i wanna go on a shopping trip at bangkok!!
after seeing sum pics of those stuffs my bro's gf bought frm there, i wanna go there SO badly too!
all those stuffs there are damn cheap.
hurry hurry make my wish cum true~
submitted at 10:47 PM.
DAMN! im so mad at myself!! ARGH. i broke my lizard belly earring today. @$*&%$#
y i chose to put it in my pocket instead of my bag?
y i chose to ear that earring today?
y y y??? ARGH!!! im frustrated lah! and i think it cnt be fixed cos the little hook that it used to connect broke alrdy.
anyway, saw maple syurp stuffs on my table when i gt hm think my mama helped me to collect it.
the pearl necklace i ordered is so plastic lah. hais. but not so bad. still looks nice.
ytd's feedback session was quite fun. the marketing lecturer is so humourous. hahhaa.
had a long discussion over indian milo when snacking. hahahhaa.
but the indian smell was really strong lah. luckily mine din taste or smells indian-ish.
was randomly browsing joyce shop stuffs today. OMG. all the clothes there looks nice! nono.. it is whopper nice!!
shall go revise a bit on mmwd later on cos i will most prob be out tml i guess since mama took leave.
submitted at 9:27 PM.
bro came hm at ard 1 plus almost 2am today. his flight kept delaying lah. e plane was supposed to land at 11.10pm den it delayed to 12.20.
he bought loads of stuffs back hm for HIMSELF. damn!! he din see the straw bag i mentioned. guess i prob hv to gt it frm bugis alrdy lah. but its damn exp. shall consider again.
those stuffs over there are really cheap cheap cheap. his gf bought loads of stuffs too! omg.. im so tempted to go over for shopping spree too! hahhahaha
having mmwd lesson right dwn. boring lah. im just following those steps blindly.
MMWD test this thur. dead! RWPS seems chim too..
i think im serious abt getting a part time job. hrrrmm.. shall go hunt for jobs alrdy.
shall ask mama if she's willing to pay for another levis for me. guess she will prob ask me to dream on or sort.
*keeping my fingers crossed*
having this feedback session later on and its gg to drag till 6 lah. damn.. im soo sleepy alrdy.
submitted at 10:49 AM.
a.. is this font kinda TOO BIG?
submitted at 4:29 AM.
finished watching yamashita's daite senorita perf on MS this fri.
OMG.. although im his fans, i laughed at him when he fell! ooopss.. i just cnt help it.
i find it v amusing, cos he was actually singing live at the starting of the song den he started lip syncing. mayb becos of the so "powerful" dance steps lah. he was actually exerting lots of force on those dance steps. hahhaa.. ya! he need a bra!! the dance is kinda ero i think... hahhaa
he din fall actually. he accidently hit the mic stand and it dropped, he was trying to catch it in time but din managed too, so he lost his balance. he actually hv to hop the mic stand so that it wont expose that he's actually lip syncing. seee.. that's the bad point abt lip sync. he cnt be like WaT, just cont standing there and singing although we cnt hear a thing when their mic stands drop.
mayb we won't see yamapi performing with a mic stand in the near future, cos he prob hv phobia for mic stands alrdy. hahhahaa.. i guess his right shoulder must be aching after the perf cos he carried this heavy looking fur on it. but i think they are used to the amt on weight they carry on themselves during perfs or cons alrdy.
so is that thingy tsk ah or ke ah? hahhaa. and i think mr johnny really loves goody goody hand sign. hahha
off to bed alrdy. since all of them are slping alrdy and i've no one to chat with at msn.
o ya, i feel like layering my hair! hope its gg to look fine~
submitted at 3:46 AM.
OMG... i wanna get more belly earrings. i hv alrdy gt 2 at hm and 1 is on the way. but its so irresistible lah.
the tinkerbell one which the organiser din manage to get last time is back again!
and there's this new anchor one which i love too!!
money hurry come to me pls~~~
i've so much stuffs in mind to get lah. i wanna get everything!
the bag i saw that day from bugis, sharp tipped covered heels and ETC, ETC..
the list is never ending lah. its the truth. once i gt those stuffs that i stated above, there will be new stuffs that i spot and wanna get! ARGH
im seriously thinking of getting a part time job since i love spending so much and i dun think my parents will be able to support a spendthrift like me. so the best way out is to earn my own money and spend my own money. but i hate finding jobs!!! >.< so im simply waiting jobs to find me meaning i will hv to wait for like forever!!! =(((
hope my parents strike lottery today! =P
i've a bad feeling that my bro din get anything back for me. =(
submitted at 8:08 PM.
So what's the next big thing after NUM, S&K etc... here cums cck boy!! hahhaa.
ya! its the guy we met on LRT the other day. the guy who stays ard phoenix area. hahahha. pf met him several times before. jian lah. kept telling us that she's so fated to see him loh. PUI!! =X hahhaha
guess we will be hanging ard lot 1 or mayb at the LRT platform more often alrdy! HAHA
we love eyecandies =)
submitted at 11:45 PM.
hais.. i think im gg to flung my BA test. studied and practiced so much during the break. but its still of no use. =( im just hoping for a pass. yups.. just a pass will do. its 20% weightage lah! ARGH!!! i hate reducing balance method of depreciation!! heard that there's no retest for this test, so i better get a pass!!!
there's something wrg with my hp. i cnt receive msg i think. try switching off and on-ing my hp and phew~ its working alright now.
there's oso sumting wrg with my friendster lah. i cnt view my home page! WTH is happening to all those stuffs ard me?!
there's MMWD and RWPS test next week. OMG.. MMWD.. DEAD LAH!
time to pull up my socks and start wrking on all my modules!
think im going to get my queenshop & cutiefashion stuffs soon~!!! ^ ^
off to bathe. 88
submitted at 8:17 PM.
econs test later on.
im kinda confused alrdy, demand & supply, qty demanded and stuffs. lots of graphs to remb too..
i nd loads of luck later on..
BA test tml! DOKI DOKI!!!
submitted at 11:41 AM.
PHOTOS!19th MAY 2006 (fri)

