Monday, December 31, 2007
2007 pass in a flash~~~
my biggest accomplishment this year gotta be the
taiwan trip. becos i actually managed to persuade my mother to let me pon school for almost 2 weeks and let me travel overseas with my friends! =D and till now i receive no warning letters at all which is quite surprising!
during our taiwan trip we also get to see
NEWS concert which was awesome although our seats weren't that good. it was satisfying enough to catch their live performance and see them "flying" so near you~~ =P
about my myself...
i think there isn't any big changes, be it appearance or mindset..
appearance wise, my hair is still curled and i still have the same hair color. i have not grown any taller but i think i put on some weight.
im single still and chasing idols is still part of my interest. i still waste and spend my money on impulsive buys.. the only diff gotta be that i have worked part time through out this year so i earned some pocket money for myself.
spent exceptionally alot this year due to the taiwan trip, psp, new pc and new furnitures in my room...
i can predict 2008 to be a quite different year from before since im probably gonna embark on my career after graduation which is like only a month away ok. >.<
anyway, i hope everything which happens in 2008 will run smoothly~
lastly... let's forget about all the unhappiness in 2007 and open our arms wide to welcome the new 2008 in just a few hours time!
Labels: anticipating, celebration, thoughts
submitted at 8:22 PM.
其實起初是從他們的服裝認的啦﹐因為根本太遠了不怎麼看的到臉~ 他們的服裝可說是在新加坡人群中滿突出的所以很好認~ =p
第一次看到小奕的新髮型。。。 真的剪了很多而且很好看﹗
明天去跨年的你們也能看到了~ ^ ^
那天沒包車﹐所以從機場我們就想說應該會住回上次來的飯店所以我們就到那去啦。 怎知道我們也太會猜了吧~
我們的肚子也快餓壞了﹐所以也進去吃囉。。 =D
但。。。本人不是很喜歡啦~ 因為那白雞是冷的﹐可是飯滿香到是真的~
小奕說我們變了~~ 我本來都不信因為我們髮型都沒變麻。
因為以前大家看起來還滿呆底~ 哈哈
由於前晚太遲睡﹐所以大家都睡過頭了~ 呵呵
應該只有這幾首﹐本人的記憶也不太好。。 =X
本來還以為會彈吉他﹐因為有看到他帶小白來。。。 太可惜了~
小奕唱歌時很忙因為他都會走靠近歌迷﹐他還不小心坐在一對情侶的中間把人家給拆散了。 哈哈~
他穿全白﹐身上帶了個很BLING的BLING BLING而且還穿了靴子。單是那靴子在新加坡穿就會吸引到很多目光。
所以很自然的我們都聽到很多路人在旁唧唧捂捂的問那白衣的是誰呀?好帥哦。。 或叫他們朋友看那白衣的帥哥之類的~~ 哈哈﹗
我們在外面等了快3小時演唱會才結束。。。 >.<
PS﹕OK! 我終於打完了~~ 快2個小時了吧~
現祝大家HAPPY 2008囉~
希望明天大家都能很開心的跨年﹗ ^^
BY﹕慧漪 Labels: star-staring
submitted at 12:33 AM.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Fridaywent airport with agnes and samm. as expected there's only 2 groups of fans - fc and us, and we totaled to 11 people in all.
waited and saw these 2 person dressed in a quite exaggerating manner considering here being singapore.. so they were actually chenyi and miao. miao dressing made him looks good. he actually looks quite shuai when he's like 500m away~
he walked out and we din even bother about him.. we seems to be more interested in dao sa when we saw that he is their driver. LOL!
made our way to hotel.. hahah.. we concluded that it should be the same hotel and our guess was right! then we found out how jian someone is.. pls lah... it's too stupid to lie to us ok.
we were all chatting happily and din even realise when he walked out! LOL.. bth cos we were still thinking dao sa v gei gao.. hahhaa
managed to flag a cab on the road and caught up with them. the other grp lost them though. but we were nice enough to give them some tips.. =)
the cab uncle was quite angry cause we used the same reason and he thought we were trying to do some bad things lah. dumb. then during the traffic when our cab stopped behind them, the cab uncle turned and asked us eh.. they looking at you all huh. LOL... we din even realised it ok.. and i think he stared quite long also. but we were all being a bitch and slouched back in our seats. hahhaa
they went balestier boon tong kee for dinner. we went in to eat too cause we were starving. he went there during his last trip too... he looked over to our table quite many times while we were eating and there was once when i was talking to agnes and i think i showed some taken aback expression, he saw and then he imitated me for fun i guess. walked out and we all hv nth to say, he showed us the red bull in his hands and we were like ???? really no topic ok.
made our way to sph after that. managed to flag a cab in time when he came out. but they went the other direction so we lost them and decided to go straight to hotel instead. our cab driver was quite funny and he drives really fast and quite scary, so serious that i decided that i should put on my seat belt. reached hotel and we can still take our own sweet time to the toliet and blah blah. we were standing at the lobby making decisions about some stuffs and just nice when we have decided we saw a familiar combi turning in. HAHHAA..
he said that we have changed.. and the way he said it he sounds like it was his last breath. hahha. cos he was like stammering~ we asked he rmb us huh.. and he said yah.. and the 3 of us are tgt one right. like super obvious alrights..
took a group photo tgt and we spent quite sometime adjusting for the right position. cause he gei gao la suggested to stand below the stairs at first and the xuan chuan says like that not nice. and so we stood at the same spot which we took our he zhao a yr ago. those xuan chuan asked if we will be gg to the kunion event the next day we said yes, but somehow he heard what agnes mumbled and the next thing we knew, agnes flew out of the group pic out of a sudd. hahahha!!!
and the xuan chuan still can say like that good cos we can take another group photo.. >.<||| after the he zhao we got nth to say and he randomly reached out his hands when we actually hv no intention to shake his hands. lol~

