was actually watching stand up jus now..
decided to tune in to enews for a short while..
n soo gang qiao they were playing kat-tun's news..
they were having sum interview at a cd shop and promoting on their new album..
this koki said he hopes every fan can learn real face's dance steps..
frm e ki ni ki ni part.. hahaha..
kame n ueda remained slient thrgh out e interview.. din speak a wrd at all..
koki talked most...
watched fashion walker jus now too..
wei lun was e guest..
she brought all along many of her own DIY stuffs to e show..
tink she jus released a book on beauty or wad..
n yeps.. she brought her robot necklace too..
she said its actually a key chain frm jap n she made it to a necklace..
tried using other domains to upload those jap songs n it din wrk oso...
shall figure it out later on..
off to watch tv...
submitted at 9:22 PM.
im irritated..
cos dunno y.. i dun seems to be able to upload jap songs to koolpages..
tried many times wif many diff songs n still cnt!!!
n my comp is giving mi sum probs recently..
it sumtimes cnt right click out of e sudd..
n sumtimes e internet explorer tat i open has a bar missing..
e bar wif file all tat..
duno wads e prob wif it lar..
i tink i betta save up my stuffs jus in case my comp jus stop wrking suddenly..
hope tis wont happen..
cos i still hv a lot of shows nt watched yet...
off to look for betta webbie to upload my songs..
submitted at 8:31 PM.
happened to browse someone's blog n saw sumting abt NEWS concert..
i tink its quite funni lar..
1st abt their concert merchandise...
one of their concert goods is a towel.. n they were discussing whether to hv their own pics printed on it..
massu wants it to be printed..
n yamapi disagrees wif it.. cos he doesnt like his face to be used to dry various body parts.
yamapi said after the towels are washed in the washing machine they would all look stupid.
n Massu did a washing machine towel imitation.
HAHHAA.. wth is pi tinking... i tink he has a v weird way of thinking lar..
2nd.. abt shige..
hahaa... shige is damn hum ji...
Pi and ryo are staying in the same room and they called Koyama over. Koyama fell asleep, so Pi used Koyama's hp to call Shige. Shige picked up the phone n he was speaking in a completely different tone and voice tat pi is accustomed to. Pi told Shige to come over and Shige kept asking: "Where's boss? Where's boss?"
n guess who's e boss shige is referring to..
its RYO lar..
kns.. hum ji kia.. soo scared of ryo lar...
hahhahaa... bth..
3rd..abt tego..
tink he announced during e con tat he's fav song is love song..
OMG.. he really loves pi too much.. far too much...!!!
im beginning to wonder which gender he's interested in.... hrmmmm...
4th.. abt ryo..
i tink there's a part during e con when ryo was taking off his own pants.. n tis kpo pi wanna protect him so he helped him to cover lar.. but tis ryo din appreciate pi's help n pushed his hands away..
and there's a part when ryo n pi were supposed to host.. n ryo sudd stopped talking n paused for a short while.. pi was shocked he tot issit like nt e time for them to tok yet.. den tis ryo started screaming n runnin ard.. jus becos he saw a bug i tink..
i tink sum fans threw those concert stuffs along e aisles n i tink pi kept picking up those stuffs n return to them..
too free issit??!!
n ryo asked him to stop..
i tink its quite touching when they said these towards e ending..
yamapi: When we’ve become more mature and return, please warmly welcome us back. Koyama: We will definitely come back to Nagoya, please wait for us.
pls hurry cum back...
nvm.. there's still Kurosagi to look forward to..
n i tink koyama will be guest starring in epi 2..
haha.. i saw sumting funni e person blogged abt..
she's tinking if sum of them are still a virgin n wad age they lost their virginity..
her guess was..
Toma - 19
Ryotaro - 17
BakaJin - 18
Kame - now if someone were to tell me that this guy is still one, i wouldn't be shocked. im not exactly certain why. Kame just gives me the impression that he has a general lack of interest in women.
as for the rest of NEWS, K8 and KAT-TUN, no...i dont think any of them are still virgins, not even Tego. when i look at Tego's photo shoots, honestly, the kind of confidence and sexiness he exudes, i think they definitely come from certain...experiences.
hahhaaa... many ppl commented on her entry..
btw, i tink kame isnt virgin anymore.. cos i tink he's always seen wif sum girls or wad.. read it on u weekly i tink..
sum stuffs tat ppl commented were quite funni..
sum said jin must hv lost it at ard age of 14.. hahaa..
sumone said tis..
