2 good news!!
the dateline for submittion of mmwd & ida vid is extended by a week. phew... meaning we hv more time for editing and sorts. but we still hv prob getting a cam. =(
and 2nd news.
i passed my BA!! wooooo hooooooo
im happy with my results. i even gt a A lah. zhen de shi unbelievable!!! i swear i really tot all my ans were wrg. this stupid class rep told me i failed and i believed him cos im prepared to flung actually. think the teacher oso anyohow mark one lah.
was chatting with samm and jw ytd. hahahhaa.. this samm seems really excited abt it.
gg to meet sy later to gt my stuffs. its like finally we're really meeting. those past meetings were cancelled last min.
off to pay attention to adobe premier shit.
submitted at 3:23 PM.
pui fen is having supper with dimple boy now. think they r meeting at diver's hse for practice or what lah. and this pf was talking so loudly to me just now and ppl were staring lah.
i wanna gt cloth tml and make my own vintage belt!
submitted at 11:49 PM.
im gg to be very occupied these 2 weeks.
mmwd & ida vids are due next thur.
we finally planned our stryline for the vid during our 2 hrs break today. phew~ its like finally we've gt ourselves a stry. hahha. shall start filming this fri and start spending the rest of the time on editing. i can foresee that there's loads of editing to be done. =(
so meaning my weekend, and my aftersch-activities next week will be gone! >.<
no choice, hv to score well inorder to pull my marks up.
IDA CA1 this fri and i haven touched my notes yet. dead lah. since im gg out tml, i better start reading them later on. i must study later on! shall gt tips frm goldie on what to study.
prob meeting sy after her sch tml to gt my queenshop stuffs and to chinatown to gt some sewing materials.
next week? gg to be duper busy i guess. since he's coming, so there goes my wed, thur, fri, sat and sun.
i've econs test on the following mon, meaning on the next day he depart or mayb on the day he's departing. oh my, pls tell me where im gg to dig time out to study my test?!
and i still haven start making those stuffs yet.
o ya. jw.. i called him just now and he told me he cnt change the date cos those schedules are alrdy cfm and set alrdy. plus he will be quite busy next mth with his new book and stuffs.
time management, time is precious!!
okie.. i get it. im gg to be pitching hard! ahhahaha. (pi's fav phrase)
submitted at 9:43 PM.
just finished watching the last episode of kurosagi. sugoi! nice!
like what yamapi said, there were really like a thousand of extras for the scene when kurosaki gt caught by police. i was like so sad when i tot he was really gg to be jailed and the stry is gg to end like that. after tearing so much when i watched the ending for tears, i was looking forward to see some joyous ending for these doramas. hahaa. believe me a not. nobuta made me wept towards the end too. hahaha
so fortunately, the ending for kurosagi was quite alright. not depressing at least. hahaha. nth can be as depressing as tears lah.
the old man was really disgusting lah, he winked at one of those scenes towards the end. yucks. and he's really crazy lah, keep fooling and bluffing ppl. o yah. kurosaki pointed middle finger infront of the national tv. hahahahha..
i love pi's cross dressing in the show. not cross dressing actually, just those diff outfits he's wearing each week.
ok. off to try out those fonts.
last but not least, MAIDOARI! haha~ =))
submitted at 10:13 PM.
DAMN! our grp just realised that the IDA & MMWD vid will be due next week! and we haven even started filming yet! we haven even planned abt the stry line and all. KNN. everything sucks lah.
i along tot the dateline for the vid is ard aug and tot we will be submitting the vid with our website. seems like im v v v wrong! anyway, i think we only hv BA exams at the end of the sem. hees.. that's sumting to be v happy abt. but BA? totally clueless abt the module.
ok. time to pull up my socks. i've to pitch for results.
submitted at 4:30 PM.
oh damn! i really failed my MMWD, and i failed by quite a lot of marks. knn.
have to score better for the proj to pull my marks up.
gt a B for my rwps. i dun dare to think abt my BA. cos im gg to flung it. damn!
ok.. he's coming next week. so fast lah.
but im still so broke!
submitted at 10:58 AM.
schooling later on.
i hate sch! =(((((
submitted at 12:13 AM.
