Friday, September 29, 2006
lesson at 8am and drags all the way till 5pm! im almost dead alrdy.... slept a little during FMA lecture and gems just now. our gems lecturer seems funny. but... im attending gems alone. cos i din managed to get "know your temperate blends" which is our first choice.
i cnt wait to go home and catch more BBT!
saved many of their photos just now while surfing during WEC.
hahhaaa.... its so yummylicious!!! and irresistable! ahhhh....
and gua gua real name is cai gui ling. HAHA. damn nan ting lah. like some gui ling gao.
anyway, i think there's some prob with his mouth.
okie. im gg to watch vid alrdy.
submitted at 3:21 PM.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
dunno what's wrg with blogger. i cnt replublish my blog since ytd! im trying to republish my new template again now but it stills dont seem to work.
watched energy's SI performance again. was laughing when sw's singing "standby me". reminds me of the "come back to my life" or something like that he wrote in my princess and everyone laughed at. hahhaa.... no wonder they took so long to rehearse at indoor stadium the other day. oh yah. he nearly slipped again lah! like again....!!! and he was v high during the performance also. actually he was v high during every performance these few days. hrm.. probably he's the leader now lah. so thats probably part of his job. hahaha
ah di is very nice also. he walked back just to shake my hands. hahahhaa... and yah.. he's getting funny. humourous i mean.
kunda says he remb.. as if he can say otherwise lah....
and sw.. i dunno what's the mmm x 3 during the autogrph session for. so i just replied back the same. hahaha... okie.. sounds stupid. but i really dunno what's the mmm-ing for.
gg to see them soon again i guess.
but seems like flh's trip sounds more interesting to us.
its only the first week of school. and im getting worried abt my school work alrdy. those stuffs that our tutors mentioned- our final year project, all those programmings that we have to apply.
accounting sounds tough too, have to revise back past work i think. i really hate programming lah! and we have to learn some new programming again! damn it!
worst of all.. i have to score v well for the rest of the 3 sems in order to pull my gpa up. its gonna get v tough...
submitted at 3:32 PM.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
haven been blogging much recently.
tw trip entry is finally up! hahahhaa... after delaying it for so long its finally done!
some updates abt how i spend my week.
mon (18/9)went queensway shopping center and IKEA with meryl and eileen. i wanna get lactose pumps! but i dun think i will be wearing it often if i got it.
got photo frames from IKEA. wanted to slot in a photo ytd but i have problems clipping it on. shall figure it out again...
tue (19/9)stayed at home and spent my day doing useless stuffs? cnt remb... i think i cleaned my room that day.
wed (20/9)mummy's bday!!!
went PS and returned the cable box set. mummy got even fed up when she realised that what the person told her on the line was not true. but we hv alrdy terminated the service. so just forget abt it.
wanted to go sakura for lunch but its quite far so i suggested manhattan fish market instead.
yummy! i love the fish and chips.. and of cos the sour cream sauce. mummy ordered salmon and its not bad tooo..
went shopping and chinatown after that to get tolietries.
thur (21/9)was supposed to meet up with juli and pei shian that day. but juli cnt make it so i guess we have to postpone it again.. hahahhaa... wanted to meet like since the 2nd sem but our plan failed everytime. lol... i guess the next scheduled meeting will be during the next holidays? hahhaa
went out with siyi instead. went chinatown cos she wanna get her DIY stuffs. i spent a little also. but i haven started on it like since last time? hahhaa... ok lah. i will start v soon...
got my goong dvd also. and thanks siyi for those pressies from bkk! =D
but bkk is so chaotic right now. not sure if we're still going during the dec. hopefully everything will be safe and sound by then. hees... i wanna spree over there!
fri (22/9)lichang's belated bday celebration.
met out with siyi and liting. went chinatown again! its like 3 days in a row.. people must be thinking im mad to go there for shopping. hahha.. sy got more of her DIY stuffs. and i spent a little again.
went lot 1 and met up with lichang, linda and kailin in the evening. had dinner at aijisen. shared a ramen set with liting cos we had a very filling lunch earlier on.
wanted to go for midnight session kbox. but the package isnt worth it at all! decided to go back to jp for movie instead.
we were thrifty yesterday. =P hahhahaa...
watched haunted apartment. hahhaa.. we were really gei gaos lah. trying to be brave and watch scary movies midnight. think we were really loud in the theatre ytd and people behind just have to ssshhh and tsk us off. but we dun care them.
siyi sat on my left and the seat on my right is empty. we shared a jacket and get ready to cover my view any minute. i think siyi covered her eyes thrgh out the whole show! hahahhaa.. and she scared me by her predictions lah.
all of us were really scared halfway through the show and wanted to get out of the theatre. but we still decided to stay thrgh it.
mummy came and fetch us after that. siyi, kailin and liting were still so afraid that they all went siyi's hse and overnight. hahhaaa...
its great to gather again! we really enjoyed ourselves though some were tired after their attachment.
i have a lot of shows to clear. many bangbangtang, wqyl, yu bai and etc etc etc...
shall bathe first before i embark on my shows maraton.
submitted at 7:24 PM.
Their gai ban is out in tw alrdy. and there's a poll for the album cover for fans to choose which photo they want it to be for the gai ban cover.