"a few weeks ago, i was pondering about how Johnny's is able to control the sexual urges of their boys. i mean they're all at the prime of their age AND they're all boys. not to mention, they're not allowed to have partners, and of course they surely CANNOT be seen picking up girls. i wonder if johnny's periodically *helps* them ease their sexual tendencies. heeheehee~ XD"
..quite true..
haha.. n sumbody said tat massu never had gf n shige seems to hv lotsa morals so both of them are prob virgins.. lol..
ryo is prob a virgin too cos he's a workaholic he has gt no time for it..
shall go read pi's blog now..
yawns.. quite sleepy alrdy...~
submitted at 2:30 AM.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
was told tat timetable is out alrdy..
quite eager to noe my class.. cos there's only like 4 girls frm our class choosing EBM..
so we were actually quite worried tat we wont gt into e same class..
only eileen n mi gt into e same class.. DBIT/2A/12
suet is in class 14.. nt sure abt goldie though..
tot we will all be in e same class.. =(
those who choose EBT managed to gt into e same class unlike us.. =(((
soo sad...~
anyway, i tink next sem is gg to be quite slack..
cos there's only 4 days of sch.. YEAHS!!! =)))
mon -> 9am - 3pm
tue -> 9am - 5pm (2 hrs break in between)
wed -> no class ;))))
thur -> 10am - 5pm
fri -> 8am - 12noon
im quite satisfied wif e timetable.. but i tink e 2 hrs break is redundant..
i tink i shall choose my gems to be on either tue or thur..
hv no idea wad gems to choose yet..
jus finished watching yu bai nt long ago..
agnes asked mi to watch it cos xiao zhu called out to kunda during e show..
went jp jus now wif mummy..
i jus came hm after chalet n mummy asked mi to go out again..
cos she wanna go exchange her sports shoes..
wanted to gt sumting frm watsons but mummy was in a hurry to go bank..
applied for e new posb card alrdy.. but i will only gt it like 3-5 days later..
cos i din bring my atm card wif mi jus now..
but tis card tat im getting now cnt be used for online purchasing.. =(
grandma's gg for operation tml.. hope she's gg to be fine..
ya.. so mummy will be quite busy e next few days cos she has to take care my grandma..
meaning i will be home alone..
cos bro is staying over at my cousin's hse..
my mummy asked mi to go over my grandma hse to stay wif my cousins but i dun tink i want to..
cos i cnt bear to leave my comp..
although there's comp over there too.. i still wanna watch my shows..
shall blog abt chalet later on...
submitted at 6:11 AM.
okie.. tis will be my last entry b4 im heading to chalet tml (later in fact)..
haven packed my bag yet..
kinda sian... cos i jus hates to pack n den unpack later on..
its a chore..
gg to stay for 3 days n 2 nites at aloha pasir ris..
hrm.. no comp for 2 days?? ARGH... its a toture..~
hope tat there's gg to be sum entertainment ard..
cos e place is quite big.. 2 storey high wif 4 rms n a kitchen if im nt wrg..
n there's only less den 20 of us lar.. 10 only i tink..
so can actually imagine tat its gg to be quite empty lar..
meeting eileen 1.45pm at je tml to travel to pasir ris..
hrm.. tink i shall watch a epi of boss den do a bit of packing n head for bed..
oh.. btw.. i watched a epi of stand up jus now..
digusted.. kns.. i wonder who came up wif tis show lar..
e person mind mus be v yellow...
i tink i will cont watching it cos i wanna c yamapi's butt..
hahahhaa.. wonder which epi will it appear in..
but i really kinda cnt stand e stry line..
off to watch boss..
i will be back 2 days later..
submitted at 2:06 AM.
mummy woke mi up at ard 8 in e morn..
went ah ma hse.. was damn tired lar..
so i fell alslp while they were preparing to go shao mu..
heard tat they had a hard time waking mi up..
therefore i din realise they actually went shao mu w/o mi..
nvm.. at least i hv enough slp now..
brought my little cousin to lot 1 after tat..
its like a routine on every weekend alrdy..
gt my neutrogena make up remover..
nth much..
i feel like getting a guess watch.. but its quite exp lar..
$215 if im nt wrg.. n i tink e "diamond" will drop off..
so i shall look for alternatives..
kinda bored..
shall watch sum shows later on..
dunno if i shld go chalet tml or only join them on tue..
tink im most prob gg tml lar..
submitted at 4:41 PM.
reached hm only at ard 12 plus jus now..
slept only at 5am in e morn n set my alarm at 8.35.. although i only woke up at 9.10am.. =P
its like only 4 hrs of slp?!!!
was damn tired n sleepy while travelling back jus now..
pf n mi both fell alslp on e journey hm.. slp till quite shuang lar..
but luckily our posture werent as ugly as kusano's..
he's is really unacceptable..
take a look..
he's really in his own dreamland alrdy.. prob snoring oso..
hahha.. if i were to c such a cute guy on e train slping like tis..
i will hv e urge to go ahead n pinch his cheeks lar..
hahahahhaha.. =P
hahha.. chatted wif agnes over e hp till ard 5am ytd..
quite bo liao..
we were chatting on hp n sending each other things on msn..
shldnt we jus chat at msn? hahhaa...
she started to send mi those funni pics of those jappies lar..
really had a great laugh..
jw oso sent mi sum funni photos ytd..
saw one photo of teppei when he was in high sch..
teppei, yamapi n 2 other of their frens lah..
i nearly din realise tat e guy was actually teppei la..
i tot its sum uncle frm sumwhere..
look at tis n u will noe y..