dun worry. i din shoot myself in the head. haha
seems v wordy uh, cos the space is quite small so very thing looks so cramped.
listening to wilber's new album now. 2nd song seems nice.
off to watch silence epi 2!
submitted at 10:55 PM.
went ah ma hse in the morn. i travelled all the way there and fell alslp once i reached my ah ma hse. din join them for shopping at lot 1, cos there's nth for me to gt frm lot 1. so i decided to save my energy and gt some beauty slp instead.
packed my wardrobe just now. realised that im only wearing clothes frm half of my wardrobe. change in tastes and preferences thus affecting the demand of customers. hahhaa. revision for marketing. oh damn! i sudd remb that we're gg to gt back our CA1 papers when sch reopen right?! oh shit. pls... let my pass my BA & MMWD!
damn! its the end of holidays and i still haven touched my BA e-learning week stuffs and revisions for IDA test! oh ya!!! and there's this stats cd-rom we've to study too! ok. no more playing tml. i shall rush all those wrk at gear 5 speed tml.
i think i've probs making firm decisions. just see how often i change those arrangements in my room. one min i decide to align them horizontally, next min i will be thinking mayb its better for them to be aligned vertically. anyway, after packing my room for days, its still NOT neat and tidy. hahaaha. but jw u will still be welcomed to my hse to play. =p
i love those new rules frm sgspree.
-max handling fee of $0.30
-fixed currency rate. 19.5 for TWD
=))) previously, some charged handling fee up to $1. its too much! imagine if there's like 100 spree-ers. the organiser will be profitting $100!
im still left with 3 unsettled sprees at the moment.
glad to say that i see hopes in my AF polo and memesa spag.
as for the cherry wu spree. its obvious that the organiser is running away with our money on purpose! we shall threaten her more den.
saw someone organsing joyce shop spree the other day. oh my. i was so tempted! plus there was discounts!
gg to DL last epi of kurosagi later on. feeling a little down cos the dorama ended alrdy. i wanna see yamapi MORE! hahhaha. nvm... i still hv dragon zakura to occupy me.
i haven even touched shige's, teppei's and ryo's shows yet lah. i better hurry DL the full epi first before its seedless.
im using this maxthon browser right now. and i think its quite good. cos everything runs in one window.
take one last look at my brown and pink skin, im gg to change it to a black and pink one soon~~
submitted at 6:35 PM.
oh my, i cnt wait!!
after all, it hv been a yr since express boy.
teeeeheeee =)
meeting siyi tml to gt my queenshop stuffs. think the bottom we bought sucks lah. hais.
i feel like getting shoes tml.
cash! i nd cash!!!
submitted at 11:56 AM.
went for haircut just now in the afternoon. wanted to gt my hair layered. but auntie says cnt. cos the curls will look weird after i layered it. cnt cut my damaged ends too. =(
only gt my fringe cut in the end. boooo hoooo..
guess i can only gt my hair cut when im gg to change my hairstyle - reperm or rebond.
i've probs understanding kurosagi lah. damn...
shall clear more shows later on..
submitted at 10:37 PM.
to cutee stranger: you can take a look at this webbie.
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=barbiebagel&u=:barbiebageli'm kinda lazy to blog. so i shall just give a brief abstract abt everything, making it short and hopefully sweet~~
went steamboat at marina just now. think we hv to ask someone hardwrking or good at cooking along next time to cook food for us. hahhaa.. we ate quite little i think. but there's nth for us to eat alrdy. everything looks yuckky to me..
went marina south pier again after steamboat. hahhaa.. uncle must be thinking we hearts that place a lot! lol...
went bugis with agnes and jw in the afternoon. saw a nice jumpers.. dunno if i shld gt it. cos i dun think i will wear it often?
gt my stuffs frm cutie fashion just now. oh.. dun quite really turn out like wad i've expected. sorta disappointing. the flowery baby doll makes me look pregnant. knn.. and e jacket isnt fitting. but mummy says not bad~
SIGHS... think its time for me to stop my online shopping and nonsense oso lah.
im broke! =(
donation pls.......!!!
o yah. i wanted to buy 4D quickpick today but i've forgotten all abt it!
knn. sch is reopening soo soon! and im still clueless abt my dumb modules.
haven gt my haircut and i've still loads of stuffs undone!