home after that. and we concluded we were on bullshit luck on this day cos we spent less than $10 on our cab fare.
Saturdayjingwen and peifen joined us ytd too. went for the kunion event, we didn't even bother to queue up so we were seated right behind. hahhaa.. it was loads of self entertainment during the event. he was walking all around when singing, he saw agnes and pointed at her and said" ni you lai ah" hahaha.. the funniest part was when we volunteer samm becos they wanna choose someone to be the female lead when chenyi is singing qing ni jia gei wo. hahhaa.. damn funny cos we were all pointing to samm and shouting for them to choose her. they all looked over and i think they said that our group very zi high and i think that chenyi said something like we should go see the doc. kns.. anyway they chose a birthday girl from the fc instead. he brought him over to our side and asked us bu chuo ba? hahha.. we dunno what he's trying to mean but we all laughed like mad including him ok. damn funny... we all laughed so hard that we were all tired after the event.
chased after that and he went mdc to rehearse for the sheng siong show. our journey was super irritating through out cause we have a BIG BOMB seated at the front of our maxi. bth.. should have left him somewhere in the middle of highway.
anyway, after rehearsal they went vivo city to shop and after shopping at a few stores they went to eat jap cuisine. he came to eat jap cuisine during his last trip too lah. we went to buy food also cause we were all starving.. went to develop the he zhao we took the day before and kim jeong hoon grp pic. he came out and then he went to mdc after that.
went in for sheng siong recording and we were entertaining ourselves at the back too. it have been a long time since we last went for a mdc recording.
chased after that and they went indoor stadium to watch liang jing ru concert. knnn.. and we waited like 3 hours outside ok. arent he supposed to go for dinner!? we were getting soo bored during the waiting that we went down to di siao dao sa. i think they went to watch fish concert becos miao was once fish's xuan chuan lah. finally he came out and we chased back to hotel. over at the hotel they signed albums and took grp photos. when it was our turn, he said to me "ni bao che o" isnt it obvious!? and i wonder how many cameras actually hv our grp pic inside. anyway, we actually notice the difference with the he zhaos we took on both days. hrrrmmm...