YA!! teppei is e one on e far left..!!! >.<
n there's oso a photo of jun tat's sooo funni..

tink he's trying to stop his brows frm twitching or wad lar.. hahahhaa..
ok.. shall stop those jappies stuffs n move on tok abt kbox session..
travelled to tb n met up wif agnes n jw 1st.. cos pf will be late..
they bought e cake frm tb alrdy..
went marina sq to shop 1st.. jw nd to gt present for her sis bday oso..
went for kbox when pf came..
e rm they gave us is FAR FAR FAR too big for 4 of us...
n there's too many cushions ard in e room alrdy..
...BIG huh...
e room is cosy n comfy..
moreover there's 2 tv's showing e song its playing lar..

hahaa.. isnt 0.6 shuai? DAMN SHUAI lar..
sang zhi lian kuang 3 times n sha gua 2 times today.. hahhaa..
cos he's simply too shuai in e MV alrdy.. so we jus hv to play it 3 times to satisfy ourselves..
i must say he's really duper shuai in e zhi lian kuang MV.. n he's a 95% kusano look alike..!!
anyway, ate tis for lunch.. cos we sang frm 12-3pm.. so there's sort of a bento set lunch..

only e sushi, cheesecake n oranges were nice... e others kinda sucks..
cutting of cake..
wad a kawaii cake frm tb.. hahhaa... there's even a niu on top of e cake..
bday girl..

make a wish, make a wish.....~~~~
shopped ard at marina after tat..
dunno if i shld gt e heels frm URS..
i tink mayb i shall gt it later.. mayb after wearing e heels i gt tat day?
gt nail polish frm face shop..
its time for mi to gt make up remover alrdy..
dunno if i shld gt e neutrogena or fancl one..
but i tink both of them are quite good n effective..
tok lotsa nonsense stuffs today..
ko1, jappies - esp koki n nakamaru (imitating them), bear's ah ma's song, etc..
BTH lar..
laughed n laughed non-stop..
jw left at ard 5 plus.. walked over to suntec..
went mac for dinner..
okie.. soo gang hao renfred's family was sitting beside us..
tink there's sum event or dunno wad shit.. den e ss er nai was there oso lar..
went to e superband big jam after dinner..
wow.. soo crowded lar.. agnes n mi sat dwn n nearly fell alslp cos we were too sleepy alrdy..
pf was still energtic to c her mk lar..
decided to go contestant backstage instead..
i saw sumone frm J3 whose nose looks like nakamaru's.. n he noes we were toking abt him..
hahhaa.. sum eye liner kias ard..
ya.. n there tis guy in lucified or sumting..
trying to imitate yamapi lar.. tink its becos of his hair n his skeleton body.. he looks quite like how yamapi looked las time when he's wearing shorts n singing news nippon..
but NO WAY.. yamapi is like 100 times shuai-er den him.. hahhaha..
ya.. only sum gd lookings one here n there lar..
okie.. i shall stop here..
cos my eyes are closing alrdy..
hv to wake up early later on cos we r gg to shao mu...
class chalet frm 27-29... =))
will upload more photos tml..
submitted at 1:49 AM.
sy called mi ard noon when i was still alslp..
she told mi kl's results..
OMG.. tis bu nei gt 4 for her gpa!!!!
damn pro lar.. all AD n A only.. im proud of my bu nei~!!!! hahahhahs.. =P
asked mi whether i wanna go town after tat..
since im quite bored at hm so i agreed..
took e same bus as shermin..
LT n her were gg for movie..
go bugis 1st..
walked ard..
drank lime juice again.. today's lime juice was nice lar.. nt diluted.. so its sour enough..
kl n sy cnt stand mi drinkin it..
walked to raffles city shopping center..
sy wanna collect her LV bag..
saw pan ling ling at e store too..
went marina sq for lunch..
had yoshinoya.. aiya.. we forgt to redeem e toy after eating..
shopped ard after tat..
kl wanna look for her bag..
tis guy approached mi suddly n asked mi to participate in dunno wad shit..
i tink its sum marina sq contest or wad.. den still nd to take a pic of mi lar...
he told mi can stand to win $800.. i kept rejecting him n say nono..
in e end he oso gt no choice but to go find other ppl..
walked ard after tat..
went suntec oso..
nth much..
came back jp cos sy wanna gt stuffs frm popular..
hahaha.. we love playing wif bubble wrap..
popping it i mean..
went linda's hse after tat to collect our cheque..
realised tat i haven been buying anything recently..
but im quite broke still..
dunno y..
shall do sum online shopping alrdy..
kbox tml..
submitted at 11:34 AM.
went out wif jw, agnes n pf ytd..
met agnes at tb 1st..
acc her to ica building for photo taking..
gei gao.. take 1 pic still nd travel to lavender..
met jw at ps later on..
had pizza for brunch..
ytd pizza wasnt as nice lar..
mus be change of chef..
i tink we were chatting quite loudly while eating..
tokin abt those jappies stuff..
agnes n i were commenting on jun n jin..