board on this really old bus that day frm je to jp. just look at the sliding door. 0.0 my 1st time boarding this kinda really lok cok bus.

us on the train. i wasnt opening my mouth on purpose. i was yawning halfway when LT snapped it! hahhaa

my real face! hahhaa..

awww.. my disfigured square piggy~!!

while waiting for the shutter bus to IMM.

thanks for the cake! ;D happy new year, pull my ears. =P

20th MAY 2006 (sat)
pizza at lucky plaza. PS one is much nicer lah.

i love this pic! =)
hahhaa.. thanks pf for snapping it at the right time when we were taking pic on another hp.

the 3 jiao lian

3rd party huh..

there's still many pics actually, but most of them are quite blurred cos we took it using the front cam of pf's hp..
went town and bugis with sy after sch ytd.
saw nice bags frm bugis! but those straw bags r far too costly. hopefully my bro can find similar ones for me in bk. oh! he's flying tml alrdy. and will be back only on sun. i think im gg to miss him. hahhaha =P
was really tempted to gt bags frm the auntie. cos those bags are really nice lah. exactly wad im looking for! cnt make my decision on the spot, so i told auntie that i go withdraw money 1st den cum back to gt the bag. hahahha.. but i din! =X
cos i think i shld see if my bro gt anything back for me on sun before i gt that bag. yups!
gt nice pants frm bugis! i love it!! =)
gotta go study for my econs test tml! hais!!!
im nt in the mood to study lah!!
BA test on fri. DEAD!!!
submitted at 12:23 PM.
yawns. im tired and sleepy~
went town just now with agnes to gt her puma bag. okie. i think i've alrdy made my final decision! im NOT getting it! yups.. =)
kns. so there's still loads of stock for e bag lah. si gay gay really lied to us lah. ma de.
walked ard.. town is so boring during weekdays. hais. hahhaha.. cos none of them is on duty lah. hhahaha
met pf after that. took LRT frm cck and travelled to this wadever petri stop. hahhaa. eyecandy on LRT. gt those typical gd looking face frm AIO lah. enjoyed competing volume with those pri sch kids on the train. hahhhaa. damn e birks organiser. made us walk all the way to her blk. and its drizzling lah. too much! anyway, they still gt their birks in the end.
o yah.. maple syrup will be ready for collection this week i think. cos the parcel reached sg alrdy! ^.^
sians. im not in the mood to study. but i hv to force myself to! hais.. =(
jia you bah..
shall upload photos tml. i hv loads to load.
off to watch sum clips and bed..
yawns.. Zzzzz
submitted at 12:02 AM.
omg. heard frm neighbours that there's a flasher in the lift at our blk this morn. ma de. hv to be extra careful alrdy.. but how to be loh. its daylight flashing.. hahhha. okie lah. just remb to bring weapon out next time.
went imm with parents in the morn. walked and shopped ard. got those nonsense stuffs from daiso again. gt more storage boxes too. wah piang. i've loads to clear in my room la.
meeting agnes, pui fen tml. not sure if jw can make it. gg to sms to ask her later. gg to hunt for the puma bag tml. hahhaa. really gei gao lah. i dunno if i shld ask mummy to lend me some money to get it a not. cos i dunno if i wanna get it. but the material seems light and i like e gold combination. shall consider during my slp at nite. hahhaa
damn lah. i haven even touched my BA and ECONS. im dead alrdy. i nd loads of luck for my tests. hais.
seems like there's sumting wrg with the sas system just now. they din display those slots for IT modules.
damn sian lah.
submitted at 11:36 PM.
din gt to online ytd to blog abt my bday stuffs. just checked my mail and i realised i missed 2 meet-ups for 2 sprees! omg!! din check my mail for like 1 day and there's like so much happenings alrdy. kns.. those meet-ups they arranged were like so sudd lah. its like they mail me now and tell me that there's a meet up tml at noon. wth!! should hv given advanced notice instead.
anyway, sum stuffs that happened over the days..~~~
18th may (thur)
nth much actually. met up with sy, kl, lc and lt after sch. went town and chose my bday pressie. went for dinner after that at cafe cartel. walked ard and chit chatted. was damn tired that day lah..
19th may (fri)
howard made the whole class to sing bday song for me in the lab after sumone told him its my bday that day! kinda paiseh actually. hahha.. but big thank you to DBIT 2A 12 for singing bday song for me. hees. and thk you class rep for the chocos too. there's quite a few of may babies in our class. and all our bdays are v close. mine on 19th, angela's and breelin's one on 21st, class rep on 22nd. damn near rite? haha
DBIT 1A 12 gave me pressie too. but i din manage to meet them to say thk you, think they were busy with their assignment. i shall remb to thk them another day..
yups.. and i wanna say thk you to lt, sy, kl, lc and dada for acc-ing me ytd. =))) i love all of you.. although sum of you were busy ytd, all of u still managed to squeeze time out to celeb it with me. ^.^ im touched! thks for the "new yr"pressie and the "self-made" cake too. o yah, siyi and me bumped into fleur on the mrt ytd. oh my, she's damn tall and slim lah. hahhaa.. so nice seeing her again!
not forgetting those who wished me happy bday via sms, phone, friendster testi, msn, tagging and verbally. THANK YOU!
and ya. to my mummy, i will try to be more gentle lah.. kays. hahhahha
overall, i enjoyed my bday!!! im happy!! ^ ^
20th may (sat)met out with bitches today. =P