home after that.. a super tiring day..
and i really dun wanna remind myself how much i have wasted on that day.
i was actually quite tempted to go airport today after chatting with winnie when i came home ytd, but maybe samm is right.. we shall not waste our time. plus we were quite pissed off lah by the amt we spent.
overall, i still don't understand the main purpose of this trip w/o autograph session.
hahaha! but thank god he got his haircut before he came, and he looks good in his new haircut too.
Labels: star-staring
submitted at 5:39 PM.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
went to see best friend today...
surprisingly, he said he remembered us...
hahahaha!!! though we're not very sure how true is that.
we're on bullshit luck today again.
i think we surprised everyone including best friend. hahaha... even the
dao sa driver thinks we are quite smart.
i hope our bullshit luck will be with us always!
more in details after the trip.. im too tired now.
i better go replenish my energy for tml.
my feet hurts like mad cos i wore my new shoes out today. =(
Labels: star-staring
submitted at 1:59 AM.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!went town to celebrate jingwen's birthday just now. the crowd over there was mad, loads of people taking photos, some even risk their lives by standing in the middle of the road just to capture the so called spectacular moment~~~
thank god that we left just in time before the spraying starts... hahaha
alrights, my eyes hurt now when im staring into what im typing on the monitor screen....
so i suppose i should stop doing my report although it is supposed to be sent out ytd.. =X
im so tired to do anything right now lah... i don't think my brain works at this hr too.
ok... excuse~ excuses~ and more excuses!!!
Labels: festive season, whinings
submitted at 1:20 AM.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

met up with kailin after project discussion yesterday. went to shop for snacks and i have a sudd craving for tomato flavour chips!!! and then i realised that there's so little tomato flavour chips out there... where have it all gone?! i only managed to get twisties in tomato flavour in the end. =(
i wanted to wake up at 9am just now to do my CRM report which i have to send the others by tml. but i was too tired and only managed to wake up at 10 instead. i only typed a few paras so far, seems like i have to sacrifice my sleeping hours tonight.
i gotta transfer some shows over to my ext hdd now cause low disk space has been detected in my drive!!! i went to check and i found out~~~~~ omg~!!! i have 200GB of shows!!!!!! damn it.... i wanna hurry finish em!
off to prepare and out to celebrate liting's 19th birthday!!
Labels: birthdays, whinings
submitted at 11:26 AM.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
i spent my last weekend admiring kim jeong hoon aka the prince.... haha
went home after work, took a nap and out to meet the rest to airport. the idea of traveling to the other end of s'pore just to glance kjh for at most 5 mins made me almost dont feel like going anymore.
i actually went airport for 2 consecutive days, cause the previous day i was at t3 for the tour.
had macs for dinner and i ate alot!
headed over to T1, his flight landed earlier and we made it just in time to see him appearing. hahha.. if we were to take the next skytrain, then.... we will be traveling to airport just for our macs dinner.
he looks good in person, cause initially i thought he will look lub sub w/o shaving and sorts. hahaha.. seems like im very wrong.
loads of bowing and waving from him to the fans, really polite.
hopped on to xiao zhu's maxi after that and started to chase from airport to hotel.
the curtains were wide open and he's really friendly~ smiled and waved a lot. he took the initiative to wave at us some more can.
some taiwan stars don't even do that, more over he's a star from korea!
reached oriental, did some socializing and went home after that.
worked in the morning, wanted to meet agnes in the afternoon but we can't make up our mind so we decided to stay at home to watch star awards instead.
met agnes and we took a bus over to the hotel and waited.
endured all those nonsense from the other fans while we were at the hotel.
he came out shortly and everyone left for their maxis and we were the only 2 alert fans left. cause' there's 3 other fans over there who din know kjh actually came out alrdy.

