Miss Contradicting VS Miss Irritatingreal names shall not be disclose in this conversation.* - amended to protect one's rights.contradicting says:
i tot u joking with me tht u not goin
irritating says:
contradicting says:
irritating says:
contradicting says:
pretty* ask u meet us after tht
irritating says:
after what?
contradicting says:
u got something on rite
contradicting says:
then u meet ask after tht?
contradicting says:
irritating says:
what on?
contradicting says:
u dun want tell me
irritating says:
what what?
contradicting says:
how i know
irritating says:
what is that?
contradicting says:
i dunno
contradicting says:
u tricked me?
irritating says:
y u dunno?
irritating says:
i tricked you?
contradicting says:
huh,... u playing with me ar
irritating says:
playing with you?
contradicting says:
contradicting says:
dun want talk to u le lah
contradicting says:
i so blur now
ending: Miss Contradicting didn't talk to Miss Irritating after this...
results: Miss Irritating is the winner!
ok. bo liao... =.=
Labels: self-entertainment
submitted at 3:43 PM.
There's only 2 of us left in the office right now, mei jun and me.
From 6 interns initially, to 5 and then to 2 now. =.=
3 of them were asked to report to the project site yesterday, but the problem is there's barely 10 odd days of intership left so what for go thrgh all the trouble?
cherry is allocated at the project site too, so now i have to finish up all the organisation behaviour alone all by myself.
Just imagine facing all those arrows pointing towards me alone when im asked to present my work to boss.
Was late for work today as usual.
and guess what, boss reached office early today (this is so exceptional, like the first time since the past 7 weeks!)
i was still on bus 198 stucked in a traffic jam when mei jun informed me. there's nth much i can do tooo...
stepped in the office at ard 9.25am (im supposed to start work at 9am)!
Didn't make an effort to explain, cause' i din wanna crack my brain to come up with excuses.
It was later when the boss was leaving the office then he told me no more A for me this week. hur hur.... i hope he's kidding, anyway he's probably nt the one grading me this week (i hope so).
heading to the body shop sale after work. =D
Labels: work
submitted at 1:35 PM.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
our timetable for the new upcoming sem is released, and im so mad over it.
i actually saw the timetable yesterday when it was supposed to be offically released only today.
i thought my timetable was lousy enough when i first saw it ytd, and who knows they actually altered the timetable and made it worst!
it was the ever worst timetable i had!!!
mon: 9am - 5pm (3 hrs break)
tue: 8am - 5pm (4 hrs break. WTH?)
wed: 9am - 12noon
thur: 11 - 5pm (1 hr break)
fri: 12noon - 5pm (2 hrs break)this is shit.
there's no need for us to hv 10 hrs break in a week.
it's a totally waste of our precious time and youth to stone in school to pass that long hours of break.
moreover, i realised we have the most well known jikopek in school as our lecturer and tutor for one particular module.
on the other hand, thank god, we don't have any more bias lecturer teaching us (hopefully), at least the notorious one is outta the list. =)
i checked other classes timetables and ya, ours is indeed the worst across the level.
im indecisive on the gems i wanna take also.
financial planning?
i think i really need some knowledge in this area. hah...
Labels: school, whinings
submitted at 1:47 PM.
i'm very irritated.
i'm mad at my father yesterday over crabs...
he called me at ard 10 plus pm asking if i wanna hv crabs.
i told him not today cause i just came back from kbox after chalet and i'm very tired so im going to bed soon.
then he said nonono... he alrdy da bao it.
so bo bian...
he suggested that i to go take a short nap first and he will wake me up when he's back.
but i told him nono cause i know i won't be able to wake up halfway when im sound alslp. so i asked him to be back asap instead.
i waited till 12 plus midnight but he's still not back yet.
phoned him again and told him im very tired of waiting alrdy and i hv work the next day.
he said he's on the way...
i waited still... with my eyes closed at times.
1.40am... he's still not back yet. BTH
i told my mummy forget abt it im not going to wait anymore.
im so exhausted and i only hv like barely 5 hrs of sleep left.
off i went to bed and im indeed very tired so i fell alslp in a few seconds i think.
heard noises. my father came in my room and tried to wake me up at ard 2 plus am.
he asked me to hurry get up and told me my mummy had alrdy removed those crab shells and prepared everything for me.
actually im very angry at that point when he asked me to hurry get up. i was thinking that he's the one that should hurry get back just now and not asking me to hurry get up now!
but i still so wanna wake up cos the fragrance from the black pepper crab is ohsotempting!
like what i knew before, my body wasnt obedient. it doesnt wanna get up! =(
i ended up sniffing the fragrance in my dreams.
You may think it's dumb to get angry over some crawling creatures but im indeed very angry over this issue.
Firstly, i missed the opportunity to eat my fav food.