they say kunda looks a lot like li zhun ji in the england style photo. pls lah. he's much more better good looking than li zhun ji.
i personally prefer the jap mix style photo. cos kunda is pretty in pink! hahahaa.. think he have the smiliar shirt in another color too.
have no idea which one they chose in the end.

the similar star shirt in black.

some very lucky fans will get their autogrph photo in the album and their handmade necklace too!
they stayed till late night at ahdi's "freestyle" shop to make them. there's 168 of them in total. what a auspicious number.
i want one tooo!!! hahahha
i find kunda's bling bling skull tee V familar when i saw it the first time. then i realised...............

exactly the same!
din expect it to be exactly the same cos bling skull tee is so common nowadays.
but it turns out to be the same. ok.. mayb there's some material diff or what that i wont know.

xing ren lei concentrating on his singing. take a look at the mini mic that he's holding in his hairy hands.

xiao zhu have one smiliar mic tooo!!! (ignore his irritating face) hahahhaa.. he's enjoying his shopping and ice cream cone in nippon japan.
anyway, heard that its a gift from kunda.
after mentioning so much abt kunda.
i think i shall be nice and post photos of the other 2 in their stylish pose too.

they are the xing ren lei-s!
counting down... 2 more days => to school reopening... >.<
submitted at 4:53 PM.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
//i accidently closed the window and thus im writing this the 2nd time! ARGH!
DAY 2 in taipei (1/9/2006 fri)[hotel]
woke up at ard 9 in the morning. im the first to wake up thanks to agnes's hp alarm. she snoozed it everytime it rang. so it actually rang for countless times till i got irritated and wake up.
washed up and went down for our breakfast buffet. the buffet is from 6am to 10am. so by the time we went its alrdy quite empty alrdy. have problems with the wrong names being registered again.. hurrr... i tot they changed it the day before alrdy? anyway, din eat much for breakfast. nth yummy.. as most of the food turned cold. hahahaa.. now when i think back. i dun think i had a proper meal in taipei! lol...
went back to bathe and watch more tv shows.
called my friend and we decided to go san li.
[san li]got the address of san li from the hotel staff and we cabbed over there.

familar stairway uh.

went over to the mall opposite but too bad they dun have what i want.

waiting under the scorching sun. damn it!
he should have came with jr in his school U and not travel home to take his xiao bai!!
anyway.. saw some artistes.
JR in his school uniform carrying his LV bag. ice man. xu shao yang (should be him?). wu dan ru(peach protein host). match. kuso. and of cos our bestie! =p
[wu fen pu]
went wu fen pu to shop after that. WOW. we din know where to start. so many streets and so many shops. I LOVE SHOPPING! clothes over there are cheaper than those at shi lin and they have more varieties too. but accessories wise... i think its cheaper to get it from shi lin. but too bad we dont have have time to go back shi lin for 2nd round of shopping. >.<
[san li]went back san li after that. and to the mall opp to get xing ren lei's album.
so near yet so far................
back to hotel after that.
[hotel]left hurriedly after we got our stuffs.
[zhong zhen ji nian tang - ENERGY "we back" concert]cabbed over there and was caught in a jam. surprisingly, the cab fare is cheap. i think their meter jump v slowly. although the fare charged when boarded is more exp than singapore's, the fare is always cheap. =)
luckily there's tv on the cab which kept us entertained thrgh the jams. i love their nonsensical news. hahhaha
alighted at e dist away from the entrance cos there's some jing zuo going on and the cab cnt enter the area i think. saw people selling those anti ah bian tees along the pathment when we were walking towards the entrance.