we are actually seeing ba ma wang zi from this distant~
they waited quite long for the other gzrys, and sudd there's like so many gzrys came out of nowhere.
he went amara hotel for korean food and we trained over. we tired not to cab that day cause' that's the day when the cab fare hikes. can you imagine maxi cab increase from $35 to $45 per hour?!!! it's getting unreasonable alright!
anyway, went over and waited for him to come out. he started bowing again before boarding the bus.
and for the first time agnes and me were really glad that our legs reacted slower than the rest~ hahaha!!! if not, we will probably get hungry for the rest of the week..
met samm, then trained over to find pf and we went toa payoh for macs again~
took a bus over to mdc, it was pouring heavily but it seems like we enjoyed have enjoyed ourselves by playing with our umbrellas and demo-ing how those aunties in tw promo the umbrellas. hahaa
and then he came out the moment we all got up to walk over to the reception.
boarded a cab and get to know that he went east coast.
my heart was aching whenever i see the meter jump, moreover it was peak hour when we boarded~~~
the cab fare amount to $26.20 when we reached our destination. T.T
for the first time im glad that we were daring enough to go "search through" the bus, even though it means "waking him up".
found him at jumbo eating and sudd more gzrys appeared and they were all sitting at the big table outside and kjh was seated faced outside too so you can actually imagine how good our view was.
soo good that pf can actually comment how cute looking he was even when he's wiping his sweat!!! =..=|||
then this evil auntie from the restaurant came and wanted to bluff us in for a drink cause' according to her the security guards were staring at us when none was! one of em even smiled to us. so she said we either stand at the sand or go in the restaurant for a drink. we ignored her totally! hahhaa
they finished their dessert and came out to say that we can have a group picture tgt!
but some was getting jealous cause' we got to he zhao even though we din chase, and they started saying they alrdy have groups assigned one trying to say that we are not one of those groups lah. wth..
anyway, we still got our he zhao in the end and i gotta say we were quite clever too. =P

here's a super small pic of the he zhao we took. hahahha!!!!
i cropped the pic out btw, just in case my fren don't wanna show her face here.
anyway, the pic we took was kinda dark and blur, the result for not having the flash on!!!
and i think we were the only group which took 2 times cause' the 1st one was quite blur. it was blur enough for his manager or whoever so to tell us to take another time. ok.. i think he must be thinking im using a 1m.p camera.
hahha... he was standing very stiff during the he zhao and i think it made us look quite stiff in the pic too.
i think he got scared by this auntie who was really enthu to take a photo and started grabbing his arm, cause' they stopped the photo taking after that.

from agnes's blog~
cabbed over to airport, we thought we couldn't made it in time to see him cause' we only managed to flag a cab 10 mins after they left i think.
but we managed to reach just in time again.. =D hahaha..
many fans over at the airport and the scene was quite chaotic with security pushing fans and all.
left after the went in...
went kallang and acc them for supper and took the last train home after that...
alright, that's the end of kjh trip...
best friend trip coming up!
Labels: star-staring
submitted at 8:52 PM.
we had a field trip for our tourism module last fri and they brought us to visit T3..
initially we thought the trip was actually for our class only, but there's like hundreds of people who went also.

take a look at the crowd~

spent much time here waiting for all to test out the sky train.
btw this sky train is the one use for transfers inside the boarding area.

all the shops inside were busy furnishing

they actually brought us in to tour around~

the artistic work

those panels on top are really clever invention. cause they can actually adjust accordingly to allow the natural light to enter for the plants to grow.

