Monday, September 29, 2008
my beauty stuffs arrived, and this is how my messy makeup basket looks like now:

super messy, with many zip lock bags filled with more makeup stuffed at the back of the basket also.
read from FP that
Majolica is going to be available in spore watsons v soon!
yays! i just love their pretty packaging and no need to stock up from taiwan anymore.
anyway, i think i have enough stock in my messy cupboard alrdy.
Labels: makeup
submitted at 11:06 PM.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
so glad that weekend is here once again....
im totally exhausted during the past week...
first time i attended 3 classes in a week, which is super tiring.
one of the lecturers is really bad in teaching. im like v annoyed over it, cause' i don't see why we should get sucha lousy lecturer with the costly sch fees we paid. moreover, we were not notified about the change of lecturers for our class. i couldn't help it, therefore i did the typical sporean thing and sent a complain letter to the course coordinator and requested for change of class. hope my requested will be successful, if not im really in the danger of failing my econs. =(
my HP died after i received a phone call from LT on sun.
yah.. believe it or not, she has the ability to dial deadly phone calls!!!!
anyway, the phone is fixed now (at least for the moment).
gotta thanks lovely SY for her company to town twice in the week - service and collection of HP.
went grocery shopping with her to get ingredients for her bento.
she told me she wanna make this for me someday:

awww.. bestie is just too sweet...
alright, i shall wait for that day to come.
i sudd miss my mummy cooking alot and i hope she miss cooking for me also.
becos of the faulty lousy HP, i have been out the whole week and so my mummy didn't cook dinner for the week.
today, i went back to citibank to collect my vouchers in the morn.
im indeed kinda surprised that they still bother to keep my vouchers for me, rather than dividing my vouchers among themselves.
hahhaa.. it seems like everyone else except my love ones aint trustworthy from my viewpoint.
so accumlating the vouchers i got today and the previous time, i can actually get the agnes b bag "foc" but i still prefer the limited ed one tho.
ok enough, i think i have pondered long enough over the bag alrdy.
went to eat my fav fishball noodles nearby with mummy, i frequent that stall when i was working at Citibank back then.
i love their big and round fishball so much and i ate like 10 fishballs just now?
hahha.. sometimes i really suspect that my face shape might be due to the excessive fishballs which i consumed since i was young.
some said that "you are what you eat", therefore i think my suspicion can be justified.
im getting fatter and fatter each day with my current job.
i work 5 days a week from 8.30am - 5.30pm, and here's a summary of my everyday work life:
-im someone who can't skip breakfast, therefore i will always get my breakfast either at the control station or nearby hawker before i start my work every morn.
-i usually get sleepy ard 10 plus in the morn, so i will sometimes pretend to stare on some piles of paper infront of me when my eyes are actually closed.
-i always eat my lunch at 12 noon, cause' my colleague always get hungry ard that timing.
-we usually return to work between 1pm to 2pm depends on where we have our lunch.
-i will often tune in to radio channels after i come back from lunch.
-get sleepy again at round 3 plus, and i will start to keep myself awake with a cup of coffee from the dispenser or get some tibits from my cupboard to munch on.
-look foward to 5.30pm and catch my transport home.
actually the biggest problem is that my backside is stick on the chair for the whole day except during lunch, so can you imagine that im actually in the seated position for like 7 hrs a day!! moreover, i don't have a proper sitting posture im like forever slounching can.
i better do something to solve my problem, if not there will be ppl offering their priority seats on the train to me v soon.
i also hate myself for being forever sleepy. i think its not the prob of not inhaling enough oxygen, but rather i think something is really wrong inside my body. hrm... im prob sick?
regarding my job scope, im given more tasks now since im alrdy a perm staff now.
im quite satisfied with what im offered currently, i got all that im expecting - pay increment, medical benefits etc... im also given some extra money for the completion of the 3 mths temp position.
i think i will be staying with the job till i get my degree.
im still unsure if im going to join the banking sector, i shall leave my decision till sometime later.
often, i do wonder if i made the right decision to be a part time student.
i always convince myself that im right cause' money is my top concern.
just like what my humourous accounts lecturer told us- money is not the only thing in life, it's THE THING in life.
i enjoy his class alot btw.
i will cont later with many pics!
Labels: school, thoughts, weekend, work
submitted at 9:16 PM.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!we ended up having the birthday treat over at jp kushinbo cause' i slept too early in the morn and couldn't wake up early enough. =X
food is quite good and we were inside for like 3 1/2 hours (from 11.30am - 3pm) ?!
ate soooo much that i even went to shit in between... =X it shows how good my digestion system is...

