination for this comes from a breakdown of Tegoshi's name: "te", meaning hand, and "goshi", meaning surpassing. Hence the pose that Tegoshi often uses and that we all know well: a hand near/in front of the face pose.Tegoshi loves music. He especially loves to sing and go to karaoke with Massu. He is very proud of his voice (with good reason), and has even mentioned before that he and Massu drink honey before shows to keep their voices in tip-top condition.
^Tegoshi's relationships wif NEWS members..^
MASUDA TAKAHISA: Massu and Tegoshi have been together since Tegoshi was still a jr (a year before NEWS's debut), and Massu was probably one of the only members who had actually heard of Tegoshi before the formation of the group. The two frequently go to karaoke together. Even though all the other members like to say that Massu was not funny and always stopped the conversation, Tegoshi always laughs at what Massu says. It was said in an interview (mid-2004) by some of the other members that Massu understands Tegoshi the most. Although the chemistry between all the members has grown since then, Massu is probably still the one who knows him best.
<--tego is soo entertaining.. can laugh at massu's joke.. ryo mus be e 1 saying tat its nt funni-->

YAMASHITA TOMOHISA: YamaPi and Tegoshi have a very cute kohai/senpai (junior/senior) relationship. Tegoshi really has a lot of admiration for Yamapi, and he has mentioned it in varies interviews and magazine articles. In Duet 12/04 he said that "Yamashita is like a god that I can talk to" and that P-chan bought him sunglasses that he always uses in his private time. ♥ (Once in a talk for a magazine, Shige told him to critique Yamapi's singing and Tegoshi's reaction was literally, "Criticize Yamapi!?" as if it was unheard of.
<--muahhahhaa.. wakakakkakka...!!! yamapi=god?!! LOL-->

NISHIKIDO RYO: Ryo is always giving Tegoshi special treatment. Whereas he likes to tease all the other NEWS members, when it comes to Tegoshi he is always saying things like "Tegoshi is so cute!" and "I really like Tegoshi!" According to Koyama on NEWS no Partytime (the NEWS radio show hosted by Koyama), Ryo kept saying "Tegoshi, I love you, I love you" during the NEWSnowCONCERTs. (Note: he used the phrase "aishiteru", which the Japanese almost never say unless in movies or song lyrics.) Koyama even said to Ryo, "You really want Tegoshi to be your girlfriend, don't you?" Ryo and Tegoshi have pet names for each other: "Ryo-tan" and "Tegonyan", which they call each other when they are high tension.
<--muahahhahaha.. ryo is soo kind towards tego..-->

UCHI HIROKI: Uchi said in NEWS NIPPON 0304 that he had no idea who Tegoshi was when NEWS was formed and was thinking things like "why do I have to take pictures with this kid?"
<--uchi was damn evil larz..-->

KOYAMA KEIICHIRO: Since Tegoshi is the newest to Johnny's out of all the members, Koyama looks out for him and corrects his mistakes, like the "big brother" type. According to Koyama's J-web, Tegoshi is always following him around, knocking on his door, or waking him up from a nap, wanting to know what Koyama is doing and if he would like to play. Koyama has said that sometimes Tegoshi is so sticky to him that he becomes irritated, but he can never stay long at Tegoshi for long with a smile like his. Koyama's nickname for Tegoshi is "Tegorin" (which his mother and Massu's mother also like to call him).
<--heeeez... tego can be irritating too-->

KATO SHIGEAKI: Since Tegoshi likes Shige's style, he will ask him to go shopping together. Shige says that he likes cute Tegoshi, and mentioned in the last broadcast of NEWS no Partytime (before it turned into K-chan NEWS) that if he could become another member of NEWS, he would be Tegoshi. Shige and Tegoshi have currently composed two songs together, "Over" and "gomibako". For these songs, Shige writes the music and plays the guitar while Tegoshi writes the lyrics and sings. <--music lovers~-->

KUSANO HIRONORI: Kusano and Tegoshi are the two youngest in NEWS. They both have a lot of... energy. ♥ When they are together, both of their tension raises incredibly because they don't want to lose to the other in who can be the most high. Recently, Tegoshi always called Kusano by the nickname "Notti".
