*overdue entry*i'm delighted enough to have my friends celebrating my birthday with me for 4 consecutive days!
it's countdown, actual day, lunar birthday and belated.
friday - 18/5the besties met up after school, work and attachment.
abnn was so generous that day.
she prepared 1K in her wallet for my birthday gift but i only spent 1 out of the 20 notes.
i think im a thoughful and considerate friend.
oh dear, i hope abnn won't get rob on the streets after i published this.

thanks for the gift! =D
i have more than enough bottoms now.
my pink levis is still hiding somewhere in my wardrobe now.
it's hiding for good i guess.

got jelly shoes in cranberry color too. =D
travelled home near midnight and i admit i was sorta a little saddened when they didn't countdown to my birthday and refused to let me eat mcwings!
reached home and was chatting with my family members in the living room...
and then...
they came over and gave me a surprise!!!
i assumed it's kailin's marvelous idea?

anyway, they brought this over for me. not forgetting the mcwings of cos.
how sweeeet.
they actually went home first then siyi went to fetch them back to jp to get these from macafe.
im soo touched. =)))
saturday - 19/5
was exhausted cause we stayed up till quite late the night before but still, i have to drag myself up to work.
moreover, i can still remember how terribly my tooth aches that morning.
told them i don't wanna work the next day cos of my toothache. hees.
met besties in the evening for dinner at Swensen.

earthquake and more... i got a free set meal cause' it was my birthday!
but.. i had a hard time biting that day cause my tooth still hurts.

linda couldnt make it for the dinner cause her mother was celebrating her bday that evening too. no worries, cause we still managed to meet up later at my house.
wanted to go mouth faber for a drink but we didn't have enough time that day cause were anticipating for the crabs back home!
went west coast park for mac's milkshake instead.
walked ard the park and took photos.
so many funny pictures to share.
i don't feel like posting it on blog cause our pretty faces look so disfigured after adjusting.
finally back home for crabs.

