Saturday, September 29, 2007
i will be on the plane to Taiwan.
im feeling excited and worried at the same time. worried about school of cos'! randy called me up in the afternoon and told me the chances of the LOA being approved is slim cause' my reason isn't "strong" enough. anyway, im hoping for some miracle to happen otherwise i will most prob receive a warning letter when im back. =C
on a happier note, the trip that we have all been anticipating for a long time is finally here. our first time traveling tgt and for so many days!
just hope that everything runs smoothly through out the trip.
alrights, time to sleeep.
be back in 11 days.
to besties and school friends:
you will be missed!
Labels: anticipating
submitted at 1:41 AM.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tuesdayon this day we are invited to the Siloso Beach Resort to celebrate li chang's 19th birthday. left my class chalet in the afternoon, went home and siyi drove us there.
Siloso Beach Resort is really a fabulous place.
and i think we were all commenting non-stop about how nice the whole place is once we stepped in to the place. hahhaa.. ok lah. maybe i was the only one who's commenting non-stop.
some pictures of the resort:
(from linda)
the swimming pool>>>
the corridor outside the room>>>
went in to li chang's room and then to the 2nd level which made all our jaws dropped again. hahhaa... superb pretty scenery from there.
more pictures:
view from there>>>
i think we spent 30mins taking pictures and dipping our legs into the pool at the 2nd level>>>
back into the room with the cakes>>>
went for a short walk at the beach before heading home.
anyway, it was an enjoyable day cause' we hardly get to meet li chang that often .
Happy Birthday to Li Chang!no outings that day cause' we just celebrated it the day before and i guess she's still busy over at the resort.
went facial in the afternoon and it was my first time trying it. it was painful but i managed to bear with it. =) i like the mask that was being applied cause it is very comfortable and cooling.
Happy Birthday to Mummy!didn't really get to celebrate cause' we are all working and all. but we still managed to have a nice brunch over at fish and co. and that's in fact the only meal i consumed in that whole day. haha.
Fridayhead to school for project meeting but it turns out more like a movie session instead.
Weekendwork and resting to prepare for the embark of the last semester of my poly life.
i can't believe we are going taiwan in a week's time.
and siyi will be going bkk in a few days time too.
Labels: all-in-one, besties, birthdays, holidays, photos
submitted at 9:09 PM.
Mondaywent to our class chalet that day. the place is more like a bungalow to be exact cause' the place is really big and spacious with front and back yards. the girls were in-charge of the food on the first night, otherwise meaning to enter the kitchen and to cook! hahhaa... actually i find those guys quite daring to taste our end results. anyway, we prepared complimentary toliet rolls for them so their minds should be at ease lah.
pictures taken in the kitchen:
introducing the cooks...............
flipping the omelet which requires skills>>>
.......after 2 hours of work in the kitchen
.......the end results
introducing our dan bao fan>>>

yummylicious dish with mouthwatering stuffs - cheese, hot dogs, pineapple rice etc... inside the omelet. i think we are really up to standard cause' we even served our dish with a soup-of-the-day (cream of mushroom). after the dinner, we even prepared brownies with vanilla ice cream toppings. the brownies made by angela taste really good! i thought they are comparable to amos's. hahaha... we also had milo pudding made by wen hao which tastes really special. i gotta say that im really impressed with chew yee's cooking also, can tell that she helps out often in the kitchen.
we actually planned to go night cycling that night but some were busy using the laptop while others were obsessed over the ps2 game. so by the time we all got our butts out of the house, the bike shop was already closed! so they ended up playing at the playground and that scary satellite thing there, then back to the house when they all got tired.
to be continued...
Labels: class outing, holidays, photos
submitted at 7:20 PM.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
i will start off with school stuffs first. results and timetable are out already. results wise, not bad i think, since it's my best GPA so far.
Industrial Training Programme - A
Legal System and Contracts - A
Principals of Supply Chain Management - A
Personal Financial Planning - DIST
Financial Management - B
Server Application Development - B+
Project Management - C+
Semester GPA: 3.447
the ITP results shown is totally useless cause' they said it's not counted in GPA. so not worth it ok. i was quite surprised when i saw my results for PSCM and PFP cause' for PSCM i just crapped my way through out the exam paper and for PFP my previous assignments were all Bs or B+ , no A at all so i wonder how it results in a DIST. PM results was sorta expected as the last CA was terribly screwed! =(
timetable next. there's 2 hours break in between for 2 days, waste time again but at least it isn't as bad as last sem's.
monday: 8am to 11am
tuesday: 9am to 3pm
wednesday: 8am to 3pm
thursday: 10am to 4pm
friday: 2pm to 5pm
anyway, i should have chosen maths for elective instead! if i choose maths then i wont have to attend school on Friday at all lah. damn it... tourism better be fun or else im gonna think its not worth at all.
the coming week is our last week of holidays. =(
i think SP is too hardworking otherwise i see no need to always start school earlier than other polys (excluding RP). moreover, this isn't the first time that we our school have short hols and start school earlier than others, it happens most of the time infact.
have been going out quite frequent recently since holidays is coming to an end very soon.