sushi and tempura

the desserts.
i love the purple crystal mochi!
mummy says we eat jap buffet v bo hua cause we don't eat sashimi.
anyway, i would still love to try their dinner buffet with wider variety the next time round - at least 3 mths later!
other than the lunch treat, i gave a ang bao with very auspicious figures to my mummy.
went for facial later in the afternoon.
my beautician told me my last facial appointment was like 10 mths ago?!!! oh my...
thankfully, the pain was still tolerable this time round.
in fact, i felt that the brows trimming part was more painful than the extraction cause my hairs are too stiff and thick.
i feel that my pores are finally breathing now.
ok.. i think i shall remind myself to go for a treatment at least once in 3 mths.
im still pondering if i should try out the drx trial the next time round......
besties meeting tml!
Labels: birthdays, food
submitted at 7:58 PM.
Monday, September 15, 2008
just yesterday i was still whining about my temp position...
and guess what?!
today i was told that i will be a permanent staff WEF 1st Oct.
im still waiting for the HR to tell me more about my contract and benefits..
oh... im certainly hoping for a significant increment in my pay.
ok.. it's a start of a new sch term tml.
i have to be extra hardworking for the new term.
i hope i can do it.
Labels: school, work
submitted at 10:58 PM.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
HAPPY MOONCAKE FESTIVAL!i have been eating traditional oven moon cakes almost daily for the past 3 weeks in office.
bought a few snow skin mooncakes cos i still prefer snow skin to oven-ed skin.
the cutest moon cakes which i tried at grandma hse today:

so cute that i couldn't bear to dissect it and put it in my mouth.
anyway, it doesn't taste nice...
work tml... =(
my contract is ending soon and im still unsure whether i will be offered another contract.
Labels: cuties, festive season
submitted at 10:32 PM.
thanks to bestie, ordered some new stuffs online to pamper my skin!

BRTC BB cream samples - so highly raved for it's all in one effects. tho i own one palantong bb cream which i got from tw, i have yet tried it.

Crystal Collagen Eye masks - i need to find solution to this very obvious line i have under my eye.

GNC Vitamin E - reviews said that it heals scars, moisture the lips, remove stretch marks etc...

GNC Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids and Rose Hips, time released tablets - i suppose it helps to boost immunity system and contains collagen which is good for skin. i hope it helps in whitening too.
other than the above, i still ordered a mineral foundation, finishing powder, concealer and kabuki brush from everyday minerals.
heard so much about minerals makeup and that its esp good for ppl with acne prone skin like mine.
i can't wait to try them! i hope i chose the right shades for my makeup and that those powders aint gonna get messy to handle.
ok. bestie just showed me this:

Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder-Gel - it seems like a perfect makeup primer!
alright.. im going to order it now.
ok, i've posted my order but IB is under maintenance so i can't pay yet.
im terribly broke again.
i overspent during my BKK, tho IMO i think i bought v little stuffs.
i treated my family to crystal jade for brunch today.
plus all the stuffs above... they better help in beautifying my skin ok.
i was just telling pf, i can't imagine if im really joining them to hk at the end of the mth.
they will be eating egg tarts over there, and i will probably munch on the grass.
ok.. i dunno how many times i have been repeating this, but seriously.... it's time to start saving ok!
Labels: splurged
submitted at 12:47 AM.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Bangkok trip from 31 Aug 08 to 03 Sept 08.It was my first time to bkk, which explained my excitement towards the trip.
Very little photos for this trip cause' those streets are simply dirty and smelly.
i can't wait to get myself out of those places, thus no time to snap photos.
moreover, im afraid that my camera lens might melt under the HOT BLAZING SUN!
but trust me, don't underestimate the temperature over there.
i really look up to those securties and policemen who wore BLACK TIGHT uniforms (long pants, long shirts) and stood around CTC market to control the traffic. seriously, those uniforms are so tight that they looked like they are going to burst in it anytime. i think most prob they only have standard S size for their uniforms lah.
DAY 1 - 31 Aug 08 (Sunday)slept over at bestie's place the previous night and woke up at ard 4.30 in the morning.
headed over to the airport when the sky is still pitch dark.
checked out bags and cosmetics over at DFS.
got a clinique LF only, it's too early in the morning and i believe my shopping mood aint here yet.
had a light breakfast before we went to catch our flight.
we were the last 5 passengers on board btw. hahaha... but becos of that we get to choose our own seats as the flight wasn't full.
bestie and i shared 3 seats and we con't with our beauty sleep until we touched down.
got really annoyed by their touting culture over there.
so many ppl aimed at us once we walked out of the arrival hall, it's obvious that we don't uds thai at all, yet they can still cont chanting and selling their services to us.
finally, we got a taxi which is big enough for the 5 of us.
we nearly lost our lives less than 5 mins on board the taxi!
the taxi uncle was so engross in adjusting the air con for us that he kept driving straight when it's actually a bend!
so horrific can!
thank god sy realised it in time and shouted.
omg.. i can't imagine what will happen to us if sy didn't realised.
the rest of us were still busy making ourselves comfortable in our seats that we didn't realise the road condition ahead.
we were also lucky that there wasn't any car behind us when the driver hurriedly whirlled the car to the other side.
reached hotel and was told that the rooms weren't ready yet.
went to the mall opp and had KFC for our lunch.
after KFC, we walked over to swensen which is like just a few stores away for dessert, here's when my 2nd nightmare begins...
ordered earthquake with 6 scoops of icecream...
i was enjoying my ice cream until i tasted this smell of superglue + petroleum shit.
i can't help but emphasis that it's TASTE THE SMELL OF....
my face totally changed when i tasted the horrible smell.
after much investigation and trial & error done, we were quite confirm that the taste came from the scoop of rum and raisin.
EEEEEKKKKK... and soo after the incident i told bestie that im never going to eat rum and raisin again!
went back to the hotel and checked in to 1 of the rooms first cause' only 1 was ready at that time and we have no more time to waste.
seriously, i think it would be more useful to train those hotel staffs to speak fluent english then to speak japanese.
they kept nodding on every request we made, but ended up they actually don't uds what we wanted.
first stop to 4 faced buddha - Erawan Shrine.

i suppose that this is one of the must-visit places in BKK.
after praying, we walked to the nearest BTS and took a train over to Chatuchak Market.
it's actually cheaper for us to take a cab over but their traffic jam is really intolerable, thus the train station is definitely a preferred option.
CTC Weekend Market.
The entire market is really HUGE!
there are so many sections and so many ways you can head to at any point you're standing.
We just walked aimlessly under the scorching sun for like 2/3 hrs until we couldn't stand it anymore and decided to leave.
anyway, im quite disappointed over the stuffs they sell over there.
im not sure if we walked along the wrong soi or what, but i didn't spot nice stuffs to get at all.
those clothes we saw are really outdated and there wasn't much accessories too.
i only managed to get a bag while we were walking back to the BTS station.
took the BTS back to the central area.
MBK Shopping Mall
had our dinner at a chinese restaurant in the mall.
shopped around and got ponds magic powder from boots.
over to Tokyu departmental store to shop for undergarments.
ordered macs to take away back to the hotel.
i ate this fillet in salmon sauce which tasted a little spicy.
they have cheese fries over at their macs!
but the cheese taste is quite weird tho............... hahha
cabbed back to hotel and checked in the other room.

