Wednesday, April 25, 2007
im having a terrible headache now, infact it started since yesterday when we were on our way back to school from chinatown.
now, im trying to keep my head as still as possible and refrain it from moving cause every movement aches.
time now is alrdy 11.45pm. 15 more mins to 26th apr (thur).
i've still some planned stuffs not done yet (the truth is i haven start on any yet):
- organise my notes (i have been wanting to do this since last week)
- clean my room (same as above)
- sale post
- paint my nails (im gg to do it right after i finish blogging)
all my stuffs arrived except for a asos clutch, i ordered 2, but only 1 came.
i hv no idea where the other went, the organiser better refund me.
the asos clutch that arrived looks fugly!
im gg to sell it off, so someone better get it from me.
tried the foot scrub today.
WOW. its really amazing.
i managed to remove 90% of the dead skin under my feet just now.
im gg to add this under one of the must-buy products from daiso along with the green apple jelly.
their green apple jelly is really a must-try! the green apple smells great~!
after weeks of pestering, I SUPPOSED i've succeeded in persuading my parents to get me a pink psp for my birthday.
i was actually asking for a DS lite initially, then a few days ago my father was telling me that he wanna get a portable dvd player, which was quite useless in my own opinion. he said i can bring the portable dvd player out to watch and all, then i told him no need lah i can just get a psp.
i better not get too happy till i see the real thing.
i wanan paint nails.
Labels: anticipating
submitted at 11:36 PM.
it's monday again, the 2nd week of school.
we had 3hrs of break today.
ate lunch and headed to guild house with half the class.
went to the arcade room and played...
the musical game is really fun and exciting can. hahhaha
you cnt believe how happy we were when we won the game and were allowed to play another round.
to look on the brighter side, long breaks aren't that bad after all.
since it's probably gonna be the best time for us to mingle ard.
okie. i admit im just trying to console myself.
there's another 4 hrs of break tml.
shall spend it on shopping i guess?
loads of new stuffs coming in this week.
- 2 asos clutch
- f21 top
- pgmall bag
- jpmon makeup
lastly, pic to share:

me with my cheeks filled with root beer.
off to organise my notes...
Labels: photos, school
submitted at 10:24 PM.
*freaking angry! i typed a freaking long entry just now and more than half of my entry was gone somehow!!! i dunno how!!! and i retyped!*
My first week of school as a Year 3 student.
as expected, since it was the first week of school...
lessons ended early with plenty time for breaks.
we had like 5 hrs of breaks on both mon & tue.
on mon, we roamed ard the campus. Went for a long lunch and headed to the CCA booth then to SAA to check out stuffs. Back to fc for a cooling dessert and crawled our way to lesson.
yawns.. how boring right!
tuesday was more interesting though. those who didn't join in the soccer game went vivo for shopping. had more than enough time to shop so we went to Q for Ben & Jerry cause it was the free cone day! yummm yummm~~~
headed back to school for a 15mins lecture after that.
bo liao!!!
i remb mentioning that i shall enjoy the first few weeks of school.
i will have to take back my words now.
this coming week would be the start of torment, with fyp company assigned to us and meeting with clients etc...
seriously, i didn't know we will be embarking on our fyp in this early stage.
also, it was only a few weeks before that i realised fyp is gonna last for a yr and not a sem! =(
fyp alone is stressful enough for us, adding on to that, we have projects to work on for other modules too. how dead.
so meaning, we would be striving in this entire year to meet datelines.
talking abt fyp, im satisfied with my fyp grouping - lian hao, tim and me.
initially, i was quite troubled and worried about it.
cause' there was an obvious imbalance distribution of strengths spreaded out among the previous groupings.
seems like most people noticed this and they are willing to split up and try to balance out the groups as fairly as possible.
yeah... i think im count myself lucky cause so far most of my classmates i met are nice and helpful peeps. =))))
so for now, i hope we will make a great team and get assigned a great project to work on tgt.
i can foresee the amt of time we will be spending in campus for the year.
its really gonna become our second home!
regarding our lousy timetable, i think its somehow fixed. =C
asked our tutors for some swaps but it seems like non can fit their timing into our long breaks.
showed our FM tutor our timetable the other day and she agreed that its horrible.
we were told to bring this up to the right people to get the right solution and that's the director. hahahhaa. i bet none gt the balls to do so. =X
anyway, our FM tutor seems really entertaining.
couple of modules in this sem looks interesting to me, perhaps interesting for reading only, definitely not for examining. business law is one of those.
i have to be superb attentive during lessons for this year.
no more nonsense like slping or skipping classes.
i think i somehow improved alrdy, not that sleepy during lessons anymore.
or maybe its just the beginning? lol..
i think we will be assigned our fyp client tml.
so wish us good luck!
im gonna pray hard that we don't get attached to a company doing sales cause the whole shopping cart process is really getting on my nerves!
i heard that we will be doing shopping cart for SAD project too. so enough!
no more shopping cart plsssss!!!
give us a nice and easy to please client too! =D
i have to remind myself to get formal clothes.
but im damn poor now. booooo
i wanna get formal wear, black skinny, cardigans and shoes.
i think im not gg school tml alrdy, i wanna go start hunting for a gold mine instead.
Labels: school
submitted at 11:35 PM.
went JE for prata just now.
Siyi & Liting came and fetch Kailin and i after their shopping spree.
phew~ luckily i didn't join them for shopping just now, cause' i estimate i will probably be $50 poorer if i do.
had tissue prata and milo gorzilla just now.
their tissue is soo yummy, high and sugary.
although i waited v long for it, but its nice!
cnt eat often though, cause the chance of getting diabetes will be quite high after eating 1 serving.
imagine the whole 30cm crispy prata filled with sugar.
we listened to zhou gong jiang gui at the carpark before i head home.
a bunch of scary cats tgt.
work tml.
Labels: supper
submitted at 1:23 AM.
siyi is coming to fetch me for prata now.
just nice, cos i haven had my dinner.
Labels: supper
submitted at 10:19 PM.
im back to blog.
changed my blogskin cause' the previous one was screwed up! =(
shall cont with the previous update.
5/4/2007 @ Evan Yo's Kbox Event