time! i nd time!!!!! HELPS.....
i'm listening to vanness & kangta's scandal album now. the song 127 day is nt bad! nice i think. aiya. there's actually like only 4 songs in the album. but they hv a chi and a korean version for the songs.
o yes! my monitor is recovering~~~ =)
submitted at 2:08 AM.
oh damn. my screen is yellowish now. my monitor is dying alrdy! the color just cnt stop changing!! omg.. hope it can revive tml. slim chance i think cos the screen is jumping now! ARGH!!!
my tops frm tw baimama spree arrived just now. ok. not so bad. just that i hv sum probs finding a matching bottom for the butterfly top. and there's this hole on the spag! KNN... dun think anyone will notice? but the hole is quite big actually. SIGH
kbox today was tiring and the room is cramped. mic, system and everything in our room are lousy too! we wanna sing wo hen xiang ai ta lah.. hahhaha. we're all in love with the song. =P
towned after that. HAIS. no eyecandy on a boring mon.
my eyes are hurting becos of e screen color. damn! off to bed den. prob gg out with mummy tml..
yawns.... Zzzzz
submitted at 2:39 AM.
just came back frm my ah ye's hse. went over for buffet in the afternoon. den stayed to played mahjong. after playing for like 4 hrs, ah ye scolded us for being too noisy and asked us to keep e mahjong. the new maid came today too. hv dinner and went hm after that.
packed my room ytd and my rm is in a mess now. cos im only halfway thrgh packing. shall cont with it later on. i cnt gt my stuffs settled cos i dunno if my mummy is gg to move another wardrobe to my room. there's too much stuffs in my rm lah and it looks so cramped.
discarded 1 box of magazines ytd, and happen to see sum old reports and pictures. hahahaa... i think taguchi really looks like the guy frm shine.
i feel like getting a new digi cam. its like as if i can get it for myself. hurhur~~~
my tw clothes will be arriving next week. oh.. they better look nice! or else im gg to cry!
kbox tml?
oh ma de. only 1 week of holiday left! sheesshshhhhh
submitted at 7:36 PM.
went ah ma hse in the morn. nth much. was chatting with my cousins and we realised that our baby cousin is actually 16 yrs younger than me. so when she's 10 yrs old, i will be like 26 yrs old?! oh my!!! who's gg to play with her den? hahaha. my cousin's babies. cos by then i think sum of my cousins will be married and having babies alrdy. hhahaha. amusing~
went lot 1 as usual. gt hair clips. hahhaa.. and some rubbish stuffs...
haiya.. hv to see this gay soon. knn..
off to pack my rm.
submitted at 4:59 PM.
oh sheessshhhh.. things are getting complicated. im creating more trouble for myself. damn!
they just dun get what im trying to say lah, they just dun uds.
knn.. country gap lah!
how how how????
submitted at 4:26 PM.
reached earlier den the others so i went over to the library and browsed thrgh some bks. wanted to borrow them initially, but i dun think i will be reading it, so i must as well dun borrow them lah.
went for dinner and movie after that. wooo hoooo.. movie for 2 consecutive days. thanks sy for her treat! =) watched garfield. hahhaa.. a funny and nice show. but kinda short...
slacked ard at mcafe after that.
and o my, my stomach was aching terribly, had diarrhoea. dammnn! feeling so unwell now.
aggy made this for me just now.
and jw made some 0.6 ones for me too. hahhaa.. my no1 lah. LOL
submitted at 2:15 AM.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIYI~went cathay to watch cars with
1A12 (1A21 i mean, its 1A21, 2A12. keep getting them mixed up) in the morn. nice movie. and nice theatre too. those seats are so comfy. nearly fell alslp halfway, cos the place is too comfortable alrdy. hahaha
met kl after that. we were dragging ourselves lah. hahaha. my legs are aching like shit now. damn! i think my body is aging alrdy lah, hv to exercise regularly.
tummy aching again. hais~
gg to meet for proj at eileen's hse tml and celeb sy's bday later at nite.
submitted at 12:30 AM.
here comes the
Don't worry when plan A failed, cos there's always plan B!
submitted at 11:34 PM.
zoo trip...
met them in the morn for mac breakfast, and headed to the zoo after that.
