my salary was credited last week but i only realised it 2 days ago.
merely 2 days....
guess what?!
im only left with 30% of the i spent 70% of my pay in 2 days.i'm troubled over making decisions again...
is it too much if i travel to 2 countries in the same month?
actually the main issue right now is that i have got no more leaves left.
till today i'm not sure whether i will be converted to a permanent staff.
i better quit my habit of napping during working hours so that at least the chances of them converting me to perm will be higher.
i am really worried that they don't offer me a perm contract because it would mean that i have to start hunting for a new job probably next mth? and you know fussy me really detest hunting for jobs cos there's only barely few opinions available for me.
alright, i guess its quite useless to ponder over these right now.
i shall decide again on mon.
to sleep now!
Labels: splurged, work
submitted at 1:12 AM.
How i spent my weekend:
Last Friday
went Chinatown to meet up with siyi and kai after work on friday.
waited for kai to finish her first ever facial, can totally uds the pain she went thrgh.. it's painful in the beginning and then it turned numb when the beautician finished half of the face.
Woah! thinking back.... i haven gone for facial for more than 6 mths! i started going for facials after i suffered from this major breakout when i returned from taiwan.
hrmm... i feel like going back again to clean and empty my pores~
bought my face lifting cream, marvel gel + loads of nonsense which amounts to 100 bucks from Chinatown.
had dinner at 907 coffee shop and then they came over my house because siyi wanna play with lucky... kai was so reluctant but has no choice but to tag along. hahaha...
my parents were quite surprised that kai is actually afraid of dogs... all that i can say is don't judge a book by it's cover; don't judge a person by her height~
went shopping with siyi...

my friend concentrating on the road.

her friend playing with her shades.
towned and i have nth to buy cause i wanna save for my shopping spree in bkk. hahha... reminds me of what my mother told siyi the other day. she asked her to look after what i spend on in bkk and don't buy useless stuffs. lol...
friend got many fancl stuffs... their products seems good, but i don't think im suitable because most of them have to be finished in 2/3 mths? im a lazy girl, i apply creams once per day when im supposed to use them twice a day.. =P
anyway, i knew i have to get something so i shopped at watsons and got nonsense stuffs like snoopy tissues, cotton buds etc instead..
went lavender to meet agnes in the evening for our bag collection, those bags are kinda disappointing uh~
had dinner tgt at bugis and i realised i haven been there for quite a long time~
Sunday it's the N-th time energy came sg..
milk actually came the day before, so he was in sg too...
went airport to have our macs becos the macs at T2 taste exceptionally yummy!
the thought of the day was that it doesn't pay to do a good deed. =(
on our journey to meet pf, agnes and i were talking about those contestants from ss & si and those days when we used to hang out in mdcs... laughed a lot when we recalled what blah blah blah said and did.. damn funny... i wonder how can we be that free during those days man!
met up with peifen and we hunted our way down to music forest to see milk. again, we cracked loads of jokes on our way down there... bth

our view not bad eh
peeps were dancing inside and look what we were doing outside......

totally forgot to figure out something on him when he walked out...
traveled to IMM, had dinner and shopped ard.
went in only when the concert started and the crowd was mad.
the 4 guys were the 1st to perform.
they sang many old songs which really brought back loads of memories for the past 6 years~~~
6 LONG YEARS!... and i actually attended ALMOST every event they had in spore. some events which i missed would be those which required tixs and stuffs...
i rmb how often they used to visit sg back then, like once every 3 mths iirc~
i used to chase quite often for the past trips too but have stopped ever since i realised those large amt spent on chasing can be spent to buy many pretty clothings and cosmetics. i chose the latter and stopped chasing using my hard earned money, anyway it's too exp to chase nowadays cos maxi charge $45 per hr now right? but still i wouldn't mind chasing once a while cos that's where all the fun comes in.. hahha
ok. back to topic...
other than singing, they celebrated ah di's birthday a day in advance and milk went up the stage for the celebration too.
kunda and ah di kissed on the stage...
we were hoping for milk to lose tho... hahhaa..
the 5 of them sang mnmymyt tgt~
how nice......
so when the others were enjoying the concert with performances from yoga, liu li yang, lin yu zhong and jj, we were actually outside learning more about the building.
went back and waited for them to walk out towards the end of the concert.
got no idea what i was doing when eg came out... i hope im not revealing my true self cos ppl used to comment that i have that sw fan look. AHEM!
sometimes i think we are really geniuses in interpreting situations..
tho we are not sure whether our interpretations right, they are often logical..
to the carpark after the concert ended.
they came out tgt and kunda gave us a shocked! hahaha
i was not scared actually, cos i ate bao zhi dan that day and did daring stuffs. lol...
he laughed when he saw our reactions..
back home after that..
this week is gonna be tiring cos there's lesson on sat and i cnt get enough of slp everyday.
Labels: all-in-one, photos, star-staring, weekend
submitted at 10:15 PM.
i think i forgot to mention that im going to bkk soon!
not so soon actually... it's still more than a mth away~~~
hahha.. im v excited about the trip because im traveling with my best shopping companion this time round.
so sad that the other 2 studious besties can't join us, but nvm we shall organise an overseas trip next yr for the 4 of us, probably to taiwan? hahha.. sounds good!
i am so tempted to get so many things recently, but im so indecisive therefore i cant make up my mind on which to get.
nono... i think the main reason is because i can only afford one of each, so its either A
OR B! no A
& B!
i need a school bag, im considering agnes b or longchamp. agnes b discount is back again, should i use my taka vouchers to get it? or should i get it at the airport? or should i get longchamp instead cos the agnes b material seems cheap. but heard that the base of longchamp will sag when carrying heavy stuffs leh.
i want to get estee lauder doublewear or chanel mat lumiere foundations because they are so highly raved for their oil control. even if i decide on which brand to get, i dunno if i should get it in powder or liquid form.
i feel like trying out the firming cream xia xue mentioned in her blog. i actually went forum to read reviews about it, many said that it really helps in slimming your face contours! but my mother told me otherwise, she said she bought the ver 1 before but it didn't work on her. more over, the cream is v oily so im afraid that it might clog my pores.
i think i better stop here, because the list is going to be endless.
my first coming pay is gone... i actually spent them in advance. =(
im in debt right now becos i have yet paid siyi for the airtixs, hotel and some f21 stuffs.
oh ya, i have to remind myself to stop shopping too.
since im putting aside my salary for the trip, i don't think i have any leftovers to pay for my UOL registration fee which amounts to 503 pounds! siao!
im sleeping soon alrdy.
i have quite a lot of stuffs to clear for work tml and there's class in the evening too.
im going to meet peifen for dinner in sch tml again, have been meeting her quite frequent recently and that's good!
Labels: all-in-one
submitted at 10:41 PM.
its a new skin!
my blog is getting rather dull, therefore i shall post pictures in this post to spice it up.
i was out for more than 24hrs yesterday...
woke up at 6.20am for work => imm with besties for dinner after work => clarke quay for drinks => reached home today at 7am
we made the decision to head out for some night life and go out for some drinks during dinner. parked at esplanade and strolled for almost an hr to reach clarke quay.
settled at clinic, ordered 6 syringes and fries. took photos and chatted about everything under the sun/moon..
people came and approached us at our seats, totally freaked me out cause im afraid that they were drunk. luckily i have a cute, fun and lovable bestie whom is so brave to reply them. then there's also this group of people who suffered from some face muscles cramp and showed funny expressions. lol..
anyway, they forgot our order for fries so we left the place at almost 4 and headed to liang court for mac.