<--how high can tego be? hrm..-->
heard tat uchi is cuming back alrdy..
but isnt it kinda late to cum back only now?
submitted at 9:37 PM.
wcd paper today was kinda tough i tink..
i tink i was quite lucky tat i din study tat much..
cos its a waste of brain cells..
there's too much to study frm e textbk..
n only a small part of it was tested..
those nt-so-impt parts..
went jp after tat for lunch..
had pizza hut..
ho.. e garlic bread was horrible..
it shld be butter bread huh..
luckily its free larz.. n we even gt 1 extra..
okie... having class chalet at e end of march..
most prob gg bahz..
hohoho.. cnt wait till sep!!
tis pf jus tempt us by telling us those info larz..
she went to do soo much research n all..
were soo excited toking abt it ytd..
n i simply gt no mood to study after tat..
hrm.. hopes we're really gg to make it tis time ard..
its ard 6 more mths to go?
i've decided to "play" today..
gg to watch sum shows later on..
hv to clear em alrdy..
5 more epis of kiss to go..
ko one epi 11,12
gachibaka~ scroll thrgh sum parts oni.. tegoshi is cute~!!!! =)))
boss... only at epi 1.. =.= 0.6~~~
mayb i shall DL ai sha 17 after im done wif kiss..
o.. there's still e 183 show.. haven started watching it yet.. nearly forgt abt it alrdy..
its time to organise those stuffs in my comp alrdy..
shall delete all those useless stuffs...
i've forgotten wad i order frm e sprees alrdy..
i tink i shall keep track of them e next time..
cos i've gt short memory..
blocked sum ppl at msn recently..
wonder where they gt my msn add frm..
i even hv weird flh's fans adding mi.. hurz..
n those frens-wannabe frm who lives near you..
its time to start saving~!!!!
yeah rite~~
submitted at 2:22 PM.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
hv to remove e mv cos e link seems to be removed alrdy..
wanted to upload it myself but koolpaged dun seems to support vids..
so.. i changed to e song instead..
but e song dun seems to be playing now..
DBMS paper was quite alright..
hrm.. managable~
napped too long jus nw..
slept for like 4 hrs?!!!
was kinda worried for WCD tml..
soo many codes to remember..
lotsa theory oso..
y isnt it a open bk test?
2 more papers to go...
jia you~!!!!!
cnt wait till exam is over..
submitted at 7:23 PM.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
finally gt to DL e vid of las week's auto..
cnt wait to c it cos they danced during las week's event!
they cnt dance larz..
da dong n ya lun were trying to 耍帥 n act cool larz..
e dance is kinda weird..
n there's a part where they hv to 扭 abit..
e way ya lun 扭 is soo funni..
kinda 娘 larz..
e others oso nv 扭 till so weird.. only him..
tis da dong really gei gao..
sing halfway still mus squat dwn one..
submitted at 1:23 PM.
he's soo cute n shuai inside e mv larz..
all of em agreed wif mi alrdy..
still remb those times when we're soo crazy over wang shuai..
xiao le is e only 1 we all agreed on on his looks..
n im e only 1 who likes 0.6 alot..
while jw likes shan , fa tiao..
agnes-- fa tiao..
n there's still pei fen "le".. lol..
saw sum ppl crazying over 0.6 recently..
er hrm..
knew 0.6 for like few yrs alrdy..
n o ya.. im rite..
0.6 is shark's fren..
shark has lotsa shuai frens ar..
there's yu zhe n 0.6..
but tink he noes 0.6 quite long alrdy...
agnes jus told mi tat boss hv 60 epis~!!
hahaa.. im only at epi 1 now..
oh.. my asshole bro told my mummy tat its soo dangerous Dl-ing nowadays..
n my mummy warned mi nt to DL any shows anymore larz..
she says she will subscribe more SCV chns for mi to watch..
mummy.. those shows cnt be found at any SCV chns larz..
submitted at 1:31 AM.
hurz.. acc's paper jus nw was quite tough i tink..
din noe how to do e suspense acc Q n e Q on debtors n creditor control..
there goes my A~~~
anyway, hope i can score well~!
went clementi for dinner after e paper..
chatted till 10pm..
saw xue ping at busstop n chatted for a while too...
cnt use renu contact lens solution alrdy..
its reported tat out of 19 ppl who suffered eye infection..
