MST is done!
and i can get some good rest.
im worn out after the 5 distressing days...
had been doing last min studying and ended up having hardly any time left for sleeping, like for example i only slept for 3 hrs ytd.
alright, i know i deserves this for last min studying...
anyway, i think this is like the most stressful MST ever.
cause' for the past sems we used to have our Biz modules tested before the hols starts and IT modules tested when we are back from the hols.
i think they somehow changed the system to the current one.
went town for late night shopping with besties just now...
bought myself a top and belt from espirt, sorta rewarding myself after the MST. hahhaa. ok.. excuses..
we discussed about some serious and practical situations that are probably gonna happen in the near future, and i have many thoughts and worries in me now...
maybe it is really important for me to perceive and plan for the future, but sad to say, money is really a critical factor affecting everything.... and i don't wish to turn to a dead end..
- i need to get a new pair of sports shoes cause' i wanna start training for my NAPFA. hahhahaa... quite unbelievable that i will actually consider participating for this right!
- my brother will enlist in NS in 2 weeks time...
seriously, i think im gonna miss him. O.O
HHAHAHAAA... sucha good sis.
- Projects frenzy after this weekend.
Labels: school, thoughts
submitted at 2:01 AM.
im back from SAD lab test in the morning...
needless to say, i didn't manage to finish the paper. i simply wasted too much time trying to debug those errors in the previous page, it's really a waste of time cause' the errors still appear in the end.
finiancial management paper ytd was average only.
the calculations were easy but not the theory.
unsure whether it is the way they phrase the question or what, the theory questions seems to be out of the book.
i got distracted while studying yesterday and started scrolling thrgh my shows.
scrolled thrgh recent BBT epis and i find them all very funny!
especially the epi when they showed le party and went to wake them up in their room the next morning.
i thought im alrdy bad enough at waking up and lazing on my bed cause' my brother and mother always get very irritated when they try to wake me up from sleep, and my knn brother call me a corpse when im sleeping.
but ao quan is worst than me, he's an ancient corpse when he's asleep!
i think it's somehow too kua zhang, cause' it's quite impossible not to react when you're being thrown down your bed and hit on the drawer...
monkey's back from jap and he's probably feeling hot cause' he only wore a brief (ya! white one with cartoon somemore) to sleep when the other's complain abt the cold temp and wore surfing pants. prince must be freezing cause' he wore jeans to sleep! hahahaa..
watched huan huan ai fans club on yu bai.
xiao mei looked damn good that day!
scrolled thrgh huan huan ai a little the other day...
i have an urge to pull back rainie's fringe whenever the camera films her.
the thick piece of fringe covering her forehead seems so distracting.
luckily she has it swept to the side now.
shit... i don't think i have enough time to take a nap alrdy.
working later and i havent start preparing for PM lab test tml.
Labels: school, shows
submitted at 12:57 PM.
im tired.
im lazy.
im so tempted to watch shows and dramas.
i have to prepare for 5 papers in the coming week.
i only read thrgh 2 modules so far.
im looking forward to the next weekend for me to chiong the shows and dramas.
im looking forward for my next pay, cause' i heard that there's probably gonna hv a bonus!
to eat my lunch cum dinner and later mugg to get all the financial management facts in my brain.
tata for now...
Labels: whinings
submitted at 3:22 PM.
last week we were all busy meeting up for projects.
sad to say... despite the several project meetings, we weren't productive at all.
im so anxious about whether we will be able to meet those datelines.
moreover, we just realised that day that PSCM project will be dued in 2 weeks time!
that's the disadvantage of changing tutors...
the previous one just ran away and the new one came with new way of teaching, so none mentioned about the project leaving it hanging in the air.
anyway, last friday which is june the 15th, we celebrated Siyi's birthday!

how rare to see the clique of 6 again.
had our dinner at imm's ichiban and headed to Siyi's house for ice cream cake!
take a look at mighty joe:

hahhaa... not mighty at all in this pic.
but in kailin's eyes, he's always mighty.
don't worry liting, one day we will get to visit jurong hill late in the night...
my new computer is working great!
with 2gb ram and 320gb of harddisk space, it's working millions times better than the old one.
and i think i don't have to worry about low disk space occuring in the near future.
new bed is cozy too...
just that mine looks much smaller than my parent's one when it's suppose to be identical.
i haven't finish cleaning and packing my room, actually i don't have spare time to do so.
right now at the moment i should spend my time studying instead.
i read through my lecture notes ytd and damn it i don't uds a shit!
i think im becoming stupid with my brain not in use turning rusty.
since i woke up at 11am just now i have been tegomass-ing till now.
watching youtubes vid and gluing my eyes on tegoshi yuya's pretty face.
oh, NEWS during oct.
my challenge is too assure my parents 2 weeks of ponning school is not a big deal.
gotta muggggg...
supper at night... prata or macs?
Labels: all-in-one, birthdays
submitted at 11:47 AM.
what a long day for me, but nvm cause' at least i felt a sense of accomplishment.
what i did today:
- visited grandma in the morning
- got a new CPU from sim lim square (like finally....)
- ate dumplings made by grandma (yummmmmy)
- watched jqj red carpet (OMG, tegoshi is damn good looking! HAHA... and i just still cnt remb all the names and faces of SUJU)
- went over to paternal grandparents' place for dinner (crabs!)
- napped
- psp-ed
- tv-ed
hahhaha... the last 3 points are just redundant stuffs added in to make the list looks longer.
i better get to sleep now.
i only hv barely 6 hrs of sleep left.
it's alrdy 3am now and i have to wake up at 9am later for project meeting.
Labels: my day
submitted at 2:27 AM.
in advance cause' i know i probably wont be free to blog tml.
you will definitely enjoy your day with us tml besties!
at this very minute, my desktop revived!!!
Labels: besties, birthdays
submitted at 11:02 PM.
it's another hectic day for me...
project meeting followed by work in the evening.
time is running, but im lagging.
datelines for projects are drawing nearer, and im really getting worried.
i have not started studying yet.
adding on to my foul mood,
my desktop is giving me problems again!!!! im using the laptop now btw...
although we will be getting a new one this weekend, i need it to recover for just 1 last time for me to transfer my files over to my ext hdd.
or else, i will be quite dead.
oh pleaseeee....
Labels: whinings
submitted at 10:51 PM.
I've got no time to waste at all.
started off my monday morning by online shopping...
omg... im yearning for those pretttieee bags from bigi!
so some responsible organiser do organise one soon w/o small caps to satisy my longing.
i've things to get from f21 too.
so let's wait for siyi to organise one.
after blocking out those dates for going out, kbox, work and project meetings, i realised im left with so little time to study.
went shopping with besties yesterday and supper at newton days before.
how nice...
kailin... you are at risk of being banned.
temptation is arising from more pretty stuffs in stores and online.
bad bad bad...
my pay for may is so little thus, i've little to spare for shopping.
moreover, with the new investment and saving scheme plus a new bank account.
the money left in the spending account is getting very pathetic.
nvm, to comfort myself, i keep reminding myself that i will be richer 25 years later.
for brunch...
Labels: thoughts
submitted at 1:01 PM.
today's the last day of term 1, which also marks the start of our 2 weeks holiday.
things to remind myself to do in the 2 weeks:
- study
- clean room
- clear shows
- watch vcds
registered for the SAP sampling session today.
Randy keeps promoting and telling us how good is this 10 days course, so much so that it actually interest me to go for the sampling session.
what's holding me back is the fee for the course, $600.
$200 refund if you pass the test at the end of the 10 days course and from what the lecturers said, the test is really tough.
let's go for the sample first and decide later.
going out.
Labels: school
submitted at 7:56 PM.
*i'm just trying to blog out those that i missed during the past 2 weeks...*26/5 - saturday
went shopping in town with besties and then...
prata for supper!

this is ♥my fav tissue prata!!!
don't be suspicious, no editing done to the photo.
it's really TALL!
let my satisfying expression speaks...


mr nn who served the drinks.
must be liting who snapped this.
anyway, bo liao peeps out there may wanna recognise mr nn face to locate the prata shop.
yea... i understand how hard issit to differentiate them so just a clue, it's located in the west.
27/5 - sunday
went to meet my parents in the furniture store after work that afternoon.
got a new bed and it's in bright red color!
finally i can get rid of my super din dei bunk bed, my room will probably look bigger w/o it too.
i really love the jap style bed but my parents say i will only be able to fit the bed in my room, no place for study table and wardrobe anymore.
which is impossible for me to live... cos other than those essentials i still need place for my garbage like for eg. bags, plastic bags etc...
the beds will only arrive during mid june cause my parents did some changes in the measurements of their's bed.
so in the remaining 10 days i have to clean and pack my room.
i detest doing this cause my room is like forever dusty! ARGH
i have to remind myself to get the wall light from Ikea and a mp3 speaker to place in my room.
can't wait for the new look...
other stuffs
our 2 weeks holiday will start next week!
im glad we don't have any tests now or else i will probably be dead...
seriously, i have no idea what im studying so far.
totally not paying attention at all lah, just copying answers blindly.
so thank god that we have our MST scheduled only after the 2 weeks holiday.
i will probably look pathetic mugging through my holidays but nvm, i prefer it that way then to be unprepared.
my diner dash and puzzle quest DLs are finally done!
went PC show at suntec with agnes the other day.
now, i regret not getting that 2gb thumbdrive!!!
check out those laptops... but i really can't afford one now.
im a extreme lazy bum bum recently, i better kick off my laziness in me.
4 hours of break + work tml.
Labels: all-in-one
submitted at 11:20 PM.
*overdue entry*continued from previous...
monday - 21/5oh... i think i haven't mention we got a change in our project right? yups, it's like dream come true that we got a switch in our FYP.
BUT... much time have alrdy been wasted. currently, we're way behind other groups in the class since we have to REDO our proposal, plans and stuffs.
AND... they came telling us we will probably get assigned a different project when we alrdy had ideas on the initial game project.
anyway, our current client happens to be eileen's ITP company and so we managed to know our client quite well even before we meet up with them, but sadly to say most comments we got were negative ones.
this day was our first meeting with them.
and... this is what i wore:

i know it's somewhat random to show what i'm wearing.
i think i looked really jade that day.
i was too lazy that morning and so i just wore my black skinnes and flats.
much more comfortable this way.
went home, took a nap and travelled to ivan's house for class BBQ.

i have to agree that it's the best BBQ i ever went, apart from those family gathering BBQs.
don't be surprised that it's the guys who did all work which includes:
- organising
- buying of food
- preparation
- cooking of food
- clearing and cleaning up
the food we had that day tastes good tooo.
my classmates are really nice, they bought a cake for the 4 of us - may babies!

not only that the 4 of us happen to share the same birthday month, our birth dates are really close!
mine on the 19th, followed by angela's and brillyn's on 21st and lastly lian hao's on 22nd.
if i was born a day later then our birth dates will be consecutive! hahah
and i won't be a taurus, meaning my character will probably be different.
Labels: birthdays, class outing
submitted at 11:44 PM.