went town, shopped and walked ard. pf actually joined us later so we went NUM w/o her, good looking was on duty. and tis agnes told me he kept laughing, wth was he laughing at? my headband ar?! kns.. went NUM again when pf came, din see him ard, tot he went for lunch or so ever and then he sudd appeared behind agnes lah! all of us chua tio lah. hahhaha.. we were dying to stay at the shop but too bad we cnt. >.<
cnt decided what to eat, wanted to go sakura for buffet but seems like its closed, went pizza hut in the end.
saw nice puma bag at tangs. asked mummy if i can gt it and she started lecturing me that i've so many bags and in those olden days they actually used rice bags as bags. bla bla bla. so she's indirectly telling me that she's not getting it for me. okie. i shall not get it then, since im so broke now. but its tempting lah!! argh~ self-control, self-control..........
agnes actually asked the salesman to get a new one for her, the new bag is damn smelly lah. ba wu gao gao. smells like some dead fish in a smelly shoe bag. pui!! hahhaa. we were being fussy abt those threads and the smell, so we told the salesman we're nt getting alrdy. he's pissed lah. kns.. as if we care. hahhaa. got some entertainment frm the levis counter too cos puifen wanna TACKLE the staff over there. hahhahhaa!!!
o yah. saw the superband bus at the traffic infront when we were crossing over frm heeren to cine. hahhaha.. bth. damn bo liao lah. all of them were standing at e top deck of the bus and waving. oso no much ppl chap them lah. hahhaha.liu de hua was waving quite ji dong-ly to us. saw dimple boy too. all of them were damn high on the bus lah. nmario saw us and he started to wave frantically. he seemed so agitated when he spotted us and sprung up frm his seat to tip toe and wave at us. hahhaha. we din even wave back lah. hahhaa. cos we were busy laughing at his silliness. bth.. that scene was damn funny.
we saw that yuki yake gd looking smiling!! omg. he's another dimple boy!! hahhahaaha..
and this agnes started telling me that having dimples are actually having sum defects cos there's one missing muscles or sort. ma de. i shall go do some research on it alrdy. better dun let me catch her bull shitting. =x
oh shits, we missed those NUM today, din managed to meet at e traffic. hais..
there's some other interesting stuffs instead. hahahhaa.. sweet loving couple lah. this kero keep staring and staring. ma de. still staring when we were so far away lo. kns.
anyway, thks aggy, puifen and jw for the pressie. =)
okie.. that's abt it..
i'm a happy eighteeen! =D
loads of pics for e upcoming entry.
nites all.. ^.^
submitted at 11:59 PM.
IM OFFICIALLY 18! aww~~ im soo old alrdy. >.<
2 yrs later i will be 20 and a few yrs later 30 and bla bla...~
how i wish i can just stay at 18 forever. ya.. dream on man~!!
its time for me to grow up! although i've the looks of a 18, but a dont hv a 18 year old mindset.
i hv loads of areas to improve on. like how i perceive things and all.
its time for me to help out with those chores and hm too. hv to learn to be independent and i think its time for me to take care of my parents, since they hv been wrking so hard just to provide me with comfort thrgh this 18 yrs! i've to learn to appreciate all these, and can't just take them for granted. =)
jialing smsed me just now to wish me happy bday! im kinda surprised that she still remb my bday! what a thoughtful friend!! =P hee~
thks to those who wished me happy bday too.. wo ai ni men!!! hahahhas
submitted at 12:37 AM.
went bugis with mummy today.
lunched, walked and shopped ard. was looking for a clutch bag, but i couldnt find the one i saw last time.
went temple and prayed too cos my bro is gg bangkok soon, next week i think. so hv to go bao you him to cum hm safely.
got my necklace from bugis street, saw nice pants too, but im lazy to try plus the weather was damn hot in the afternoon.
travelled back to jp since there's nth much to shop at bugis alrdy.
received my 1st present for my 18th birthday! =)
got a guess watch from mummy. got the white & gold one. was thinking of getting the pink & silver one actually. but white & gold one seems nicer too me.
not sure if i made the wrg decision cos the strap is white. and i will be looking at my strap every other min just to check if i've dirtied it. its kinda tiring lah. hahhaha
but its costly to me so i must treasure it! moreover its a gift from my mummy, so its going to be my precious one! hahahhaha
going out with the girls after sch tml ^.^
oh dead! i haven touched my BA & ECONS notes!!!
although the time state i blogged at 9 plus, its actually 12 midnite now.
cos i opened a new post at 9 plus, but only started blogging now.
anyway, just watched kt news on enews just now. its a news on their final concert tour stop at e tokyo dome. hahhaha.. saw maru crying. BTH.. kame's hair looks quite nice now i think. its Q Q~
off to watch some clips that i just finished DL-ing..
i wanna see maru crying scene again! hahhahha
submitted at 9:46 PM.
was actually quite contented when i managed to implement self-control and din order any stuffs frm hairband and shoe store sprees ytd.
i was so tempted to order a shoe and 2 hair bands actually, infact i was soo near to placing my orders and i told myself to stop it! hahahha
see what i just did..
i placed order for 2 tops frm tw spree again! oh damn! im so out of control!!!
1) butterfly top what a amazing butterfly~ hahhahhaha
2) stripes spag