18 of em use renu contacts solution..
ma de..
i've been using it for like 3 yrs alrdy..
n my mama is soo gan chiong abt it.. kept asking mi to throw my solution away..
luckily my solution is abt to finish alrdy.. ard 1/4 left i tink..
gg to gt new solution tml~
oh yess...
i received my letter telling tat im awarded e 1K bursary~!
submitted at 12:10 AM.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
ok.. its soo tempting..
n i jus cnt stop ordering stuffs frm sprees..
jus ordered a tinkerbell belly earrings jus nw..
bought it cos its selling much more cheaper den maple syrup..
n now.. im ordering stuffs frm lip smackers..
omg.. its soo tempting to get everything there..
http://www.colorandflavorshop.com/index2.htmljus take a look..
soo many diff flavours of lip blam n gloss..
M&M, skittles, starbrust n etc...
sy is organising it larz..
tat means i save on e postage fee..
its soo hard choosing.. furthermore, im suffering frm choosing disorder rite now..
i can foresee tat im goin to order lotsa clothes frm jia n cherry wu after exams..
cos sy n i will be organising sprees frm jia n cherry wu..
i mus start saving..
can predict tat im gg to get scolding frm my mama when she sees those stuffs in e letter box..
haven took out my fox stuffs n hang in it my wardrobe..
fell alslp jus nw while studying for accs..
i nd sum red bull~~~
submitted at 11:25 PM.
jus back frm ah ma's hse..
went there for 2 consecutive days alrdy..
came hm frm there ytd n gt to noe tat charmaine came ah ma hse alrdy..
decided to go ah ma hse today again cos haven c charmaine for quite sum time..
brought her to LOT 1 for shopping...
i bought a pants frm IP zone..
i wanna gt mascara.. but dunno which 1 shld i gt..
shld i gt e 1 frm jap, loreal or maybelline?
e jap 1 is e soo called voted no 1 best mascara..
loreal is giving away free eye n lip make-up remover for any mascara purchased..
maybelline hv gt many colors.. n its having $2 off now..
cnt decide which one to get..
i tink im having sum choosing disorder alrdy..
ya.. n i took soo long to choose a box of plasters jus now..
acc paper tml..
i betta start studying n dun surf e net anymore..
submitted at 4:15 PM.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
sounds soo horrible..
its soo weird for yamapi to join in now larz..
he betta dun..
i tink they shld form a smaller grp instead..
if yamapi is to join kat-tun den we can say bye bye to NEWS alrdy..
n how abt tego, massu, koyama n shige?
are they gg to eat grass? or cont acting?
ryo can happily jus stay in kanjani larz..
when is uchi n kusano cuming back?...
nt soo soon i guess..
cnt NEWS jus cont wif their wrk w/o kusano?
heard frm samm tat yamapi gt mocked at for nt able to take care of e grp larz..
oh.. its as if yamapi's fault..
but i tink yamapi wont mind joinin kat tun since there's jin to keep him company..
submitted at 11:47 PM.
went je wif zx after sch...
had lunch.. went library to slack after lunch..
cos my mama wasnt ready yet..
nearly fell alslp on e cozy couch while reading readers digest...
waited for my mama at je control station..
went city hall..
raffles city shopping centre..
wanted to go there n play wif tat huge dog.. but e booth wasnt there more..
mummy n i bought a top each frm espirt.. i bought a cami~
went topshop.. bought my flare skirt there..
luckily i din gt it las week.. cos there were having only 50% sales las week..
n there's final reduction till 70% off now~!!
gt e orange-brown one.. wanted to gt purple.. but no more sizes alrdy..
went ebase.. luckily i din gt any clothes frm there las week..
cos they r having sum final reduction now oso..
much cheaper den e price las week...
ahrm..n.. those ppl frm ebase garage r v free i tink...
o ya.. n ebase reminds mi of e shoes i bought frm there las week..
oh dear.. i've phobia of wearing it again e 2nd time..
cos it gave mi blisters when i wore it e 1st time... lotsa blisters ard my feets larz..
n it burst lar..
damn painful..
my mummy asure mi tat it will be fine after i wax it..
hope soo larz..
so else it will be a complete waste of my $ buying tat shoes..
anyway, we had dinner at jp..
saw xi hong at jp.. he kinda dun recognise mi alrdy...
tink i betta dun go out these few days..
cos there's sales everywhere..
n im kinda tempted to grab everything tats cheap..
i shld stay at hm n study~!!!!
accounts paper on mon!!!
jia you~!!!
submitted at 12:12 AM.