spot her outrageous pose. hahha...

was hunting for a clean toliet nearby, so by the time we reached mac the breakfast menu was out alrdy. no more fries and nuggets for me. we all had big breakfast instead... its so important for us to eat something to restore energy for the long walk back to the car at esplanade.. thankfully, the journey back was much shorter cause we recognised the routes to take alrdy.
hahaa.. if not i guess i would only be able to reach home at 8am!
i almost missed my class in the afternoon cause i overslept and only woke up at 1pm when my class starts at 2.30pm. anyway, i think the lessons sucks because of the lecturer. My lecturer is an old lady who is boring, long-winded and irritating. she's irritating because she doesn't know how to teach! she's simply reading everything from the slides, sometimes she tried to explain those slides in her own words but that's worst because she always ended up confusing us and even herself. so terrible right! but that's not the worst... she ALWAYS join her sentences and words with a-ah, d-ah~~~~~~~~ so you can imagine her going a-ah, d-ah, a-ah, d-ah over a thousand times during the 3 hour class! tian ah! i really couldn't take it lah, i even burst out laughing during the previous class when she went a-ah, d-ah, a-ah~ ARGH!!!
there's this dog in my house now...

my father brought this dog back home for the weekend.
he almost bite me, so i don't like him.
Labels: besties, nightlife, photos, school
submitted at 11:36 PM.
yays! it's friday again!
today is kai's last day of work, im so going to miss her.
i hope that starting from next mon my friends will all sign in to their msn at 8.30 every morn to chat with me, if not im really going to be v lonely at work.
meeting the besties for dinner after work. im going to get my bottle from my cute, fun and lovable bestie. =D
Labels: work
submitted at 8:40 AM.
i managed to catch the bus today! like finally~~~
the bus reached office too early, so im now enjoying myself - surfing shopping sites before i start going thrgh those claims again.
today is also the start of my bsc banking and finance course and im going to attend my very first class in the evening.
i hope i can study hard enough to achieve a first class honours for my degree after 2 years.
tough uh?
maybe a second upper class would be good enough...
Labels: school, work
submitted at 8:32 AM.
are those fonts at the right column that huge?
they look ultra huge on my screen right now, but perfectly fine when i viewed it using my comp at home.
anyway, im at work right now.
im clueless on what to do, none has guided me on how i should do my claims at all and sometimes colleagues seems really busy so i don't really dare to open my golden mouth and ask.
missed the transport the past 3 days. oh.. actually i only missed it today.
cause for the past 2 days i have been standing there and waiting for a bus no. which don't even exist!
luckily i checked with the other passengers on my way back home ytd and it seems like the bus no. provided by HR was wrong.
i shall leave my house earlier tml because i don't wanna squeeze with the morning crowd to take public transport anymore.
last time at citibank i always look forward to lunch time, but over here i don't.
reasons being there are barely 3 small foodcourts nearby, the lunch crowd is terrible and so far i don't see any nice food they have over at the foodcourts.
im actually quite scare that people might spot what im doing right now because often there are people walking pass me. im not allowed to access certain sites also, wanted to browse thrgh sprees just now but access is denied to livejournal. i hope my desktop don't come back, if not i probably can't surf the net anymore.
ok. im going to do some filing alrdy.
Labels: work
submitted at 9:13 AM.