these 2 Js... n jw was quite bth wif us..
kept trying to fan ji..
shopped ard after tat..
walked to somerset..
saw sum nice heels today..
how i wish i can gt all of them..
pf came n meet us after wrk..
acc her to mos for her dinner..
we were quite full so din eat anything..
she was complaining abt her supervisor or in-charge to us..
haha.. n we were gd listener..
shopped ard..
dunno if i shld gt tat mango tee..
cos e material sucks after washing it lar..
went watsons n face shop..
haha.. i feel like getting e whitening cream.. cos i tink its quite effective to me..
decided to go paragon starbucks for coffee session after tat..
eek.. their drinks arent nice.. >.<
took loads of photo over there..
luckily e place was quite empty alrdy..
or else ppl will tink we r siao kias..
pf seems soo drunk after e coffee lar..
i tink we betta behave ourselves next time..
n stop talking dirty plus use all those uncivilised wrdings..
anyway, looking forward to kbox session on sat...
submitted at 4:15 PM.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
woke up at 10.30 jus now was anxious to noe my results..
but tat sas pg jus cnt be displayed..
it obviously cnt support e heavy traffic lar..
our sch shld improve on e system alrdy..
only managed to log in at ard 11am..
my results..
Semester GPA: 3.385
Cumulative GPA: 3
i improved..
my gpa was only 2.6 for las sem..
i improved by 0.785..
cos i din study las sem la..
was super star-ing.. n i studied my MOB in mcs e day before e paper..
so my lousy results for las sem actually pulled my average dwn.. =((((
i only gt 1 A... n its for my gems.. which is quite useless..
kinda disappointed tat i only scored a B for FOM..
was expecting for a B+ at least?
anyway, overall im quite happi wif my results..
okie.. shall go bathe now..
meeting agnes n jw later...
submitted at 11:30 AM.
i love juicy couture daydreamer series bag..
its v nice.. !!!
sy showed mi tis jus now..
its frm sell n trade..
the handbag

tis is e pink&brown one.. which i tink its e nicest.. cos it looks v sweet.. i tink its becos of e ribbon..
the clutch
i love both of them lar..
but all these are non auth..
e handbag selling at $49 n e clutch at $23..
dunno if i shld gt it..
e original hangbag costs ard USD $129
$49 isnt cheap lar..
but i tink tis series is quite old alrdy..
so most prob im nt getting it..
results will be out later on..
kinda worried..
but i noe i will definately score betta den las sem..
submitted at 2:05 AM.
i had to say i ate alot ytd..
had crabs for brunch n supper..
same for roasted chicken and fish(dunno wads e name of it)..
all thks to my relatives frm canada tat we gt to taste all these scrumptious dishes in a day..
he's actually my ah ye's cousin if im nt wrg..
he came sg to visit us together wif his wife..
tis uncle of mine looks exaggeratedly young lar.. his wife actually looks older than him..
they are actually frm hk den they migrated to canada i tink..
had brunch at imm's long beach..
we occupied 2 tables.. cos all of us were present.. my cousins, uncles n aunties..
kinda bored.. jus ate lo..
i jus hates my tis aunt's husband can.. damn yaya lar.. ma de..
he tinks his kids are e best n veri well educated la..
okk lar.. i actually dun favour any one frm my paternal side.. except for my youngest uncle n one of my aunt perhaps..
e others are jus selfish n money minded..
tis particular uncle together wif his wife are e worst lar..
really deserve sum slapping.. they are soo damn jian can..
atrocious creatures...~
e food at long beach was ok only..
had white pepper crabs.. din turn out to be tat nice cos e meat wasnt v tender..
roasted chicken.. plain n dry..
prawns.. had a hard time removing e shell..
veggie.. normal like wad i gt to eat frm hm..
fish.. lotsa tiny bones here n there..
n sum dishes tat i cnt remb...
ya.. i tink e dessert they served was quite special..
its ice cream red bean paste if im nt wrg..
haha.. can u imagine? ice cream wif red bean paste??
hot n cold together..
kinda uncommon lar..
cos if u feel e top of e bowl its actually cold.. cos of e ice cream..
but e sides are hot cos of e red bean paste..
all of us were curious when its served..
and it turns out to be quite tasty..
but far too sweet alrdy...
so i only managed to finish half a bowl..
met siyi after e lunch..
went bugis wif her..
helped mummy gt a pair of shoes frm OG..
she actually saw e shoes las time.. n decided to gt it alrdy.. so asked mi to help her buy since im gg there..
my mummy bought 3 shoes in a week lar..
walked ard bugis village..
gt a denim skirt.. i tink its nice..
soo worth it lar.. cos its v cheap..
sy gt a skirt wif mi oso.. hers even cheaper lar.. hahhaa
searched for knee length pants but din c any nice ones..
shall look ard again..
walked over to suntec..
i tink we were walking at a v fast speed..
chatted on e way..
we both tink we shld tink twice b4 buying sumting next time.. we shld buy only if we need it...
hahaa.. but i tink its kinda hard huh..
cos we realised we hv sum tings tat we forgt we had n din wear them anymore..
okie.. n becos of tis.. i decided nt to order e heels frm shoes store alrdy...
