SHIT!i can't concentrate.
i keep wandering around the house looking for snacks, talking to my mother, catch a few mins of the hk drama my mother is watching etc... and now im here blogging!
tsk tsk tsk.
i better get motivated cause there isn't much time left till exams.
and the stupid sch just have to set the enrollment session on sat, that's wasting a day of our precious time.
anyway, i have officially graduated from SP yesterday!
will be posting the photos up after my exams..
alrights... im going back to do my maths..
Labels: school
submitted at 8:48 PM.
late post about my birthday.
so i actually turned twenty, and i think turning from nineteen to twenty its equivalent to transforming from a teenager to an aunty...
HOW SAD!!!=(
i felt really unlucky on my 20th birthday cos i encountered several unfortunate incidents on the day before and on the day itself. the worst incident was that i bought a new faulty phone and sent it for service like after 24hrs i bought it, was fuming mad cause i wanted an exchange instead of a service but they just couldn't do that for me. so after much arguing the whole day, it actually spoiled my birthday. luckily, the celebration with besties made it up.

yummy cake lichang got for me.
the cake is filled with crunchy chocolate biscuits!

the only group photo we managed to take using the self timer.
some other recent updates:
last fri was my last day at citibank. i think i made the right choice to resign since i was never once happy working in that position, not even a day or an hour. so, right now im going to concentrate on my exams which is like a week later! that's like soo fast, 15 classes for each bridging module just ended like that. i am going to start hunting for an ideal job after exam ends.
dear siyi is in taipei right now and she will be back tml. i miss her like how i miss taiwan. hahhaa! seriously, i think we need to get back there asap. =p
im feeling quite anxious becos im going to rebond my hair tml morning. hhahaha! i told agnes about it and she thinks im ridiculous like as if rebonding is gonna kill me. but that's becos i haven been perming for the past 3 yrs? alrights nvm, 12 hours later my hair is gonna be flat and straight, goodbye to frizzy hair.
i sense sleepless nights coming soon, moreover i will be quite busy for the week - dinner, graduation, settling of sch fees. econs is just damn tough, those graphs are killing me! i need loads of luck as usual..
i think its time to put on a mask and get to sleep.
Labels: birthdays, photos
submitted at 11:55 PM.
I'M DAMN PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!i just went for a haircut and i told them that i wanna trim my hair and cut like 1 inch ONLY!
guess what?
my hair turns out only to be at shoulder length now!
its like my previous hair length / 2.
my curls are gone.
my frizzy hair is sticking out.
i din realize that it was that short until i reached home.
i guess they did something to the mirror in the salon - prolly the angle or whatever.
this is in fact the first time that im tearing becos of a horrible haircut.
ya, im still tearing right now while blogging.
previously, i don't understand why people cry over small matter like hair which will be long again over time.
last time when siyi told me she cried becos her hair turned out to be v short after the haircut, i always consoled and told her no worries since the hair will grow back again.
just now my father said exactly the same thing - the hair will grow back again to me.
this is totally unacceptable, cos the fact is that my hair doesn't grow THAT FAST.
the truth is that i probably have to wait for at least another yr to have back the same hair length again.
omg.. although we love saying time flies, its gonna take a LONG yr~~~
im so gonna curse that brainless bitch who dunno measurements!
i regretted being lazy and not traveling to look for my previous hairstylist.
the previous hairstylist was like 100000000 times better and understand what i want.
i'm actually thinking since im only gonna cut a inch of my hair, i can jolly well save my energy and time on traveling and patronize some nearby neighborhood salons instead.
complained the whole issue to my mother over the phone and she scolded me for being stupid and paying them still when they cut my hair till so short.
i actually kept reminding them that i only wanna cut an inch when i sensed that my hair is getting shorter and shorter. but bitch just kept reassuring me and tell me no worries, she's only cutting a bit. gosh, she seriously need to visit an eye specialist regarding her severe eye problem.
ok, right now the only solution i can think of is rebonding my hair.
its not simply wasting $60, but also my newly bought shampoo and conditioner for curls which cost like $50.
i actually prefer curling my hair, but i don't think i should risk doing that with my current hair length, just in case they turn out to be like wen's.
im going to wash my hair again and see any miracle happens.
Labels: whinings
submitted at 8:54 PM.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!ate loads of nutritious food today.
probably gained another 3kgs including yesterday's supper.
Labels: celebration
submitted at 9:50 PM.
tho' the time now is only 6.20pm, it has been a long day for me~~~
i have alrdy been out for more than 12 hours!
my day begins at 5.50am in the morning when the sky is still pitch dark.
met up with peifen and we traveled all the way to tampiness just to visit Dr Ong.
we were really lucky cause' we were the last 2 patients for the day.
so many peeps behind us got rejected since the no of patients have alrdy reached the limit.
so heng lah!
after getting our Q no, we had a hard time waiting for time to pass...
had our breakfast at macs, tried mcgriddles - my first and last time eating it, i find that the sweetness of the maple syrup just doesnt goes with the egg and sausage.
our breakfast is most likely the culprit which caused our stomachache. =(
back to the clinic and find that their seats are really uncomfortable so we took a bus to tamp mall.
shopped ard and bussed back to the clinic.
waited for another hour plus... and FINALLY its our turn (the time was almost 3pm then)!
thank god, after all the long wait all these while, i was told that i don't have to go back for consultation anymore.
Labels: my day
submitted at 6:20 PM.
dunt we all heartsss public holiday~~~
=D =D =D
m suppose to be meeting out with besties today...
my stomach refuses to stop aching, so...
i ended up spending half of the day in bed bearing with the pain.
i gotta urge myself to start revision v soon.
exams are coming in a mth's time and there's only 5 classes left for each module.
omg.. im so afraid that i dont pass my bridging..
that simply means im gonna delay my degree for a yr and i gotta dig out another 6k from some gold mine (i hope i find it at the plot of land behind my flat).
hope everyone enjoy their holiday!
Labels: holidays
submitted at 4:50 PM.