Friday, February 17, 2006
finally gt to noe all their names alrdy...
okie larz..
i noe im slow..
i only knew yamashita frm e start..
n sum of their faces.. but i jus cnt remb their names..
tegoshi is cute~!!!!! =D
he looks much betta now as compared to how he looked las time..
n he's smart~~~~
too bad..
they're gg to get suspended alrdy..
ard may i tink..
n its kusano's fault.. doin those kinda bu yao lian stuffs in e public..
they're gg to release a single soon in mar..
kat tun's gg to release album like finally after 5 yrs in mar oso..
kinda addicted wif all these jappy stuffs nowadays..
distraction again..
i tink 0.6 looks a bit like kusano..
(dun kill mi >//<)
submitted at 1:27 AM.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
joined too many sprees recently...
1 birkenstock
5 items frm 2 elf sprees
2 tops frm VIP tw spree
1 earrings frm maple syrup
2 charms frm asos spree tat i jus ordered..
wanted to order a ON skirt in e afternoon..
luckily e spree closed when i was jus abt to order..
non of e above stuffs arrived alrdy..
but elf stuffs n birkenstock r gg to arrive v soon i tink..
shld be ok by next week..
meaning i hv to pay sy e $ for e stuffs next week..
i tink i betta nt order any more stuffs frm maple syrup next time..
cos its quite exp after all..
n sy told mi e earrings i ordered looks like pineapple..
wah piang.. i betta start being thrifty alrdy larz..
comp is really a distraction..
sumone frm aio kept telling mi all e gd points abt tw..
e weather, long holidays they hv n blah blah..
n asked mi to move over larz..
i asked him to pay for my air tixs den i will consider..
n he says im bullying him..
si ah gua~
submitted at 10:27 PM.
tis stupid sun ho went to create tis dumbo o school shitty thingy..
teaching ppl those hip hop stuffs larz..
damn knn..
n they r even helping showbiz to sell their caps here in sg..
damn shit ass..
niu nai.. r u soo in need of $?
ma de...
tis stupid kazuya msg mi in aio larz..
he asked wad m i doin for v day..
i replied saying i hv nth on n im stayin at hm larz..
saw his reply jus now..
saying tat im a 傻瓜 larz..
damn pissed..
ma de..
im gg to shoot him back alrdy..
submitted at 1:08 PM.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
i tink e chorus part of tis song sounds familiar..
sounds like sum chinese song i tink..
its e tong xin yuan song if im nt wrg..
watched e shopaholic movie jus now..
kinda lame larz...
i tink i betta start my revision alrdy...
submitted at 5:19 PM.
finished watching nobuta at last....
its soo nice~ n funni..
all thks to yamapi who made e show funni larz..
he n his actions.. esp tat hand sign.. hahhaz..
its heart-rending towards e end.. felt so much like tearing cos its soo touching..
get to c e strong bond between e 3 of em..
n its kinda pity tat kazuya jus has to part them cos he's moving..
was surprised tat yamapi actually transferred to e same sch as kazuya..!!!
so nobuta was left alone at e roof top of their previous sch..
so was e gai zhao a success?
i tink so larz.. cos nobuta managed to gained sum fame towards e end..
i tink sum of e stuffs they mentioned in e show is quite true after all..
more jap shows pls~~~
submitted at 2:37 AM.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
i tink i jus wasted my weekend..
din accomplish any stuffs i planned initially..
went for job interview after sch on thur..
n shopped after tat.. bought e stick eye shadow frm face shop...
FRI.. went pop's HQ for interview b4 DBMS lesson in e morn..
acc zx to creative after sch..