nah.. zoo seems boring. nth much. nt much varieties of animals as compared to last time. luckily we dun hv to pay for the tixs. hahhaa
walked ard, taking pics of some interesting animals. hahaha. think we talked alot abt aiba just now. comparing his zoo trip with ours. haiya, he's the zoo keeper lah. hahhaa
it started pouring halfway, luckily it din rain for long. but im feeling a little feverish now, hope i will be feeling better later.
walked alot just now, and my legs are aching badly.
shall post pics later when i gt them frm agnes.
damn happy! just now when i saw his reply. although its indirectly, im still contented! =))))))))
hahhahaha.. OMG! cnt wait lah... praying hard that everything just goes smoothly~~
argh!! im damn broke.. i nd sponsors pls!!!
submitted at 10:23 PM.
O MY GOD!!! im fucking happy and excited now that i cnt slp!!
i can foresee that its gg to be a battle!!! hahhahahhaa and we're gg to be the winners!! hahahaha
agnes, jw and me will be gg excursion tml too.. hahaha. to the zoo! WOOOOHOOOO
im soo excited!!!
submitted at 2:08 AM.
watched 0.6 on kangxi just now. he's damn gd looking like usual.. his mom actually gave him a condom before he went aboard for studies. hahhaa.. cos his mom scared he kanna raped by guys. HAHHAA..
he sang a bit of chao ko ai during the show. hahaha.. horrible lah. but cute!! i like!!!
watched yu zhe on yu bai just now too. can he just stop playing with his mouth. hahhaa.. kinda irritating lah. ya. sorta unbelievable that he's frm cai bang oso. hahhaa.
ok.. off to watch kurosagi. i love yamapi!
submitted at 10:48 PM.
hhohohooo.. finally finished tears! OMG! damn touching. cried and cried... din i say i wanted to finish it a few days earlier. i planned to. but i cnt! cos i cnt watch it when someone is in the hse, they will think im mad lah. the show is great. telling ppl to treasure their lifes and nt to give up. and we must be contented to be healthy.
anyway, went for sb's recording ytd. pf nd to attend some wedding dinner so i travelled there alone. ytd was crowded, there wasnt enough space for the crowd. din see any empty seats when we gt in so we went to stood ard the stage area. tiring lah. hahaha.. but it was fun looking at bald head, staring at mk in his cramp pose and moving in after every song to let the cam in.. hahaha.. we were so nt high. all of us were standing still there with our arms crossed and miss tire hit me several times ytd using her tire. she hit me and she still dared to stare at me. arrghhh..
we had to move in after every song to let the cam in to take the judges. so it was quite funny seeing the 5 of us siam-ing in after a song ended. when j3 was performing we tot their song ended alrdy so we hurried move in, but god knows they said"one more time!" and cont with their song. and this wire uncle was laughing at us lah. BTH
hahhaa.. was stunned when we heard sam asking that. hahhaa. why will someone ask that lah!
nth much later. took bus hm after that. damn scary. the whole street was so quiet and ulu and i was waiting for the bus alone at the busstop. >.<
luckily i gt hm safely. haha
submitted at 7:27 PM.
played played played,
laughed laughed laughed,
talked talked talked so much just now that we forgt the time and din know it was so late alrdy.
luckily they managed to board the last train in time. PHEW~
laughed so much at matsujun just now. song ben run spoke mandarin thrgh out. can see frm the expression on his face that he was like lost. poor boy..
so seems like arashi is gg to hv concert in tw's xiao ju dan this autumn. and this matsujun's craziest fan cjw is so crazy over it. hahhaha
okie.. superband recording tml. pf cnt make it tml. oh my.. im soo lonely~~~
submitted at 11:38 PM.
agnes and jw are on their way to my hse now to watch jqj. the red carpet is starting at 5.30 which is like 15mins later and they haven contact me yet. wonder where are they now. hahhaa..
i was supposed to fetch them frm boon lay control station. but i decided to ask them to come themselves since agnes came my hse for quite a few times before alrdy and she shld know her way here. hahhaa
okie. they just sms me to ask me to go bus stop to fetch them in 5 mins.
submitted at 5:13 PM.

