this week is the last week of school, next week is gonna be study week but we still gotta come back for some CAs and presentation. how sad uh. hardly have enough time to prepare for our papers which are all squash in the first week of exam week.
last week of school is otherwise known as the crucial week...
- no skipping of classes cause kaisus like us cnt afford to miss out exams tips given by tutors and lecturers.
- burning midnight oil to complete projects, presentation slides and etc. thus, it's also the week that you get to see many ppl lugging themselves to school carrying a laptop.
me too din get enough sleep lately, and seems like i gotta stay up late today again.
there's FYP presentation and PM test tml.
unprepared for both still.
i think the guys are still working on the ppt slides and have yet to send me yet.
i just hope that desmond loses his voice tml. =X
as for PM, flipped thrgh the textbook once and catch no balls. gotta study the slide later lor.
Labels: school
submitted at 11:23 PM.
i finally got rid of the previous tu amor skin and here comes the new one with birdies.
it's weekend.
but damn sian can.
did nothing much ytd. basically i just looked after my bro cause' he just come home from operation, then packed my room and watched shows.
as for today, i accompanied my mother to the market in the morning and went to thread my eyebrows. although i have tried threading many times alrdy, the pain is still unbearable to me. and guess what? i still have to go back school for project meeting later on!
T______Tvery random. but i just happened to glance at the calendar...
our trip is just 2 months away!
ivan's msn personal msg wrote "16 more days to exam"
O______Ofor now, im more worried about our FYP presentation next week.
unprepared at all okays.
>_______<too many expressions in this post!
Labels: weekend
submitted at 12:33 PM.
went over to grandparent's place for dinner just now, it had been quite some time since i last visited them. anyway, there's a new husky in the house. the husky - lucky, is very tame far too tame infact. he is probably not tame but lazy.
everyone's concern about brother's injured hand. he went to visit the specialist today and the operation is scheduled this friday. the injury is quite serious i think, cause there's blue black over at his knuckles and there's some blood clots forming too.
poor boy.
gotta go start drafting out my contract for LSC.
i think im the last to start on this assignment...
im just gonna pray that my content and format is gonna be right.
Labels: family
submitted at 11:07 PM.
brother came home in the middle of night with a cast on his right hand. he injured his fingers and got sent to Changi hospital then back home. no, they didn't send him home... he took a cab back w/o having any money.
It's despairing as he got informed that he will probably be given some shit job since he's injured and is unable to participate in any training now.
how practical uh...
anyway, hope he will recuperate very soon.
Labels: family
submitted at 10:17 PM.
my parents went and fetch me from my work and we went to the furniture mall to choose a wardrobe. sad to say, the new wardrobe isnt for my room.
we discovered that the beds we bought from there the other time costs double the price we paid for last time now. 0.0 i think we somehow got a great deal the other time all thanks to my father. heh heh... he's good at bargaining.
anyway, mummy and me tot the wardrobe we got is far too big but as usual, the opposition thinks it's OK.
then on the way back, i sudd remb that i forgot to let my in-charge know the days that i will be away. shit, i better pray that those auntie won't be quitting soon lah.
yesterday the besties met out for coffee session at essential brews. wow... it's great to spend some time chit chatting tgt again. it've been weeks since we last met if i remb correctly.
things to remind myself to complete by today:
- FM CA2
- SAD admin page
- start on law CA2 (hopefully)
kns... i totally have no idea how to start on law.
write a simple contract on provision of services in the business IT sector. =>
???? HUH ????Labels: coffee session, reminders, school
submitted at 4:18 PM.
We all met out just now and went to pay for the air tickets and so the trip is confirmed. I was surprised because mummy didn't really object to the plans made, she only nagged a little which is perfectly normal. I mean im gonna get very worried is she doesn't nag at all because something's really wrong if she doesnt nag. Actually i know the reason why she didnt object much against the plans made, cause' she knows there's nothing much she can do since i wanna go so badly.
i'm so selfish.
Brother finally called back just now. He complained that he's very busy every night and doesnt have time to return calls. Nvm, we shall get to hear about his hectic lifestyle a week later.
I hate it cause' i tend to spot pretty things whenever im very broke.
I'm currently browsing F21 web and i love the everlast canvas shoes i saw today!
ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next few weeks cause mummy just came back from the warehouse sale today and stocked up the fridge with ice creamssss!
there's work tml. very sian lah!