Secondly, i felt so cheated can. im so exhausted and he made me waited for so damn long. lying to me that he's going to back very soon when he's still drinking and talking with his friends at dunno where.
Thirdly, i wasted my sleeping hours. i can actually get 8 hours of slp but i ended up slping for only 5 hours.
my mother phoned me during lunch time just now asking what i wanna eat for dinner blah blah blah.
then i told her wah so xing fu ah... so xing fu to have black pepper crabs for 2 consecutive days.
cause my father da bao it on sat too but i was at chalet. he actually called me to check if im going home on sat cos if not he's not going to da bao alrdy. seems like he still da bao-ed it despite that i din return home
anyway guess what mummy said. she said its xing ku not xing fu!
=.=, =.=, =.=
im going home...
uploading photos when i return.
Labels: whinings
submitted at 4:52 PM.
I'm anticipating to meet my besties after work later! =D
It hv been 4 long days since we last met. LOL
will be visting holland v later in the night tooo. (hv to remind them to bring cards along)
Supposed to have primary school class gathering initially but they postponed it for dunno what reasons.
Weekend: We will be staying over at peifen's 21st bday chalet. Seems like it's gonna be the first time we overnight tgt? hahaha
3 photos took at coffee club the other night. (from LT's blog)

Labels: anticipating, photos
submitted at 11:01 AM.
Gorged myself with yummylicious food for supper yesterday.
4 of us headed to newton circus and we ordered stingray fish, bbq chicken wings, otah, satay, chao kway tiao, prawn mee and fried carrot cake, not forgetting our sugar cane juice. =D
since we don't think we will be able to make it for botak jones and liting doesn't feel like eating prata, we ended up in newton.
It was indeed a heavy dinner cum supper. 0.0
Shopped at centerpoint before that; centerpoint's watson to be exact. haha
Everyone bought stuffs and got free samples.
I bought true white foundation and masks. Since i heard raves on the foundation from flowerpod.
Actually the purpose of us there was to get wallet, but seems like the sale is over so just forget about it man.
Rushing off for work soon...
Labels: besties, supper
submitted at 5:35 PM.
Its Monday again; well… Monday blues. = =
Since I’m rather free now, I shall use the time to blog. =D
I was chatting with Zhen Xiu on msn since morning, and our topics were revolving work and BBT. Hahah. She told me she bought Ao Quan’s version of BBT’s EP for $22! I’m afraid that she got cheated lah. =X
An EP more exp than an album?! She said Ao Quan and Prince’s versions are OOS at many places and when she asked the staff to check stock for Ao Quan’s version at other outlets, the staff didn’t know who is Ao Quan. They referred him as the “Edison look-alike” instead. =.=
Then we started commenting on weilian and all. Lol…
Friday night.
Went out with Agnes and Jingwen to get pressie for working adult-to-be. =X
Waited for Agnes at the bus stop and we board bus 14 to town. Aha. I’m exposed to more bus services now; I no longer live in the world of 242 and 99 anymore. LOL
Jingwen came and joined us later, and we headed for dinner. Wanted to have ichiban but its full house and the Q is ohsolong. Had indo food dinner at food republic instead. Aw… I miss the indo food in FC 4!
Shopped at Isetan after dinner, was busy looking at some stuffs and then Agnes spotted some exquisite mouthwatering animal that she wanna share with us. So she hurriedly elbowed me to look over. Gosh… I didn’t know he’s that near lah. I got a shocked and turned back promptly. Hahhaa. According to Jingwen, he knew what we’re up to and he looks fierce. Hahhaa.. I think all eyes were on him when he walked pass can, even those sales girls (including Malay) are going gaga over him. He’s in formal wear and carrying a whatever branded (I think it’s Gucci) sling bag. Didn’t really catch a good look at the bag cause’ I got carried away by his looks. Lol. In my own opinion, I think his side view looks a lot like Wu Chun. But somehow, I dunno how, from where, he looks like a niu lang to me. HAHA
More are yearning for an overseas trip and a PSP / DS lite including me. Hees.. =))
I can't wait till my next pay and looks like I needa start digging money to meet all my wants.
I still can't decide if i should get that guess locket wallet.
Labels: eyecandies, girls outings
submitted at 3:49 PM.
@#!$% There's like so much phlegm stucked in my respiratory passage now and i can't stop clearing my throat! damn irritating can. argh!!! I bet my friends are trying to tolerate my "ahem ahem ahem" tooo.
I need to remind myself to get medication from the clinic tml.
Met bestiess out to holland v after work yesterday. Seems like we're meeting very often nowadays. I love! hanged out at coffee club instead cause' we didn't know essential brew closes that early during weekdays.
drank and ordered wedges plus fondue. I think the chocolate is too bitter, but others think otherwise. Probably cause' i don't really fancy chocolates.