the mickey mouse lookalike stage. lol... its actually a shi guang ji.
we thought they haven let those fans enter the area yet cos we dont see anyone from far.
but as we walked closer to the stage we realised oh... there's actually people.
hrm.. seems like many fans have not returned.
looked for the xuan chuan and we were brought to this VIP area. wooo hooooo... the 3 of us have the whole area to ourselves. we were kind enough and let people share the area with us. but pls have some manners and ask before dashing in. = =

ying tao bang performance first. then energy's. xing ren lei followed by come on & fang shou remix. xiao zhu appeared and they sang yi qi zhou ba. then xiao zhu sang qiang si and zhen ming tian zi? then halfway thrgh kunda appeared and battled with him.
anyway, all of them have a little solo part.
kunda battled with show.
shu wei's tian kong piano performace. no po ying this time round. hahhaa.
ah di sang the 1st verse of zhui hao.

ah di's solo first verse of zui hao.he came out with his hair wet! i dunno if its water or gel or whatever. trying to learn the wet hair style from jin?! but i think its most probably gel cos its still a little wet when taking he zhao. for a moment, i tot he's gg to cry during the song. hahaha.. but he din.
sang ai shi kong and sw's tian kong piano perf with jolin. hahhaa.. i feel like slapping him when i saw his sheepish expression when jolin sat beside him. i think xiao zhu cnt stand it too so he have to come out before jolin singing mr Q and malu sw.

sang ai qing feng xiang qiu. i love the dance steps! uber cute. i think their dancers are irritating. is there a need for them to stick their tongue out during the ending pose? hurrr...
sang bu zai hu you mei you yi hou and then piao fu de huang yan. they boarded this extension when singing piao fu de huang yan. and wei si li have to help out to set the extension. hahhahaa. and someone kept saying they wanna extend that thing higher. hahaha.. when they brought out the extension agnes and me were saying too much lah. trying to be like johnny's? hahhaa.. they were really so high up that we cnt see them. i think the set would be more useful for 829 and not the one on 901 considering the crowd i think they can only see pigeons? hahahhaaa
lastly... energy and mayday performace. sang zhong jie gu dan and miao sha. all of them got v high during the perf and kunda even unbuttoned his shirt. woooohooooo..... he have a bone sticking out somewhere near his chest. =X hahhaa
and then the concert ended. i think it was kinda sudd and its a little short.

the extension.. seems like kunda is enjoying a lot. hahah.. (photo taken during rehearsal the night before)
after the concert, we were brought backstage. hahaha.. eyecandy ka kia was there too. oh.. he haven change a bit. still the same old towel. LOL....
sw was happily singing the jingle and was thinking one of us will cont it for him. hahhahaa.. but too bad none of us did. lol...
i got a he vid and he zhao. hahahhaa.. thanks to mr da wei who use the vid mode to shoot it the first time. and energy was saying hrm... y no flash.. so i went to check and realised that its a vid.
and got to take another time, a photo this time round. i blocked kunda a little so he have to tip toe but i still blocked him. =( i think i looked v genki in the photo lah..
autogrph session after that. went up twice for autogrph.
kunda said something to me which i think its kinda weird to say it during that time. hrm.... but nvm.. he's nice and i like. =D
ah di... i wasnt v prepared to smile to him so when i saw him smiling widely, i forced a smile. hahhaa.. but he's nice tooo.. he told me xing jia po jian the second time.
sw... totally nth to say. i wanted to advise him to be back his old self and stop trying to be what he's actually not. but im so afraid that he wont be able to take it so just forget about it. hahhahahaaa..... ya right. as if i have the guts to.
some pictures of zhong zhen ji nian tang.

[xi men ding]
cabbed over to xi men ding for some last min shopping before those shops close. those stuffs there are much more exp. and its cheaper to get belly earrings online than buying them from tw. i think thats really a right place to look for eyecandies. hahahhaa
went over to wu fen pu after that.
[wu fen pu]
some last min shopping tooo.
headed to a 7-11 nearby and spent most of the twd i left in my wallet.
got more le-tea and some tibits. yummy! i love le tea!
[hotel]was almost 2am when we went back. watched tv and packed our stuffs. din sleep at all.
DAY 3 in taipei (2/9/2006)
[hotel]left hotel at 5am in the morning.
slept thrgh the journey to airport. was early for the flight.

the service was much better on the flight back. and it took shorter time to fly back too.
and of cos we slept thrghout the journey! teee heee
more shopping, more playing and more eating.
din really got time to do enough of these during the trip.
ok.... i shall save. =P
submitted at 1:03 PM.