im asking the organiser how much is she gg to charge me for the shipping for this cherry pin. cos it will be v ridiculous if the shipping for the item is more exp then the item itself. aha!
i better stop it. can someone kindly get a money photocopier for me?
submitted at 10:02 PM.
went SAS after sch to ask abt my bursary stuffs. OH so it's actually ready for collection long ago when they issued me the letter. but they din state it clearly in the letter, they only told me to submit the form back. the SAS staff was kind enough to help me check and stuffs, she gave me the no to call the financial office abt it, but she told me its better to go over there myself cos she doubt they will pick up.
went to e financial office. OH DAMN. the attitude of those staffs there sucks! damn lah. cnt they just talk more mannerly? ma de. damn frustrated. its not as if i owe them anything or sort. damn pissed lah! ARGH! both the young and old also like that. si ah pek and chao si si lah. they kept asking if i checked my mail, i told them i check my intranet almost everyday and received no news abt it so i came to ask. this si ah pek kept telling me im supposed to check the sch's intranet and not hotmail. KNN lah. i know im supposed to check intranet for sch stuffs, and i kept telling him YA i did check my intranet! ma de. si ah pek lah. BTH
im sure gg to feedback on those staffs during the feedback session if i hv the chance to.
luckily i still managed to get my cheque. phew~
but si ah pek and chao si si really deserves some slapping! ma de..
gg to use the bursary to pay for my sch fees. yups...
its as if my mummy will let me spend them on shopping lah. hahhaha.. dream on!
mummy is on off tml. prob going shopping or lunch with her tml.
wonder if my auntie helped me asked abt my ipod alrdy, shall prob remind her again.
guess my father's going to pay for it? who knows.. hahhhaha
submitted at 7:11 PM.
having IDA make up lesson right now. damn sians lah
did loads of copying just now for BA & econs, oh my! BA & econs tests are next week and im still clueless abt those modules. dead alrdy lah!
plus i guess i wont hv time to study this weekend, mayb sun i guess? 1 day to study 2 modules that i'm clueless abt? nah~~ im nt a genius!
gg orchard with sy later on cos she wanna exchange her bro's crumpler bag.
oh.. i must remb to watch sb later on. but i dun think i can reach hm in time to catch it.
i wanna get jellybeans later on. =P
shoes store & hairband sprees!! i wanna get stuffs~! but im soo broke. so i nd to do sum self-control. yups.. i can do it!!!!
submitted at 4:50 PM.
hais. what a boring sunday! wanted to gt the casio watch today but the pink one is oos alrdy. tried on the blue one instead and i think it dun really looks nice on me. think im gg to get the guess one alrdy.
went ah ma hse after that. wanted to stayed for dinner, but my bro din wanna go my ah ma hse so i din stay oso.
asked my auntie to help me check the price for ipod nano, shall order frm her if its cheaper.
saw this frm a tw auction site just now:
i think its kinda cool!~
anyway, watch WaT's tv special just now.
OMG!!! teppei looks soo kawaii inside. even my cousin agrees with me!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers out there!
submitted at 4:35 PM.

i love this bag from joyce shop!!!
OMG!! im so in love with these straws bags recently!!!
those tops and bottoms from joyce shop looks nice too!! I LOVE!!!
a... shall ask my bro to keep a look out for these kinda bags in bangkok!
done with chap H of flash..phew~ im soo sleepy now. Zzzzz
submitted at 8:06 PM.
BTH.. i just phoned my bro to ask him where's the packet of gummy sweets i bought this morn. and he told me its under his pillow! ma de. its just a packet of gummies and he wanna hides it. cheapo.
hahahha. BTH lah
anway, told my mummy this morn that i wanna get these:

they are actually earrings & necklaces holder.
but its quite costly lah. e 1st one costs $25 and e 2nd one $28.
so i was telling mummy that its soo not worth it lah cos it seems quite easy to make, just drill some tiny holes on those steels will do.
so my mummy actually suggested that i can ask my papa to gt sum steels frm my ah ye's factory and make one for me.
so i went hm happily and showed my papa e pics of e earrings holder hoping he can make one for me.
den he started complaining its a lot of work lah. BTH. i explained that its nt 3D or wad so easy to make loh. den he said still nd to drill so many holes and paint the steel. ma de. i told him its only small holes lo!
he told me that its reasonable to pay $28 for the load of wrk. KNN
BTH alrdy. my mummy and me started scolding my papa..
den after we were done with our scoldings, my papa stood at the bar counter for a while, den he asked me for e measurements. so i told him its 30 X 37 cm. den he orrhhh, saying its quite small only. ma de. i tot he changed his decision and decided to make one for me alrdy.
HAIS..guess i shall irritate him until he agrees to make it for me! hahhaa
shits. im having headache now. BAD~~
i mentioned that i wanna go do my flash in my previous entry.
but... i haven started on it YET!! HAHHAHA
i nd motivation~~ pls cum motivation!!!
submitted at 4:31 PM.
back frm marketing in the morn. hais. the stall din open today so i cnt gt my hello kitty make up bag.
hv lots of places in mind to go tml. i feel like getting my watch n gg jp to shop ard tml. but mummy feels like gg to ah ma hse. shall see how early we can wake up tml.
planning to order
NKF KFC later at nite for supper. hahhaha! hope the weather won't be bad later at night. =p
show spree tops had arrived. most prob going to meet up with e organiser next week, since sy isn't free today, and im not gg to be free tml.
was informed that IDA n MMWD assignments are up on the BB alrdy. shall check it out later on.
read thrgh those IDA notes ytd. a~~ im quite lost halfway thrgh. >.<
im still stucked with my BA. HAIS. they are giving me headaches!!!
off to do some flash..
jia you jia you~~ ^_^
submitted at 1:17 PM.
wooo!!! i love chen yi's eyes!!! hahhahhaaokie. im done with my entry! off to bed.
gg to ah ma hse early in e morn tml.
OMG. i saw fq lip sync-ing during the vesak day perf on tv just now. and he's just soo bad at lip sync-ing. its too obvious! hais!!! i wanna listen to his live again!!!
submitted at 2:20 AM.
all thks to my hao jie shao, everyone ordered stuffs frm the maple syrup spree. hahha =P
we ordered 16 items all together, and those items amounted to 159 bucks! its almost $160!
had a hard time posting the comment just now, was trying to be extra careful just in case i make mistakes in pasting those urls or sorts.
ordered 3 items for myself, i actually spent the least during this spree. 0.0 ^.^
1. pink cherry necklace

pf, agnes n i each got 1. hahhaa. r we influenced by magician? hahhaa. cherry = cherish!~ hahhaa i cherish myself, so i gt this for myself! hahhaa. BULLSHIT
2. pearl heart necklace

cnt decide whether to get this initially. but i think it might match nicely with the pink flowers top i got that day frm the tw spree so i decided to gt it.
3. er zuo ju earrings
looks cute~
got a pair of earrings frm e amegus spree too. 
but i think my earrings is most likely gg to be oos. cos sy told me many ppl ordered this earrings too. and it will be like 1st cum 1st serve basis. okie. wish me good luck den! hope i can gt my earrings.
o yah, i received my charms bracelet frm the amegus spree that day. e bracelet is heavy with all those charms dangling. n its too loose for my wrist. >.<
the cherry wu spree really pissed sy n me. wonder how many mths do we still hv to wait! ARGH
submitted at 12:56 AM.
din attend lessons today again. becos im still feeling sick. oh... so i only school 1 day this week!
went to e doc in the morn to gt MC n medicines.
since im not schooling today i cnt meet them later on. =( nvm.. shall meet them mayb on sat?
hahaha. my mummy is thinking too much lah! she thinks im having some probs ard in the sch so im finding excuses nt to go. hahhaha
anyway, i saw a nice n sweet looking hello kitty make up bag just now. dunno if i shld gt it. spent too much money on contacts n doc just now so i din dare to ask mummy to buy it for me.
it costs ard 14 bucks i think.
anyway, eileen told me i missed out a lot these few days. so i think i better start studying at hm. i've loads of copying wrk to catch up on when i return to sch. hais.
off to study IDA n MMWD~
wheeee.. its holiday tml!!! =P
submitted at 12:13 PM.
im finally done with all these uploading of photos.
went to the veggie farm with my mummy & her frens on sun's morn. i wanted to get my watch that day actually, but my mummy said i woke up too late so she dun wanna bring me there alrdy! argh. excuses!!
here's some pics i took at the veggie farm that day.
those veggies we eat everyday are grown like this.

those ugly long beans. haha. they are far too Q alrdy lah.

aloe vera~ they are actually grown in sand.

look at these huge melons! i wonder how those branches managed to support these huge n heavy looking fruits.
there's some pets at e farms too.

so what's the furry object over there? its a squirrel!! i think it looks more like a plush toy.
and in the same cage there's this horrible looking creature. there's 2 of it actually.

btw is this called iguana? whatever its called. its soo horrible looking lah. n there's sumting sagging down frm its throat. eek! disgusting!!
the other one was actually hanging on the fence. i din realise that there was actually another one hanging over there until my mummy told me soo. i think it actually climbed too high and has probs cuming dwn. hahhaa

i love the colours combination of the bird.
enough on the veggie farm. shall go on to blog abt SB recording last sun.
met pf at jp, trained to clementi n bused to mcs.
had our KFC on the journey to mcs.

