all thanks to kailin, i found a job at long last.
a job in a place which is convenient for me to travel to and fro my house and to my school.
a job offering a satisfying pay with a 5 days work week.
a job in a company which allows tees and jeans.
it's exactly THE JOB which i have been searching high and low for.
i know it's kinda fast, but i will be starting THE JOB tml!
im quite excited about working again because im really poor right now so i can't wait to work and get my salary asap.
with work and studies commencing again, i believe im so gonna miss my past mth's activities so much - 12 hours staring at my comp, 12 hours sleeping. becos these are gonna be the 2 things which i can't get enough of once i start my work and studies.
im going to be inefficient at clearing my shows again, but thankfully i cleared all bbt epis alrdy.
im going to catch another epi of ming zhong zhu ding before going to sleep.
the show is really nice and luan jing tian is damn good looking inside.
Labels: work
submitted at 10:52 PM.
i think i gained 3 kgs today, thanks besties for feeding me.
went coca restaurant at taka today for lunch buffet -> chua's treat
shopped around and stopped by at bakerzin because cai is craving for the small, yummy but expensive cookie. so nice of her to treat us one each, i was soo touched that i almost wept. HAHA
traveled back and we were thirsty due to the long talks on the journey back, so tan treated us drinks.
love em' all.
as for the jobless me, i didn't spend a cent today.
wait till i get the job tml alright!
im invited for a job interview tml. i detest interviews and hunting for jobs so i hope everything goes smoothly tml and they can just offer me the job.
i really need a job badly to start saving and spending and to feel rich once again.
o ya.. and also to pay for my agnes b.
bridging results were released today and im quite satisfied with my results.
A for mathematics and B+ for economics.
surprised that i scored a B+ for econs cause' i skipped many long questions in section B since
im alrdy confident that my section A will allow me to pass. hahaha...
anyway, these results are useless since they won't be taken into considerations for the class of honors.
i have to go:
tidy up my portfolio
read thrgh interview tips.
mask and slp to reduce dark circles which are revealing soon.
Labels: besties, results, work
submitted at 10:09 PM.
save my skin, save my dark eye circles, save my headaches, save myself!
just go to sleep right now.
Labels: nonsense
submitted at 4:36 AM.
i almost died laughing at 李銓 the past few days.
this 傻子銓’s clumsy actions are uber funny!
im really efficient in clearing bbt recently. i used to be like 4 mths lagging behind the current epi but right now im only less than a mth away. =)
hahaha.. that's becos im jobless right now.
i would love to start working again, but im just too lazy to hunt for a suitable job.
HRRMMM... so i shall cont to rot for another short period of time since i believe 休息是為了走更長遠的路~~~
Labels: shows
submitted at 8:59 PM.
after so many years of stars staring, i can conclude that this is one of the worst trips we encountered.
the most time wasting with the most absurd way of managing issues.
i think they are all terrified after the hk and china trips, therefore they played extra safe this time round. but their actions made it seems like sg fans are some highly dangerous creatures which are gonna eat them up anytime if they appear. totally can't understand what's there to worry about when they have a combi of securities to follow them everywhere, all i can think of is that Andy is being far too cautious.
12/6the whole trip began from the airport, donkey years since we last saw barricades at the airport and those barricades were the longest we have seen if im not wrong.
screaming fans over at the airport, they were all very excited i supposed since it was the first time they got to see their idols in person unlike us who have alrdy seen them over in tw.
over to clarke quay after airport, met zhen xiu on the way cause she won a pair of VIP tixs to the event and im going along with her.
inefficient staffs over at lunar which made us waited very long.
went in to the event and waited longer inside. so the privileges that VIPs get to enjoy were that we received goodies bag and we get to stand at a better area to get a better view of the performance.

stuffs inside the goodies bag: na li pa album, poster, chn V fan, chn V t-shirt.

what an inappropriate place to hold an autograph session. since tickets were required to enter, some fans bought the tickets at high prices in order to get in, some don't even get to enter with the tickets cause the place was filled up alrdy. =.=