that's Evan Yo in his tight fitting top and zhao pai dong zhuo.
overall in my own opinion, he's a boring, no life artiste who had hotel food practically for every meal during his stay here. i cant imagine he actually stayed in the hotel for almost a whole day and only came out 10mins before his autogrph session to head to the destination. =.=
damn lifeless right. i guess he's probably playing toys with his sister in the room lah.
there's another day when he headed back to his hotel straight after his interview at 933 when its only like ard 7pm?
chased after the event at kbox. i guess we were quite lucky cause' he finally eat out. like wah.. how seldom thrgh out his stay here. but the place they chose was quite =.= too. i sorta pity him for having this kinda xuan chuan.
ya.. talking abt his xuan chuan, there's this particular annoying xuan chuan who actually pissed us off. tsk tsk tsk....
so at the end of the day we took a grp he zhao which costed us 18 bucks.
im afraid Evan's loyal fans won't be seeing their idol often in spore, cause' he probably went to feedback to his company abt how scared he got after meeting those spore fans at the kbox event. lol...
however, i second that courageous girl who made the comment abt him "knowing" Avril. hahhaa...but i was rather shocked when i heard what his reply was after the event, cause i didnt catch it the very moment when he said it. all i can say is he really ai mian zi.
and there's this other guy who shouted "bye bye" when he's singing kiss goodbye.
6/4/2007 - Energising

at airport Energy came on good friday for jolin's concert, they were the special guests.
this is definitely much more interesting than Evan, Mr Zhang alone is entertaining enough for us.
hahhahas. =x
o yah, i remember i overslept that day. hahahha... luckily i overslept, or else we will reach airport too early with nth to do but rot.
sw was busy taking pictures along the way. as expected, he took the "meng nan sw" board his fan made and posted it on the blog. that's so typical of him. hahahha
greeted him with the new terms used. hahha.. didn't get to see his reaction though. but i think our intentions were quite evident from our laughters. lol.
he got it and did selective hearing later on.
how clever.
waited at meritus, they came out and headed for 933 interview.
kunda looked good as always. =D
greeted sw again. i probably sounded sincere this time round, cos he turned to look. LOL.
we were super busy that day, busy travelling to & fro meritus and conrad.
was kinda surprised when we heard Evan went zouk that night. lol? i bet he sacrificed his bed time story that night. hahhaa
updates done!
Labels: photos, star-staring
submitted at 7:22 PM.
for the past 9 weeks i've been rather tied up with my 2 jobs - full-time & part-time.
meaning i've less time for myself, my family and my friends for the past 9 weeks.
now that the over-loading life is over, its time to enjoy!
ok. it's not enjoyment at all.
i can see stress coming our way with final yr project and tough year 3 modules.
oh gosh. i cnt believe i will be going campus as a yr 3 student tml!!!
anyway, at least i think i will be enjoying the first few weeks of school just before i gather myself and put in effort for the fyp.
i haven really mentioned much about the whole internship that i went through.
hmm... overall, i think i'm lucky enough to get into this company- alliance spec.
although it wasnt my first choice, cos i wanted to get into the NTU company quite badly initially. hahaha... the experience i had was quite good afterall.
as compared to my other friends, our supervisors werent that bad, that strict and demanding.
i guess one of the reason being we are the first batch of interns they took in, so probably this explains their kind patience and pleasant treatment towards us.
i still managed to complete my assignment despite that much time spent on surfing, chatting, watching vids, slping, etc...
hees. ^ ^
moreover, i still got an A for the whole internship, despite that much time spent on surfing, chatting, watching vids, slping, etc...
i guess im just lucky, as lucky as little miss lucky.
as mentioned in my title- bye bye ITP, hi sch!
sch tml...
im craving for FC 6 fish soup, fish bee hoon, chicken rice and orange juice!
lotsa freshies tml, i bet they will be annoucing to ask people to get themselves outta the control station tml.
next post up soon...
Labels: anticipating, school, work
submitted at 9:48 PM.
i duplicate this from siyi's blog:

little miss giggle, quick, late respectively

little miss stubborn, busy respectively

little miss naughty
these little miss ... are really popular nowadays.
all thanks to junkfood for promoting them.
i wanna own one too, but im too poor to afford any little miss tee right now.
i can only afford their storybook now with my current financial situation. hahhaha
i love reading their books when im young.
i used to persuade mummy to buy it for me whenever we visit the bookstore.
but she's always reluctant.
i guess it's because the book is quite wordless and she thinks it's not worth it, she rather spend her money on peter & jane storybooks instead.
to them, it's the words that counts, not the cuteness.
i remember once i got jealous when my primary school mate hao lian to me that she owns the whole series of little miss storybooks.
>.< LOL
cause' i only hv like less than 10 of them. T.T
one of my childhood days memories....
anyway, cleared my debt yesterday. yays!!!
116 bucks in all. 0.0
i just added one more f21 top to my waiting list yesterday.
the 20% off is just too tempting man!
it's not even near mid april and i alrdy spent $300 on clothes alone.
i better stop my nonsense.
this week is the last week of our internship.
i can't wait till sch reopens.
i bet this is the first time i'm so happy that school is reopening. =))))
trust me, school is 10000000000000000000000 times better than work.
BUT... i think im going to suffer for the upcoming 5 days.
cause' i simply spent too much time surfing web, you-tubing, sleeping and playing happily for the past few weeks.
thus, i have piles of last min work to rush now.
boss popped in office early today AGAIN, and i was late as usual.
i was warned that he's going to reflect this on my grade if its going to happen again blah blah blah.
i really hope he's just kidding.
just in case, i better leave my hse earlier tml.
but earlier = no seats thrgh out the train journey.
i shall just sacrifice for the sake of my grade.
i didn't blog ytd cause' my photos are all in a mess.
there are like scattered everywhere in diff folders and it pissed me.
im going to arrange them when i get hm later.
Labels: self-entertainment, whinings, work
submitted at 1:44 PM.
something's wrong.
i can't visit livejournal.
it says "http 403 (forbidden). You are not authorized to view this page"
came here just now and realised i can't view my cbox too.
its the same problem, as it shows http 403 (forbidden) also.
wth is wrong?
i suspect its singnet's fault.
shall call them up tml if it isnt fix by tonight.
seems like the img above isnt host properly too....
BUT why?
cause' everything was still working perfectly fine yesterday.
= =
shall blog abt the long weekend after bathing.
Labels: whinings
submitted at 8:03 PM.
yesterday was craziness and i suspect i went bonkers too.
first, it was the work at clinic. we served 80 patients yesterday! 0.0
its like 2 X the no. of patients on a normal sat.
the doctor had to catch a flight in the evening and so he rushed thrgh the consultation.
we can't even catch up with him with the dispensing of med and don't even hv the time to eat.
let's see, suppose each patient has 5 types of med on the average, then 5 X 80 = 400.
omg... i actually printed ard 400 labels of med ytd. hahaha
so work dragged till 4.15pm yesterday and i went off to meet agnes and jingwen at tb after that.
i was starving and we went for dinner at ichiban first then peifen came and joined us later on. hahhaa.. no more don this time round, although their chicken katsu don is really yummy.

jing wen VS da wei wang

was chatting and i spotted this botak guy in cap seated near the front of the shop.
i kept staring cos i find him quite familiar looking. he turned, and gosh.. he really looks like kunda.
hahhahhaa... i'm serious.. nudged the others to look and they agreed too.
i think they will be duper alike if the guy wears a wig. hahhaha...
walked over to heeren to meet peifen's fren.
tried on levis jeans... didn't get the red tab skinny which i wanted initially.
i ended up buying something i cnt believe i actually bought!
the pink edition levis lady style jeans in slim cut.

this cost freaking 200 bucks!!!
i got it for $150 instead, some may think its a steal.
but not for me...
i dunno what's up with me the very min when i decide on this.
nope... im neither rich or feeling rich.
i guess i just went bonkers.
im feeling depress eversince i spent that money!!!
to cine later.
we were crossing the road, i turned back and realised the cleo guy is behind us, he's the ah di look alike whom we saw at sakae the other time.
so i told them "eh, i think ah di is behind us". hahhaha.. damn funny. his friends know we're laughing at him too.
saw my cousin outside cine, he saw me first and walked near us, they all got a shock lah.
walked ard and settled down at maestro.
took photos.

frizzy root beer more shopping for me.
friends... control me pls. just slap me when i spend.
Labels: girls outings, photos, splurged
submitted at 9:30 PM.