hahaha.. clever girl's invention...
wooo. and look what we saw when we alighted at our stop.

chicken on the run. chicken run~
and this PUI FEN was taking silly pics of me while im trying to capture pics of e chicken. jian lah!
we were late for recording again. sat quite behind cos there wasnt many seats left. joked and made comments on almost everything that's happening. i think those girls seating ard us were annoyed. hahhaa.. but we still continued with our own entertainment.
niu nai actually looked up and saw us. hahha.. waved n nodded several times. pui fen was damn highed alrdy lah. she pulled gerry n me dwn to stand at e stage area so that she can gt close to her niu niu.
wonder how those ppl managed to stand there thrgh out the whole recording for like 3 hrs. i only stood to watch 2 perfs n was quite bth alrdy. its tiring and those sound system is damn loud lah u can actually feel ur heart thumping over there.
waited after the recording. started irritating ppl n stuffs. and i think aggy really pissed jacky off. hahhaaa.. amber walked past n i just randomly shouted dimple boy~ HHAHAHA.. n this adrain really turned back to look lah. damn ps. i siam hurriedly after that. BTH.. so he really thinks he's some dimple boy huh. hahhaa..
took pics with alex n lucify peeps. haha. told alex abt nakamaru, haha... n he knew exactly which part of his face looks like him. hahhaa. vics is quite entertaining. kuek was acting gay again.shinya was in a hurry huh! masaki looks like a doggie in e pic.
my stomache is in pain right now. so i shall stop here n get some rest now.
dunno if i shld go to sch tml. diarrhoea and cramps are killing me!!!
submitted at 10:09 PM.
my mummy wants me to go to bed alrdy. but im nt sleepy yet cos i napped too long jus now. abt 3 hrs i think? a little too much? and im suffering frm headache when i gt up just now. hais.
think i shall go read on my BA, econs n stats lecture notes later on. i bet my eyes will be closing after i stare at those notes for 30 mins! hahhaa. im dead alrdy lah. its alrdy week 4 now i think? tests are on week 6 i think n im still clueless abt everything. i betta be hardwrking n start putting in extra effort in studying!!
the weather is terrible nowadays. its extremely hot lah, i can still feel the high temp now in the night, its unbearable!
okie. i betta shut dwn my comp before my mummy comes and nags at me.
submitted at 1:29 AM.
din sch today cos my stomach isnt feeling well, having diarrhoea and stomache since ytd, wonder what dirty food did i consumed. wanted to go attend lessons at 12noon just now, but i think its a waste of time to travel there to attend that few hrs of copying sessions so i decided to stay at hm instead.
i actually skipped BA and ECONS lectures and went hm at 1pm ytd. cos i was wearing e trial pair of contacts w/o astigmatism, it seems ok when i put it on. but my vision turned blurred after that. those stuffs ard me seems kinda floating n its making me giddy. so i decided to skip both lectures since i cnt c clearly n wont be able to do any copying.
anyway, i went to e optician to order my contacts ytd. i feel like getting a new specs too. =X
i think i betta start doing sum revisions for sum modules alrdy, esp for BA. im totally clueless abt what the module is abt. hais.. oh yah. there's no sch for me tml too! WHEEE =) meaning im only schooling 2 days tis week. hahahhaha
shall blog abt SB recording later on after i uploaded all e photos. my bro just brought his lap top to sch so i've to wait for him to cum back den i can upload those pics.
submitted at 12:22 PM.
stuffs from cutie fashion:

pink flowers top.

the white jacket.
again, i hope these stuffs will be up to my expection when they arrive. hahaha.. they better be!
i saw this bag that i really love!!! take a look~