we just went marketing yesterday night to get food for LC's bday celebration on tuesday. after shopping, we were deciding whether to go prata shop for supper a not since i haven had my dinner yet, but we were being so indecisive that we only decided to go when they send me home and waiting for me to board the lift then they called me back into the car. hahaha... anyway i felt quite touched cause' liting says they are afraid that i might be hungry so they decided to go although some don't feel like having prata. T.T
the other day i accompanied siyi to collect her passport but ended up not collecting cause' she din bring her old passport. but nvm about that cause' we managed to taste yummy food at golden mile food center. we went to try the Belgian Chocolate stall over there which is recommended in some local variety shows and i have been wanting to try it. their waffle is nice but i think cannot eat too much of it cause' towards the end we actually got sick of the taste and the chocolate dip.
then just a few days ago we went back to collect passport again together with kailin. the collection queue was horrible. we waited like almost 2 hours when the collection took ard 5 mins only. went chinatown to buy daily essentials after that, spent quite a lot and i got myself new makeup remover, sunblock, facial wash and etc when the old one aren't used up yet. =X and i ended up being late for work that day.
chalet tml but im too lazy to pack anything cause' i just remb i have to bring small portions of shampoo and conditioner also. too lazy to pour lah.
so many shows unwatched and there's new dramas starting today. i wanna go clear some shows first.
Labels: all-in-one, holidays, results
submitted at 6:17 PM.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
we are all over at kailin's house right now. went DXO to club just now cause' friday is ladies night!!! whoo whooo.. kailin is preparing the mahjong table right now and others are sitting around kai's room chatting and feeling drunk. wahhhaa.. how fun. virgin clubbing experience tgt (except for liting, dada and siyi) and tonning after that.
moreover, it was a last min decision, because we actually met out to buy pressies today not intending to club at all. thank god our bags are big enough to stuff those ugly shopping bags in.
oh btw, DXO is really sorta empty tonight becos i think they have some other events over at some other clubs tonight.
anyway, i think i prob inherit my father's skills. drank quite many cups of volka and im feeling perfectly fine right now except for my dry eyes (must be the contacts).
we met a nice cabby uncle who is willing to allow 5 of us to sit in the cab when coming back or else we will still be stuck in NR5 on the journey back home.
ok. mahjong ready.... off to play.
i hope i win some dollars.
Labels: besties, new experience, nightlife
submitted at 2:02 AM.
Monday, September 10, 2007
gosh...there's barely 2 more weeks of holiday left only and im getting quite troubled cause' there's still many things
undone for both school and the trip.
school wise, our FYP is un-touch. 0.0
i don't dare to ask about other groups' progress cause' i know we're kinda quite lagging behind.
trip wise, im still trying to get our itinerary out. so it means more researching too. adding on to this, the ticket seller is giving us more trouble now by telling us she won't be in taiwan to pass us the tickets. plus, misc keeps delaying the refunds. so pissed off. ><
all in all, what i wanna say is:
there's so much to do, yet so little time to accomplish them.moreover, i will only be free this week.
next week will be packed with class chalet, bdays and work on weekend.
and sch will be reopening on the following week which is also the week which we're setting off to taiwan.
im or rather we all are getting excited about the trip and anticipating for what we will be encountering over there, though i felt that the trip is sorta too long which is also the main reason mummy is unhappy about.
i just suddenly recall that our results will be out this wed which is only 2 days away. i hope that i can score and score well enough too.
now, im beginning to wonder if skipping 7 days of school is really OK. i shall remind myself to check out whether LOA is applicable under my circumstances when sch reopens. but i think the chances are really slim.
talked over the phone with liting yesterday night. seriously, it had been a long time since i last chatted over the phone with a friend. chatting in the sense that really asking about how's each other and what are we busy with recently and etc. in short, showing concern towards each other which i think it's very good. i think next time i shall take the initiative and make phone calls to my friends once in a while too.
alright, back to researching.
Labels: anticipating, thoughts
submitted at 6:05 PM.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
we had our first experience these few days working as flyer distributors. we practically dragged our aching bodies home these few days. superb tiring... i wondered why there's sucha big difference with 3 hrs of shopping as compared to 3 hrs of standing to distribute flyer. it is only now that i realise how comfortable my clinic job is, though many said that we should be paid higher for working in a clinic.
the fortunate thing with the job is that the in-charge is understanding even though we carried back a pile of flyer cause' the response is really quite bad. another goody thing is that the pay is considered quite high for flyer distribution. we were being told by the in-charge today that we are suppose to be paid at 1.5 times rate for sat and 2 times on sun. we do not know how true is this cause' the agent din mention this to us. or probably the in-charge got the wrong info from somewhere else cause' i think it's quite unlikely that they are willing to pay us $13/hr huh.
anyway, if this really happen to be true...
heh heh heh... i bet we will be working w/o complains later on. hahaha!
thanks to lichang's invitation, we all met and went to attend a 7th month dinner just now. rich ah peks everywhere. towards the end, we even managed to catch a short show... lol
alright, i gotta get to slp now. working full shift later on and i only have barely 6 hours of slp left.
Labels: besties, new experience, work
submitted at 1:37 AM.