Wednesday, August 29, 2007
wasted alot of time on FYP meeting today.
i hate it, and i don't feel like doing project at all.
anyway, i gotta get to slp soon cause' there's 2 jobs for me tml!
you may think that im very hardworking, the truth is that i've got no choice but to earn some extra cash for the upcoming trip which is like a month later.
seriously, though i've managed to juggle a part-time job and my studies for the past 9 months, im poor in managing my own savings and expenses, infact i don't save at all. yups.. it's that bad.
and bad news is that my mummy wasn't the million dollar winner for toto the other day.
i hope tml will be an easy day for me.
Labels: nonsense, work
submitted at 11:06 PM.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
cause' we actually managed to drag ourselves out of our bed early in the morning to go for a jog.
hahaha... we came up with this idea mainly because we all felt so guilty after going for late night supper at boon tong ji yesterday.
oh btw, yesterday's supper was really yummy! thanks siyi for the treat. =)
my legs are aching terribly now cause' it has been a long time since i last ran which was during the last 2.4km run in sec 4.
went for macs breakfast after our run in NTU. it had also been a long time since i woke up early enough for macs breakfast too.
happened to drop by the game shop today so i got my psp version changed. oh yea, more new games coming.
FINALLY! our cutie stuffs arrived like after 3 to 4 mths? glad that there are OOS stuffs cause im no longer interested in those clothes anymore.
Labels: exercising, holidays
submitted at 9:51 PM.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
met out with agnes and peifen and we went suntec to Q for donuts!
the Q was short. we only Q for approx. 15mins.
the donuts are yummy... i think it's only because of those toppings.
alright, so next we will be going taiwan to try their mister donuts and not forgetting the mr baoz also. =)
kbox after that.
i think our next singing session will probably be over at the 11 storeys partyworld in xmd also. hahaha!
tuesday.started watching bai se ju ta (the hospital) vcd cause my bro was occupying the comp. the story is not bad and im somehow addicted to the show alrdy, but the show dragged for 39 long epis! for today, i did mundane stuffs that i do during the hols - clear my wardrobe.
threw many clothings out of my wardrobe just now. just nice cause i thought i should make space for new clothes too.
have been doing research for our trip these few days.
i hope that girl hurry reply me so we can settle our tixs also.
damn... i cnt believe we are getting some 黃牛票.
but it's really no choice unless wpe wanna go there see ants. =(
now, we are thinking whether we should go on both days. hahhaa..
if we are really gonna do so, i just hope pf doesn't kill us. =X
oh freak, i think we are gonna spend so much on the concert alone not to mention about expenses and shopping yet.
i need to fund for my trip badly!
Labels: holidays
submitted at 6:30 PM.
this time round, im especially superb happy and excited over HOLIDAYS than any other times. =)
probably becos i really had a tough time mugging this time round. yah... i dunno why but i was exceptionally nervous and worried over exams for the past few days and there was some point in time where i nearly wanna cry so badly while studying. i was so nervous that i felt butterflies in my stomach before every papers.
so now that the torturous time is over, i felt so relieved!
holidays means:
- replenish sleeping hours.
- planning for trip.
- watching shows.
- FYP frenzy (booooooo!!!)
alright, now that i sudd remember that there's still FYP to do, im not that happy about holidays anymore. really gotta rush for FYP since we have to deliver our version 1.0 when school reopens. BOOWHOOO! =(
anyway, met up with liting and siyi after the last paper just now. we went vivo and there's sales over at C&K which actually turned the whole shop upside down. the scene is really horrendous. shoes thrown all over the floor and piling up high. that's the end results when girls meet sales. hah!
we're meeting for shopping tml too.
there's work this weekend... and im just so lazy. i think i needa get some medicines tml also for my phlegm and upcoming sore throat.
Labels: holidays
submitted at 11:42 PM.
2 more days to first paper.
yet im not in the mood to study at all!!!
nothing goes in and the speed im studying at is exceptionally slow..
just finished reading thrgh financial management lecture notes not long ago and i have yet touch on supply chain.
i doubt i can finish studying supply chain cause we have papers for 2 consecutive days - FM, PSCM and then a day break till the last paper which is law.
high chance that i gotta burn midnight oil thrgh out the next week.
it's raining very heavily outside and the wind is howling~~~
i wanna watch an epi of hei tang ma qi duo before i go back and mugg...
Labels: lo soh-ing
submitted at 6:57 PM.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
jingwen just showed me the seating plan.

the tickets will be out for sale tml.
so worried lah.
i hope we get good news!
also, chen yi album will be out tml.

hrm... i watched the MV and....... the leopard print top he wore inside is realllyy..... errrr.... ugly.
his hair too... far too long lah.
but i think he's probably gonna plait it thrgh out the promotion period.
im getting so worried abt the tickets that im not in the mood to study now.
worst still, i have GEMS test tml! ><
luckily its all MCQS questions.
btw, went out with besties ytd.
accompany liting to trim her eyebrows then to IMM for shopping.
bought many nonsense stuffs and got my f21 top from siyi.
we got this random free health check along the road, not really health check though.
they just keyed in your age, height and ask you to stand on the weighing machine then they will calculate the amt of fats in your body.
i felt quite amazed when the figure shows that the amt of fats within my body is not exceeding the healthy level.
then tell me what's in my stomach and those cellulite ard my thighs.
hur hur...
they says it's shit in my stomach.
anyway, i need to lose weight!
alright... im so gonna start after exams.
Labels: lo soh-ing
submitted at 9:52 PM.
So...the SAD test wasnt as bad as i thought.
our project is not bad too, at least we tried to do something different from those shopping site we used to do. we actually did a movie booking system this time round. yups... like those golden village kind but ours is movie village and more simplified of cause.
finally all projects are submitted and we're currently left with FYP, which will be halted for 2 weeks while we prepare for exams.
it's actually study week but we still went sch for test today and gotta go back on fri for GEMS test plus minus away national day.
so study week is actually 2 days off from school.
i think it is the 2nd time i opened the shoe box when im taking this pic.
the newly bought sport shoes.
the table.
it will probably be buried in the next 2 weeks.
i really hope that they arent that famous now and hopefully we have no problems getting the tickets.
*cross fingers*
Labels: photos, school
submitted at 1:34 AM.
SAD test tml and im really feeling sad studying for SAD test now. T T
i just started flipping thrgh my practicals not long ago and i regretted not starting earlier. cause' IT came... and cramps tagged along too.
i doubt i can cont studying now.
anyway, i screwed up the PM test we took a few days ago too.
nothing to be proud of i know.
but i just wanna make sure nothing is gonna get screwed for any papers next week.
damn crucial to me ok.
i need good grades!
not forgetting abt luck too!
we're gonna present our SAD project after the test tml also.
felt kinda bad cause' i think i din contribute much for the project although team mates assured me that i have alrdy done my part for it.
gotta go finish flipping thrgh my notes.
i doubt i can absorb any also.
Labels: school
submitted at 11:52 PM.