the blue green one in the center pic! i think it looks damn nice!!! its duper nice lah!!! but it isnt selling on the site yet, they are still waiting for all those goods to arrive and stuffs.
OMG~ better let me find sumting similar in sg, cos i bet the shipping will be exp if im gg to order it from the site.
gt my abercrombie tee from sy just now. quality and material seems nt bad. but some itchy mouth ant nibbled on my shirt i think. knn. hope the tinny hole won't get any bigger. hhaha
i nd new contacts, the permanent ones seems "dead" alrdy. its causing discomfort for wearing. think im only supposed to wear e permanent ones for 1 yr, but i wore it for like 1 and a half yrs or more den that? cnt really remb. my contacts are damn costly lah. they cost me $320 for a yr supply! all becos of my high degree of astigmatism. kns. normal ones only cost abt $100 plus for a yr supply. im paying like thrice the price all becos of my astigmatism! fack!
hope my power wont increase when i do my eye check tml! >.<
i dun wanna go blind so soon lah..
submitted at 1:12 AM.
went to cao ge's campus con ytd with zx & co, e event was held at the sch's auditorium, so ytd was oso the 1st time i stepped into our sch's auditorium. hahhaa.. there's still many places in the sch that i have not visit before lah. im a freshie~ =P ya right~~
we din go earlier to Q for it, just reached e venue at ard 7pm. the Q was long! v longg!!! see~ SP students are great lah! we participate enthusiastically in all our events! hahhahaa =)
we were actually quite behind in the Q, so by e time we entered, the whole auditorium was damn filled alrdy, those seats and stairs. its overcrowding lah! damn kua zhang. all those stairs were occupied too! we've no choice but to sit at those tinny little bit of spaces left at the stairs. damn cramped lah. n i was wearing a skirt! ma de.. i din expect the crowd lah. i tot there's gonna be loads of empty seats like fq's campus con in NP last time. hahha.. okie.. so we can actually tell the diff between NP and SP students. =X anyway, heard that fq's is in town now. hurrrr~~~
sitting in a such awkward position, i was actually hoping that e whole event can finish hurriedly. my body was like curled up to squeeze in the limited space lah, uber uncomfortable!
the con started shortly after we were seated, think there's still people Q-ing outside that cnt get in cos e place was full alrdy. so what's the point of issuing so much tixs in the 1st place? too bad they cnt use the convention center, heard that they hv to pay to use e convention center but its a free con.
zhi yong was e host for the con. think cao ge sang ard 5 or 6 songs? aiya.. cnt really remb. but superwoman is really nice. i think e part when he asked e audience to sing the mo li hua was quite funny lah. hahha.. overall, his live is good!
the con actually lasted for abt 45 mins and they had autogrph session after that. din stay to watch e autogrph session. my whole body was aching terribly after that lah. just try curling up your body for like an hr and u will know. hahhaha.. wonder how many cca pts will we be awarded for that? hahahhaha!!!
went bugis with sy, lt and kl just now. nth much.. walked ard, had dinner and chatted. saw nice tops from bugis street. but those same styles of tops are selling cheaper at those tw sites. o ya. i bought 2 stuffs from cutie fashion just now, shall post up e stuffs i ordered later on. i think im too much lah. im online shopping during lesson time! i better stop my nonsense lah!
ooo. feel like getting the necklace too. but i'm just not in the mood to get it just now. hahah.. nvm. shall get it another time.
came back jp and walked ard. wooo.. i think the gola bag is not bad! but it cant be carried on the shoulders cos those straps r too short. hrmm. shall consider again.
talked to mummy abt the US trip just now. although its nt exp for a US trip, its still a big sum of $$$! hahhaha.. okie lah. its actually out of the question! i sudd feel like gg bangkok wif bro, but they've alrdy booked the tixs and he's reluctant to let me tag along. asshole!
oooo. im listening to one on one right now.
mario's maru's singing is NICE!! hahhaa.. i like!!! his beat box is COOL!! i love!!!
submitted at 11:48 PM.
having IDA lesson right now. doing all those same stuffs again, just copying and pasting. sians! the lecturer was late for 30mins just now lah. and when we were all abt to leave, he appeared! im clueless abt IDA lah. dead!
there's GEMs today. meeting zx & co for lunch later on.
going out wif sy, kl, lt after GEMs. lc will prob join us after her wrk, linda is busy with her report so she's prob not meeting us.
okie. shall blog abt cao ge's campus con later when i gt hm.
off to browse cutie fashion~ =P
submitted at 11:05 AM.
IDA is boring, i dislike the young lecturer. he's only 34 yrs old i think. he's so young and w/o any experience! and i think he's a gay lah! HAHAHHA he looks like one.
omg.. im so afraid that he might walk past and c what im typing. so i must be prepared to switch windows anytime!
im just copying and pasting all those stuffs and dun uds anything at all.
hahhaa.. BTH. the gay gay teacher jus scolded someone for being gu niang! LOL
okie. im off to copy and paste stuffs~
submitted at 10:26 AM.
was relieved when i saw the tw spree still opened when i reached hm ytd. phew~* wanted to order during stats lab lesson ytd, but there isnt enough time for me to post my comment.
anyway, i got a top and a bottom from the spree.

the pink top i gt. this can be worn both sides. i love their knee length pants. but i doubt i can fit in so i din gt any. hais! but those pants are really lovely lah..