SAT.. went out wif KL, LT n SY..
met linda for a short while at jp..
went bugis.. bought my aeropostale polo tee..
walked to marina sq, drank mcafe~ sy's treat..
shopped ard..
went outside marina to view e fireworks at ard 9.30 sharp..
woooo.. its soo beautiful~~
but only lasted for 3 mins larz..
walked to suntec after tat..
went fox.. wanted to get my cardign..
but im still deciding.. cos its cheaper to gt 3 pcs of clothes..
but we cnt find any stuffs to buy alrdy..
decided to buy e next time..
so travelled hm after tat..
saw fucai on e train.. chatted...
went back jp..
i nd to go transfer $.. so went to atm machine..
sy spotted a bangala wrk permit on e floor..
tink e bangala jus dropped it..
we went nearby to search for e bangala.. but its soo hard larz..
cos we hv to admit tat they all look e same..
decided to pass e cards to jp's security instead..
took us quite sum time searching e security..
went 7-11 to buy sum snacks after tat.. fucai's treat tis time ard..
heeeee... =P
reached hm at ard 12 plus..
was soo tired tat i fell alslp while waiting for Internet explorer to load..
went suntec today cos we nd to go back to e agent to sign our contract..
brought agnes,jw n sy along.. n they asked their frens along oso..
seems like a class excursion.. hahhaa..
argh.. e agent told them they will most prob wrk as cashiers..kns...
shopped ard after tat..
agnes, jw n their fren left 1st..
went osmose n bought my formal blouse.. cos they r having 50% storewide sales..
its only $14.50 after discount.. =)
sy's frens left after tat..
went marche for lunch.. ate crepes n rosti..
tink e crepes is getting more exp.. n e rosti is kinda eek...
wanted to stayed till 9.30 to watch e firewrks.. but there's still much time left..
decided nt to catch e firewrks alrdy.. since im having test tml oso..
so cont shopping..
went ebase.. bought a pair of shoes.. $16.50 only..
cos there's 50% storewide sales.. heee..
luckily there's still my size left..
looked for fucai n gt discount coupons frm him..
went hm after tat..
haven studied for my CRS tml..
we hv to write argumentive essay..
n my eng sucks..
i hv gt no idea wad to write for tml..
all e best to myself..
jus ordered a pair of earrings frm maple syrup..
OMG.. i betta stop spending alrdy..
i still hv to pay for my birkenstock..
submitted at 10:32 PM.
Friday, February 10, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/?v=QCg98Us98Awwatched tis WAT's performance together wif ps while waiting for our WCD interview today..
muahhaa.. soo funni..
they sang halfway n e mic stand jus toppled!!!
hahhaa.. they laughed n cont singing although we cnt hear any sound..
sum helpers came n set e mic back for them...
teppei is sooo cute~~~
e other guy is nt bad tooo.. looks like mix blood..
they r like forever smiling..
cute!!!!!! =D
submitted at 12:11 AM.
Thursday, February 09, 2006

saw tis at AIO while im searching for eye candies~~
its hilarious larz...
wads tis expression?
tink its 2006 年春天不可不學的表情~~!!!
saw jin look alike at AIO, n oso a guy who looks a bit like xiao ba...
submitted at 1:56 AM.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
tis post is for anonymous n those who r interested in online shopping~!
livejournal's community--
http://community.livejournal.com/sgspree/http://community.livejournal.com/_spreee/these are sprees' community..
people organise sprees frm a particular web n u participate in them..
for eg. one can organise a birkenstock spree n u can participate if u wanna get sumting frm there..
e purpose of having a spree is to gt bulk orders soo e shipping will be cheaper for everyone as its divided among all those spreeers-people who participate in sprees..
e spree organiser will take n place orders for those who r interested...
so if u order sumting frm e spree, u r suppose to transfer e $ for e stuffs u order to e organiser..
den e organiser will place order for ur stuffs..
e stuffs will arrive at e organiser's hse..
n she will den post e items u ordered to u..
hope my explanation is clear enough~
u can also buy stuffs frm e web itself...
here's sum of those webbiez selling nice stuffs...