was showing sy these nice jumpers frm joyce shop ytd and we were thinking if we shld order them if someone happens to organise a joyce shop spree. and i told her we shall decide again when someone organise it.
received call frm sy this morn that someone organised it alrdy. i was like WOW so fast. but we din order it in the end. cos its the 1st time the person organise a spree so i dun think we shld take the risk esp after soo many fraud cases i encounter recently. and i think i shld clear all my sprees 1st before i start spree-ing again. i think i must be careful in choosing sprees to participate in. nv participate in those 1st timers sprees and those unknown ppl sprees.
was supposed to meet agnes in the morn to go bugis. but it was raining too heavily so i din meet up with her.
i think those badges on the jumpers are v nice. those jumpers will look so plain w/o them. but i don't seems to see them selling in sg. haiya, nice stuffs cnt be found in sg. >.<
this matsu jun's crazy fan is coming my hse tml to watch jqj. and she tagged saying that she's gg to bring her idol's board over. so we can actually judge her crazy-ness over this unpretty johnny's. hahhahhaa

aiya. i seems to save the wrg pic alrdy. im wanted to show the front pic of this jumpers. this jumpers is nice too. u can actually remove those straps and it will be a shorts.

i love the anchor necklace she's wearing. the jacket looks nice too.. the necklace is not for sale i think.

im thinking if i shld just gt this? sony MP3 hard disk walkman. it only has mp3 function i think. no fm, nth... and its quite big. the 6GB one is retailing at $299. mayb i can gt it cheaper frm my aunt?
i dunno.. im clueless~
submitted at 8:23 PM.
lots of pretty stuffs!
cherries and anchors!!! I LOVE~

i love this one above! simple and nice. but costly! hahaha

all these are magnetic hair pins. doubt it can hold my hair lah.

this series looks lovely~ feel like getting either the bus or airplane.
queenshop and cutie stuffs arrived alrdy. nearly fainted when i saw the shipping and postage charges for cutie stuffs. OH DAMN! far too exp lah!! its only frm tw to sg and i only ordered 2 items!! KNN. siyi and i ordered 5 items frm queenshop spree and the shipping and postage charges is soo much cheaper den the 2 items ordered frm cutie spree. ARGH!!!
and i regretted soo much ordering that AF polo! DAMN IT!!!! fuck!
all these stuffs better don't disappoint me plsss... or else im going to ban online shopping....~~~
im oh soo bored.. and i feel like reading a book!
i shld really start finding out what the shit are my modules all abt!
submitted at 12:40 AM.
went orchard to attend my relative's wedding dinner ytd. wanted to reach there earlier for some shopping initially. after much dilly dally-ing we were not left with enough time to shop.
went to this hawker for some snacks instead. omg.. there were so many jappies there. we were surrounded by like 5 tables of jappies. hahahhaa.. they really love flowers shirts lah. hahhaa.. some of them looks cute tooo. asked mummy to look at their pretty brows and dressing.. nice nice nice~
those dishes served at the dinner din taste good lah. uncle gt drunk before the dishes were served, grandpa gt drunk not much later too. so this father and son became the center of attention when they gt ard pouring red wine to everyone. drank a little too, but i just cnt stand the taste.
im munching this popcorn that i bought frm the pasar malam near eileen's hse just now..
taste horrible lah. yucks..
so im leaving it aside to wait for my bro to finish it up for me.
oh knn.. i broke my necklace this morn! damn angry.. it wasnt my fault this time round. the necklace just broke so suddenly. shall ask mummy to settle it for me later on.
showed her my broken lizard the other time and she asked me to gt a gd quality super glue to stick it back. but the area is so small lah. i dun think any glue can hold it.
off to browse more nice stuffs online...
submitted at 10:34 PM.
fark! WTH!!! knn.. im involved in 3 fraud cases!! $@#*&
1 irresponsible organiser.
a tortoise tw seller.
and now a missing in action supplier who only sent a package of item and ran away with the other package.
there goes my 50bucks!!!! FUCKkkkk!!!!!
knn. they betta get my money back for me!
submitted at 12:50 PM.
hv been staring at this screen infront of me since i woke up at ard 11 plus in the morn. i've been slping a lot lately, napping a lot too.