got the bottom also. there's actually some stripes design on it. siyi got e blue stripes one and i got this grey one.
these 2 stuffs better don't disappoint me when they arrived lah. ma de. the skirt is actually cheaper den the top. but i've to pay more for e shipping for the skirt as its counted as 2 items.
the abercrombie top had arrived at sy's hse a few days ago, going to get it from her if we meet out this weekend.
list of stuffs that i haven received:
cherry wu top (its taking donkey yrs lah, think the seller haven even shipped out those stuffs)
memesa top
show top
amegus bracelet (its taking v long considered its a local spree, and i actually regretted getting the bracelet, the other necklace i ordered is oos)
abercrombie polo (hopefully i din gt the wrg size for it)
maplesyrup necklace (gg to arrive this week)
rainie's belly earrings
queen's shop top & bottom
my bro's gf passed him e NUM discount alrdy. but dun think there's any discounts for the heels i wanna get. cos i think the heels is some brazilian series or sumting not havainas. and apparel dont include footwear right? aiya. so i dun think im getting it alrdy lah. cnt afford such exp stuffs.
i wanna get a watch now. not sure if mummy is going to pay. if she's going to, den i will get the guess one. if not, i will get e pink casio one den. hopefully i can get it by this weekend or prob next wed.
shit! i jus remb i've to do my BA tut for tml. knn.. forget abt it. i dun even noe how to do lah.
hais. i hate sch! =((
submitted at 11:42 PM.
changed my blogskin finally! its
brown & pink now!! wanted to change to sumthing pink initially but there's some probs with e skin so i've to choose an alt. anyway, i think e designer spelled sillouette wrgly, there's supposed to be a h somewhere i think. =X
i've gt loads of stuffs to blog abt.
okie. not that much actually, just my cousin's 21st bday and town ytd.
shall start with my cousin's 21st bday celebration 1st. so its BBQ at my cousin's condo again~ think this is the 4th time a cousin of mine is celebrating their 21st bday this way. but actually, there's isn't much options for us to celeb our 21st bday somewhere else. cos those adults will be v unwilling to travel lah. i better start thinking abt how am i gg to celeb my 21st bday which is like 3 yrs later! hahhaa. i've got to say i ate ALOT that day. haha. and i think agnes's sis saw me eating non-stop too! cos there were too much leftovers, those satays and chicken wings esp. think my cousin's frens din eat much. so i was trying v hard to finish as much as i can lah. my cousins invited quite a lot of frens ard 30 plus to 40. wow~ i bet i don't hv 30 frens to invite to my bday lah. hahhaa. stayed over at my cousin's hse that night, and we've those BBQ food leftover e previous day for breakfast! and guessed what i ate for dinner? its those BBQ food again! so i was practically eating BBQ food for the whole weekend~!!
i was supposed to pass my cousin nobuta and devils that day. but i forgot abt it again! i actually brought it with me and kept reminding myself to pass it to her. im damn forgetful lah. luckily i finally passed jw tears ytd!!!
met agnes after sch ytd. went cine 1st to hv our lunch, jw was enjoying yuki yaki with her frens so both of us went kobayashi for lunch. went heeren to look for jw after finishing our lunch. OMG. from far i alrdy saw this cute jappy guy yawning he looks damn cute even when yawning lah! he was together with 2 other frens, both jappies oso, and they entered nike shop. so agnes and me hurried follow in too. hahha. we were both mesmerised by his looks lah. they went converse shop and we followed in too. think they knew we were trailing them lah cos they looked over. but i dun think it was obvious leh, we din drool neither did our nosebleed what. HHAHA
they entered limited ed shop later but we din dare to follow alrdy so we walked in everlast which is beside e shop. being da hao rens we hao xin called jw to come dwn see nippon kia, and those nippon kias left shortly after i called jw lah. and so we lost them! knn... there were actually 2 other jappies who passed by us and i told agnes one of em is quite gd looking lah. but tis chei meh agnes cnt see lah cos she wasnt wearing her specs. HAIS. so we lost our eyecandy becos of the hao xin call.. hahhahaa
walked over to far east after that. passed by S&K again. tomorrow was on duty. only tomorrow lah. and this agnes pulled me to walk pass that shop 2 times just to take a glance at him.
oh ya. think i din blog about the last week when we went in S&K, all of em were on duty that day lah! even tomorrow who wasnt supposed to be on duty i think but he came to gt his things. hhaha. i think partly its becos jw din follow us that day. =X we went in the shop and we're sure all of them recognised us lah! esp cashier boy, kept smiling and smiling. ma de! plus we actually stayed inside the shop for quite long cos pf wanna check the stock for the pants.
din dare to go NUM, just in case blue shirt was on duty, cos agnes actually annoyed him last week. damn scary lah. when we walking to the station last week preparing to go hm, we met those NUM at e traffic, and they followed us quite tightly behind, i think the blue shirt was staring lah.
reached far east and when we were on the escalator jw said nakamaru, nakamaru~~ hahhaa. we looked up and saw J3 standing there! hahha.. damn funny! we tot there's only nakamaru lah. din know all 3 of em were there. agnes went to gt her fred perry bag, there's only green left, other colors are oos alrdy so she gt the green one.
walked over the zara outlet beside wheellock after that, tried on 2 tops but they seems weird on me lah. decided to be gd girls and go hm after that. hahha. cos gd girls go hm early!
omg.. so
suay qiao met pf on the train! hahaha. we were actually at e cabin infront of hers, i walked past and saw a familiar hairstyle and i knew its her! hahhaha. she was with her frens, realised her fren is my senior. hahhaa. pf damn evil lah. kept saying her fren is a gay infront of him. hahhaa. went supermarket with pf cos she wanna buy stuffs and make ai xing breakfast for her abang. =X hahaha. i ended up carrying 4 packets of chips hm lah. but those chips are really tasty~ yum yum...
shall organise outing for the 6 of us this weekend. haven met up for quite sometime alrdy. =P
oh! jus remb its cao ge campus concert tml. its quite late lah. think i will only reach hm at 9 plus tml. cos the con is from 7-8pm.
there's IDA, BA n MMWD tml. sians! plus tml lessons drags till 5pm. ma de. the more i think abt our IDA lecturer the more i bu shuang! and i guess i've to do some lip reading tml or else i wont uds our BA's lecturer far too perfect eng! till now i still dunno wads BA about lah. im catching no balls~
submitted at 9:56 PM.