see them enjoying.
i couldnt eat any cause of my tooth.
I WANT MORE PICTURES!to be continued...
Labels: besties, birthdays
submitted at 5:54 PM.
i still taste blood!
plus still a little numb.
update more tml.
sorry for the delay.
i promise it will be up tml with all the photos uploaded.
i haven't touch on my e-learning stuffs.
returning school tml for supply chain and FYP meeting.
meeting agnes, jingwen and peifen out tml.
glad that all managed to make it tml.
to sleeep.
Labels: whinings
submitted at 1:26 AM.
im back from the dentist.
im a toothless girl now. hahaha. otherwise known as bo gei.
i was so panic when i entered the room.
trembled and whined.
the doctor's really good.
1 jerk and it's out.
BUT he gave me 5 jabs to numb me.
5 jabs plus 1 extra strong pain killer.
im so afraid i may be unconscious later.
the fluid from the jab taste horrible.
i still have the taste in my mouth now.
infact my mouth is still numb now.
5 jabs... gosh. i wonder when is the numb going to cease...
the feeling of it numbed is like swollen and having sausage lips.
more later.
i wanna go finish up some e-learning assignments first.
Labels: new experience
submitted at 11:50 AM.
im going to extract my tooth later in the morn.
so nervous.
so fearful.
so terrified.
and the list goes on and on...
thank you to those whom shown concern to my tooth.
i appreciate those encouragement and advices i got.
i wanna be brave.
more tml regarding birthday!
BBQ was great just now.
i need to sleep now.
Labels: lo soh-ing
submitted at 2:39 AM.
today is 19th may; the day when i turn nineteen.
wow. unbelieveable or what.
my birthday = my mummy's 受難日.
19 years ago, on this particular day mummy was suffering in pain.
it was a torment for her i supposed, since giving birth is ranked the no. 1 pain.
now 19 years later, i suffered on this particular day too.
my tooth got extremely pain this morning when i woke up and i've no choice but to drag myself to work.
how sad having to work on your birthday right.
ok back to topic, the pain was totally unbearable.
pop many many painkillers but it only helped a little.
moreover they only lasted for a little while.
when i was entering my home just now, i sneezed.
and wah lao... i bit on my tooth.
the pain was 1000000000000000 X the usual pain.
i didn't wail.
but tears rolled down uncontrollably.
T.Ti went thrgh torment on this day too. but i know the pain can't be compared.
since my mummy is super 偉大.
if not because of her determination... i won't be brought to this world.
all thanks to the nasty mother-in-law and her selfish act.
alrights. off to prepare... we're going out soon.
i will blog more tml.
o yeah.
tml's my birthday tooo. according to the lunar calendar.
so meaning i will be celebrating my birthday for 2 consecutive days.
=))))))before i forget,
THANK YOU for that many many birthday wishes from you all!!!
Labels: birthdays
submitted at 5:20 PM.
i skipped supply chain lecture today and went JP with classmates for lunch before heading for my dental appointment.
had our lunch at ichiban.
i ate some
nabeiyaki nabeyaki udon.
i thought it's gonna taste good with the chef's recommendation logo at the side.
nah nah nah.
it turned out to be burnt stuffs with the burnt smell.
moreover i can't eat well with my tooth aching.
met mummy and went for dental appointment.
i was so wrong.
i thought all i just needed was a filling for my decay tooth.
nah nah nah.
it's the roots that's causing the problem, much more complicated than i thought.
took a x-ray of my teeth, wow... my first time experiencing it.
then, the dentist started explaining to me the problem and my options.
the first option is to extract it, second option is to go for root canal treatment.
i'm gonna lose my tooth if im extracting it out, it's obvious i know.
my main concern is the pain.
gosh, it's the BIG tooth right at the end.
i don't think i can take it.
im probably gonna start wailing before the injection starts.
my next option is to go for root canal treatment.
my tooth will be saved if i go for this option.
but it's just a hollow tooth left.
they are gonna open the tooth, pull the roots out and stick back the tooth.
the dentist wrote a letter to refer me to a specialist just in case im going for it.
but i doubt im choosing this option.
the main concern here is cost.
it's gonna cost $700 plus!!!
and i doubt it's painless, cause' it sounds like an operation to me.
moreover, it's not a one-time treatment. especially when i'm treating the back tooth, more reviews are needed.
i guessed the dentist got a little irritated cause' i whined too much in her room.
she gave me medication and asked me to go home and think about it first.
im feeling so troubled now after the trip to dentist.
i think i will rather choose to extract the tooth out than to pay $700 for a hollow tooth which may just easily crack when i bite on shell food.
i hope the medication is gonna be effective so i can maybe just delay this issue for sometime still.
i will pray hard.
off to prepare for tml's presentation.
Labels: dilemma, whinings
submitted at 10:55 PM.
my tooth is aching terribly now.
acute intense pain piercing through the nerves.
im suspecting it's not just a tooth.
probably teeth.
painkiller aint of any help.
i have a little difficulty in my speech right now.
i don't think i can sleep.
yet we are meeting 8am in school tml.
meaning i have to wake up at 6am.
went chinatown just now and got stuffs.
im poorer now.
my mood is =((((((.
Labels: whinings
submitted at 12:43 AM.
the previous entry is really lonnngggg...
i'm still not sleeping cause' i took a nap just now and my cramps plus toothache are annoying me now.
toothache is hell-like.
some stuffs to remind myself to do:
-make a trip down to chinatown to get toiletries.
-visit the dentist. my decayed tooth is killing me. before that i have to remind mummy to book appointment first.
actually i only have to go school at 3pm tml to attend SAD lessons.
but we're meeting early to finish up our presentation slides.
so school at 11am tml, same as those going for presentation.
i will be celebrating my 19th birthday this coming weekend.
i was looking at my reflection in the mirror the other day and i can't believe im turning 19.
i have the looks, but definitely not the mind set.
o ya, talking about looks i wanna go dye my hair and i sudd have the urge to rebond my hair!
ya. rebond.
but it sounds impossible.
cos i probably have to chop all my curls off.
and after chopping off, there's nth left to rebond.
i nearly bought a hp today.
the samsung ultra edition which looks like a remote control.
my or biang hp is dying soon, it has problem charging.
i wanted to get a new hp long long ago.
but mummy was trying so hard to convince me to wait till mother's day for promotion.
i was convinced and so i waited.
her predictions were wrong!
there's no mother's day promotion around. =(
seriously, i got no idea which phone i want myself.
i just want a cheap, good and pretty one.
with the above requirements, i don't have to get any.
cause' there isnt any of that kind in the market.
this coming week will be week 5.
e-learning will be next week.
they brought forward e-learning week.
toothache and cramps are getting unbearable.
i better pop a panadol down and go sleep.
Labels: lo soh-ing
submitted at 1:18 AM.
i have been neglecting this space for quite some time.
im back now with ALOT to blog about.
first of all,
how sad that we don't get to celebrate it today cause' my parents are working even on a sunday.
many families are probably eating out on this special occasion but poor me is stucked at home having cup noodles for dinner.
it's so bad for health.
to make things worst, i'm home alone.
we celebrated it earlier on wednesday.
i treated my family to ichiban sushi that day.
o yeah. including my bro. &%#@*
lucky him for having a generous sister.
adding on, i bought mummy a gift from SK yesterday.