BUT.. when i c e pic of e heels frm my previous entry..
i tink its really nice n i kinda wan it..
shall make decision again when sumone organise e spree again..
took shuttle bus to city hall n went raffles city shopping center's MOS for dinner..
had ebi rice burger meal..
sy even ordered prawns n nuggets to share..
so i was quite full for my dinner too..
went back jp..
while waiting for sy's daddy to send us hm my papa called n asked mi hurry go hm n bathe cos he said we're gg for supper wif those overseas relative..
din wanna go actually.. cos i've to wake up early for wrk today..
but my papa insisted.. so no choice..
went to my papa's fren zhu chao..
i tink e food there are nicer than those frm long beach..
ordered crabs again.. dunno wads e flavour..
but its v nice.. cos e meat was tender..
yum yum~
e fish gt XO sauce i tink.. quite nice.. cos nt much bones..
roasted chicken is nice too.. tasty.. dun hv to dip tat salt at all..
had sum other dishes too..
ate n chatted at e same time...
e aunt frm overseas gave us a hongbao each..
damn cool lar.. cos there's our surname "cai" printed on e hong bao.. hahhaa
shall take a pic of it n post it up another time..
wah.. my papa promised to reach hm at ard 1am..
in e end.. only reached hm at 2 plus nearly 3am..!
luckily i din doze off today..
i'm keeping myself awake by chit chatting wif KL..
tot today will be e las day of wrk..
but nopes..
still hv to wrk tml..
but halfday only..
cos we're only left wif sum stuffs to finish up..
i guess we will be able to finish them b4 lunch tml?
submitted at 7:08 PM.
quite a handful of ppl organised tw yahoo auctions spree lately..
joyce shop, cherry wu n shoes store..
wanted to get sumting frm joyce shop.. but after viewing them.. i tink they r nt tat nice afterall..
ordered a top frm cherry wu.. oh.. ma de.. lotsa items are oos alrdy.. only left wif a top tat i wanna get.. n its of another color.. cos e 1 i wanted initally is oos..
tinking if i shld order sumting frm shoes store now..
i like tis..

hahahha.. i jus noe it well enough tat i wont wear it out.. i tink e ribbons at e back r v nice..
but wads e use of getting it since i noe i wont be wearing it lar..
i will prob jus place it sumwhere in my hse n take it out occasionally to try it on..
n even if i gt it.. i dunno wad n how shld i match it wif.. many suggest skirts..
but im tinking wouldnt it be kinda exaggerating? cos boots r supposed to be worn during winter? n we're having summer thrgh out..
so im nt getting it i tink.. but its tempting to really jus get it n store it in my hse..
cos its CHEAP..
tis is nice too..

kinda elegant looking huh.. really feel like getting tis pair..
but.... wads holding mi back its becos e heels is 8CM high..
ma de.. 8cm lar... soo high can..
i will prob jus sprain my ankle if im nt careful wif it lar..
6cm will be jus nice enough..
but i tink i will prob jus gt it?
nt sure too.. hrm... will consider again...
jus finished watching class epi 14 n sum shows jus now..
hahaha.. im inefficient.. cnt catch up wif wads showing now..
there's a scene in class epi 14 n ya se wang jus looked damn scary looking in it..
cos he's using his those special powers or wadeva lar..
i've lotsa shows to clear...
gg to bed alrdy..
submitted at 3:37 AM.
new job is okie..
kinda slack.. n we were assigned easy tasks..
but its quite sians to do e same thing for like 8 hrs..
i tink we will finish up all e stuffs by mon meaning mon is e las day..
nt sure if im getting another job..
cos im lazy to hunt for it..
nt wrking tml.. cos tis knn engineer frm korean wanna go sentosa..
so we cnt operate w/o him..
its double pay larz! $11 per hr for tml..
anyway.. gg to hv family lunch tml..
cos i tink sum relatives frm canada came spore or wad..
n my ah ye will be giving a treat at long beach for lunch tml..
mayb gg to meet sy out for shopping after tat..
feel like getting a handbag or a clutch bag..
and knee-length pants prob..
yups.. nearly forgt..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR HSIEH KUNDA~okie.. i actually forgot abt it..
until i saw sumbody's nick at msn den i recalled..
tink i've lost interest in him alrdy?
submitted at 9:13 PM.

