Thursday, February 28, 2008
expired photos and entry on last friday...
gathered with some cousins and went out for late night supper..
went to sing karaoke over at cdans.
i sang twice that day! agnes, samm and i went kbox earlier on that same day.
drove to chinatown and went to this china restaurant for supper.
second time i visited chinatown in a day.
free shows cause there were prostitutions going on.. hahha

i had a hard time filtering those petals

xiao long bao

BBQ corns with spicy powder

some really spicy veggies

cnt rmb what is this. but its really YUMMY!

man tou to go along with those sauces.
next, we went geylang to have tian ji zhou.

honey coated chicken

the tian ji-s

the zhou

fried man tou
everything we had were delicious~
and it was the first time i tried tian ji.. i used to think that it is disgusting to eat frog legs, but i think it wasn't that bad after all. haha
i think i gained 2kgs the next day ok.
ate damn ALOT that day.
i had my dinner over at thai accent with agnes, pf and samm before meeting them.
yummy food they have at thai accent too!
i think i prob gained 4kgs instead, cause all the food i consumed that day seemed really nutritious!
Labels: family, supper
submitted at 11:33 PM.
Monday, February 25, 2008
received the following message at frienster.
My friend Peggy, has a return ticket to Japan in March for sale...Due to mistake...the passenger name is printed as Huang Huiyi...therefore selling the air ticket cheap...
Pls contact or sms me: 9475XXXX if you are interested...This is not a scandal...A True sale...
what makes him thinks that my father is Mr Huang?!!!
i wondered how many huiyi-sss did he sent the similar message to.
Labels: hilarious
submitted at 12:43 AM.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
see what i've been doing during the holidays...
1) Shopping-online shopping funded by ang bao money.

the above + some shopping done in stores explains where my ang bao money went to.
other than the shopping stuffs bought using ang bao money, im proud to say that i gave more than half of my ang bao money to mummy. =)
i think its time to start shopping for my D&D outfit instead uh...
2) Clearing of disk spacein order to prevent low disk space being detected, it is suggested that its time for me to clear my E drive. so, for the past few weeks i have been diligently clearing BBT, zhong ji yi jia and some misc stuffs which took up nonsensical big amount of space.
i think just these 2 items alone have kept me occupied ever since school ends. sad to say that they are all known as those non-nutritious stuffs for the mind and body. hhahhaha...
anyway, citibank just called me today and im being offered the job. and so, i will be going down to sign those papers tml. i just dont feel so convinced taking up the offer,im beginning to have second thoughts about it. maybe a satisfactory salary and some attractive offers will make me change my mind. hahahha~ how i hope so...
seems like i wont get to enjoy my non-nutritious pastimes very soon~ =(
Labels: holidays, splurged, work
submitted at 11:35 PM.
Monday, February 18, 2008
my mind is wandering~~~
the current heated discussion is about the future.
many are busy attending interviews, registering for universities and etc...
i gotta admit that im
quite very lost.
i dunno, i haven got any plans and directions to follow yet.
and so, i ended up following the trends.
i sent my application for NTU yesterday. although i know my chance is so minimal, zero infact, im still willing to donate my $10.
i dunno, probably because im just another typical kiasu singaporean.
recently, i tried to ask myself what exactly i want for my future.
sadly, there was no answer.
currently, im thinking of working full-time and taking part-time SIM course at the same time. im not keen to continue with my studies actually, but due to family/peer pressures it seems like there isn't any other alternatives.
im so worried that what if halfway i realised that i've took the wrong path!?
i dunno, but these are the only plans that i can think of currently.
Labels: thoughts
submitted at 6:15 PM.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
met chewy out to shop for D&D dress. after browsing through all the range at the departmental stores in orchard, we didn't manage to find anything which is suitable. we didn't expect it would be so tough finding a nice outfit. anyway, we gave up finding our dresses and went to get pants from the crazy mphosis sale instead.
met agnes and pf for dinner after that. decided to catch a movie after our dinner since we didn't watch any together before. hahhaha!! unbelievable uh?! we have been friends for almost 5 yrs (i think so?) and we din watch movie together before. hahaha.. thats because im the one who always says dont want la, dont want la... whenever they suggest to watch a movie. i wondered where have my determination gone when i agreed to catch a movie ytd when they suggested to. i think i must be quite reluctant then when i agreed... LOL!
decided to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd since agnes watched cj7 and i have watched kungfu dunk alrdy and the others shows were like sold out. overall the movie is funny ONLY, no plot..
oh ya and what a coincidence that we bumped into jingwen over at the lift area. hahha...
Labels: girls outings, my day
submitted at 4:20 PM.
Monday, February 11, 2008
CNY celebration have sorta ended although i know that there's still like 10 more days till the end of new year. Everyone's back to work/school but im still relaxing at home. =D
My CNY celebration was as mundane as everyone else. we did the same old stuffs, go to the same old places, played the same old games, eat the same old things etc....
alright, photos time!

this is cookie.
he is a dog abandoned on CNY eve by my father's friend. my father brought him along to my grandma house and he's indeed a bad dog cos he nearly bite my cousin and my brother. and so.. we've decided to bring him to the factory later that night.

oh my... can you believe we ate this for 5 consecutive days?! although we had our dinner at different places, it still the same things we're eating cause they were all brought from my grandma's place. hahaha!
First Day of CNY
over at the paternal side.

this is JJ.
he's a very playful dog who gets excited really easily, and we gotta be careful when he gets too excited cause he will start squirting urine all around. haha
see how small he used to be:

next is lucky...

lucky wearing socks on his rotten leg.

lucky in his favourite position.

lucky and JJ together.
more humans photos now...

the cousins

the irritant and me
2nd Day of CNY

thats my youngest cousin.

the cousins again.. leaving out a few
3rd Day of CNYdid nothing much on the 3rd day cos the cousins all have their own activities with their own friends. parents' friends came over our house and we had steamboat tgt.
4th Day of CNYthe cousins went to watch Kungfu Dunk yesterday. head over to our uncle's place for dinner at night, brought my absolute 100 over too. played games and everyone anyohow mixed drinks together with the vodka which serves as the punishment. i landed up with a burning stomach after drinking 2 cups of it. =X
alright... it's so boring after all.
but i think what matters the most is that the family gets to gather together as CNY is like the only occasion in the year with the opportunity to allow everyone to turn up for.
yups.. and other than that there's still those big fat ang paos which everyone's anticipating for.
Labels: family, festive season, photos
submitted at 7:15 PM.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
To: Everyone
Labels: festive season
submitted at 2:12 AM.
Monday, February 04, 2008
it's our turn to celebrate the end of our FYP presentation!
it's not the end of FYP though, cause we still have some editing and installation at client place to be done. but nvm about that, since all the important parts have been completed!
after seeing the final product produced by us after 9 months of effort and hard work, we're so contented!
the group went for dinner after the presentation just now and thanks timothy for the treat! i gotta really count myself lucky to have such understanding group mates. =D
wooooo... at last, i can sleep at ease!
Labels: school
submitted at 11:35 PM.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
simply becos...
everyone's done with their FYP, enjoying their hols and CNY shopping now
and i have so many stuffs undone like shopping and cleaning of my room..
what to do????
Labels: school
submitted at 8:19 PM.