Liting was trying to be funny by asking us to run away w/o paying when she alrdy footed the bill. When the waitress said it's billed, Siyi and I were thinking which kind souls footed the bill for us man.... lol.
On our way back to the car i smelled something stinky and commented. I learnt from liting later that i shouldn't have made that comment and also you can't sing SHE's superstar on those ulu streets in the night too. hahhaa... interesting.
Ordered stuffs from F21 yesterday.
Cherry top.

and shades. I've a feeling that this sunglass won't suit me. Just keep my fingers crossed in the mean time.
I will just have to leave my heart tank till the next purchase. hah
Shopping site for the day will be www.wetseal.com.
Lets see what im going to decide on in the next half hr before heading for lunch.
Labels: splurged, supper, whinings
submitted at 10:36 AM.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Just finished snacking and I’m feeling so sleepy after eating those junk foods. So, I’m trying to keep myself awake now by blogging~~~
Bought snacks back from supermarket after lunch just now. I think this is becoming a routine for us – roam ard the supermarket after lunch. =.= I can’t imagine how much weight am I going to gain after the internship. T.T
I was very late for work this morn, reached only at 9.30am. 30mins late! =X cause’ I spent 15mins waiting for bus 16 & 851 to come and in the end 3 came consecutively. Shit right! Anyway, it’s ok to be late here because’ most of the time there’s no one in the office that early. Hahhas
Meeting siyi, kailin and liting at Queensway later on to make specs. I’m thinking of wearing specs to work instead cause’ my eyes get very tired after staring at the pc screen the whole day. 0.0
hopefully we will have enough time to make a trip down to vivo after Queensway too. =)
I'm feeling so poor now. My spending exceeds my pay this mth. Blame it on those impulsive buys and all. It’s only the 14th and I’ve splurged on 3 bags, 1 digi cam, crocs, sprees etc…
I should be placing this money aside for the trip instead! =C
Then my heart was aching the other day when I spent $100 on train & bus concession. TT
Hais… there goes all my hard earned $$$.
Labels: whinings, work
submitted at 5:45 PM.
hi, it's monday again; a brand new week ahead.
weekend was quite eventful.
had 4E1 class gathering on sat, although only 11 ppl turned up, we all enjoyed. =)
went for typical steamboat-ing session at marina.
got some recent updates on our school and i was rather shocked upon hearing them. thank god grace ng was our principal back then. if not, we're probably gonna suffer.
headed back to siyi hse to get her car after steamboat.
went holland v. im so glad that i managed to return home safely that day. cause' i accidently made some remarks on the car beside us not knowing that the owner was just standing somewhere infront of me. 0.0
i was horrified by the time i spotted the owner. but it was alrdy too late.
damn luckily that the owner pretended as if nth happened and his gf only said "oopsss".
went essential brew. not bad, quite a cosy place to hangout. lets go back there again since we hv that voucher. maybe eski bar the next time too? heh heh.
grandma hse on sun morning. went over to look after my baby cousin cause grandma and aunts are going to the temple. it's uber tiring to look after a kid lah.
anyway, went to check out that shop which repair bags. i was told not to get them repaired cos its going to be very exp, much more exp than the price of the bag itself. =(
went home, changed and out again to meet liting and her zx.
IT show was uber crowded as expected, since ytd was the last day of the fair.
prices of those digi cameras were slashed. got fujifilm finepix z3 in pink after much considerations. haven't really tested it out yet, it better turns out good i tell you. cause there was some misunderstanding and we gt damn disappointed after the whole purchase but the person was still trying to convince us that the cam is really good and worth our money.
lt's zx was looking for psp but we found out later that they don't sell psp in IT show. duhs?
went for dinner, shopped ard and back home.
lt's zx was nice enough to help us carry our bulky cams ard, thanks yea.
o ya, ytd was also the first time i get to meet lt's zx. i think he's quite a nice guy after all. hahahas
im feeling freaking tired now, slept only at 2 in the morning. =.=
sian lah...
Labels: gathering, splurged, supper
submitted at 9:53 AM.
Another hour to endure then its weekend!
YIPEEES. It’s finally a weekend free from work. =)
Something ridiculous happened the other night. When mummy told me, I was like huh? Are you sure?
According to her, I talked in my dream. Hrm… what do u all call that? Dream-talk?
What’s more amusing was my eyes are opened when I’m talking, and the ridiculous part was what I said. Totally made me LOL when mummy told me.
Anyway, that was actually the first time I experienced something like this during sleep.