i look short larz.. >.<
hahhaha.. cnt control my laughters again~!
she's pounching towards mi~!
there she goes... >_<
look at tat cheeky face of hers...hahhaa.. n im jus maintaining tat smile thrgh out e shoots...
submitted at 7:14 PM.
reached there at ard 11 in e morn..
e crowd was quite alrite..
those shoes n handbags department were e most crowded ones..
went to get my levis..
they only hv selected items on sales..
there's soo many staffs at e department lar..
i tink they employ 4 of them to jus close e curtains of e fitting rooms..
n there's only 2 fitting rooms..
damn free can..
i tink those ppl r having their attachment there.. sum of them look quite familar.. prob frm sp..
asked abt rebate voucher.. n tis guy gei gao explained to us in a complicated manner n mummy n i were obviously confused by him..
had to ask those girls for assistant instead.. yup.. n thankfully their explaination were clear enough..
so i gt my levis square cut jeans in e end..
its actually $149.50 but i gt a $45 voucher for it..
shopped ard for stuffs to buy...
it became duper crowded during lunch time..
soo many ppl snatching for e guess tote bag..
i tink its a old design.. but ppl jus snatched blindly..~
went to look for shoes..
gt heels n a ripples flip flop for myself.. mummy gt her own stuffs too..
went children department n got a dress for my little cousin..
decided to gt tat adidas bag alrdy...
since there's 35% off.. haha.. although its by rebate voucher..
mummy tinks its damn jian for them to cum up wif stuffs like rebate voucher..
cos they wan u to spend more..
we still gt to use up all our vouchers today...
ma de..
i Q nearly for an hr jus for payment..
e Q was damn long..
spent too much time at e sales alrdy..
wanted to go e food fair at suntec initially..
but mummy hd to rush back for wrk..
nvm.. shall go another time..
anyway, hope there's work for mi tml..
though im kinda lazy to wrk..
i wan e monney~!!!
submitted at 5:16 PM.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
jus back frm town nt long ago...
went out wif lc, lt, dada, kl n sy today..
yups.. all 6 of us.. it hv been a while since we las hang out together..
met sy, dada n kl at jp 1st.. had lunch at ljs..
dada n kl waited for lc n lt while sy n i went off to meet those spree participants 1st..
cos sy nd to pass them their birks..
e rest joined us later at orchard.. went far east..
saw lotsa nice shoes... but they r kinda beyond my budget alrdy.. >.<
nth much... jus hang ard..
decided to go heeren instead...
when crossing e rd over to lucky plaza..
tis taxi driver uncle rolled dwn e window n show us his fake teeth...
i tink he's playing wif it lar.. damn er xin..
kns.. n he has tis perverted look on his face..
damn scary looking lar..
n lt who was beside mi jus screamed.. waahhahahha..
damn funni...
went heeren.. all of us had decided nt to get tat adidas bag alrdy..
okie.. great.. i shall save e $..
took neoprints.. n slacked ard..
walked over to cine..
had dinner at subway...
hahhaha.. okie.. so we actually misunderstood..
e person din forgt to cal for e meals tat day..
cos they're actually having promo now..
free meal for every toasted sandwich..
shopped ard after tat.. saw nice bags too..
travelled hm after tat...
tink im getting a new job alrdy..
supposed to start wrk tml.. but i cnt.. cos im suppose to shop wif mummy tml..
so i shall start wrk on fri den.. hope e person still wan mi to wrk on fri lar..
i tink its sum factory job.. tink its teck wah again if im nt wrg..
hopefully i can get my levis n prob a bag tml~
submitted at 10:34 PM.
woke up only at 1pm today..
seems to hv probs to wake up early in e morn recently..
mopped e floor after having my brunch, cos mummy instructed mi to.. >.<
she told mi if i choose to slack at hm, i've to help with e housework..
helped mummy to make jelly...
decided to pack my room after tat..
i rearranged those stuffs in my room again..
e shelf, keyboard n those Ikea boxes..
i'm tinking how shld i arrange them to make my room looks spacious..
but i tink its quite impossible lar..
cos i simply hv far too much rubbish in my room..
okie.. my bunk bed alrdy occupies half of my room..
i tink its quite useless for mi to slp on e bed tat's meant for 3 ppl to slp on..
its only useful when my cousins cum my hse to overstay..
n guess wad.. i've never climb on top to slp b4...
i usually dump my clothes on e bed on top... n gt scolding frm my mummy after tat.. =X
i cnt imagine how cramp will my room be if i shift my comp in..
wah piang.. i really hv e urge to discard all those idols stuffs..
they're occupying too much space alrdy.. 3 large Ikea boxes..
ma de.. n those Ikea boxes made my room look like sum rubbish heap.. knn..
i'm only half done with e packing..
i'm still left wif e wardrobe n sum stuffs here n there..
gg out wif e girls tml..
yipee~ prob getting e adidas tml too..
hope mummy can get off on thur too..
den we can go to e sales together...
submitted at 6:09 PM.
oh.. ma de..
cherry wu finally replied mi..
but i tink im gg to cancel tat spree..
cos there's miscommunication probs in between..
i actually sent her a email after i consolidated my orders when i closed my spree..
and she took 1 whole week to reply mi.. i actually urged her to reply by posting it under her QnA..
she replied sayin tat she cnt read those chinese wrdings.. cos those chinese wrds nd to be encoded b4 it can be read..
so i actually took e trouble to cut n paste them into a pic n attach it to e email..
she said she din receive e email..
so i resent again..
received her email jus now..
i actually ordered 16 apparels but only 8 of em r in stock i tink..
n she actually calculated e price wrgly..
obviously.. she doesnt noe she's gg to ship overseas..
futhermore, i nd to hv 10 apparels inorder for her to ship overseas..
so i tink im gg to refund them e $..
n organise it another time..
yups.. prob after i read n uds how to use ezpay..
submitted at 4:10 PM.