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=cherrywu0612911&u=%3acherrywu0612911http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=f33775jia&u=:f33775jia&clf=7http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=d911025&u=%3ad911025all these r frm tw yahoo auctions..
u can search more frm there!
i personally loves e stuffs frm these tw webs.. cos its cheap + nice!
e payment methods varies..
sum accept concealed cash, sum dont..
most uses paypal or ezpay..
yap.. so be sure to read all those ordering details frm e web b4 buying..
u can judge e seller's efficiency frm e feedback frm its buyers..
submitted at 10:13 PM.
finally uds y they like kame soo much after watching tis vid...
http://www.youtube.com/?v=njocPL6wvk8he looks kinda cute when he forgot his lines...
hehehe.. =P
n look how paiseh he was at e end of e song..
yamapi was laughing at him larz...
but i still prefer yamapi, of cos..
love e song seishun amigo... tink its young fren in english if im nt wrg..
NICE song~
there's soo many versions of their performances..
was soo occupied ytd watching all these vids frm youtube..
hehehe.. n i din study for my gems test..
studied it only today..
e test was ok larz.. din noe sum questions.. so jus tikum..
hahha.. e test was quite lame..
there's a feedback for us to do at e end of e test.. n e feedback its like 10 marks larz..
its like give away marks...
finally noe our marks for our las test..
scored 30 out of 40..
ok larz..
went out wif zx,eileen,jq n ck after gems..
went city hall..
saw nice heels frm charles n keith.. but they dun hv my size anymore..
its e las pc n its spoilt..
went marina sq.. saw superhosts shooting sum stuffs over there..
wow.. li teng's make up is kinda thick..
but i tink he's still e best looking among all..
soo tempted to buy clothes..
ebase is having 50% sales on most of their things..
saw nice stuffs today..
wanted to try.. but kinda ps larz.. cos they're waiting for mi..
shall go back another day..
gg for e job's interview tml after our WCD proj interview..
okie.. shall go hunt for e heels tml..
hope there's still stock for mi~!
submitted at 9:18 PM.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
tis girl came n add mi in msn..
she's a flh's fan frm shanghai...
asked her where she gt my msn add frm.. she said frm 八大web where i liu yan..
hrm.. did i?
cnt remb myself gg there to liu yan..
she told mi her fav flh's member is chen yi ru..
lol.. she likes e one i hate most...
whee.. all of us will be occupied during e holidays alrdy..
eileen intro e whole class a job..
tink we're wrking at a book fair at expo.. doin sum retailing stuffs larz..
$5/hr.. but food provided..
was actually considering it at 1st.. cos its like soo far la.. expo.. n e pay nt tat high i tink..
but i tink its still betta to go out to wrk n earn sum pocket $ durin e holidays den nua-ing at hm..
n i tink 3/4 of e class is wrking oso..
yeah~!!! ^.^
hope its gg to be FUN~~~
submitted at 8:13 PM.

received sms frm agnes jus now during FOM..
she told mi yu zhe replied my msg at aio!!!
hurry log in my acc b4 FOM presentation starts..
cos i cnt wait to c it..
too excited alrdy..
knn.. he copy n paste his reply larz..
cos he replied another girl e same one.. n he didnt put as qiao qiao hua..
but betta den nth larz..
lol.. =P
im suspecting tat e person reply isnt him larz..
tink its shark.. muahahha.. otherwise known as xie he xuan..
went to my "old frens" boards to msg them ytd..
found out tat many had closed their boards alrdy..
proves tat aio-ing is really sianz as time goes by larz..
wonder how long will i play tis time ard b4 i gt sicked of it..
a week? 1 mth?
no idea.. we shall c...
yu zhe has e habit of using back e emotion e person used to reply him/her...
kinda bo liaoz lar...
hrm... e emotion he used to reply mi is e same as mine when i c frm his board..
but its diff when i view his reply at my own board..
dunno y..
FOM presentation was quite ok today...
our grp scored quite well.. =)
all our hardwrk paid off larz... heeez..
took class photo after presentation..
tis is e 2nd time we're taking class photo..
cos we belong to both sch of business & ICT..
so we hv to take one for SB n another one for ICT..
bo liao larz..
n e venue was as kns as before..
infact e one b4 was betta larz..
we took it at e stairs connecting e 2 blks together..
oh.. its soo sunny lar.. we cnt even open our eyes under e sorching sun..
kns.. n e person took e photo frm e top.. meaning we hv to face e sun to take e pic..which is even worst...
ma de.. n e person asked us to take e pics all over again when we're all perspiring like mad alrdy..
heard tat e yr book isnt a book after all..
tink its a cd-rom..
ma de.. we paid $8 if im nt wrg for a cd-rom?
if we knew earlier,
we shall all share n jus buy 1 den..
knn.. having gems test tml..
n i dun even noe wad topic will be tested..
emailed e lecturer on sun n she haven replied mi yet..
dead alrdy..
dunno which topics to study...
luckily its all MCQs..
off to aio-ing..
oh.. kinda addicted alrdy..
submitted at 7:32 PM.