hope she likes it.
next, some outings to blog about.
Jing Wen, Agnes and I went to collect our motorcycle bag at westmall.
the bag is really greeen jade i mean.

me loves it.
but i expect it to be larger can.
the size simply looks like medium.
headed to grandma house after the meetup cause' i wasn't in the mood to go out yesterday.
Friday.met out with kailin, liting and siyi.
we went shopping at orchard.
got masks, baby lotion and shoes.
yea. All of us got shoes...
shoes are NEVER enough.

this isn't something i need actually.
i need a pair of kitten heels.
but these are flats.
BUT it's just so hard to look for a nice pair of kitten heels, most heels are too high.
it's especially hard to find something exactly like you're looking for when you need it desperately.
so i shall just live with this for now and meanwhile hunt for my ideal pair of kitten heels.
some updates on school.
FYP is a big headache for our group. =(
we simply have no confidence in it. =(
we don't know where to start, what to use, how to do etc etc etc...
whereas other groups alrdy have a outline on how they can actually go about doing their projects.
i shall just briefly explain about our FYP:
our group is expected to come up with a fun and easy biblical game for P1 to P6 students. according to the lecturer, the game should be in a cd-rom, 3D graphics and it's adventure type of game with different stages to complete. adding on, the game should have educational purpose using bible character Joshua as the main character.
this is...
simply out of our studies.
100% irrelevant to our course.
we're studying business IT, supposing to be doing E-Commerce stuffs.
it's like we're learning korean and you're asking us to speak french.
it's quite obvious that we will be picking up from scratch.
we will have to start by making friends with Joshua first.
talked to randy regarding it but it's seems like there's no way out.
we were persuaded to do it still.
but come on it concerns our grades.
it's just so unfair, cause' there's an obvious difference in the difficulty levels of the projects assigned.
but no use voicing it out.
cause' like what Mrs Hon used to say "the world is unfair" or something like this lah.
can't really recall.
o ya. moreover the lecturer said something which made me really mad.
he said with all those requirements met, we will only get a C!!!
i'm seriously clueless how we are going to handle it.
probably need loads of help from friends out there.
a little more about work and weekend.
doctor went for holiday and i didnt work last thur including the weekend, meaning more rest time.
spent my weekend over at grandma's house.
my baby cousin saw me playing my psp and being a typical sickening kid she started screaming that she wants it.
me, being an irritating cousin ignored her screams.
she even tried to exchange her toy aeroplane for my psp.
dum dum.
after practising the good habit of saving for several weeks, i gave in and returned to online shopping.
i just bought 2 pairs of jellies and 3 accessories online.
i just need more determination.
shopping diary:
other than the above shown, these came.