our room
i forgot to take a pic of the bathroom which they have a digital weighing machine that i always use before bathing.
DAY 2 - 1 Sept 08 (Monday)
had our breakfast buffet at the 82nd level in the hotel.
the breakfast buffet is really nice and they have a wide variety of everything.
took the hotel shuttle bus over to siam area.
ate haagen daz ice cream over at siam center before we embarked on our shopping journey.
nth much at siam center as their stuffs is really pricey over at shopping malls.

i think this zhao cai mao is made by hard cardboard.

siam paragon

BTS station
walked over to siam square after that.
many small shops but things are rather more exp over there.
had root beer float and curly fries over at A&W...
wow.. i can't rmb when was the last time i ate at A&W... haha
walked to MBK again.
had japanese steamboat buffet for dinner.
we thought the food there must be yummy cause' there was a long queue outside the restaurant.
but so disappointed that the food turns out to be rather bad actually.
spotted my fav seaweed lays over at tokyu supermarket.
hahaha... i miss the seaweed flavour chips ever since we returned from tpe!
grabbed a few packets of lays and the fried ikan bilis.
walked back to siam paragon and the security called a cab in for us which goes by meter.
their meter is really pathetic i tell you.
the starting fare is like 35 baht, and the meter only jumps by 2 baht after a very long journey.
back to hotel, rested a while and headed to pratunam night market which is just below our hotel.
stuffs are cheap at the pratunam market.
i got cute pyjamas from there which i love.
DAY 3 - 2 Sept 08 (Tuesday)woke up really early in the morning and went to the morning market below our hotel.
it was drizzling, thus some shops were closed.
got some pcs of clothes the first time round and returned back to our hotel room to try on them.
and then we headed back to the market again to walk another round.

view from the window of our room.
had breakfast buffet at hotel again, but at the 77th level this time round.
the food was yummy as before.
there were many news reporting about the protesting in BKK and i think it sounded really serious on TV cause' we started receiving many calls and sms asking us how's the situation over there and telling us to be careful.
actually we didn't get affected by the situation at all, as we didn't see any protesting or disorder going around.
but still, we got paranoid by those news reports and only stayed near to places nearby our hotel.
walked to pratunam market and then to platinum mall which is a shopping heaven, most importantly, the place is air-conditioned!
stuffs are cheap over there, and there's sooo many shops around.
spent the afternoon over there and had KFC again before we walked back to our hotel.
took the shuttle bus to siam area again and walked to MBK to get more ikan bilis, pork floss and tibits.
cabbed over to central world plaza via meter cab.
the shopping mall is really BIG, thank god we have special transport to bring us over to the Naraya store!
the Naraya store was packed by tourists and i think its the most crowded shop in the entire mall.
i had a hard time finding stuffs i want cause' of their poor display in the store.
it's so tough to get the things you eye on.
you may find a bag you like on display at the back of the store but the stock may be on the shelves right at the front.
anyway, i managed to get some stuffs still, tho i think i didn't get enough.
back to the hotel and ordered room service for dinner.
DAY 4 - 3 Sept 08 (Wednesday)had breakfast buffet at 77th level again.
took some photos at our hotel gallery after the breakfast.

view from the 77th level

chose platinum mall over manicure.
shopped and bought more stuffs.
back to hotel, packed and headed over to the airport.
we reached too early and their airport is really boring.
there's like no shops and places to eat outside at the check-in area.
finally, the gates for our flight opened and we managed to get in to have our dinner and shop.
bestie and me each got a longchamp bag, they have more colors as compared to those we checked out at changi airport and it's cheaper by a little too.
slept on the flight back.
im so glad im back home safe and sound.
alright, i have came to the end of my bkk trip.
mummy seems interested to visit bkk too, i hope we can go again after the political issue is much resolved.
Labels: bkk
submitted at 9:17 PM.