Monday, February 06, 2006
soo boring..
having CRS lesson rite now...
shitz... e teacher is toking abt essay writing n stuffs..
agnes n i r back to playing AIO...
remb how addicted we're over it las time..which is like 7 mths ago?
i tink its sum where during e O-levels break..
we slept only like 5 in e morn jus to play AIO n reply all those silly msgs..
AIO changed a lot alrdy..
new features n stuffs..
hv to gt use to it..
wah piang.. no privacy now n cnt spy on ppl anymore..
lesson gg to end soon...
im gg hm to play AIO~~~
hope it wont be laggy later on..
submitted at 2:50 PM.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
標 題:Answer....
發 表 人:chun(gohkiatchun)
發表時間:2006/01/24 13:49:18
Yes...i did fully go through 東京茱麗葉漫畫.I really love FASHION and i like the story very much as there are a lot of things happening from beginning til the end.
When I am stressed, i will go eat something nice (especially cakes) because Eating makes me forget about my stress. I also work out to reduce stress and keep myself Fit and Healthy! Singing and Listening to music is another method for me to reduce my stress! Do anything you want BUT just don't do anything bad like drinking alcohol or smoking, ok?
Regarding what kind of girl i like.....Actually,i dont mind about the personality or looks! When you like someone, what matters most is the 'FEEL'... Something that is hard to explain...hahaa!
Yes, I was doing modelling in singapore for a month and i really like the place... I love everything about singapore....It's clean, convenient and the food is so nice too!
Taiwan is different...I find living in taiwan a lot more stressful...maybe because of my job and the working environment! Everything is so fast here but one thing good is i get to IMPROVE quicker as well..hahaa!Food here is wonderful...So many varieties and so delicious!
i tink its v funni.. esp e part abt dont drink alcohol or smoke...
he sounds like a old man larz..
標 題:YES...Its finally over!
發 表 人:chun(gohkiatchun)
發表時間:2006/01/24 13:26:21
Dear supporters,
There is something really happy that i want to share with all of you...
We finished filming 東 方 茱 麗 葉 last night and the celebration dinner is really wonderful!!!
After 7 months of hard work, it is finally over!All the crews has spent a lot of time,effort and money on this movie and its indeed a very interesting and exciting drama which i hope all of you will fully support us towards the end :-)
Honestly,it has been really stressful for me as life in taiwan is not like Brunei...Culture and working atmosphere is totally different.Besides that, Family and friends are not beside me so its really challenging for me everyday!I am so glad its not over and as a freshman, i really learn a lot!
I will be going back to Brunei today and will be back again for our autograph session on the 11th Feb!
Lastly, with the support from all of you...its really worth sacrifice and i promise to work harder and not let you all down!
Remember to Study Hard ok...EDUCATION IS EVERYTHING!!!
Talk to you guys soon....Take care!
haha.. he really sounds like a ah pek larx...
submitted at 2:05 PM.
