the long anticipated weekend is here once again..
at last....
i have some free time to blog!
there were many happenings over the weeks which i didn't have the time to blog about.
so lets start off with EG trip first.
the 4 guys were in town last Sunday for the event at kallang leisure park. an extreme short trip this time round, they only stayed for less than 24hrs. i believe that it was the shortest trip in the 6 yrs..
wow.... come to think about it, it has been close to 6 long years alrdy~~~ hahaha. i was like only 13yrs old back then??! ok lah.. i think it's acceptable since it was often mentioned that those fans really grow in time with them, which is indeed very true.
anyway, it was the same routine as usual.
airport -> event -> then followed around.
over at the airport from the viewing mall:

one thing i like about going to the airport for EG is that at least i know that chances of me getting stepped over and being pushed is very low.
the recent bad experience i had was during xiao jing teng's trip which was 2 weeks ago when he came for the SPOP. wah lao.. ultimate MFs they have in the crowd over at airport. jam's arrival really made us jam-packed! hahaha.. btw, he's the one with the garland lah.

alright, back to EG.
trained to kallang after airport.
cabbed from kallang to the leisure park tgt with deon & xiao zhu cause it was pouring.
settled for lunch at this restaurant which sells sushi at only 99cents per plate. after eating a plate of their sushi, i felt that paying a dollar more for a plate of sushi at ichiban is definitely more worth it. hahah.. plus i dont understand why they still charged service charge when 90% of the stuffs are self-service!
we stood at the 2nd level to get a bird eye view of everything.
big stage they have and i think it is ridiculous to prepare mic stands for the 4 of em ok. hahha
thankfully they took them away when they were about to appear.

fellow supporting fans who spent $50 to get the he zhao. seriously, even if im willing to spend $50, i have no idea what to buy from the mall. maybe i can dig for some stuffs to buy from watsons? hrmmm..

the 4 fan gu zai performing tian sheng fan gu.

they only performed tian sheng fan gu and xin kong. i thought they will be performing for quite long cause they said zai ge zai wu.. hahha
misc photos..

they played games tgt with the fans.
they were each paired with a fan and they were supposed to ask the fan yes/no questions regarding the words they picked.
they purposely included milk and toro names inside..
shuwei spoiled the game by giving obvious clues when answers were alrdy that obvious.

the next game was the passing of cheese rings using straws.
they were each paired with 2 fans - one passing the ring to them, the other holding the plate to count the no of cheese rings (like duh???).
look at their funny postures in action..
xiao gang was the ultimate one becos he was really standing close to that fan and grasping her shoulders. hahaha
too bad i dont have any pics to share cause my batt died after taking sw's photo.
the other 3 were v bad cause they went to steal his cheese rings.
anyway, kunda was the winner for that game.

the photo taking started after all the games.
fun time we had over at the 2nd level observing how they posed. it was really entertaining seeing their creative posturing like how they acted cute and followed those korea boyband style.
there were some absurd incidents like how sw almost revealed a small kid's dress and luckily xiao gang managed to pull it down in time. hahaha.. sw's ears are quite sharp actually becos he knew where those laughters were coming from and even asked kd to look up.
other than those there were fans who requested who to stand beside them and such like forming a "<3" shape etc...
then there was this fan who actually wanna take he zhao with ah di and kunda only. too much uh. moreover, sw was reluctant to stand aside. anyway, they refused to let the fan to take it with only 2 of em.
samm brought her microphone out that day and we were successful at irritating him once again. LOL!
and this xiao zhu kept commenting that i looked like his fan.. like wth?!
im hope he doesn't have the same perception too.
it took them really long to walk out to the combi.
we went to take a bus after they left.
the weather was terribly hot that day and i got burnt while waiting for them and the bus which took ages to arrive.
went over to amara hotel, sat around to past time...
they came out at around 7pm while sam was in the toliet.. they started discussing abt this Lamborghini parked beside their combi while waiting for sam.
hoped on a cab and followed them to chinatown where ah di went to buy ba gua back.
took another cab and headed to long beach for dinner.
those cabbies uncles are getting really unhelpful nowadays. and what a coincidence that the same solution came across their minds.
they ate really long.
saw a local artiste and we were observing her through out. our guess should be right huh.. we're just curious over who's the one she's interested in. hahhaa
they went to david gan's house after that.
thankfully the road out isnt that far and i was surprised that the bus stop is so near.
alright, that's the end of EG trip.
i have started schooling once again! i rested for less than 2 mths and im back to studying again.
bridging courses for maths & econs started this week, and so far i attended 3 lessons alrdy.
i gotta say that the style and everything is different to that of poly's, maybe im not used to it yet.
probably becos im taking part time course and so everyone's so hardworking and busy taking notes through out the lecture.
although i felt really tired at times and feel like dozing off, i don't even dare to.
the pace of teaching is really fast. the econs that they teach is kinda different from what i've learnt. as for the maths its really A Maths which i hate... up till now i still cant get those Log, In, e stuffs right...
i really hope i can cope working and studying part-time.
anyway, im still considering whether i should quit my current job anot.
i think i can find a better job. but still, im unsure of everything.
i better remind myself to do some revision and get a good rest tml before another hectic week starts.
Labels: all-in-one, photos, star-staring
submitted at 6:46 PM.