Labels: nonsense, splurged
submitted at 11:50 PM.
it's gonna be very tiring for the next few weeks, gotta hang on and persevere...
routine for the coming weeks:
meeting datelines, presentations, tests and exams.
save me pls!Labels: school
submitted at 1:22 AM.
i got so tired of listening the same old song repeating here and spending that few mins to diet and upload the files....
imeem player is justa best solution for a lazy bum bum like me...
very convenient. it helps save time, trouble and space.
previously, i was even too lazy to go sign up for an account when eileen told me about the site...
but now i think that few clicks made are worth my time.
...enough of advertising...
i gained kgs today all thanks to the yum cha buffet...
ate ALOT!
they made me finish 2 plates of prawn balls otherwise known as bombs in my language.
we managed to clear those leftovers via the help of 终极密码...
hahhaa.. very entertaining.
i lost 2 rounds if i remb correctly... but i was far too full to consume anything so i just dissected my punishment and dispersed them. =X
i think sakura buffet is still the best one i tried so far cause' they have a wide variety of food to choose from as compared to others.
i spent quite alot today, other than food i still bought moisturiser, eyecream and eye make up removal.
and before the buffet,
chewy, eileen and i shared a large waffle with 2 scoops of ice cream over the gelare cause' it's a tuesday - half price for waffles day.
i wanna start jogging tml.
i havent touch on my running shoes the following day i bought it.
no EBP lessons tml but we are still gg school for projects!
and i have hardly 5 hours of sleep left now.
Labels: class outing, splurged
submitted at 1:43 AM.
it's a must to go now.since we've alrdy ordered the tixs!
flowerpod is gonna be our best friend for the trip man.
sucha coincidence to bump into peifen over at raffles place.
it's always nice to have a companion home...
tsk tsk tsk... jaws dropped when we heard how much she spent today, big spender uh!
c'mon im currently on da road to be a 省钱大王 alrights.
just knew today that xiao mei came sg over the weekend.
i think we just missed out some great entertainment.
the class is gonna skip PSCM lecture tml to go for yum cha buffet.
i gotta force myself to start exercising after the buffet....
Labels: splurged
submitted at 11:45 PM.
the family woke up at 6am in the morning and set off an hour later.
it was sucha long journey there; journey to the east.
then from pasir ris, took a bus - ferry - bus again to the camp.
brother is very lucky, cause' he got assigned to a new company and they are using the new facilities, meaning new bed, new cabinet etc...
they brought as on a tour ard the camp and showed us roughly what they will be going through.
lastly, they brought us to the canteen to have our lunch with brother before we bid goodbye to him.
brother just called back and told me he have shaven his hair.
im afraid i wont be able to recognise him 2 weeks later.
i think it will be very hard to recognise the enlistees cause' all of them is botak and most of them wearing the same black plastic frame specs.
im alrdy feeling uneasy now having the thought that bro will be away for 2 weeks!
it's probably because there's only both of us at home most of the time...
it was a long way back home again...
i pity bro having to travel to and fro for the next 3 mths...
Labels: family
submitted at 10:44 PM.
everyone's so anxious about brother entering NS
tml later on.
oh yes... that includes me...
im gonna be so lonely for the next 2 weeks with no one quarrelling, laughing and fighting with me.
it's gonna be the first time that i will be missing all these...
met mummy after school for dinner at zingdo just now.
it's a korean fast food restaurant located at JE, i dunno if they have other outlets elsewhere.
tried their garlic chicken hotplate and it was quite nice..
mummy was amazed when they served the chicken raw on the hotplate and it only took the waiter 30 secs to cook it.
shopped over at IMM...
got a top from espirt, earrings from diva and more hair clips.
had desserts over at wan zai after shopping at daiso...
ordered my fav iced milk tea and herbal jelly from there.
their iced milk tea comes with a scope of vanilla ice cream and the scope of ice cream is covered with some sweet crust outside which tastes like ice shavings. nice!
and their herbal jelly is covered with this thick layer of maple honey which is very nice too!
btw, im getting very panic on sch stuffs right now.
just today, we have like 2 new projects announced and both the datelines are like very near.
this is damn bad.
i rather they test us for CA2 than assign projects for us.
cause' if they test us for CA2 we have lesser to study for exams since much is alrdy covered.
im afraid we may not have time to study for exams too as we have to sit for tests on some non-exam modules the week before exams.
i better stock up some highlighters first.
on a happier note, i scored an A for law CA1.
i hope i can keep up the good work although i know it's gonna be real tough.
the language alone is alrdy a challenge to me.
alrights, gotta sleep...
have to wake up very early tml to send brother off.