was accused for being topless... >.<

can u c e photographer in e mirror?
waiting for pf to change..

jw wanted to take her solo pic.. but i decided to join in..
im freezing in here.. =//
submitted at 2:20 AM.
went jp wif bro n mummy ard noon..
liwen came n joined us later at kopitam for brunch oso..
went starhub shop to gt hp after tat..
mummy decided to get a new one too since there's sum star buy..
soo both mummy n bro gt a samsung hp..
went off to meet up wif sy..
kl n lt din join us cos they're gg to NUS open hse..
gt my lipsmackers frm siyi..
1 lip balm, 2 gloss n a shimmer..
hrm.. isnt tat good after all.. it jus smells tasty~ haahaha
went city hall..
okie.. huge jam..
cos i tink there's IT fair over at suntec..
n e escalators at suntec r under repair..
so every1 hv to Q to walk up... wad a crowd..~
walked ard marina sq n suntec..
had dinner at raffles subway..
damn lousy service they hv..
hahha.. gt 2 free meals.. heee.. cos they forgt to cal in i tink..
so we only paid for e sandwich..
went orchard for a short while after tat..
n travelled hm..
saw nice adidas side carry today..
we're tinking whether to get it..
cos i've a nike 1 alrdy.. kinda smiliar..
n i prefer to gt a handbag now instead..
ok la.. how i hope i can get both..
but i dun seems to spot any nice ladies bags...
shall ask mummy whether i can get a adidas one..
cos anyway we've e 20% off coupon..
but we only hv 2 coupons.. n can only buy 1 item using tat coupon..
so if 4 of us r to get it.. its nt enough..
hrm.. mayb we shall c if fu cai can get more for us..
i wanna get shoes~~~
heels actually...~
submitted at 11:58 PM.
ma de..
damn pissed off rite now..
gt to noe frm jq tat e person dun wan them to wrk any more alrdy la..
ma de..
y issit always picking ppl frm our clique..
fucker bitch!
1st it was jerrl, sherman n mi who gt accused ytd..
den its those girls turn now..
e bitch is soo hum ji la.. dun dare to tell us straight still need to go thrgh agent to let us noe..
n those reasons she gave was hilarious la..
unreasonable! brainless fool..
damn bu shuang lar..
wonder wad reasons she's gg to give now lo..
ma de..
wanna c how creative she is..
ARGH!!! ma de
blood boiling alrdy..~
all these r soo unfair to us la..
she deserves sum scolding lar..
but anyway...
its nt worth to travel all e way to expo n get scolding frm e bitch everyday when we did nth wrg..
n earning tat pathetic $5... cos they purposely din wan us to earn tat 1.5 rate pay..
its soo damn jian la..
i would rather stay at hm n watch my shows..
or find a betta job sum where else..
dun worry..
we're nt letting tat bitch off so easily..
she will hv 10 of us cursing her..
submitted at 11:20 PM.
met pf and jw in e afternoon... travelled to town cos pf wanna get her office wear for her attachment..
had lunch at food republic..
saw silver wif dunno who..
went ard to hunt for pf's clothes..
saw nice clothes n wallets frm espirt.. any 1 hv frens wrking at espirt? heeehee..
agnes came joined us at ard 4pm.. cos she needs more slp..
walked ard town..
flesh imp is hving sales.. but e shirts are kinda too fitting for mi..so din get any..
started entertaining ourselves, taking pics n discussing abt diff countries while pf was busy trying out her clothes..
walked over to PS..
cnt decide wad to hv for dinner.. pf won, so we ate mos..
hahaa.. ordered a super big milk tea for pf.. =x
hahaa.. hv no idea tat its really tat BIG lar..
PS's mos is damn cold.. n we're like freezing..
got a black tube frm M-industries n went gio to gt pf clothes b4 gg hm..
i tink those gio staffs mus be tinking we r like too obsess wif ourselves lar..
haha.. dunno y.. we seems to be toking sum dirty jokes recently lar..
mus be tat NYP vid lar..
i din watch hor.. hahhaa... mus be influenced by them..
using my bro's lappy to blog now..
cos im lazy to on my comp..
plus.. im gg to slp soon.. cos im wrking tml..
haiz.. hope there's no 1 at e fair tml.. n we can SLACK SLACK SLACK..
hahhahahhaz.. FAT hope!
okie. im anticipating to c wad agnes is gg to blog..
off to bed..
submitted at 12:47 AM.
jus finished my supper.. chilli crabs..
wasnt tat nice.. cos its too chilli i tink..
was supposed to acc agnes to sp n np for appeal today..
but pf n mi woke up late.. =x
mummy actually woke mi up at 11..
but i cont slping.. n woke up at only 12noon..