yaya.. that's the 6 of them.
my surroundings were initially very peaceful until they moved this group of hk fans infront and they chose to position themselves beside me. imagine them bringing a loud haler when they alrdy own one...... tsk.
anyway, thinking back, i think the event wasn't that bad after all since i get autographs w/o spending a cent. hahhaha
xiao zhu's idol is too much becos he really thinks that he's a star and kept posing this yeah action on the stage and he kept staring when this person ask me about the VIP thingy near the stage.
finally it was up on the stage for autographs. ok... nth much. just close up meeting of "superstars", and shaking their hands. their foundations are really thick btw. =x
some chn v peeps wanted to interview zhen xiu when she came down, they wanted to ask me in too when they realised that we're friends. but i just walked away and rejected in my VERY POLITE style... then the funny part came in when i heard this guy among them shouting "eh... channel V lehs~~~!!!" when we walked away. hahahaha... ok. WOW... ITS CHANNEL V CAN!
we realised that we all share the same thoughts about this particular act seh kia among them. we all bth the way he acted seh..
o ya, i gotta say we met many amusing xiao mei mei-s these 2 days too. hahha
after bbt left in their combi, these 2 girls actually followed us towards liang court. we only found out that they were following when we were crossing the road, they approached us and asked whether we know where they are going... hahhaa.... seriously, we hope that we can predict the future but too bad we can't.
took a bus over to ritz and found out that they were having interview inside the hotel, saw gzrys at greenhouse so we alrdy know roughly that they won't be coming out anymore.
walk around and went to have our dinner at thai express.
back to ritz again and found entertainment at the garden... too bad too many people came along later on and spoiled the fun, esp those who did funny actions to them.
met late the next day... should have just met later instead.
waited outside ritz with the fans and luckily there's some entertainment to help us past time.
we dunno what's the prob with the hot pink CK underwear fan but she just had to bitch about us (probably me only?) when she's the one who started staring first. how i wished she could bitch louder with her microphone voice because i understand simple cantonese. hahaa.. i think she's probably trying to seek for entertainment too because it's really boring to stand there and i bet she probably waited the whole day alrdy.
amusing xiao mei mei-s No. 2 appeared... there was this girl who's so engross with the statue outside the hotel that she's actually talking to it and peeping under the statue probably hoping to see the fat man's underwear..
amusing xiao mei mei-s No. 3 appeared abruptly.. she asked all of us to leave becos according to her, she saw them coming out but they turned and walked back again because there were too many fans outside.
then more amusing peeps appeared and said things like ao quan says he's not coming out, ao jun yi wanna bring them to sg flyer but there's too many fans outside blah blah blah...
its so amusing how they gathered all these infos from because we knew the fact where did they went to......
at last, the time which everyone has been waiting for arrived... they finally decided to come out at ard 10 plus. they headed to ECP long beach while we strolled to visit sg flyer and boarded a cab from there.
at long last, they were full enough and decided to leave the place. thanks to someone's brilliant idea to ask them to get out from the back door which is actually a longer route. hahaha.. the pavement was quite chaotic when they came out and this particular security actually did a great job of pushing us into the queue when he was supposed to pull us out of it. hahah.. thanks to him we landed up in a perfect position just infront of xiao yu and behind of dunno who. the funny part was xiao yu can still talk to us during that completely disordered scene and it was in english somemore. i wondered if he heard some of our comments because he was smiling so happily through out. hahhaa... we greeted the others with our overly friendly 'hi!' btw.. lol
their combi still couldn't leave because i think 1 of the gzrys wasn't there yet.
walked over to their combi to help them pass their letters. this whoever who's inside the combi thought im trying to peep at their products inside, so he hurriedly went to close the curtains until there wasn't any gap in between. =.=
in the end auntie told us to pass the letters to her instead. i think they were so afraid that those letters might be acidic, they don't even dare to land their fingers on them.
traveled home after that. im glad that i found my way home w/o cabbing... =)
Labels: star-staring
submitted at 10:37 PM.
im posting this specially to satisfy kailin's reading pleasure.
im sucha nice friend.
sharing my graduation photos:
28/05/2008The Day I Graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma in Business Information Technology.

due to my surname, im seated at the first row where the graduands were seated.
received my scroll like 10mins after the ceremony began, so i actually spent the next 1hr 20mins listening to strangers name being called out.
thank god that eileen and chew yee were just seated right behind me.

a g2000 size 3 top borrowed from cousin - too fitting.

chew yee and me

eileen, meryl, chew yee

wen hao

he's too happy that he graduated?

yong ming
i bent down in this photo for his sake.

ming howe
what a serious look.

lian hao
hahha.. another act serious one.

reminds me of our 100 bucks. hurry go get it!


face black as usual.
i wanted to take this photo holding a plate of food, but he rejected.

chee kai and jerrl

her chinese name is hui yee.

zhen xiu and khay

pei shian
looking at her curls, i miss mine... T.T

thien hoon

typical beng look.

year 1 classmates

the very black class photo
lastly.... the picture siyi has been anticipating for....

i purposely upload this towards the end.

my mother ask me to take this at home.
what an auspicious background.

the bag containing my lousy transcripts and etc.

the class photo in our year book.
yah. year book still exists in our sch.

the mother's day present which came late.
did some cleaning yesterday.
not much progress i would say.
sharing some nonsense i own:

i think im a qualified stock up queen.
there's like 3 foundations, 5 mascaras, 4 liners, 3 blushers, 3 lip balms plus some sunblocks and etc in here...
i can probably try eating them to fill my stomach when im too poor to buy any food.

this place is gonna get messy again v soon cause' im forever running late.

an unpractical hanger i got from daiso. i think its pretty, but mummy thinks otherwise, so she only allowed me to get one.

hair creams, toners, body lotions, makeup removers and etc...
body lotions seem to last forever...

baskets are really useful to keep your stuffs neat and clean.
more nonsense to share when i move on to clean my wardrobe..
im rather engaged in online shopping recently.
alright.... maybe not recently only... all along/always instead.
some goodies:

consequences: a jobless girl who's terribly broke.
ok... that's the end.
PS kailin: long enough to occupy you?
Labels: nonsense, photos, school, splurged
submitted at 12:00 AM.
=)Labels: school
submitted at 8:23 PM.