haven log in to bb to look thrgh those assignments yet. shall start off with those easier ones later on. meryl and i will be gg to eileen hse on wed to finish sum e learning stuffs together and discuss abt our project too.
the thought of those piling assignments and projects makes me sick!
and im soo lost. esp with modules like BA, ECONS, STATS, MMWD, IDA, i must as well mention ALL modules. hais...
school sucks lah
shall change blogskin if im free later on.
submitted at 5:22 PM.
just came back frm bugis. haiya.. those shops were not open yet. wasted...
im so bored!!!! hais... hv loads of assignments to be completed during e learning. i rather we dun hv the e learning lah.
finally finished gachibaka ytd. i wanna finish tears by today too.. only 3 epis left i think.
off to DL shows...
submitted at 3:32 PM.
WHEEE. its holidays.. its actually e learning week. but i dun care. its holidays to ME. hahhaa
went shopping with parents in the morn. i still cnt decide which mp3 to get. hais. headache lah. mummy wanted to go furniture warehouse actually. but we think its kinda boring.
napped too long just now. from ard 4 to 8pm, 4 long hrs. i prob cnt slp tonite alrdy, shall slp late then, or shld i say early? mummy mentioned that she feels like gg OG tml. so hopefully we can wake up early enough tml, travel to bugis for some shopping. and hopefully i will be able to persuade mummy to get that bag for me. i love both bags. the straw one and the other one. but the straw one is far too costly. 38 bucks for some straws and a cloth. too much!!!
anyway, met out with agnes, jw and pf ytd. pf's fren joined us cos he was looking for some tops to match his blazer. her fren knew we were laughing at him. we were not lah. we were just commenting and 'training' him. hahhaha. her fren left after he gt his stuffs so we just shopped ard after that. all of us was so sian ytd that we chatted at the mrt platform instead of sum cafe or sort. hahhahaa
hv to clear shows later on to DL this week's MS. heard frm aggy that its funny. kame hair is oh damn long now.
submitted at 10:08 PM.
went gems to take our attendence and left. im in this comp lab right now. and this monitor infront of me is 24 inch BIG! duper big lah. shiock!
doing our gems quiz right now. i cnt do actually, cos mine hang alrdy. i din know we're not supposed to press the back button during the quiz, i tot its a multiple attempt one so it doesnt matter. went back to the lecturer just now to ask him to reactivate my acc for me, so i've to wait for him to activate for me 1st before i can complete my quiz.
sians lah. dunno where to go later on. HAIS....
submitted at 2:06 PM.
seems like there's loads of stuffs to be completed during E learning week. shitty lah.
meeting out with B***** later on to pass them maple syrup stuffs. shld be meeting at town since pf just told me she wanna go collect her jeans at town.
kinda hungry alrdy. i want food!
gg to nap later on during gems. heeeee
hv no idea what shld i do later on while waiting for aggy. her sch ends at 5pm. and i think my gems will finish at ard 2pm. 3 hrs! where to slack? shld i go tp to wait for aggy? but its so far lah. travel all the way there oso sian alrdy. mayb i just stay in school will do.
my hands are feeling damn cold now and ya, im wearing a jacket. but my hands are freezing!!!
i nd gloves lah. hahahaha
submitted at 11:15 AM.
mmwd test was errrm... its easier den the revision. but i still hv probs doing it cos i din practice my revision lah! serve me right. so managed to gt some parts only. din hv time to complete it too. plsss.. give me a passsss!!! just a pass will do..
i better buck up lah. or else im gg to flung thrghout my year 2! >.<
i think im slowly kicking off the habit of shopping online so regularly. and this is a gd thing! hahhaa.
damn it. i think im involved in 2 fraud cases lah. both frm tw yahoo auctions. better pray hard that i gt my money back!!!
tml is the last day of the term. meaning term break is gg to start after tml!!! WHEEEEEE
3 weeks of holidays! =))
i've loads of stuffs in mind to do again. hees
off to study for rwps.
submitted at 10:21 PM.
gg to hv MMWD test later on. DEAD alrdy.
the test is 30% weightage. soo much lah!!
i din practice for the revision cos i was stucked halfway and din know how to cont alrdy.
although its a open book test. it will still be quite useless if i dunno how to apply them.
i nd loads of luck later on.
submitted at 10:18 AM.