the powerstyle eyelash curler costs me freaking 13 dollars but it's really effective.
btw, im not keen on gg for eyelash perming anymore.
cause i just realised that it's gonna be disturbing as the lashes will be hitting on my specs.
Labels: all-in-one
submitted at 11:47 PM.
3 days of rest just aren't enough for me to recover.
went back school to attend lesson today.
i only attended 2 days of school this week.
skipped law tutorial and came home after GEMS.
cause' i was coughing so badly that i couldn't stand it.
coughing with phlegm stucked in respiratory passages.
got my psp games alrdy.
brother will be travelling to genting with his friends later on and i will have the set all by myself.
he got so addicted to the game, so much so that he starts claiming that it's HIS psp instead of mine.
= =
and, mummy even offered to get him one if he really lovessss it.
welll.... as expected, he rejected the offer.
he's uber thrify can, the one and only good point about him.
anyway, im not gg to let him get a new one also.
cause' i wanna torture him with the pink one.
it's pink or none.
spreading virus to the clinic tml.
Labels: school, sick
submitted at 6:40 PM.
yesterday was one of the worst nights in my life with my body temperature rose to 39.2 degree celsius.
my neck, face, head were near to boiling condition.
seriously, i was so afraid that i might just turn retard overnight.
the weird thing was with such high temperature and me tugging myself in the thick comforter, i didn't perspire at all, not even a bit.
i was just resting and couldn't get to sleep at all.
mummy stayed up whole night helping me to change the wet towel on my neck and forehead.
so touched.
unfortunately, the temperature didn't drop when i woke up in the morn.
went to see the doctor and i was given 2 days MC.
temperature dropped but somehow i felt that my sore-throat and cough got worst.
adding on, my taste bud isn't functioning well too.
i only taste bitter.
everything's bitter.
including sweets.
im perspiring now, and it's a good sign.
to bathe.
Labels: sick
submitted at 9:39 PM.
sad to say, my body temperature rose, its 38.3 degree celsius now.
im alone at home with no one to acc me.
brother just went out to watch that 200 pounds show.
he brought my psp out too. so im at home with nth to play.
i wonder how many stares he would get when people see him carrying that shoo pink psp ard.
Labels: sick
submitted at 9:03 PM.
just woke up from my nap, im feeling better, but still unwell.
nvm, i wanna blog abt my weekend.
last friday.we met out after school, after work, after attachment to town.
went for dinner at ichiban, which is our fav restaurant recently. =p
we were planning to cross over to lucky plaza cause' peifen wanna get her perfume from there. then this disiaosiao guy who's the mc of the olympus roadshow came and irritate us with his microphone! he was practically annoucing to the whole world with his microphone that we are going to jail walk and told us how dangerous it is blah blah blah. bth can. he was looking out for the cars and preparing to tell us when we are suppose to cross. obviously, the guy who stood there before we came also could not stand it anymore and left. we left shortly too cause' it was far to embarrassing and the traffic was so heavy that we couldn't cross. infact, we wouldnt dare to cross also lah, with him announcing to the whole world, there's probably traffic police waiting for us across the road. hahaha
walked over to heeren first and then to paragon to get sweets from marks & spencer.
yum yum... it was the gummy that arvin gave us during lesson the other day. the rest bought chocolates too.
then camwhored in the toliet.

click for more picsmanaged to shop till quite late cause' there was midnight shopping that day.
last saturday.agnes, jingwen and me met for kbox session at marina sq.
the charges were exp that day, we didnt even sing enough. =C
went to cut our fringe at chapter 2 after kbox. as expected, the hairdresser told me how damage my hair is and that i hv used the wrg hair cream. ya... so you knew what his next step was - bugging me to get hair products... =/

of cos i didn't get it. cos i doubt it do wonders. and i was feeling poor that day too. =(
my shopping diary:

and some on it's way...
recently, i've been told and taught the importance to save, resist temptation and sacrifice. thanks to mummy and my gems module - personal financial planning.
i really hope im gg to succeed doing the above 3 and spend within my limitations.
even though mostly those stuffs i bought are neither branded nor expensive, but they are alrdy a burden on me.
so i shall need loads of determination and motivation to help me.
i think reducing the no of time shopping/going out in a week will be v helpful.
yups... let's see how far i can go.
as for the FYP project, it's alrdy assigned to us.
our grp has got the toughest project among the other groups.
we are asked to create a flash game for a church. =.=
flash game???? totally a stranger to us. =CCC
i can foresee the amt of work to do - know more abt those Christen, start exploring flash games etc....
i alrdy more or less knew we would get assigned this project since randy mentioned in class the other day that he've gt a chruch project, and tim is the only christen in the class.
i just hope we will be able to do well.
to rest...
probably no sch for me tml.
Labels: girls outings, photos, school, sick, thoughts
submitted at 7:58 PM.
measured my body temperature just now - 37.7 degree celsius.
i didn't know a cube of mango will have sucha huge impact on me.
Labels: sick
submitted at 1:13 PM.
this is my new love:

pink psp
total damage = 500SGD
i was overwhelmed cause' mummy was the one who initiated and woke me up on sunday morning to go get it.
the service at the shop was quite good, they explained clearly to me all the functions and usage of the set. i think we spent almost 2 hrs in the shop to settle everything.
price wise, its definitely quite expensive as compared to those shops at sim lim. but mummy and i agreed that we rather pay more to get it from a reliable seller.
my psp looks shooo pink with the pink set itself, pink casing and a pink theme. =)
brother says the color is soo sick! but look who's hooked on to my psp right now? HIM!
i didn't managed to get it sponsored in full amt, everyone in the family has a share in it, including myself.
wait till i get back my hdd from chee kai tml and i will have new games to play!!! =)
im still trying to get connected to the wireless in school and searching for a free mp4 converter without watermark. hrrmmmm...
it's labour day today. yet im so sick on this public holiday.
sore-throat, headache and fever (i think).
cnt go anywhere today, i have to stay at hm and recuperate.
Labels: sick, splurged
submitted at 11:38 AM.