those plants are all real~

group picture
overall, T3 is really big!!! our legs were aching halfway through the tour.
everything inside the boarding area are made "transparent" due to those glass panels everywhere.
Labels: class outing, school
submitted at 7:22 PM.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
just came back from work not long ago.
work ended early as there's only a small crowd due to the bad weather.
about the weather.... it is really bad! and it affects my mood too...!
it's like
raining -> drizzling -> stop raining -> raining again....
and the cycle goes on~~~
CRM presentation done.
so now we are left with 3 reports to be completed during the holidays - tourism, CRM and WSNA.
there's this achievers award ceremony for us to attend tml, and it is said to be sorta farewell celebration for the year 3 students so meaning its compulsory to attend.
so no more going home early tml, but to rot in school instead to wait for the event to start.
Labels: school
submitted at 10:18 PM.
Monday, December 10, 2007
went to visit the doctor today and i just reached home not long ago.
i waited for 3 whole hours in total just to see the doc for 5 mins - 2 hours standing outside the clinic and 1 hour inside waiting.
plus another 2 hours of traveling.
despite reaching 2 hours before the opening hr to queue outside the clinic, im still the 12th in the queue.
now i can actually sympathize those patients in the clinic which im working at cause' often they have to queue up to 3 to 4 hours to see my doctor too.
anyway, i was prescribed 7 steps medication which i'm going to start tonight.
yayayaya 7 medications! so i paid more than hundred for the medication plus consultation in total, i wonder if i can claim my money back man~
gotta prepare for CRM presentation tml.
tml's a busy day with CRM presentation, to client's office to install trial version after sch then to work after that.
Labels: new experience
submitted at 10:44 PM.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
i decide to blog just after i changed my blogskin.
have been using the previous one for quite sometime and it's getting dull to me.
i probably wont be using this skin for long too cause' im not used to this narrow writing space.
went IMM to see xing guang 4 shao this afternoon.
reached only like 2 hours after the event has started? hahaha.. cnt wake up at all cause' i only reached home at around 5 this morning.
unlike most artistes who all look better in person, 4 shao looks much better on tv (esp peter pan)!
we all agreed that it's not the problem with his ping tou, it's probably his features.
it was sucha a let down cause' i thought he is supposed to be the best looking one among them. alright, i shan't refer him as pan wang zi after today.
hahahhaa =X
went shopping -> dxo -> macs yesterday.
didn't plan to go dxo actually, but somehow the idea of it just came.
we drank very little but talked and yawned more instead. hahhaa...
took NR all the way back home cause' the Q over at taxi stand was terrible.
the journey was really long and tiring cause' i have to spot the baby cockroach and prevent it from nearing me.
went siyi's house to get the car and out for supper.
we were tempted to have boon tong kee but we drove all the way to bukit timah and found out that the chicken was sold out. =C
decided to have macs breakfast as substitute instead so we waited 20mins till 4am for their breakfast.
it was a satisfying
supper breakfast cause i haven have big breakfast for a long time~!
introducing my new sleeping companion which mummy bought:

so huggable~
its a red apple with big/small ears which i dunno if its a defect or what.
i saw this on my bed when i came home after work the other day.
very soon my bed will be fully occupied by sleeping companions... currently there's like 2 pillows, 2 bolsters, 3 toys and a thick comforter sitting on my not-very-big queen size bed alrdy.
we will be having a 2 weeks holidays after next week.
and after we come back from hols, there's only 3 weeks of school left.
so meaning i am only left with 4 weeks of lessons to attend. or lesser than that due to exam breaks.
oh my!!! that's really fast alright. esp when there's projects to complete and our biggest nightmare - FYP!
we did a presentation on our fyp progress the other day. oh my.... sad to say there's still quite a lot for us to complete. =C
happened to have lunch with our ptn the other day and our ptn actually asked if my parents are from taiwan! hahhaa... how i wish im a taiwanese ok.
and he's actually not the first one who asked. our csb tutor also asked me this question when we happened to have lunch tgt last time too. hahha.. i guess they misunderstood because they tot im returning to my "homeland" when i went taiwan.
i gotta find some time to visit the clinic next week.
after hearing all the raves about it i really feel like trying.
heard that the queue over at the clinic is horrible moreover it's located over at the other end of sg.
but it should be worthwhile if it's effective.
to watch shows.
Labels: all-in-one, besties, school, star-staring
submitted at 11:21 PM.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
im so tired; perhaps not.
it's probably the laziness.
i feel like slping but i can't as i have yet finish studying for csb test tml.
im only at the first few pages of the topic cause' i kept falling asleep after reading a few lines.
i abhor language module. although they may be quite useful, it's very hard to score.
rmb i mentioned about best friend a few posts back?
alright, his really coming ok and quite soon too.
back to study csb.
Labels: anticipating, school, whinings
submitted at 8:04 PM.