hahhaa.. n we're supposed to meet 12.30 at dover larz..
asked jw,samm n agnes to go ahead 1st while i prepare..
met them at sp.. by e time i reached they were ready alrdy..
so took bus to NP..
pf met us at dover after we were done..
hrm.. SP's tis yr cut off pt was quite low..
oh yes.. cos we've gt high standards.. hahha.. =x
went marina sq..
decided to go for lunch b4 gg kbox..
cos we were starving alrdy..
ate pizza hut AGAIN..
hahhaaa.. i shld stop spending soo much on food..
cos i tink i spent too much recently..
went kbox after tat..
damn cold.. luckily i brought my jacket wif mi.. =)
sang n sang till ard 9.30..
went hm after tat..
starting wrk tml..
we're gg to set up e stuffs tml...
frm 2pm-10pm...
i mus get used to travelling expo for e next few days.. ard 13 days i supposed?
luckily there's eileen to keep mi acc..
hope its gg to be fun wrking at e fair.. =))
doubt i hv e energy to cum online after wrk for e next 13 days..
submitted at 12:59 AM.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=NSxqm7L6L5Y&search=NEWSwatched tis vid frm youtube jus now..
quite funni larz..
tego ans were all v interesting..
tis vid was quite long ago.. when their 9 members in NEWS..
tego started hving his zhao pai dong zuo after tis vid i tink..
cos tang ben gang was e 1 who taught him tis larz..
quite bored now..
shall go clear e shows frm my comp alrdy..
submitted at 7:01 PM.
met pf a boon lay control station n e rest at tbp..
drank pearly..
haven drink it for a long time alrdy.. since ss?
but its nt as tasty as b4 alrdy.. e pearl used to be more sweet..
cabbed dwn to e ntuc building..
met samm there..
went up to e gathering area...
okie.. it seems more like a yellow gathering huh..
he's like toking non stop larz..
din went in.. cos we dun wanna buy tat useless cap..
jus sat outside n chit chatted..
so there's 2 session of e gathering oso..
n 2nd session enjoyed more privileges again..
cos they gt to autogrph, hug n shake hands..
i tink 1st session dun gt to hug him..
i tink tis is quite unfair although it doesnt concern mi..
but 1st session went n bought e cap earlier wad..
aiya.. mayb they dun like early birds..
okie.. so i tink sum 1 gt sacked n became a part-time driver now huh..
waited at e car park after e event..
ma de..
they took damn long la..
n we waited damn long at e super hot B1..
so they finally came dwn..
he stared.. n i jus stared back...
y.. we cnt stand there ar..
soo shocked to c us meh... took soo long to react n said hii~
walked to htl after tat..
went ps to hv our dinner since he said he's nt cuming dwn..
had pizza hut..
there's 4 of us to finish a feast for 4..
haha.. so jus nice.. wasnt too bloated..
walked ard after tat..
decided to go over to cine..
went heeren n gt my belt punch..
damn sianz.. all e shops closed alrdy lar..
travelled hm after tat..
submitted at 12:52 AM.
went raffles htl today cos sy wanna service her LV bag..
saw tat LV cube rubber band they intro at nu ren wo zhui da..
its soo nice~
they din state e price there..
i tink e rubber band is soo special larz..
but its soo nt worth it to pay so much for e rubber band..
went marina after tat..
had sakae buffet..
oh.. damn full larz..
ate kinda little.. we're bloated like after 4 plates of sushi?
n e free mochi is kinda eek.. its nt ice cream inside larz..
its like those lotus stuffs..
walked over to suntec..
saw lc wif her frens...
hehehe.. so excited to c her larz..
chatted a bit n went off..
she's having attachment now..
gt my birks n elf stuffs frm sy..
gt 5 items i tink..
1 curler, 1 brush, 1 hypershine gloss, 1 lip balm n 1 eye shadow..
hrm.. im tinking if i shld sell my birks..
cos its kinda big..
its looks huge infact..
i actually measured my feet b4 buying it..
my feet is 235 mm..
so i gt e 240mm one.. cos they dun hv 1/2 sizes..
siyi says i shld hv gotten e 230 1 instead..
so im tinking if i shld sell it..
but they said it looks quite ok when i wear it..
so mayb im nt selling bahz...
kinda bored now..
starting wrk on tue...~~~
shall enjoy n relax these few days..
submitted at 10:03 PM.
finally done wif kiss...
tis show is quite draggy in between oso..
i tink ah jing is damn pitiful larz..
n tis zhi shu.. took soo long to express his love..
went town ytd..
met agnes 1st at tb..
den jw joined us later..
walked ard..
bought crown belt n mascara..
samm met us oso..
den had dinner at food republic..
walked ard after tat..
cos we're waiting for their jap class to end..
met samm after their jap class ends n went to look for mk..
tmd.. damn jian..
staying at hm today n gg out wif sy tml..
shall go cut songs n upload them tto my hp..
argh.. tat cherry wu haven replied mi yet..
took soo long..
submitted at 5:50 PM.