標 題:東龍東強~~新的一年 大東許願希望世界繼續和平 家長都很辛苦地
發 表 人:粉紅芭比(strawberrysmilk)
發表時間:2006/02/01 22:52:08
很開心的迎接2006年 因為有了大家的陪伴
最近的惡作劇之吻 讓大東 有感
平順好像也沒捨麼不好 但 上帝 好像偏要曲折的安排
才會有那麼許多的惡作劇 不是嗎 是驚喜 和意想不到滴
一年 兩年 五年 或 七年
每天 每秒 都在上演著
失去了才會深刻的體認 原來 是這麼的需要對方嗎
值著的愛情 要的 是捨麼呢 他給的好 妳給的幸福 或是一份說不出的感覺
所以往往 孩子 別想太多 跟著感覺走吧
不在乎結果的過程 是最可貴的 因為跌捯與挫折
有時候就是一股傻勁的往前衝 到時候卻有著更意想不到的美妙火花
在這一兩年 發生了很多事 許多回憶 和無限的寄託
也因為惡作劇之吻 讓原本熱愛音樂的大東 也深深愛上了戲劇
感恩幕後大恩師 瞿導 可愛的維尼 哈ㄏ
當然終極一班就更不用說 因為那是大東帥氣又豪氣的喜愛作品喔
拍攝起然雖然吃力 用力 辛苦 流汗 受凍 哈 不過 這麼做
都是希望最後 能讓你們 慧心的一笑拉
因為最後的成果 都是讓人感動
大東很喜歡終極一班的感覺 因為 可能跟大東玩樂團有關巴
吉他 BASS 主唱 鼓手 才能呈現 好的音樂
團體 飛輪海 溫暖 熱情 憂鬱 酷 ~~~!!!
班級 汪大東 王亞瑟 丁小雨 堂禹哲 鯊魚 技安 金寶三 斧頭 小辣 豬皮 煞姊 安琪 桃子 琳達
每個人 在自己個崗位上 都是那麼的切一不可 每個人都是那麼的獨一無二
也希望在未來的日子 大家 也是都一直手簽著手 心連著心 的 繼續支持我們
就是往前衝~~~~~~~~~~~~~呼呼~~ 向前走八~~~~各位 !!!
也祝大家在新的一年 身體健康 事事順心喔 狗年汪汪來!! 好運狗狗狗!!!加油!!
真的謝謝你們 一值陪伴著大東 飛輪海 和終極一班 在未來的日子 也會很努力 很努力
你們 和大東 也要一起保重好身體 這樣才能實現更多的願望喔!!!!
2006 2.1 大東
東龍東強- tryin to be creative huh..
he seems v high in his liu yan.. esp e las 2 para..
his email is sooo girly la.. wad strawberrysmilk...
argh.. hv to travel to orchard to xchange my skirt later on..
nt feeling well now..
n e lab is soo damn cold...
im freezing~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
submitted at 1:41 PM.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
eg on enews rite now..
kunda is soo soo shuai!!!
his hair is v nice~!!!
i tink he looks fairer n put on a bit weight alrdy..
but he's still soo shuai~~~
even my mummy says he's soo shuai now.. unlike e other 2.. =x
kunda kunda kunda.....
tink they r preparing for their new album alrdy..
off to watch enews alrdy...
submitted at 11:28 PM.
gems is soo boring today..
hrm.. its actually boring every week..
i've gt no frens at my gems class at all.. T.T
having our gems' test next week alrdy..
dumb.. we haven even got back our las test paper which we took like 2 mths ago..
duhz.. e teacher is soo slow~~~~
met agnes after gems..
wanted to go cine to watch i nt stupid too.. but all e seats left r kns.. n e next slot is at 8.45pm which is like so late alrdy..
decided to go lido to watch instead..
went taka 1st to gt my fox stuffs..
gt 2 skirts n a jacket... agnes n i both gt e same jacket..
was searching for tat bottom i like a lot.. asked e salesgirl n she says tat pants is new arrival so nt on sales.. ><
jacket.. oh.. i gt a jacket AGAIN.. gt 2 jackets in 2 days..
i betta stop buying jackets alrdy!!!
went far east's ljs for dinner after getting our tixs frm lido..
ma de.. 3 ah bengs occupied e table beside us when we were eating halfway..
soo damn noisy.. bth..
feel like asking dem to shut up..
one of them even hv blasting ring tone la..
i tink its like vol 11..
soo duper loud.. attention seekers..
e movie theatre is soo small n pathtic..
there's only 2 cols of rows.. n no steps at all..
i nt stupid too is nt bad larz.. quite funni..
n kinda touching too i tink.. saw sum ppl tearing..
went hm after tat...
ma de.. jus found out tat 1 of e button of my skirt is missing..
kns.. fox stuffs is soo lousy..
hv to travel dwn tml to exchange again..
they betta hv my size for mi to do exchange..
submitted at 10:39 PM.