Labels: family, school
submitted at 12:44 AM.
i will have to say "pestering" is sucha good way to get your parents to comply...
you can go try it on your parents and see how well it works.
i dunno...
but at least it is 80% effective on my parents.
however, there's a price to pay...
i always have adverse effects after doing this... but luckily they only last for a short time.
some updates on school stuffs:
i got in tourism for our elective module next sem.
if i were good in my A maths i would have chosen the maths one cause' it sounds quite easy, but too bad i sucks in A maths.
log, sin, cos, cosec stuffs kills me lah.
so far we only got to know our results for 3 papers.
2 B+ and 1 A currently...
gimme more As please...
kinda tough i know cause' SAD paper is alrdy like gone case...
m very late for the first class of the day this week...
lecturers are rushing those notes like nobody's business cause' we only have barely 3 weeks of lessons left.
this term is too short lah. extreme short! as short as our hols as compared to other polys.
m quite lucky to get to see cute boy in FC these few days.
hahhaha... and thanks chewy for spotting him at chicken rice stall today.
it's probably quite easy to spot him cause' he's like the cutest looking in the FC alrdy.
lol.. another way to spot him is by looking for green slippers.
his fav i guess. hahhaa...
but it's seriously time for a change and get rid of the lub sub pair of slippers.
pretty thing!
drop me one pls!
gosh... i didn't know it is almost 2.30am!
harvest moon and then to sleep...
o yah.. thanks liting for those tips on harvest moon. i nearly lost my way while returning to Dr. Hope's house. hhahhs
im looking forward to weekend!
Labels: nonsense, school
submitted at 1:08 AM.
skipped SAD class and came home just now cause im feeling unwell and weak all over.
ya... it's the time in the mth again.
-i just deleted a whole chunk of rubbish i wrote over here.-
reason being, after reading the paragraphs which took me half an hour to write, i felt that they are all rubbish and so it's worthless to be published.
i realised im getting too worked up over minor issues lately.
shall blame it on pms.
Labels: nonsense
submitted at 6:18 PM.
i finally get to change my blog's song.
wanted to upload tegomass's Kiss ~ Kaerimichi no Love Song instead, actually i uploaded it alrdy.
but i got a shock when i refresh my page.
the song totally changed!
from tegoshi and massu to 2 ah peks singing.
i dunno what happened but somehow their voices turned damn low and slow after i compress the mp3 file.
damn funny.
maybe i should upload it to let people laugh.
i got too bored during law tutorial on friday...
and so....
a picture of my desk.
and my "corn" pencil...

bo liao i know...
off to do supply chain project and i have to remind myself to watch wo cai later on.
Labels: photos
submitted at 10:38 PM.
Weekend's here once again.
but it's gonna be a lousy weekend for me jammed in work and projects.
meet JJ, my uncle's dog....
i love his ears!

his posture when he's sleeping
im trying my best not to grumble so much abt projects anymore...
i just can't help it.
our FYP client just keeps changing the scope for the project.
initially they said they were open and willing to take in any suggestions we proposed.
and now.... they replied us NO for those methods we proposed and adding on they even widen the scope!
moreover, they are telling us only now which is a few days before our submission for the first confirmation of plans.
thus, we have got no choice but to sacrifice our family day (tml) for project.
managed to meet up with jingwen and agnes ytd for dinner.
dinner at ichiban once again. hahhahaa...
gosh, i think we're gonna cont having it till we complete all our cards.
but they just seem never ending....

walked over marks and spencer to get our milk chocolate eclairs.
the taste of the chocolate melting in the mouth is so satisfying!
its another kind of shi-shi sweets that i use to refer to those sweets with filling inside.
agnes's showed me the mv of suju giving out free hugs yesterday.
damn shuang lah.
even though im not yet a suju fan, i felt kinda bu shuang seeing pretty boys giving out free hugs to public.
the term - pretty boys is referring to some only, and for obvious reason, jingwen's mama is outta this range.
i cnt recall since when we refer him as jw's mama.
btw, i still have problems matching those faces to those names i have in mind.
and i was telling agnes, once they change their hairstyle i will have to match their names once again.
Labels: girls outings, photos, weekend, whinings
submitted at 9:17 PM.
tml's a brand new week again and i have to start schooling.
damn sian...
totally not in the mood to attend lessons at all.
sad to say, i have got no choice but to oblige.
got my running shoes from queensway shopping center today.
im really gonna start going for evening jogs alrights!
had a hard time deciding on the right one to get, they either run out of sizes or are far too costly to me.
i think i gained weight over the week during MST. =(
cause' i hv been snacking intensively thrgh out the week, consuming junk food everday...
so i shall just try to kill 2 birds with one stone by training for NAPFA and losing weight at the same time.
whole day on saturday i was watching and clearing BBT...
damn enjoyable.
i wish i have more free time to do such stuffs again....
Labels: my day, whinings
submitted at 11:34 PM.