I should have made use of the opportunity and say “get me a pink PSP!” instead of some nonsensical rubbish crackers stuffs lah. Lol…
Let’s see when the 2nd time experience is going to be. Maybe tonight? 10 years later? Or never ever?
will be having 4E1 class gathering tml evening. as expected, the no of people going is quite pathetic. but who cares, we're still going to have loads of fun without them. (im referring to those who gave excuses and said they cnt make it tml, you know who you are, and we know who are you tooo)
To IT show later on with jing wen and back home to chiong hanakimi.
Labels: new experience
submitted at 5:04 PM.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
received my results thrgh email today. thank god. not that bad after all i guess.
i got an A for stats! hahhaha... lol?
seriously lah. i have no idea how i managed to score an A.
but nvm, im happy for it. =)
A for gems. thanks for those help from zhenxiu. =p
Bs for ECM & FMA. hahhaa... im happy i got an B for FMA too. i expect a C or D cos i know i did badly for the paper.
C+ for ECONS and WEC. sorta dissappointed that i actually got a C+ for ECONS and its worth 8 credits pls. it pulled down my GPA. =( but i hv to say the paper was quite tough.
and lastly, C for WSD. as expected. tell me how good can you get for a 5mins presentation lah.
meeting agnes and jingwen for dinner after work. lots of shows to transfer tooo.
Labels: results
submitted at 11:51 AM.
5 more mins to 6pm.
wooooo hooooo... ok. nothing to be that happy abt as i have to rush off to the clinic later on.
have been rather free these 2 days. hahaha... i even have time to catch some vids on youtube just now.
how i hope it will remain like this for the rest of the internship. hahas
fat hope man!
release of results tml.
Labels: work
submitted at 5:54 PM.
my last post was exactly a week ago. duhs... seems that im really that busy and cnt spare any time to blog yea.
shall just roughly blog abt the events that happened last week since im really quite free now. =p
attachment from mon-fri as usual just that i get uber efficient on tue & thur as i have to rush off from work to my part time job on these days.
met kailin and siyi at town after work on wed. got a pair of shorts and had mac for supper while waiting for jieying to knock off from work before heading home. jie ying is really outdated..... lols. she only heard abt xwl's death like a mth after. her vodafone is really prettie! i love those backlights near the cam. too bad they only sell those imported ones over here. and she told me she've gt lobangs for PSP, i hope those lobangs are really good ones so that i can afford a pink one at ease. im planning to own one since my life is getting boring and my mind is like switched off most of the time. so i really need one to make my life lively and activate my mind at the same time. this is not an excuse.
met liting, siyi and kailin at jp after clinic job on thursday. had mac AGAIN. mac supper for 2 consecutive days, tell me how fattening is this going to get! seriously, i think i've put on KGSssss since internship. T T
we were invited to the company's dinner after work on friday. had a scrumptious dinner over at some pub-like restaurant along beach rd. lao yu sheng and received another hong bao from the manager during the dinner.
bumped into liting while waiting for bus at the interchange, it was then i sudd remb that A level results was released that day. this smart ass got good results. but she was really an asshole and gave me a scare when she told me her "results" at first. anyway, im happy for her. sad at the same time tooo cos she it seems like she wont be joining me in SP anymore. AHAHHHAHA!
worked over the weekend at the clinic. seeee... im really hardworking! hahas
met agnes, jingwen and peifen after work on sat.
went bugis for some purpose but tooo bad for peifen mr aw didnt turn up. had sakae sushi for lunch, lets go for ichiban instead the next time ok cos sakae food is really quite awful. had our nonsenical chats like usual. dunno what topic we're on and we mentioned abt ah di. then for a moment i thought ahdi was walking in sakae- those moles, hairstyle and everything. HAHA. obviously that wasnt him. he turns out to be the tatoo guy from cleo.
there's nothing much over at bugis, furthur more, the streets were really crowded that day.
headed to city after that. was eyeing on a handbag over at guess but they don't hv the color over at the raffles outlet, asked to reserve them over at PS. went marina sq before that. got my crocs in prima style. luckily i got them from the boutique cos they have a new color- cottoncandy, ok lah.. its actually pink. had a hard time choosing those clip-ons for my crocs cos all the designs are so nice and cute. but i think they are rather costly can.
cabbed over to PS and got 1 of the guess bag, was told that they hv more over at the vivo outlet.
trained over to vivo and got 3 more. meaning we bought a guess bag each that day. 0.0
tsk tsk tsk.... i shldnt have get it lah. its tooo small for me. ok lah. i can probably keep it in my wardrobe for another yr and then use it for next lunar new year. lolss...
siyi helped me sell my tootightfitting jelly shoes and im going to do meetup with the girl later on. yeahs.... more stuffs to get rid plsss...
results will be out on wed- the day after tml. im kinda worried for FMA. what will a 50% A and a 50% F get me? HAIS
Labels: girls outings, splurged, supper
submitted at 3:37 PM.